Akhi Ayman – New Message For The Youth

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the lack of gender restrictions in their community, as well as their desire for their gang to use their bodies for fear. They also talk about their pride and jealousy, as well as their desire for their partner's "arrogance" and "confidence." The speaker emphasizes the importance of controlling one's behavior and not implementing changes.
AI: Transcript ©
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Let me make it clear to all these most of these guns you kill a

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Muslim intentionally there is no gender for you bro don't come to

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me Allah for Rahim Allah is the Most Merciful pro I'm going to

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shank up my brother I'm going to put him down I'm gonna make sure

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my gang comes before any but and and the sooner that we claim that

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we follow now I'm as the street code bro that's who we follow we

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claim we worship Allah subhana wa Tada but we worship something else

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other than Allah and that thing that we worship is within us, our

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egos, our arrogance, our pride, that's what we worship and every

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single one of us have these things including jealousy in our hearts.

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That's how you control it. You don't implement it, but this is

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the reality of the Muslims of today especially the youngsters

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