Akhi Ayman – Why Brotherhood Is Keeping The Ummah Alive

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
A woman describes a man who had a problem with their community financially and was going through divorce, causing them to commit suicide. Another woman describes another brother who was going through a similar situation and decided to cross the road to go and collectively commit suicide. The woman believes that she is a Muslim force and is discussing a taala that was given to them by the Prophet.
AI: Transcript ©
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There was a man that was going through divorce had a problem with

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his business and the problem with his community financially was

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going bankrupt, but he never informed his family. He was on his

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way to commit suicide or a family man on his way to commit suicide

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the same there was another brother across the road from him he

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himself was having a bad day, but not as bad as him this brother

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decided to cross the road just to go and sensor lamb to the proper

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cross the road the moment the Prophet gave the salaam, the one

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that was on his way to go and commit suicide. He said what law

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he in that moment I realized that this is me. I am a Muslim and this

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force on the shape tank are nothing alike what Allah subhanaw

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taala has blessed me with

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