Akhi Ayman – Talks About The Start Of Islam
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AI: Transcript ©
So look. What I'm trying to say to
you, my bro, here, from the first time
Islam came through the prophet, peace be upon
him, and there was Jahal people, meaning ignorant
people. They used to be the worst of
the worst. They were Arabs. They used to
bury their daughters, but at the time when
the message broke because they were so ashamed
of having daughters as kids. They only wanted
men to continue their lineage, to continue their
family name. They used to be scared that
their daughter will grow up to be a
hookah. When Islam came, it gave honor to
the woman. So now we're saying, look. If
now you're telling me she has changed, Islam
gives you the opportunity
to change within yourself. How? Through your actions.
I started taking her to the mosque too.
She's not Muslim. Cool. There you go. Is
she interested in Islam? Yeah. Realistically, I wouldn't
marry anyone unless they're Muslim. I'm just be
honest. And does she know that? Yeah. Yeah.
Does she know that? Yeah. Of course. Glad
she knows that, bro.