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The speaker discusses three relationships that Islam's teachings apply to life, including being related to Allah's mother, being a cousin of Allah's auntie, and being a valued member of a family. They also mention the loss of a relative due to divorce or a family conflict.
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Welcome these three relationships in your life, your relationship
with Allah subhanaw taala whatever comes with it as the Quran does
the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu I never said that is
the teachings of the companions Radi Allahu Allah. That's the
first relationship. Your second relationship, who do you work
with? Is your family. Your mother, if you still go around your
father, your uncle, your auntie, every single one of us or he,
every single one of us do what? We go down the path happy our parents
are not beefing each other because they got divorced, or my father is
not talking to his brother, which is my uncle. Therefore, they're
telling us we can't talk to someone so cousins and so on. So
if you're not here to cut ties, Allah forbids you for cutting
ties. Thirdly, which is more important than the second one, I
mentioned your loss as a respect for the family. It's your
relationship with yourself.
Know your worth