Ali Albarghouthi – Every Soul Shall Taste Death

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary ©
The importance of remembering death and rebuilding priorities for long periods of one's character is emphasized, especially when dealing with difficult situations. The speaker emphasizes the benefits of living long periods without the risk of losing everything and praying and attending classes to remind oneself of the importance of death and rebuilding priorities to avoid regret and reform. It is crucial to actively read and listen to messages to avoid regret and reform.
AI: Transcript ©
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He said

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the remembrance

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of the destroyer

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of pleasures.

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And he meant by that

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death, meaning remember

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death often.

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And another hadith,

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someone asked the prophet alaihis salatu wassalam,

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Someone once asked the messenger alayhis salatu wa

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salam, O Prophet of Allah,

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who are the best of people? That is

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a question that all of us should be

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interested in. Who are the best of people?

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Because if you know who they are, you

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could be

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one of them.

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Who are the best of people? He said,

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those with the best character.

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The Sahabi continued

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he says, who are the wisest? Who are

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the smartest?

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He said,

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those who remember

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death the most

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and prepare best for it and what comes

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after it, those are the wise. Those are

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the smart ones.

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And that tells you that the opposite is

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true that those who do not remember death

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should be counted among the foolish,

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the dumb,

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the idiots of this world.

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And you may say to yourself

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the first and the second hadith,

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why is it that we need to continue

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to remember death and why is it that

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its remembrance

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makes us wise and smart and the lack

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of that remembrance makes us stupid.

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It is because of our nature and the

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nature of this world itself.

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We are people who are very forgetful,

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and we are people who are securely attached

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to the pleasures of this life to the

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that we forget about everything else.

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And we live in a state

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that is hard to escape and that is

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the state of

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lack of attention to what benefits us but

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attention to what harms us. And Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala

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describe this.

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He said,

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people's judgment the day of reckoning is coming

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close to everyone, to people

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but they are

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turning away from that news.

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Whatever news comes to them from Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala when they listen to it, they

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listen to it with playing bodies and distracted

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Meaning it does not affect them, it does

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not penetrate them, it does not change them.

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And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala also said,

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these are the ayahs of the book a

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Quran that clarifies

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There's gonna come a time

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when the disbelievers

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will wish that they were Muslims.

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But for now,

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let them eat and let them have fun

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and let them be distracted by false hope,

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they shall come to know.

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Notice what he said here subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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What are they interested in?

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And what do they turn away from?

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He said,

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there's gonna come a time

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where the disbelievers

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would wish that they were Muslims

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and that is either the time of death

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or on the day of judgment.

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But for now do they listen?

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For now for now do they heed? No.

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They don't. So for now let them. What

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do they wanna do? They just wanna eat

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and they just simply wanna have fun

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and they think that they're gonna be living

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for a very long time

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but they shall come to know that this

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is not true.

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And there's nothing wrong with eating and there

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is nothing wrong with having fun but when

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it dominates your life until you forget about

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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then that is the ghafla that we are

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talking about and that is very hard to

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So he said,

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alaihis salatu wa salam remember death so that

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you could escape it.

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And when you remember death, Allah subhanahu wa

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gives you plenty of benefits.

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First of all,

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if you are encountering

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it will diminish because you know it has

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an end.

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He said,

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If anyone remembers death while while experiencing

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it will bring

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ease to that person.

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If you're having pain,

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difficulty right now and you remember death, your

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pain will diminish

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and your tragedy will decline

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because you know it's going to end and

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it is cannot be compared to the tragedy

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and difficulty

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of death.

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So it will diminish,

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it will go

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away. What death also does when you we

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remember it is that it decreases our attachment

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to the to the duniya.

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You're not gonna cling on to something that

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you know is gonna leave you and you're

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gonna leave.

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So greed and envy will diminish

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and the dunya will not devour you because

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you know that no matter how much money

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I collect,

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no matter my reputation,

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no matter the power and the prestige and

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the honors that I collect, none of these

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things will follow me into the grave.

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He said,

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It says three things will follow the deceased

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to the grave.

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His family will follow, his money will follow,

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and his deeds will follow, but his family

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will go back and his money will go

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back and the only thing that will stay

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with him

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are his deeds.

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That's the only thing that enters the grave

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with you. That the only thing that gives

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you may keep you company in the grave.

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And nothing else will be with you

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except what you have done.

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So consider what you have done for that

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they say that

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It says,

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people are fast asleep

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but when they die they wake up.

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Look at

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us. We're fast asleep. It doesn't matter how

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many reminders we hear.

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It's like we are so

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asleep, people shake us to wake up and

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we refuse. They keep shaking us to wake

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up and we refuse

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until the moment of death arrives.

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Until the moment of death arrives.

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He says, you are not paying attention to

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You were not paying attention to this.

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But today we lift the veil

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and now you can see with clarity.

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We blinded ourselves with this dunya and blinded

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ourselves with the fact that hey, I'm gonna

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live for a long time. Don't let me

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hear about death.

