Ahsan Hanif – The Virtues Of Makkah

Ahsan Hanif
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The speakers discuss the importance of history and the return of the royal and ambassador. They also mention the return of a former ambassador and the return of a former royal. The return of the royal is seen as a reminder of the presence of the gods in the city and the return of the ambassador is seen as a way to show appreciation for the knowledge of the royal and the importance of traveling to other countries for knowledge. The return of the ambassador is seen as a way to show appreciation for the royal and the importance of learning from them to help their countries.

AI: Summary ©

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			Red Brick media
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			smilla rahmanir rahim
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			al hamdu lillahi tada
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			fluvanna today La Bella Himanshu rhodian fusina woman sejahtera Marina de la, la la la, la la la la
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			la la la la la sharika lahu shadow no Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam apothecary early
he was, he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira.
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			In keeping with
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			the theme that's been assigned for this these few weeks for this month or so. And that is the legacy
of our Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam. Today's lecture is on the virtues of Makkah and Medina.
And no doubt,
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			the connection between Makkah and the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam is clear to everyone.
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			The scholars when they come to discuss the city of Mecca, they mentioned a number of narrations,
which I thought would be interesting to mention here. But what's important to mention also before
going through a couple of these narrations is that the scholars differ over the authenticity as to
whether they're authentic or not. And that's to do with all these narrations have to do with how the
Kaaba first came about, or the original construction of the Kaaba, or the history of the city of
Makkah, and who originally lived them. And so the scholars and historians generally say that at the
beginning of time,
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			at the money salatu salam, when he came upon this earth, a lot of xojo directed him towards the land
of Makkah. And he went to Makkah, and there he was ordered to build the foundations of the karma.
Now, this is where some of these narrations come in some of the scholars say
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			that even before the Maliki ceram, the camera was already upon the earth. And they mentioned an
aeration concerning this from amongst one of the companions, and I think it was Abdullah bin Armada,
US rhodiola one that he said that even before the earth was created 2000 years prior to the earth
being created. A lot of zoa Jin
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			descended Aqaba from the heavens, and he placed it upon the earth. On the days when his throne
subhanho wa Taala was on the sea was on the ocean. And this caliber remained there. And then the
earth was built after this. And this is an original which the scholars differ over its authenticity.
And there are scholars who say there is authentic up to the companion up to the Companion of the
lab, and I'm Rick Ross. And then they differ as to whether it is something which you heard from the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or whether it's something which he heard from the People of the
Book, the Jews and the Christians. Either way, Makkah has much history to it.
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			And so the scholars also differ over another point and that is which of the two is better, is Makkah
better than Medina Medina better than Mecca. And the vast majority of scholars would hold the
opinion that maccha was better than Medina, and scholars such as Imam Shafi and Mr. Muhammad Rahim
Allah, they would even say that it is recommended that a person if he is able to goes and lives in
Makkah, because of the extra reward that's there, because of the many good deeds that a person can
perform them. Yet there were other scholars such as Mr. Malik Rahim, Allah who held the opinion that
Medina was better than Makkah. And he based this on the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
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			sallam left Makkah, and he resided in Medina, and that's where he passed away sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. And so the scholars differ over this even though the vast majority of them hold that Mecca
is better than Medina. When we come to look at the Quran, this great city of Mecca, we find that it
has a number of different names. And in the Quran is referred to using a number of these names a lot
so well in the Quran, he refers to the city of Mecca, and he calls it Mecca, with a meme. And he
calls it bucha with the bow, and he calls it Omen hora and he calls it and Bella amin, and he calls
it a builder. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala has a number of names by which he addresses the city of
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			Mecca in the Quran. The two most popular names
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			The scholars have taken from these verses of the Quran is Makkah, which is the most popular and
famous name for the city and Baca
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			maca with the mean, which is what we call it today. The scholars say that it has a number of
meanings. What does it mean? They say that it refers to a number of meanings. The first is that it
has a refers to the meaning of having scarcity of water, that it has little or no water. And as we
know in the history of the city of Makkah, when Ibrahim alayhis salam left his wife Hall john and
his son Ismail Alayhi, wa sallam, he left them in Makkah, there was no water. And that is the time
when, after the provisions run out, our journey has Sallam began to run from Safa and Marwa in
search of water, and that is when the well of Zamzam came. And so the people refer to this area as
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			maca, because there was very little water there. And generally the whole area Saudi Arabia is a
country, which is a desert there's very little water. So they say that maca refers to the scarcity
of water. Other scholars say that it refers to
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			the difficulty that is associated by going to Makkah and living there. Because there is a harsh
environment. There is a desert land. And Mecca is hilly terrain, it's a valley. So the Kaaba is
built in a valley and all around it, there are hills which surrounded and so they say that it is
difficult to go there, difficult to live there, difficult for the one who even wants to perform Hajj
or Umrah. When he goes there he finds difficulty upon difficulty, and based upon this it was called
Makkah. Others say that the reason why it's called Mecca is that because anyone who comes with the
intention to harm the place, that city to commit sin in it, that a lot of xojo will destroy them.
