Akhi Ayman – How To Reach Jannah In 5 Simple Steps

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a series of disconnected sentences and phrases.
AI: Transcript ©
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We have a cheat code board I guess wasn't agenda but our cheat code

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have become the Cheat Codes of GTA our cheat code is the Kitab Allah

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and if your Quran has dust on it, you best believe you need to

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question yourself if your Salah has rust on it, actually continue

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to only blame yourself for your position in life. If you put Allah

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subhanaw taala first and you put the deen of Allah first and you

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OBEY HIM to your best of your ability. You see, someone came to

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the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. So what are you taking

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believe? And the first thing he said is the shahada was the second

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for the salah. 580 What's the third thing? So which is what

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fasting after the Zika How much does it cost? 2.5% I was the last

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week. He said I wish from Allah who believes in Allah and he

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believes in the Prophet Muhammad. As a messenger Prophet of Allah

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also establishes five daily prayers you will not pray anymore

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