Akhi Ayman – Why Having A Beard Increases Your Chance Of Marriage

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a study on women looking at a woman with a mustache or beard and asks the audience what they choose to shave her. The study showed that women were more likely to choose the beard or the mustache, and Gillette spent over £2,000 a year researching and showing images to people. The speaker suggests shaving it up oneself.
AI: Transcript ©
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Colorado done a study and they've got about

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a 100 corporate companies to give them pictures

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to one that looked like you, one that

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had a mustache, one that had a beard

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and they asked them a list of questions,

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a whole big research and said who looks

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more trustworthy and more companies pointed to the

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person with beard. Then they went to women

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and said would you find more attractive? This

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is a Colorado study. Go look at it.

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Do you choose the one that has looks

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like you, the mustache or the beard? How

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much do you think the women chose? More

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women chose the beard. But what does Gillette

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do? They spent over £200,000,000

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a year trying to show us and give

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us images that a woman on the shoulder

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of a man clean shaven is what is

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the beauty of this. This is the makeup

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for the Wait. So can you like can

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you like shape it up and stuff or

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no? Why why don't you guys shave it

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up myself?

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