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			And we can see this clearly from the story of Abraham, who when he came to try to destroy the Kaaba,
Allah azza wa jal destroyed him and the army of his elephants. And so these are the three or four
meanings that the word matter revolves around scarcity of water, difficulty or hardship, and
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			destruction for those who wish to harm the city. The other name which is also very popular for the
city, is the name bucha with a BA, and a lot of xojo refers to it as Baca once in the Quran. And he
says in a wallaby to the earliness la de Baca, Tama Baraka, indeed, the first house that was
established for the worship of Allah is the one that a reason the blessing Baca, and so the scholars
differ is Baca the same as maka, or does bacteria refer to something else. And so some of the
scholars say that bucha refers to the actual harm the actual mission, the place where people go and
make power that is the name that is referred to as backup. Whereas maca is the whole of the harm
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			boundary, which extends for some distance around the mustard. And so butter is the actual mosque,
and Makkah is the area which surrounds around it.
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			But it also has a number of meanings. One of the meanings of bucha is crowded, a place which becomes
very crowded, very busy. And so the scholars say that normally, this word or the root word of bucha,
you would use it when there's more than 50 people in a single place. So perhaps an area like this
where there's more than 50 people at once, you would say that there is a duck in a terrorist
becoming crowded. And so the reason why they gave this name also to the city was obviously because
of the 1000s upon 1000s of people who come to perform pilgrimage in this place. And so there is a
place which becomes crowded and busy. And the word bucha also has the meaning of destruction as well
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			just as marketers, so again, for those who wish to hamat for those who wish to perform evil in the
city, then the word bucha also refers to the destruction that allows our general will give a place
upon those people that are many virtues of Mata and the virtues of Makkah, so many number pretty
shallow, we'll go through as many as is possible today. from them or from the from the most
important of them is that Allah azza wa jal has made this area a sanctuary. He has made it sacred.
And this is mentioned over and over again in the Quran. And it's mentioned in a number of a Hadith
of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Allah azzawajal refers to the hours of Ibrahim alayhis
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			salam, in which the Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi Salam made the DA or its partner Ibrahim hora de Bella
Amina was Lumina thammarat when the Prophet Ibrahim made the other Oh my Lord, make this land this
land of Makkah sacred and give its people provision. So he made the out that the city of Mecca
becomes bless it and also that its people never have difficulty in finding provision.
