Akhi Ayman – The Youth MUST Understand This

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of a "sliver" that occurs when a person has achieved a certain goal. They suggest that this goal is related to worshiping someone named Allah, and that individuals may have a harder time realizing their purpose in life due to this "sliver." The speaker wonders if individuals will feel satisfied with their accomplishments and become attached to who they are supposed to be worshipping.
AI: Transcript ©
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You don't belong to yourself in Lila we're in a les Roger. We

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belong to Allah to Him we shall return yes we have organs and a

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heart and a brain to think and our heart to function on rest of the

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body but the reality is the body gets buried the soul gets lifted

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up to Allah and gets accounted for. So what I mean you've lived

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I've let my soul down because my soul is something that Allah has

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allocated every single person and it was created to only worship

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Allah Allah. That is the right of Allah subhanaw taala when do you

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figure this out? They will begin to start loving themselves on what

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their purpose is in life.

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