Explanation of the 11th hadith in the Heart Therapy Series:
The Messenger salla Allahi alayhi wa sallam ascended the pulpit and cried out: (O you who have accepted Islam by tongue but iman is yet to penetrate their hearts: do not harm the Muslims, and do not shame them, and do not trace their faults. For the one who traces the faults of his Muslim brother will have Allah tracing his faults, and the one whom Allah traces his faults Allah will disgrace even if he was concealed inside his home)
Ali Albarghouthi – Heart Therapy 11 – Hadith
AI: Summary ©
AI: Transcript ©
smilla in Al hamdu, lillahi
Rabbil alameen surey and fusina we'll see Dr. Medina, Playa de la Fernando de la liga la de la la la ilaha illallah wa de la sharika Allah, Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam
so of course you know, always please always get the doors Aquila here we are making some noise in the back and always also with the sisters in law at all time that if you're not interested in if you don't want to listen to the lecture inshallah, please don't disturb your fellow sisters and just grant them the opportunity to listen to all of this in peace.
So Baraka lofi
So, today or tonight inshallah we will be doing the 11th Hadith in this series.
And this Hadeeth will deal with a man and the effect of that on our behavior, and specifically in what we say
and how we deal with other people.
So here it says that one time sider Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and min Bara. Fernanda v Sultan raffia
sakala Yama, Sherman Islam abidi 71 immovably a man who either can be led to muslimeen Allah to whom Allah Allah to him for in Romania to be our Muslim yet to be a
woman yet
yes bajo, fijo fearfully
so the Messenger of Allah Allah you are sending them he said that one time he ascended the pulpit by the mean bar structure right where you step on it and you become more visible. So he ascended the member and he cried out, yelled, right.
And he said, oh you will have accepted Islam by tongue. But a man is yet to penetrate their hearts do not harm the Muslims and do not shame them and do not trace their faults. For the one who traces the faults of his Muslim brothers will have Allah tracing his faults. And the one Allah phrases is false Allah will disgrace him even if he was concealed inside his home.
So we understand here that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is speaking about a people who he said there a man is on the tongue in another region, Yemen M and Avi Sania. So in another rewire, Yemen am an Abbe de Santi, they have accepted Eamon or Islam with tongue, but the man has not really really entered their hearts. So the profits are low audio, Selim is addressing those people. And you will understand from this Hadeeth generally that there is a connection, as we've always said, there's always a connection between how much a man in your heart and what you say, how you deal with other people. So the words that you choose your behavior is a sign and is a signal of how much
emotion you have inside, internally, and externally, we're all connected. So there is really it's a myth to say or to believe that the way that I feel on the inside or how much emotion I have on the inside is not reflected on the outside, or how I behave on the outside is never a reflection of my emotion on the inside. They're completely connected. As this Hadeeth attest to it, as it confirms right.
So here are several lines of law he was sending them when he says you've accepted email by telling but not by heart, it did not enter the heart yet. He could be referring to two types of people here.
Either the hypocrites and people who accept Islam by tongue, but they don't have no email on the inside. So like zero EMA on the inside.
Or he could be referring to Muslims who have weak a man on the inside. So they accepted Islam externally. And externally they behave like they are like everybody else say they come to the salon, they submit to Allah they remember Allah externally so with their tongue specifically, they accepted Islam but when it comes to their heart, Islam is not very strong inside.
And this is like an idea that we have in the Quran, where some people claim demon and Allah subhanho wa Taala corrected that link
where it says quality Arab Amina so some of the nomads the era they said or they claimed the
said amen we have Amen.
But Allah subhana wa Allah says and instructs His Prophet sallallahu Sallam to tell them, listen to me. No. They said, No, you didn't know you do not have a man.
Well, I can pull to Islam now. But say we've accepted Islam. We have Islam. So Allah is treating a man as a step higher than Islam.
So he said, No, say we accepted Islam, but a man has not entered our hearts yet.
