Akhi Ayman – Why Having A Girlfriend Is Haram

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of obtained sexual attraction and the potential consequences of doing so, including obtained birth control and the potential risk of abortions. They also mention the restricted nature of Islam's practices.
AI: Transcript ©
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So you can't be with a girl if

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you're not married to her? No, bro. What

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happens? No, bro. We always say that, you

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know, Islamically, the third person in shaitan is

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the devil. You start to fall into sins.

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Those sins could lead into pregnancies.

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Those pregnancies could lead to abortions because you're

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not married. Okay. Wait. It's a cycle. Hypothetical

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question. If you're not married to a girl

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and you get her pregnant, you have to

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abort the baby or no? No, bro. It

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is even more of a sin to to

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abort the baby. It's a lack of knock

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off knock on effects. You do what So

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ripple effect, bro. After that, he does another

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sin and then another sin and another sin.

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So it's

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Exactly. Yeah. You just wanna Neil, you see

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all the questions when we say, why do

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we have to do this? Why do we

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have to do that? It almost goes into

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the territorial.

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Islam feels restricted. Islam is not restricted. It's

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