Akhi Ayman – NEVER Open Up To Anyone

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker warns that they do not open up to anyone, and that their actions will cause harm. They also mention a disturbing postcard about a woman named Walhalla and her behavior. The speaker suggests that they will take it seriously and focus on their own happiness.
AI: Transcript ©
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No matter what you're going through actually do not open up to

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no one because there's going to come a time the more you open up

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to your brother or your sister that you know Walhalla them they

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will come to use this against you and they will blackmail and this

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was happened I've I've experienced terrible I opened up to a prophet

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the Prophet uses it against me and it's gonna happen to you but you

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only complain of your worries and your grief established this one is

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in your life nice and you will see what happens every freak will fall

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into place. My brother's human are the next feature you will or the

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next leaders you will or the next people like Salahuddin a newbie so

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why not establish the deal in your life and take it seriously

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