Akhi Ayman – How To Redeem Yourself To Your Lord

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of connecting with Allah in the face of difficult situations, citing examples such as praying in front of a church or praying in the back of a church. They emphasize the need to make a definite oath between oneself and Allah to prevent confusion and reflect on the spiritual journey. The speaker also mentions the upcoming appointment of a sermon in the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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You have the month of Ramadan to shine. You have the month of

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Ramadan to redeem yourself in the eyes of Allah Allah in the eyes of

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your community. I don't care if you were to pray in the front row

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or the back, no, but actually your intention and your connection with

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Allah could be better than every single person in including the

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Imam that's dependent on you are Muslim, so it doesn't matter if

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you're found all by the backroom. It doesn't matter what you do, but

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work on your connection with Allah subhanaw taala come to the masjid

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pray for God in the masjid or Aisha is simple as that. Make an

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oath within yourself between yourself and Allah right now.

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Don't tell me I'm gonna put my hands up Amen because I make an

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oath No, no, no. Make an oath within yourselves all Muslims.

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From today onwards I'm going to establish at least one Salah in

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the machine and you will see the difference. You will see the

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mountains that Allah will move for you. You will see the roads the

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Allah will clear for you

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