So the allative see, they said that these could be either the hypocrites who claim that oh, we have a man and Allah is telling them No, you don't have a man, you just entered the fold of Islam by accepting the Shahada by pronouncing the Shahada. But there is no Eman yet inside, or that they are weak Muslims. Who said as nomads would say, Yes, we accepted, we part of this Islam.
We're part of the Muslims. But still there is not a lot of Islam inside of them or not a lot of Eman inside of them. So Allah says even is yet to enter, it will come later, but you have not really attained it. So this
is like that heading in that.
Either we're talking about hypocrites, or we're talking about weak Muslims. But whether we are talking about this or that there is overlap between the two categories.
There's overlap between hypocrites, and Muslims who have weak Eman. The first overlap or similarity is that both of them are not externally as they are internally.
So they exhibit more externally than they actually have internally. The hypocrites have more of that. They say we're Muslims and complete Muslims. They have none of that. Muslims who have weak a man and maybe we're one of them,
exhibit externally more human than we have on the inside. We still have a man in the last panel with data that will save them on the Day of Judgment, but they exhibit more Islam externally then they have on the inside. So that's one similarity. And the other similarity because of this week, imagine that they have a lot of times these week Muslims will behave like hypocrites, like the moon, half moon, so in behavior, they also will be like them. So how is that so?
We're Allah subhanho wa Taala when he talks about the hypocrites in the Quran, and it's really you know, good to focus on that whenever you are reading it because you want to save yourself from hypocrisy in belief, or even looking like them in action. Allah Subhana Allah says now we're talking about the hypocrites, not with Muslims. He says Allah venial mizuna mucho we're in a minute momineen episode, one Edina Juna illogically, the home fires, Harun amin home,
right? So we start talking about the hypocrites and this is what they do, that they defame and scorn and ridicule those believers who are donating voluntarily donating for the sake of Allah subhana wa tada and they are ridiculing those who have only little to offer.
First Corona Minho they mock them and make fun of them. And enter Buhari and Muslim it tells you about the reason why this area was revealed. So it says the man has a lot to sada couldn't hear me. It says when the eye of South Africa was revealed that his donate and give for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala Of course not all Muslims could find something to donate. Not everybody was rich. So he's saying the here could not have been like we used to give ourselves for hire, right? We would carry things on our backs so that we would be paid and take whatever we paid and we donate it right?
So we don't have anything like today for instance, you don't have anything to donate. So you go outside and you say can I find any work any labor a laborer work and you go and you find it and your whole intention is I'm going to take everything that I earn and just give it for sadaqa right? So it says couldn't no harm and so this is the reality how the pajaro dunes commission Kathy avacado Maura
so a man came probably after amount of knowledge and he donated a lot of money gave a lot of setup. So the hypocrite said he's showing off this is real.
And another man came what your origin soccer soccer club he saw another man came and he donated a little bit for a lot of honeymoon and so I had a said Allah does not need that little thing that he is given.
So Allah Subhana Allah revealed the ayah that we just talked about alladhina el mizuna and buco were in I mean and momina to Sarkar.
So here you notice that whatever you are going to do in front of those hypocrites is was never going to be good enough. If you donate a lot, you are moron show
off, if it's little bit and that's the only thing that you can donate, they will say what what is Allah need your dollar for, or your $10. For this, the only thing that you can afford with Allah doesn't need this from you. So there is this cynical view that the hypocrites have this hostile view that whatever the believers will do, we're going to criticize them and condemn them and make fun of them. So that is the attitude of an African.
And in another incident, also, just to confirm all of this.
It says that in the expedition of the book, and there was no fighting a double but there's an expedition of taboo. There were a bunch of people sitting.
And in one of those gathering, one person said, Mara, to Mr. perot in
So he said, I have not seen people who are more gluttonous, and greed or liars, or more cowardly than our learned ones. So he's referring to the learned ones among the Sahaba
Janita scholars among the Sahaba. And they're just sitting in a gathering, he says, you know, those learned ones, you know, the, whoever he's referring to the camera, that's the name. So the Quran is a reference to that people would know the Quran and understand it and recite it and all of that. He said, those people, I haven't seen more people who are after their stomach. That's what gluttonous is really active, who
you know, and more cowardly.