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			Because like we said one of the meanings of Mata is the scarcity of water. And if the scarcity of
water then it's difficult to plant to have vegetation to grow crops. And so because of this, the
Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam would make dua for these two things that the every becomes
secure and secret. And that a lot of so agenda allows people to have provision in a different verse
again, Allah azza wa jal mentioned this throughout the Prophet Ibrahim, when a lot so it just says
in Surah Ibrahim Ibrahim or Abidjan huddle, Bella the Amina was Ronnie robinia nabooda Islam, that
when he said the Prophet Ibrahim, that Oh my Lord, make Islam sacred and prevent me and my progeny,
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			my offspring from worshipping idols. So again, the Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi Salam made dua for the
land of Makkah to become sacred. In the Quran, Allah azza wa jal also criticizes the Quran, the
disbelievers the pagans of Makkah, and he criticizes them for by using this word by using or by
telling them that the area that they live in is secure, that they live in a sanctity and then there
was a lot of xojo who gave them the sanctity if they don't worship Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah
azzawajal says LLM Luma kiloohm how Rahman Amina yuja la Samarra to polish a juris, Pamela Donna,
have we not given to these people, a land which is secure and blessing, and to which every single
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			type of food will come to them as a means of provision from us? So long as the angel is saying to
the people of Quraysh, that why is it not that you worship Allah subhanho wa Taala even though Allah
is the one general has given you these two great blessings. The first is the blessing of security,
of peace, of having safety. And the second is that you have provision that even though you live in a
desert land, the people that come and visit you, the different caravans that come, they will pass
through maca, and even at a time before Islam, the during the time of the Quraysh, the different
Arabs would come and they would visit Makkah to make pilgrimage. And the caravans that they would
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			have that would go to Syria, and they would go to Yemen would pass through Mecca, they would stop in
Makkah. And so the people of Makkah always had the ability to purchase provisions, they always had
food, which was coming to them. And this is why a lot of xojo uses the same two things the same two
blessings, when he speaks to the people of Polish in Surah Polish towards the end of the Quran. And
he says to them folia Buddha bajas elbaite Allah, the Obama whom enjoy a human have, let them
worship the Lord of this house, the Lord of the Kaaba, the one who gave them food, who prevented
them from hunger, and he prevented them from fear. So he gave them provision, and he gave them
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			security. And a lot of zildjian has mentioned this in the Quran. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam also spoke about this in the summer. In a very famous Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam and this is another Bukhari and there are many, many different wordings to this narration.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the Lahore Rama Matata yo mahalo sama wati wa,
Rahman, beehoon Mattila de la yo mo piano, that Indeed Allah azza wa jal made Makkah, a sanctuary,
on the day that you created the heavens and the earth. And this sanctuary will remain until Yama,
Yama, and it was not made, or the sanctuary was not taken away. It was not lifted for anyone who
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			came before me, nor will it be lifted for anyone who comes after me. And it was only lifted for me
for a single hour. And then it was returned and it will remain until Yama, Yama. And so the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this hadith is speaking again, about the sanctuary of Mecca. And that
is the anyone who comes into this land is in an area of sanctuary. And this is why you find even
amongst Irish, that when they were in the London, when they were in the harem boundary, a person
would pass by his arch enemy, a person will pass by, for example, the murder of his father, or his
brother, or his wife or his children, but he would pass him by and he wouldn't say a single thing.
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			They wouldn't even look at each other. He wouldn't even say a word that would harm this person,
because of the respect that they had for the sanctuary of matter. And they will pagan Arabs, or even
so the sanctuary of Makkah meant something to them, and so they wouldn't harm anyone in Islam. And
so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that the sanctuary began at the beginning of
time, and they will last until Yama Yama and the only exception is the single hour the short period
of time.
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			Time for when the sanctuary was lifted for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is referring to the conquest of Makkah. When the Muslim army came from
Medina and they came to Makkah to concretes people, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the
companions not to kill anyone, except for a very few people. And for those people who said that even
if you find them, clinging on to the cloth of the Kaaba, then cut the heads off. And so the
sanctuary was lifted for a short period of time. And so there were certain people like actually may
be in Abidjan, who later became a Muslim by the permission of Allah. But he was one of those people
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			that was earmarked to be killed. And so the sanctuary was lifted for a very short period of time,
until the Muslims conquered Makkah. In another Hadith again, a very similar Hadith with a different
wording the prophets on a long while he was still them, after mentioning the sanctuary of matter. He
said that no one is allowed to spill blood within the sanctuary, and no one is allowed to hunt
within the sanctuary. And no one is allowed to remove the forms from the trees in the sanctuary. And
no one is allowed to remove the plants or the shrubbery within the sanctuary. And the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and no one is allowed to remove anything in terms of percentage of
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			vegetation, or Herbes within this century. And so the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Allah bus, he said, O Messenger of Allah, except for one plant. That is, because we use it in
our houses, we use it in our graves. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, except for
the plant of Israel, and so in this hadith the prophet SAW Selim is elaborating on the sanctuary of
Mecca. And there is no one is allowed to spill blood, no one is allowed to hunt, even to remove the
phones have trees. And generally if there is a form which is harmful, something which is harmful, it
doesn't have sanctuary, but within mccobb, because of the sanctuary of Mecca, even the forms are
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			protected upon the trees.
