Akhi Ayman – What is the true meaning of brotherhood
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The speaker reminds the audience to not forget about people who want good things for themselves or those who may make mistakes. They emphasize the importance of acknowledging and following instructions to avoid mistakes and improve one's behavior. The speaker also reminds the audience of public speaking and strong support for Islam.
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Salam aleikum, WA just a quick reminder Inshallah, that not
everybody you know, as he was good for you. You need to understand
the people that want good for you or those No, no Yes, men will make
a mistake when you do anything wrong. If you're doing something
that's in order to go against what Allah Spano to Allah has
commanded, they told you to fail long. These are your righteous
companion. These are people that you need to be around and make
sure you keep her up for the rest of your life. And they're not
scared to tell you your mistakes, or what you need to improve on.
These are true public and true sisterhood in Islam. So remember
that just a quick reminder.
More reminders to come shall be