Akhi Ayman – The Importance Of Your Companionship

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
A speaker warns against not having good companionships and encourages people to be there for one another. They also mention mental health issues in their community and encourage people to work on relationships with people they have never spoken to.
AI: Transcript ©
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Don't you understand the severity of not having

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good companionship? It's gonna be okay. It isn't

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good enough. We have to be there for

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one another. I don't care if you're not

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related by blood. There's other people that's in

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your community that are suffering, going through mental

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health issues. How many people from North West

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London that are being sectioned in Park Royal?

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are going in there. He's like a zombie

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world, bro. I'm chatting to the brother. The

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brothers you can't have a conversation with them.

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And these are brothers from your community, bro,

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being sectioned because they never felt felt loved

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and cared for in your community. So every

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single time that you come to the masjid,

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stop being with your friends. Come in the

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masjid with your friends, but sit separately and

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start talking to people that you've never spoken

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to. Give them salaam. Work on your relationship

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with them. Find out their name. Find out

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what they do with themselves. If there was

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some way that you could help their community,

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then do it.

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