And what else he says roll at the bell center and greed are liars than these people. So a person in the gathering, he said, Kevin monatti says you're lying, you're a hypocrite. That's why you're saying these things you how we can you insult the best of the Muslims and say you say these things about them, then you're a hypocrite. He says, I will come and tell the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So he went to the portal, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and I was revealed and that area is
tuna and tuna.
Tuna bill will be Matthew blue became Christians in the region, math hidden
layer in
the Euro Sunni quantum system. So it says that the hypocrites here and are afraid of the fact that a surah would come and divulge and expose the things that are hiding, they're hiding inside their hearts, and seems to panela you know how they're trying to hide it. And they're opposing Allah and His Messenger, yet they are afraid. And that fear should tell them that you should follow online is messenger, but they're afraid Afraid that Allah will reveal something that will expose what they have in their hearts, though they are trying to hide it. But Allah says, Mark and ridiculed, Allah will expose what is in your hearts, Allah will bring out what is in your hearts. And if you ask
them, in reference to these things that they said about the scholars among the Sahaba, they will say, we're just having fun.
We're just mocking them, but we're just talking and having fun. Then Allah says, Are you mocking Allah and His Prophet and his Ayah?
Then the continuation of it, it says,
about a man who says, Do not apologize, you've committed disbelief after the of you heard, believed that this act of mockery, Allah subhanho, wa Taala, considered to be an act of disbelief. So this is what the hypocrites do, right? They ridicule talk about Muslims, they condemn them, they trace their faults. And if they find a fault that someone has, they broadcast it and expose it and share it with other people. So this is what they do. Now, when we have a weak a man in our hearts, we start sometimes to mirror the actions of the hypocrites some of the actions of the hypocrites, right? And this is when we this email and that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam talks and daddy stops at the
tongue and doesn't go and penetrate into the heart. It's just things that we say, and things that we repeat, but the heart has not delivered it. An example of that, of course,
or the coverage, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam describes in the Hadith, Yoko Ono Khurana Naija.
Right, they read the Koran and it doesn't go past their throats and we know who the * are right, the higher dikes. So these are people that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam describes in the Quran. And that's how awkward this thing is, you know, to be a person who is so immersed in the worship of Allah Subhana Allah, you know, he said that they read so much of the Quran.
They pray so much and you will see this till today, right? They will read so much of the Quran and they will fast so much that he said to the Sahaba that when you compare yourself to them, you will you will believe them
And look down and how much you are doing
for you.
And when he told us a habit that when you look at how much you're fasting and praying, and he compared to how much these people are doing these things you will look at down at what you're doing, of how much worship they are doing for a loss, anodyne and how much Quran they are reading. Yet despite all of that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said about them what they read the Quran and doesn't go past their quotes meaning that it doesn't go to their work to their hearts, it stays on the tongue. So what do they do? They claim that they are very close to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and they want to establish Islam and all of this. And what what does what do they do when they act?
What are their actions reflect?
They kill Muslims. Right? They slaughter Muslims, and everybody becomes a this believe or disbelieve or disbelieve, right, and it becomes easy, easy to slaughter and shed the blood of Muslims, and you will always have justification for it. And it's happened from the time of the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu and it's still happening till today.
So the board the Prophet sallallahu Sallam are condemning as x, and we're going to talk about them in sha Allah, what he's condemning as x is duplicating or replicating what the hypocrites do.
When you harm other Muslims, or you defame them, when you ridicule them. This is all a reflection that a man has not lived in the hearts of Muslims who are doing this. So the cure to all of that is right there in the Hadith.
The cure to all of this is right there in the Hadith. Where is it in the Heidi?
Because he says that this event did not enter their hearts yet. Eman is just right there on the tongue and it does not enter email. So they let the man enter their hearts, they'll start acting this way.
