Akhi Ayman – The BEST Days In Islam

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 discusses the importance of 10 days as a fruitful time for men to pursue their motto. They also mention the benefits of working in a working environment, including being unfair to their worth.
AI: Transcript ©
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outside of Ramadan, Allah Subhana Allah Allah has blessed us with

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these 10 days. He's blessed us with these 10 days where the

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prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions, these are the

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best days of the year. These are better than the days of Ramadan,

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not the nights of Ramadan, the days of Ramadan, where imagine if

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you were to first on your motto for the day before eight which is

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the 15th of June, if you went too fast on this day, and you were to

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say to yourself, How could Allah be unfair? You first human alpha

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on the 15th of June, Allah will forgive two years of your life of

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your sins that you've committed in the previous year and the years to

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come. And some people still claim that Allah subhanaw taala is

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