Akhi Ayman – Dont Be Too Quick To Judge Others

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The conversation is difficult to follow and appears disjointed. It appears that some brothers are complaining about their sister not wearing the right clothes, while others are complaining about her lack of forgiveness. The sister's lack of forgiveness is portrayed as a promise of forgiveness, but it is unclear what this promise is in reality.
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The reality is everybody's screaming now, free this
and free that.
What about freeing yourself from the shackles of
this dunya?
Because we're so glued up, we're so chained
Brothers have come here, they got their best
clothes on.
Sisters, their best abaya, Gucci bag, bag, whatever
it may be.
The matter of fact is you come here
and there's nothing wrong with that.
Some brothers here, ahi, they're quick to judge.
They judge a sister that doesn't even establish
the hijab, that doesn't even wear the hijab.
The promise of forgiveness has already started.
But in reality, this could be a brother
that could be the worst of people behind
closed doors.
And we don't even know that this sister
that is not wearing a hijab, this could
be one of the best of people.
She could have a connection with the book
of Allah, or follow him in the Quran,
follow him in the sunnah.
That may be the way.