If you will take a man into your heart and you interact with it. And you live according to the Quran, then you will not say these things. But you say these things. Why? Because there is no easy man to stop you inside that that's the bottom line. That's the bottom line. There's no way around it. If there is a man inside my heart and your heart will not say these things. But because there is little Eamon that's why we say these things. And we become close to the hypocrites whose aim is to destroy and to hurt Muslims. So how to solve it, it's right there in the Hadith. let a man enter your heart, right and live according to the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam. And then you will not do these things. So let's focus on the acts of the prophets of Allah He was criticized. He mentioned three things led to the Muslim Mina.
Our team,
it says don't harm. The first one is don't harm the Muslims.
Any type of harm, physical or verbal.
You want to stay away from that. Because when you harm a Muslim, specifically a Muslim, this also can include non Muslims, but specifically a Muslim, you will have someone who on the day of judgment will ask for his right back, in addition to all of the other harm that this is causing on this earth, so don't harm Muslims. So this is the most general warning that he has don't harm physical or verbal. The next one is more specific, that a verbal harm will lead to I
do not shame them. Do not defame them
by what origin where they come from geographically, you come from this area I come from this area so I'm better than you see the theme minute by saying you know, son of this area, you know, you're not like us, or by skin color. Or by line of work or how much money or little money he has, or by gender or by age by anything by any quality, any quality that he has. Do not defend them.
Do not make them feel bad about themselves, especially when it is about things that they cannot control.
Or about their past.
Something that they've done in the past they repented from an old lifestyle, something that was buried and you revive it and you bring it up to order to shame them. He says don't do that
while at the table to our to Him and do not see
their mistakes.
Trying to unearth full ask questions, investigate even spy
just to find their mistakes.
And then once you find that mistake, what do you do with
We share it with other people and share it with this person and that person and talk about it. And it becomes tacky. How to the majority is, as they say, becomes something that you enjoy. While you're meeting and sitting with other people. Did you listen? What did you hear what happened to this person? Oh, yeah, what happened to him? Oh, I'll tell you what happened to him, You know what, when this person leaves, they leave, I'm telling you now and you start, you know, enjoying yourself about, oh, you know, you know what happened to their child. So I will tell you what happened to their child, you know, very, very, very sad. And you will, you'll share that information. And there
is no need. And sometimes we will say in the mechana photo, just having fun in an akuna haldwani lab, we're just having fun. But hey, we're having fun with the reputation of another Muslim with the feelings of another Muslim with the dignity with the life of another Muslim, and you don't know the consequence. And what this will going to do to them when it spreads. There are some people who will start avoiding us, you know, because of things that they've done, and they feel ashamed.
And they feel sad because of it. But they know that everybody else is talking about it. And everybody when I enter the masjid or or go to my community, everybody will be talking about it. So they run away from us because of this.
So instead of being forgiving people know, we're like, we're like judges.
And we want to say, oh, you're the one who did this before, you will always remember it. And he thinks and he believes that these eyes are always condemning him. So he runs away.
And that's, that's a problem.
And especially becomes even a bigger, bigger problem when you when you share it online. So I was reading something, and it's about a non Muslim, I was reading something,
the newspaper and this person is an actor, right. And even you know that he was an actor, but he doesn't deserve this. But anyway, he was an actor, and he gained weight.
So they took a picture before and after. And it became a meme. And there was like a funny note under it. And it became viral.
I became very popular. Now, we don't understand that when you read it. And I will say I will admit when I thought it was funny, but if you share it, and we read, it will be ridiculing someone's weight, which is wrong.
But when you share it, you don't know the consequence of what this could lead to. So the more that you share, the more popular it will be it reached him. And he said, As a consequence, I became suicidal.
I really contemplated killing myself he didn't, but he says I contemplated killing myself. So imagine here something that seems so insignificant, even when it's done to a non Muslim, but just imagine the pain that you're putting someone else through just because you want to laugh.
Just because you want to have fun. And just because I want to share this, this with someone else, I cause someone else to take his life.
So this is how I'm whether this happens with a Muslim or a non Muslim, no matter what the past this person may be. So this is it that when you ridicule other people, this is what happens.
