Akhi Ayman – The TRUTH About Salah

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker advises the customer to prioritize their 5 daily prayers, even if it is not something they are experiencing right now. They suggest that the customer become a Muslim and take their religion seriously, and pray before becoming a Muslim. The speaker also mentions that the customer's younger brother is trying to convince them to stay in the back of the church.
AI: Transcript ©
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One thing. Mhmm. Show 5 daily prayers. Just

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your 5 daily prayers. Yeah. And you would

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see the difference that it does in your

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life. Like the brother mentioned earlier, it's a

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purification. I look forward to the next salah,

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the next prayer to come in. Not to

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get out of the way because because I

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know that's my appointment with Allah. That's my

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appointment with the Lord Almighty. You understand where

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I'm coming from? Yeah. So what I would

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say to you as advice from your older

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brother, prioritize your 5 daily prayers. No matter

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what it is, even Sneaker this is why

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I got love for Sneaker. Became a Muslim,

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took the religion very very serious and then

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what happened? On live stream, he starts to

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go in the back and starts praying. Like

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I respect that. I rate that. He's trying

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he's telling his viewers to bro, my relationship

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with Allah comes first. Let me go and

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pray. That's why I would recommend for you

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to prioritize over anything that you got going

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on right now.

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