Akhi Ayman – This Piece Of Advice Changed My Entire Life

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker advises the audience to not get angry at anything, as anger is a war-pushing factor. They also mention a story about a woman who advised them not to get angry at a man because they were in a rage and anger caused her to lose their attraction.
AI: Transcript ©
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What would be the first thing comes to your mind what would you

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say to the old Amen now being in that position now I'm the man was

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wearing masala white thought influencing people what would you

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tell the old Amen all those people who have anger issues or will be

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the first advice to give to be honest the first one that comes to

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mind right now stating this is, remember the destroyer of pleasure

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among the Deaf and so many of us when we're in such a rage and

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anger, we forget ourselves a war purposes she anger anger comes

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from the shaytaan so if I had to advise myself as the one that came

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to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu SMCR Salah advise me he said, Do

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not get angry, so advise me to do not get angry and they will kept

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on going back and forth and he kept on reply with the same thing

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Do not get angry anger got me to displease Allah Allah got me to

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this please my parents anger got me to displease my soul that

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belongs to Allah subhanaw taala

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