And, of course, we want to distinguish between what is a valid critique and what is an invalid critique.
A valid critique is one that is making the right point. Can you find something haram and you criticizing it? You finding a mistake and you're criticizing it, but at the same time you're doing it in the right way at the right time at the right place? And in proportion to that mistake that you're trying to correct? You know, you know, the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when someone came and he urinated in the masjid. Right. And the way that he dealt with it, the law he was in them reflects a hikma that I wanted to that I wanted to correct this person, but also not lose him at the same time. I wanted to fix him not destroy him. There's a difference between the two. So
when we come out right with an invalid critique, that invalid critique is either trying to argue the wrong point. You know, it's something that is right, and we thinking that it's wrong, or it's the right point. But it's the wrong way, the wrong time, wrong place,
or with the wrong intention,
the wrong intention, which means that it seems to everybody like I'm doing this for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala for the sake of Islam for the sake of preserving this and that, because I want to correct this mistake. But what is happening there is that I'm doing it because I want to feel better about myself. And I want to put this person down. And you can sometimes see examples of this examples how I somehow hate this person. I have something against this person, but yet I haven't found something to be able to sort of I haven't found a mistake yet. So as soon as I find the mistake, it becomes a free text for me to condemn and to bring him down. So my intention is not
I want to save the religion of Allah Subhana Allah, or I have mercy in my heart and I want to fix this person, I found an opportunity for me to attack him, and an opportunity for me to feel good about myself.
That's how you feel good about me. So what is what is with this person? Okay, he has more knowledge, maybe and he, he's more popular and more people listen to him or whatever. So he has things I don't have. So you find a mistake, you finally find an opportunity to feel better about yourself when comparing yourself to Him. Yeah, but he has this mistake, I don't have it. So whenever he's mentioned, you talk about that mistake, so that you can elevate yourself and bring him down, if that's the intention, right? Even Roger calls this a one on one after clean. He says that rather than have the hypocrites,
they have don't have the thought of the Grand hypocrites, but they are the brethren of the hypocrites, because that's their intention to destroy, enter harm, exactly. As the people the hypocrites used to do.
Now, when we sit in our gatherings, and we or we go online, why is it that we focus on people's mistakes so much?
not ours.
That why do we not look inside ourselves and consider what is it that I am missing? What is it that I need to be fixed? And rather we focus our gaze and our attention on what everybody else is doing trying to find their mistakes? My neighbor, this person who comes to them as my family member, this other sister, this other brother, and so on, and so on, and so on. Why is that the case? Because it's hard to look inside, and admit that you have something wrong and go on and fix it. And it's the easiest thing to sit and enjoy yourself condemning other people and watching what they're doing. It's fun, it's easy, it doesn't take much from you. But what this tells us about ourselves is that
when we spend so much time on others and not on ourselves,
this means that we have the greatest sense and not.
Because you need time to fix yourself, right?
It's like a doctor, let's say a doctor. And the only thing this doctor does is he goes and he diagnosis and he helps and he treats other people and does not take care of his health. He'll be the most diseased person, the sickest person, because it doesn't take care of himself. So if we do that we just our attention is on other people and not ourselves. We will be written with faults and mistakes.
Because we haven't given time to ourselves and this is what IGNOU sirim
Rahim Allah says Allah could not have had an extra nasty hapa for whom the decree Havaianas. He says we used to say and he's from Italia, he says we used to say that the person with the most sense is the person with the most time to talk about about other people's sense.
Again, we used to say that the person with the most sense, is the person with the most time to talk about other people's things.
Because he has time for it. Now, where did you bring this time if you really focused on I have this deficiency in me, this has this shows this cable, this master and you're focused on it and you're trying to save yourself, you won't have time to sit and talk about other people.
Right? You won't have time there is no time because you're only looking inside.
