Akhi Ayman – How To Stop Falling Into Sin
AI: Summary ©
The speaker is discussing the importance of changing one's competitive manager and embracing their friend's teachings. They believe that falling into sin is a result of their actions, and that their friend's characteristics are the basis for judge approval. The speaker urges the audience to see how their friend's characteristics can be used to advantage in the future.
AI: Transcript ©
I am falling into since I can't handle it. What advice do you have
changed your damn competitive manager? Change yourself one of
the reasons why we fall into sin because the Prophet Muhammad SAW
Allah Allah sort of said, You are upon the religion of your friends
and are to Allah Dini, led by Abu Rhodiola Yes, Ma says, Will that
change your companions? You know, you're upon the religion of your
friend, you know, he's the way of law, his way, his behavior, his
characteristics if you fall into sin, and this is something that I
believe, look at your friends and see what you adapted from them,
and so on and so forth.