Akhi Ayman – Why Most People Will NEVER See Jannah

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
A speaker discusses the negative impact of cutting ties with family members and friends, as it takes away from the natural rhythm of Islam. They emphasize the importance of warning people not to cut ties with friends and companions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stated and let me make

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it clear to every single one of you he's the one that cuts ties

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with their parents actually there is no channel the words of the

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Prophet Muhammad Salah live you got a problem bro when you see the

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Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam in Yamaki Yama have that

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same energy for him to tell him we're talking about the reality is

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this is what has been concerning to our communities. We cut ties

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with anybody and everyone now our parents are getting divorced our

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mother saying to us this is the situation with our father. This is

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the situation with the mother. This is the situation what's going

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on our own parents are telling us you got to pick one or the other.

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I'm gonna make it clear for you don't cut ties. You don't cut ties

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with your family. Don't cut ties with your friends and even so you

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have companions around you that's taking you away from the deen of

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Allah. Advise them actually just take a step back

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