So when you have so much time to look at what other people are doing minute you're not looking inside, it means that you're full of sense. So that's what he's saying, Rahim Allah, and it could be also a type of punishment from Allah subhana wa Tada. That is because you're focusing so much on them. I won't let you see your own mistakes. And that's the punishment by the way. That's a punishment from the last panel what the either so this is what a study you support the said, call me an MIT listed Raj and an openness
mean Anna metallicity broad and an openness he says of the signs of being led astray is to be blind to your own false.
That is if Allah subhana wa Taala wants to lead you astray. misguide you, He will not you see your own faults.
You will see other people's faults, but not your own fault.
Say as according to this other Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam where he says you've Suharto and qaddafi I think what are you good at?
It says you will find the speck of dirt or that small piece of dirt in the eye of your brother. But don't you you don't see the trunk lodged into your eye.
This is when you become completely blind. You understand that proverb and that method from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, right? So you see that this person
I my brothers and my sisters I has a little bit of dirt in it so you are so you know farsighted or was sharp sighted so sharp sighted that you can see this and detected. But when it comes to yourself you don't see that you have a greater flaw in you like a trunk in your eyes, a big big piece of wood in your eyes. And you can't see that but you can see what this small thing that your brother and sister has. So this is ama This is blindness. I don't see my false.
Right. And that becomes a disfavor that becomes a curse when you don't see your own faults because how can you treat yourself if you don't see your faults?
How can you treat your mistakes and fix them if you cannot treat if you can't even cannot detect them?
And so one should be consider himself fortunate and blessed by Allah subhanho wa Taala when he's given that opportunity, a Mohammed Abu cabanon hora de he said in the lobby of the Hydra, the head of COVID dounia.
Dean, what was sort of who you woman woman Oh Tina Oto Hydra dunia will Akira. He says that if Allah subhana wa Taala wants the best for someone. He makes them happy deserved in dunya disinclined when it comes to the dunya that you don't care so much about it.
Well, for COVID-19, he teaches him religion, about Sahaja Yoga, he makes them aware of his faults and mistakes. And the one who is given this, he would be given the best of the slide and then the next.
And this is the best of this life and the coming life. If Allah gives you these things, the first makes you disinclined this interested when it comes to the dunya you're not so worried about it, you don't want so much from it. And return he makes you very interested in this religion too. You learn a lot about it, and you practice it. And you become very aware of your own mistakes. So you pursue and you fix, and you find the next mistake and you fix it. And the third mistake and you fixed and this is what you're doing.
So when you meet a last panel with data, you will meet him mistake free, or as close to it as you can, you will meet him like the other person who is not aware of any of his mistakes. So he will meet Allah with all of his mistakes complete, full roster of all of his mistakes. And on top of that, all the sins that he had earned when he was pointing the mistakes of others and making fun of them, and spreading this about them.
Now, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that if you will trace their mistakes,
spy on them, reveal what they tried to hide,
divulge their secrets. He says Allah subhanho wa Taala himself will do the same to you.
And we always all of us have things that we're hiding. We don't want people to know about them, our own private sins and mistakes are all of them, all of us have something that we are hiding.
So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, as you're trying to expose them, if you do this, then be warned that I may do the same thing to you. And if you know and you believe that Allah Subhana, Allah knows everything, you cannot hide anything from him.
He says, even if you're hiding your own home, even if you're hiding those secrets, in your own home, Allah subhana wa tada will expose them. So the punishment that you will receive for such an ad is greater is, first of all, it's of the nature of the crime. And so panela This is a law of justice. By the way, if you see the Koran and if you see in the sin of the prophets of the law, it was the law, you will always see a proportion, or Manasa, between the punishment and the crime. As we see, you know, the punishment fits the crime, you will really see that in the punishment that our last panel adolescence. So if there is a particular crime or offense, the punishment for it is of the
same nature. That's extreme justice. She says if you expose them, I will expose you. And you must, you know, be convinced that when Allah subhanaw taala exposes or be unlike what you're what you have done, it will be greater and more devastating
and harsher.
This is all for Allah subhanho wa Taala to teach you a lesson and to make you experience the same pain that others have experienced.
