Akhi Ayman – How The Masjid Saved My Youth

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker describes a bookshelf used to be on the side of a mall where they used to come to work and hang out with youth clubs. They also mention a national ambulance used to be used to enter a bookshop.
AI: Transcript ©
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So anytime we needed to get stuff with a minute or so we used to

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come to the bookshop and sometimes this bookshelf was actually on the

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side. You know where you saw the youth club. This will be used to

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chill this where we used to spend our time majority on that corner

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not like drug dealers, but we used to be very connected to the

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machine Marsha, so this was our hub. This is where we used to come

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to, you know, coming out of your zone was the national ambulance

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where we used to be

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