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			And this is why even Rahim Allah, the great scholar of Islam, he held the opinion that the sanctuary
of Mecca, works both ways. So just as a person who goes into Mecca and prays, will get 100,000
reward of prayers, then likewise, the one who goes and he sins in Makkah, will also get a great sin
and punishment. So just as reward is multiplied, sin is also multiplied within the sanctuary of
Makkah. And he uses evidence for this, the verse of the Quran in which a lot of Zoltan says, when
you read the fee, he'd be inheriting Bilbo Mendoza caminada been the two soever intends to commit
harm or to commit oppression, then we will give him the painful punishment. It will pay money mama
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			says that the wording of this first says, Whoever intense woman, whoever has the intention, it
doesn't say that whoever does this act, whoever sins, whoever commits a sin. That just the
intention, just wanting to sin, just wanting to disobey Allah. Having this firm conviction in the
sanctuary of Mata is enough for a person to be subject to punishment. And that's why the scholars
say that from the virtues of Makkah, is that it is the only place that if a person has a firm
conviction to sin, then a lot of Xhosa will hold them accountable for the conviction, even if they
don't go ahead and sin and this is one of the virtues of the city of Mecca. Also from the virtues of
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			the city of Mecca, some of the scholars mentioned
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			there is not allowed. This is the only place that it is not allowed to face or to give your back to
was going to the bathroom or chromic moolah. So when a person goes to relieve themselves, as the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the Hadith, I'm sorry, that when you go then don't face
the Qibla. And don't give your back to the Qibla. And so this is the only place that has the special
virtue, that you're not allowed to face it. No Are you allowed to give it its back your back. And
this means basically that if there is nothing in between you there is no veil, no barrier, no wall
between you and the Kaaba, then you're not allowed to face it, nor are you allowed to give it you
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			give it your bath wants to go and relieve your songs, also from
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			the virtues of the state or the city is that a lot of soldiers swears by the city of Mecca in a
number of places in the Quran. So long as the woman says For example, in Surah, two teen her husband
belediye amin, and he takes an oath by the sacred or by the sanctuary of Mecca. And also in sort of
Bella de la oxy. Moby has a ballad, that I swear by the situation by the city, which is the city of
Mecca. And also the scholars say that from amongst his virtues, is that the Prophet Ibrahim alayhi
salatu salam made for blessing in it. So the food of
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			maca is blessed and the provision of maca is also blessed also from the virtues of Makkah, is that
it is though is one of the few places that the gel will not enter. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam mentioned that when the gel comes towards the end of time, then he will go through every
single land upon the earth, and he will remain upon the earth for 40 days, and he will move around
like the wind driven rain. So, he will move very fast around the earth, and you will enter into
every single land, except for Makkah and Medina. And so from the virtues of the city of Mecca, is
that not the gym, not even that the job will be able to enter into this land,
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			also from the virtues of Mecca, is the is the only place upon the earth in where a person is able to
go and make tawaf and there is the only place upon the earth where a person is allowed to go, and to
kiss something with the intention of making it rabada with the intention of worship. So when you go
and kiss the black stone, this is the only place in the world that is allowed for you to kiss
something with the intention of worship. And it's the only place in the world that it's allowed to
go, and to touch something, or to wipe over something with the intention of worship. So we know that
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he would come to Makkah, then he would kiss the black
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			stone, and he would wipe over it. And there are even narrations that he would prostrate upon the
black stone. And so this is the only place in the world that this is allowed, and also obviously
from the virtues of Mecca, is that a lot azzawajal has made it the place of Hajj and Umrah so when a
person wants to go and perform these great acts of Islam and the great pillar of Islam, then this is
the place that he needs to go. And this brings us on to the second type of sanctuary, the second
type of virtue of the city of Mecca. So the first is to do with the general land. And the second is
to do with specific places within that land. So just as the whole of the city is blessed, all of it
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			is a sanctuary. But there are certain places such as the Kaaba, and the mosque of a missional haraam
that also have certain virtues. And so the carrabba has a number of certain virtues. And like we
mentioned before that the scholars differ over its construction, some of the scholars say that the
Kaaba was constructed or reconstructed 10 times, so the first to come and construct with the angels.