There is you know, a hadith but it's weak, but still there's wisdom in it. Here it is reported and you're aware that the prophets always cinema has said but again, there's weakness and it's not only the Shema that that'd be a peak for you ifI La Jolla pathetic.
He says don't express joy and happiness
glean at the misfortune of your brother, lest Allah cures him, and afflicts you the same thing.
So you're happy, for instance, that the marriage broke, you're happy, for instance, that their children have done doing well, you're happy, for instance, that he lost his money and you expressed his happiness. So this saying is, is telling us, you express something like this and you're happy at his misfortune.
Don't feel secure, because Allah may take it away from him and make you experience the same exact thing that this person experienced. And sometimes the panela it is both, you know, incredible and terrifying to see that a person would say something, or would do something. And later in life, he will face the same thing, that he ridiculed the same thing that he ridiculed. What experienced the same fate.
You know, has an allostery Rahim Allah said, Can you call them an IRA, with them being tough? I mean, let me tell you, he will be he says the one who tries to disgrace one because of a sin that he had repented from, he would not die until Allah flips him with the same sin.
So someone who had committed something wrong, but he had just repented from it. And you still are trying to disgrace him because of it. He said that before you die, this is what people used to say at our time, at the time of the tablet even before you die, you will fall into the same sin.
So we have here sort of a good example of a call of the alarm.
And he said
he said there is a new Sunday he's once he said the right word with a new Sunday I once saw a person praying. Well, cool America, our sadaqa he says that every time he goes into Roku and goes into surgery, he cries
for him to go No, you're wrong. So I accused him of being a show off
for him to Luca, Asana, I was deprived of cry from crying for a whole year because of what I said.
So I'll explain it if it's not clear. So he's saying I saw once a man who is praying and throughout the prayer ruku Institute, he is crying it is further.
So either in himself or he externalized it and he said to him, too, I accused him he's just showing off this is really not since sincere crying is just so that we would see him
so he said I was deprived of crying when reading the Quran, or when praying or what have you for an entire year. I couldn't cry.
So first of all, my code is someone who used to cry
from from the love and the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala and he knows him this from himself when he goes to pray at night he cries when he reads the Quran, he cries
right? So this is something that used to happen to him often.
That's why he missed it.
Because someone you know, you come to us to Panama you come to us today and he tell us, you know how long has it been since you've cried? We can't say a year.
I don't know if we can count it. Maybe 235 I don't know what last time that we actually cried.
But he could date it. Right. He knows when it started and he knows when it ended
a year an entire year so he knows it means that he used to cry every day. But he says for that one thing that I said
that I did not or should not have said and accused him of something that is not a meteor kijima I don't have right to do it. Because of it. A lot took away my ability to cry.
Cinema right, that ability to cry.
Just when you're reading the Quran the ability to react to what's in cry when you're praying the ability to react and to cry a lot took away that ability. I couldn't cry for an entire year daddy no matter what he did, he couldn't cry
just for that.
So we have to ask ourselves in Panama, what is it that we have done?
That Allah subhana wa tada had deprived us from the ability to cry for so many days or months or years? That we cannot do it. At least hear him a lot he says I know why this cincin happened where I know why this happened. And I know why Allah subhana wa tada has done this to me.
And another also another incident This is from elucidating and imitating from the tambourine. He says the Marquis WC Rena, Dana Wabi Sabi, it says, illusory in by the way, he used to trade, sell and buy and whatever.
So when he became insolvent, right, he couldn't pay his debts because he's
than a ship, and he invested his money that ship ground. And he had a lot of people that you know needed money from him and he couldn't pay them for the Meraki revenue ceiling and then wasabi service. So because he owed people so much money, he was put in jail.
He said, call them belavia savani hadda. He says, I know the sin by which I had fallen into this. I know what I've done before by which I have fallen into this, I used to do or buy in a Santa pop up to the fleece is 40 years ago, I try and I shamed a person. I disgraced him by telling him he I'm hopeless or bankrupt.
And this happened to me.
