Akhi Ayman – Why Parents Should Be Closer To Their Children

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The parent of a child who didn't attend school but found out about it through a phone call from the school. The parent felt like they were being bullied and needed to be a friend to their child.
AI: Transcript ©
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I went to a talk one time in mash it down Salaam in haste and there

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was an uncle that came his child wanted to come as well. This child

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didn't go to school that day. He got a phone call from the school

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saying that your child hasn't come in. So the parent being the parent

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came home. The child hasn't been school ground him took his phone

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away. He's not allowed to go out because you're already an omelet.

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Have you spoken to him to find out why he didn't go to school or

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Subhanallah I ended up going to the house after to speak to that

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child. He found that me and the father both founder and the father

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broke down because we found out that the kid was being bullied.

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That's why he was scared to go to school that day, but there's so

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much parents are too busy trying to be a parent. Sometimes you

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don't need to do that. You need to be a friend to them.

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