And then the demonic Islam came, and he also constructed it, and then it continued to the time of
Brahim. And later on, even hunter Rahim Allah He mentions the opinion of the Kaaba being there
before the creation of the earth. And so when the earth was created, the Kaaba was already there.
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			And then he says, in his in his book for Tilbury, that when a lot of xojo decreed the floods for the
Prophet alayhi salam, the Kaaba was lifted. The cabin was lifted and removed from the earth. As an
after the time of North the prophets would come. And they would make a walk around an area but not
knowing where the karma was. So they will still go to this place, and they will still make power
after this. They will still make pilgrimage to it, even though the Kaaba wasn't there. And then when
the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam came, then Allah azza wa jal instructed him to go and to construct
the Kaaba again. And this is the opinion of Maharaja Rahim Mahalo to Allah.
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			Also from
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			the virtual spaces within the Kaaba within the master Haram is the black stone, and the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that it was something which came from Jenna the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam in one Hadith he said that the black stone is a stone from Jenna, and another
Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when a large chunk caused a black stone to
descend from Jenna, it was whiter than milk. And then it was due to the sins of Benny Adam, that it
turned black, and another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that on Yom Okayama,
the black stone will be raised to the heavens, and they will be given eyes, and it will be given a
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			tongue and then it will speak and it will bear witness for everyone who kissed it in truth for
everyone who came and kissed and touch the Blackstone, in truth. Also from the virtual spaces is the
lokmanya Manu, the Yemeni corner of the Kaaba, and of course, the mahkum of Ibrahim Ali Salam. In
one Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the rukmani Imani the Yemeni Kona and
the macom of Ibrahim are two pearls from the pearls of paradise. Also from the places that has a
virtuous, some virtue to attend Mecca, is the well of Zamzam. And the scholars say that Zamzam was
called Zamzam because of how plentiful It is, in terms of an Arabic language is something
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			Which is very plentiful something which there is a lot of, and this is what the prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam also referred to in the famous Hadith. When he said Rahim Allah who may smile. May
Allah azza wa jal have mercy upon the mother of Israel, were she to leave the one of Zamzam instead
of digging around it, and controlling it, than it would have become a great river. And so in the
story, the mother of is married when she found this water, thinking that he would run away thinking
that it would finish she dug around, she placed a barrier around it so as to contain the water. So
the prophet SAW Selim said that he left it, then he would have become a great river.
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			The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam throughout his sooner spoke of many of the
virtues of the well of Zamzam. So the well of Zamzam has many virtues from them is that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had his heart washed with this water. As we know that before the swan
Mirage gibreel alehissalaam came and he washed the heart of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
and he was washed with the water of Zamzam. In a hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
said, that the water of Zamzam is the best water upon the face of the earth. hygroma In other words,
it is the best water upon the face of the earth. And another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
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			sallam said that the water of Zamzam is plentiful food, and there is a cure from every illness. So
it is plentiful food. And there is a cure from every illness, and there are companions it is
narrated, that they would come and they will stay by the camera and they would drink only from them.