Right. Now, you notice here some panels
that he was able to remember and this is how sensitive, sensitive they were, you know, others have commented on this. And they said, so Pamela, they had so few things, that you can actually go back and say, oh, it is this sin that caused this thing, right? Nowadays, you fall into trouble and you say, what is it what sin is it actually, that I've done? And you just even yesterday, there were so many of them that I don't know which one of them caused this? You know, I don't even tell them to go past the past week or the past month or the past. There are so many just yesterday, he goes back 40 years.
40 years ago, I do I just said to this person, You're hopeless, right? And maybe he felt guilty for it. the only
the only thing we have if I only said I have is that just tell a person Yarmuth list, I think I'm going to generally and if that's the only thing I'm having, that I have to face a lot with it. Once I said to a person, yeah, hopefully.
I'll feel pretty good about myself. But if he saying 40 years ago, crystals, imagine the time and imagine that offense.
And he said for that I myself became bankrupt. And I had to go to jail. Just so that Allah subhana wa Tada. And I don't want you to think and God forbid that Allah subhanaw taala is cruel, or it's not that this is
this is one of the requirements there is for him to experience the same thing that that person experienced. So he will have Rama in his heart towards him. Right, and he will change, not that he necessarily or I'm saying that I'm better than him out the window. Now, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that when Allah does that to us, He wants you to feel, he says feel the same way that that person felt. And now as you felt it, now you will grow as a Muslim, your Eman will be better. And you will make dua for that person. And some people will learn from your story like us today. So they will always benefit in it. So if if you say something like that to someone, and a lot makes you
experienced the same thing, consider it to be from Allah subhanho wa Taala that allowed me to experience it here, rather than over there when you meet him, because there is still time for me and you to repent and fix ourselves when we are here. So he says, I think or defame someone or disgraced. And by saying this, and you go through the same thing. So you'd have done a little bit I mean, Allah is teaching me something. So I can ask a lot for forgiveness, repentance for that upper other person, and teach the people my story so that they can learn from it.
So when is the show, by the way, is nine inches tall, so we'll finish inshallah.
So what we want to take from this Hadith, again, is that
if you commit something, know that it has consequences to it, as the prophets have allowed you to send them says, any word that you say, especially hurting someone else, hurting another Muslim has consequences, has consequences and how he's going to begin to feel
has consequences and how much love He has towards you and towards the community at large and has consequences with a loss of Hannah what Allah that Allah May repay you for that sin by making you experience something that was worse than the sin that you perpetuated. So that's one thing that we want to take. The second thing is that the way for us to be better human beings in general and better Muslims and better individuals and better communities. And to stop talking about other people and above other Muslims is to have a man in Allah subhanho wa Taala because when you really have a man, you'll see I have responsibilities towards Allah. And I have responsibilities towards this
other Muslim. And I'm not going to compromise these responsibilities just for the sake of fun, or just for the sake of having a better time. And if I need to feel make myself better at the expense of this other Muslim by putting them down, then know that this is a disease that I need to work on. It's not something that is wrong with them is something that is wrong.
With me, so fix it. And this is what we want to do. Let me enter my heart and your heart so it can fix it and so that our tongues also can be fixed. And any Muslim individual community and country that suffers because of gossip, you know, defamation, ridicule, mocking other people and making fun of them. When you see these things, this is in a short sign. There is little or weak a man in the heart, there's no escaping it. So when we say this, we are announcing to the people when I'm making fun of me, I'm announcing to everybody Hey, everybody, my email is weak. That's what I'm saying. Because if my email is strong, I won't engage in these things. So ultimately, we ask Allah subhana
wa tada to purify our hearts and also purify our tongues. We ask Allah subhana wa to Allah to fill our hearts with Eman and to make us of those who are aware of their own mistakes, not those who are focused on other people's mistakes and to fill our hearts with mercy towards other people so that if we want to correct them, we correct them in the best way in a way that saves them and does not destroy them. Well who the holy Heather was Dr. Romani. Welcome satanic alarm over handing a shadow either in the hospital cover to boiling