Akhi Ayman – The Reality Of Muslim Cultures

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The speaker discusses the success of Islam in modern times, including the rise of Muslims in their communities. They mention the negative impact of Islam on people's parents' acceptance and history of "bringing the dean of reviving the Dean back into their own house". The speaker also touches on the large numbers of Muslims who wish they could have parents like those in their homes.
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Some of us we are the first generation even though we're
Muslims of practicing people in our families, you pray your five
times a day your parents will say, Oh, who is this? When did you
become an extremist? Because Islam has been watered down for them and
the generations before they didn't really learn the deen of Allah
subhanaw taala properly or implemented it. So maybe it takes
you to bring the dean of reviving the Dean back into your own house.
What about the river brothers that we have in our communities and the
chef would know to tell you how much barbers have become a Muslim
in this masjid so many large numbers they wish they could have
parents that we turn back to Allah as a Muslim ungratefulness