And it was the only thing that they would survive upon. And one of those companions mentioned that
he put on weight from drinking the water from drinking from the water of zum zum. Another Hadith the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also mentioned that Matt was Zamzam. Lima surely By Allah, the
word for optimism is for that which you drink it for. So whatever intention you have to Drink from
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			this water isn't something that is what you will get. So it is sooner to actually make dua, once
drinking the water of Zamzam. And this is something which the seller especially were very keen on
doing was reported that Abdullah Mubarak Rahim Allah, the famous scholar of Islam, when he came to
the well of Zamzam, he made the Dharma and he began to drink from it. And so he said to the
companions around him, that I heard that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that the
water of Zamzam is for that which you drink it for. So I drank it and I made the vow to Allah, that
Allah I drink this water today, so that you may save me from first on your microbiome, and you drank
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			it with that intention. Likewise, even Jose Mara mala, a famous scholar of Hadith, he came in he
drunk from the well of Zamzam, and he made two other he be given much knowledge. And then he says
that I was given the ability to compile books of Hadith uncopyable, Bada Yahoo, Allah, he drunk from
the one of zum zum. And he made the router Allah azzawajal allow him to write the history of
Baghdad. And then he wrote his famous book that he called Baghdad, the history of Baghdad, Abraham
Rahim, Allah famously came to the well of Zamzam, and he drank from it. And he asked a large budget
that he be given the memorization of a law, the famous scholar, and then he says about himself that
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			I was given the memorization of the hobby. And then I drank again and I made to add to a law that
Allah give me more than the memory of him as a hobby. And this is what he mentions Rahim Allahu
taala. So these are some of the virtues of the city of Mecca and some of the places within Mecca,
also from the virtuous places within Mecca. And within the Haram boundary is places like Mina and
Otto fan was deliver. And even though our offer is outside of the Harlem boundary area is still a
virtual space. So these are places of virtue as long as the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, when he was expelled from Makkah, and he was leaving towards Medina. He said, sallallahu
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			alayhi wa sallam, and he turned around, and he looked at me, and he said, that indeed you are the
most beloved of lambs to Allah. And Marie, not that your people had expelled me, then I would not
have left.
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			If it wasn't that your people had expelled me, then I would not have left. And so the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this hadith mentions that it is the most beloved land to Allah, and
there is also the most beloved land to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, yet even so there is
a second virtuous place in Islam as well. And that is the city of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, the city of Medina, and this is why later on in Islam after the conquest of Mecca, when the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam returned to Makkah, the unsolved the people of Medina became
upset and they became upset because they thought that now that the prophets of Salaam had
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			Again, when he would remain that he would stay in matter, because it was more beloved to Allah and
His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam than Medina. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
assured them that she would return to Medina. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
gave a number of names to Almudena and was known also by a number of names. The most famous of them
is obviously Medina and also play by Baba, both of which means pure clean, and the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in one Hadith he said that Indeed, Allah azzawajal has ordered me to
call this place by Eva and another generation to call this place Baba. And both of them mean purity
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			and cleanliness. It is also known as double hitron, the place to where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam made his work. There is also known as Darrell Sumner, the place of the sooner Andrew is
also known as the only man the land of a man, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in speaking
about the virtues of Medina, he mentioned a number of things. Number one, he mentioned that it was
also beloved to him. It was also beloved to him just as McCullough was beloved to him. The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he first migrated to Medina, with a number of his companions,
Medina was known to have a fever, a fever, which would overcome people. And this was a fever which
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			would afflict many people. And it was known as the home of Medina. It is known as the fever of
Medina. And so the Prophet Solomon came with a number of his companions, and a number of them became
afflicted with this fever. And so the likes of Abu Bakar and Bilal and others became afflicted with
this fever. And so they began to feel homesick, they wanted to go back to Medina. And so the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Indra and he said Allahumma Habib, Elena Medina, kobina illa, Matata
ocean over LA, make Medina beloved to us, just as Mata was beloved to us and make it even more so.
So make Medina even more beloved to us than maca was, and this was a hadith. This was a drought of
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			the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made and then he also made the vow that the fever of Medina
be removed from Medina and be taken to a place called Java. And this is why when the companions on
the prophets of Salaam came to perform the first homework that they made, after they had migrated,
the companions are the people of Croatia sorry, they were saying that the companions of Medina have
come and they have been weakened by the fever of yesterday. Yesterday because the old name of
Medina, they have been favored by they have been weakened by the fever of yesterday. And this is why
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ordered his companions to reveal their right shoulders. And
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			this is why he ordered the companions in the ROM was making to have to also jog the first few
circuits around the Kaaba, to show the people have arranged that the Muslims was still strong in
body and they still had physical strength. This was the wisdom behind these two things that we still
do today as part of the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
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			Also from the drought also from the virtues of Medina is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said concerning the sanctity of Medina, so just as maca is sent has set as sacred and a
sanctity, then likewise so does Medina. The prophet SAW Selim said in the Ibrahim mahama mata or any
harm to Medina, then indeed the Prophet Ibrahim made Makkah sanctuary, and indeed, I have made
Medina a sanctuary. And this is why the scholars say that the rules that apply for Makkah also apply
to Medina. So you're not allowed to stow blood, and you're not allowed to hunt, and you're not
allowed to remove vegetation, or the shrubbery or the greenery of Medina. And so these rules also
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			apply. Also from the virtues of Medina is the Baraka that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
made to allow for the blessing that the prophet SAW Solomon. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
said that Allah bless our mother and our son, and modern saw are two measurements that the people
used to use at the time. Allah bless our mood, and bless our saw and make it twice as pleasant as
the mud and saw of Mecca. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam may drive for blessing in
Medina. And this is why the prophet SAW Selim in other Hadith, he said that the food of two of you
is enough for three and the food of three is enough for four and the food or four is enough for five
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			because of the blessing of Medina, also Medina has some very blessed fruit, such as the ultimate the
dates, and the actual date especially this is also from the blessing of Medina.
