Akhi Ayman – Revenge Is NON-EXISTANT In Islam

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The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases.
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The word revenge doesn't exist in our phone. Oh, tit for tat. It
don't work. Everything houses, rules, regulations. That's from
Islam. We have to follow it. If someone spits at you, they'll
probably get a broken jaw by me, but I wouldn't spit back at them.
That's DNA, right?
There's a general. You look a mile and a
half away to avoid confrontation. When it comes to your door, you
show no mercy, no mercy, bro, and as a Muslim, if you die upon that,
you are martyr. If you die protecting your family and your
house, your martyr. Or if you die protecting yourself, you are
Marty, Marty, Your Honor, Your wealth, your blood.