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Even though you're trying to run away from

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it, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said, the agony,

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the difficulty of death

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had brought the truth to you. This is

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the thing that you're trying to escape.

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You're trying to run away from it all

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your life,

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but there's no running away from it.

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And so the wisest and the best

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will not run away from remembering death

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but the right to remember it more often

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because it will fix their life. In fact,

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you are not really living until you remember

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You're not really living a life that Allah

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is happy with until you incorporate that death

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into your plan

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and then you could live a life that

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Allah is pleased with.

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You rely on him not on yourself.

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You'll prepare for that time when you die,

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not a dunya that you're gonna leave.

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You're not gonna sin because you know that

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you're gonna see the consequence of that sin.

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Allah will open your heart because of it.

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And the dunya will have less power over

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said,

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It says consider

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if we let them enjoy for years,

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and then what we promised them

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came to them,

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which is Allah's punishment or their end.

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What did all these years benefit them?

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All these years of fun and enjoyment,

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what benefit did it bring to them?

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Ask yourself and you don't have to be

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an older

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man or woman

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to understand this.

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If you're in your twenties, ask yourself,

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how fast did your teen years pass?

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What did they look like?

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What memory do you have of them?

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Does it seem that you've lived for an

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entire decade?

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Does it seem that you've lived

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years, 30 years, 40 years, 50 years, 60

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What would what does that seem like to

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Does it seem like decades?

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Or does it seem like a week

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or a day

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or an hour?

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On the day of judgment, we'll confess,

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we've lived what?

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A day or part of a day

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or we lived an hour in a day.

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This is this whole life.

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So let us remember

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the inevitable end to it

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and that will reform how we are living

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alaihis salatu wa sallam passed by a grave,

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and he

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said, who's buried here? They said so and

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so You Rasool Allah.

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He said,

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He turned to them and he said,

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voluntary of the kind that is light that

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you consider

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He could add to his deeds is more

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beloved to him than the rest of this

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Consider those 2 rakas

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that you pray quickly

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and they are legitimate

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but quickly,

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light. You consider them to be what?

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in your eyes. He said that

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is more beloved to this deceased

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than the rest of your dunya. Meaning all

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of it till the day of judgment. He

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does not want any of that because he

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knows the real value of it. But 2

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rakas that you quickly pray right after jum'ah,

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before, after, at night quickly.

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He says that is more precious

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than the duniya. And you think about it,

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what is precious really to us now? The

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dollar is precious,

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Food is freshest. Travel is freshest. Shopping is

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freshest. Fame is freshest.

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Living an extra day is freshest

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but not obeying Allah, not 2 rak'ahs, not

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a ayah from the Quran.

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So the death

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and remembering it

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will reorganize

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your priorities so that what you consider to

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be precious is what Allah considers to be

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precious, not the people of the dunya and

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do not let them deceive you because the

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heart is susceptible to deception.

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You may ask, how do I remember

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As the prophet alaihis salatu wa salam recommended?

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He said,

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he said,

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visit the graves

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because they remind you of the hereafter.

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So this is something that you wanna keep

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in mind to keep remembering

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our end. Visit the graves.

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Pray the janazah.

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Make dua for the deceased

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from a sincere heart and attentive heart that

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knows that today it is him or

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her. Tomorrow it's gonna be me.

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So imagine yourself in that coffin, in that

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casket, in that shroud and say to yourself,

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what would I wanna do before I am

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there? So

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praying Janazah,

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it and visiting

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the graveyard,

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reading the book of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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as often as possible because it keeps reminding

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you of value of this life and in

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your end and the day of judgment.

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So if you read the book of Allah,

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you're not gonna forget but you need to

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heed what Allah is saying.

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Add to it also

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to actively

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read about death, to read about the hereafter

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or attend classes, attend courses

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or study circles that talk about this issue

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so that we never forget

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because we will forget and we are living

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in a time that it is easy to

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be engrossed in the duniya and forget about

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Allah. So if you are actively

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trying this and if you strive,

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Allah will remind you. But if you forget,

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you will be forgotten.

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And if you forget the

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you're gonna forget about this dunya as well.

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So ask Allah

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to make us of those who remember death

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often and heed the warnings that we read

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in the Quran and the sunnah and heed

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the warnings that we see around us and

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make us among the pious not among the

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You Allah open our hearts for iman

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and soften them so that they would accept

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your reminders.

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Soften them so that they would flock to

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your book and to the sunnah of your

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You Allah fix our affairs for us. You

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Allah reform our life for us. You Allah

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fill our life with your love and love

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of your

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and love for the believers. We ask you

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to make us living among those who live

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as Muslims, who die as Muslims, and who

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are resurrected as Muslims. We ask you

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to elevate us in rank in the hereafter.

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We ask you for

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Allah, we ask you for

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Allah, we ask you for

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You Allah protect us from *. You Allah

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protect us from *. You Allah protect us

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from *.

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