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			From the blessing of Medina also is that it is also guarded by Angel just as Mecca is guarded by
angels. And likewise the Jan and plague will not be enabled to enter into Medina, the prophet son
alone while he was
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			themselves, that indeed MK indeed, Medina is surrounded by angels, and those angels will prevent the
job from entering within the city and they will also prevent plague from entering within Medina. So
Medina will not have played, nor will it be entered by the jungle. Likewise the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said, in the famous Hadith in Bukhari, that a man a time will come when a man when
faith will return to Medina, just as a snake returns to its burrow. Just as a return a snake will
slide and slither back home to borrow. then likewise, time will come that a man will also return to
Medina. So just as Medina at the beginning of Islam was the center of knowledge. It was the center
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			of Eman that was where the true believers were, then our time will come towards human piano when
Likewise, the true believers will be found only in Medina and knowledge will return back to this
place in Medina. Likewise, in another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke about
those who wish to harm Medina. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that too, so ever wants
to harm Medina, that Indeed Allah azza wa jal will distinguish him or will disintegrate him, just as
salt dissolves into water. So just as salt dissolves into water in the lake was alive, so in
general, will make those people who dissolve as well those who wish to harm Medina and likewise the
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			Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also mentioned those who commit innovations within the city or
commit Major Crimes within the city of Medina. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, monitor
the fee however mateesah de la to LA he will mela equity one message man, Whosoever commits an
innovation or a major crime, or he gives sanctity or, or security or he gives how to those who do
this, then upon him is the curse of a law upon him is the curse of the angels, and upon him is the
curse of all of creation. So this is a major crime to commit in the site in the city of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Likewise, Medina also has a number of virtual spaces. So obviously, the
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			most virtuous of these are the other mysteries of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever prays in this mission will get 1000 times the
reward of anywhere else. And within the masjid, there is a certain place known as the Roda de Roda,
which is a place between the house of the prophets of Salaam and his minbar, sallallahu alayhi
wasallam and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Medina Beatty remember your old
documentary of the gender, that which is between my house and my member, is a garden from the
gardens of Paradise. And some of the scholars say that on your mukaiyama, this area will be lifted,
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			and they will be in general and you will also be a witness and attest to those who came and prayed
in this area as well. Like hosts from the places which are virtuous in Medina, is located on the
famous graveyard and Burkina and this is where many of the great companions of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam are buried. Many of his wives were buried here felt the most buried here
as many blackfan has certainly been Ali Abdullah screwed many of the great companions, Imam Malik,
many of the great companions and scholars of Islam were also buried in this place. And this is where
almoradi Allahu anhu when he was about to pass away, he said to his son, that go and seek permission
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			from Arusha to allow me to be buried next to my two companions, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam and Abu Bakar and if she refuses, then take me to Berkeley, and allow me to be buried there.
