Akhi Ayman – Exposes Western Women

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
A speaker discusses a trend of men getting violated by women, which is a result of a "median trend" in America. The speaker describes this as a result of "median behavior" and describes the behavior as "median behavior" where a man needs to be 6 feet tall to be 6 figures. The speaker also references a "median" trend in the workplace, where women are being instructed to "justly smile" at men.
AI: Transcript ©
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But there's a mad trend as well that's

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going on in America. I don't know if

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you guys have seen it. It's the trend

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of men getting violated by women. A lot

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of women that have the audacity to jump

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on on platforms and disrespect men, including their

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own fathers to such a level. But with

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your father that raised you, Without your father's

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sperm, you wouldn't be there. Do you understand

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how I'm coming from? But, yeah, you call

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men every trashy name under the sun, and

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you expect men to go for you. Oh,

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the man needs to be 6 foot, 6

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figures. Shut your mouth, yo. What are you

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talking about?

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