Akhi Ayman – calls them Tramps and The P Word

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker describes how social media trees are a trap and can lead to people getting into trouble. They encourage people to do better with their lives and spend time with family. The speaker also mentions that Islam is humiliating people and is causing harm.
AI: Transcript ©
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No, no, I have to get this on my chest. I'm sorry if I hurt your

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feelings. I couldn't give a damn. It is where it is here. I'm sick

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and tired of these people that are social media prostitutes, people

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that come online, people that beg people for gifts, people that jump

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on lives with other influences and whoever wins the battle by getting

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gifts from their followers wins the battle. And if you lose, you

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get ended up getting onto your own followers for not gifting you

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because you've lost the battle. You lot are social media

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prostitutes. You are tramp. Get hold of your life. It is upon

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every single Muslim to seek knowledge. Do better with your

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life. Some of you don't even pray your online. Hours and hours

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online. It don't make sense. I fix up, and you can't tell me, Oh, the

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money that I get, I give a percentage, or I give it all the

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way to charity. But go work, go and spend time with your family.

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There'll be hours online. And do you know what Allah is doing to

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you? Allah is humiliating you. That's what Allah is doing. He's

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humiliating you. You've become a tramp, you've become a social

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media prostitute.

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You are disgrace. And if a push comes to shove, you'll be a waste

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man on a battlefield and a waste man face to face fix up man. I.

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