Another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the two soever is able to die in
Medina, then let him do so for indeed I will intercede for the people who die in Medina. And this is
a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam would not encourage his companions to leave Medina and he didn't like the people that
would willingly leave Medina for no good reason other than Well, the benefit, and he mentioned that
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			time will come and the people will go to Yemen, and they will go to Iraq, and they will go to Syria
and Sham in order to gain the dunya and the world. And then the prophet SAW Selim said well, Medina
to higher low, low can we Allah moon and Medina is better for them, if only they knew. And another
Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that no one leaves Medina willingly except that
Allah will replace him with someone who is better than him. No one leaves Medina willingly wanting
to leave Medina except that Allah put in his place someone who is better than him.
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			Also from the virtuous places in Medina is mustard Oba the first mosque the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam built when he came to Medina, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was
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			Make will do every week, once a week, and he would go on he would pray in mustard, Oba and he said,
Whoever does this mix will do from his house then goes and prays to rock as in Michelle Obama, then
he will have the reward of an ombre, then he will have the reward of an ombre. And also from the
virtuous places is the battlefield of war, or, more specifically, the martyrs of word. And before
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away. One of the last things that he did was that he
actually went to the Shahada, the martyrs of a home and he made to ask for them, and he asked Allah
azza wa jal to forgive them. So these are some of the virtues of Makkah and Medina. And no doubt
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			both of these are the greatest places within Islam, and they are the most virtuous places in Islam.
But like I said, these virtues work in both ways. So just as there is more reward and multiplication
of reward, then there is also mortification of sin for those who go and sin in these great places of
Mecca and Medina. May Allah azza wa jal allow us to go to Makkah and Medina as often as possible and
he has allowed us to go and benefit from the various virtues that we find within these two cities,
how they will love him, or salon salon, Amina Mohammed rather early he was a big marine. There are
any questions inshallah we'll take them.
00:41:18 --> 00:41:55
			And while still thinking and pondering over any questions that you may have, I just wanted to
announce the winter conference that we have coming up in sha Allah, in titled from ignorance to
knowledge, we have this conference, which is going to be inshallah, during Christmas weekend, is
going to start from the Friday evening on the 24th of December, and last for the Saturday, the
Sunday and the Monday until Monday night 27th of December inshallah, to Allah, and I really want to
impress upon you the importance of this conference, not least because of the people that we have
intending insha Allah by the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you read often many of the
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			stories that you find in the books of biographies, books of scholars, the lives of scholars, and you
find that they will travel 1000s upon 1000s of miles, months upon months, to go and visit a single
scholar, the great scholars of their time. So my mom would would be from Baghdad, and he would
travel for months upon months just to go to Egypt, or just to go to Yemen, and only to listen to a
few Hadith and then come home, and Imam Shafi went to Baghdad and Medina and Egypt. And this is what
the scholars would do. Because no place has all of the scholars, and especially in our time today is
very difficult for us to go and do this. So it's from the great blessings of Allah from the great
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			favors of a lot that you don't actually need to go anywhere. But our hamdulillah we have some very
great scholars coming to us. And they are some of the great scholars of our time that are willing to
travel to us. And they're very, very busy. and securing them was very, very hard. But our
hamdulillah they've managed to agree to come all the way to come here to this Masjid, so that they
can benefit the brothers and sisters so that they can teach us about our religion. And I know that
many of you may not know exactly who these scholars are. But if you did know, like in Saudi Arabia,
there are some of the most senior scholars and it was very difficult and I lived in Saudi Arabia for
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			a very long time. It's very difficult there to meet them because of how busy they are, how difficult
is even to get near them or to call them because of how much in demand they are and whether or not
they've managed or they're willing to come to our Masjid to benefit us and you'll be able to sit
with Michelle and to meet them and to benefit from their knowledge. inshallah we have chef Sally
hasslein, who came last year. She has solid so Dylan is one of the most senior scholars now Saudi
Arabia is in his 70s and he studied with many of the great scholars of the past such as chef
Mohammed Ibrahim Allah chef was one of the teachers of Chef bambas and he studied with Chef in
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			buzzers, one and many of the other great scholars. And he's someone who's very well versed,
especially in Islamic law, in fact, and as someone who's worldwide renowned for this, and he goes
over the world and visits, many places, attends many conferences, because of his specialization in
this may also have shared a shift he was also coming shadow shift. He was formerly a member of the
highest Council of Scholars in Saudi Arabia, they had Kibera llama is also going to be coming on the
show to find that Mashallah even though he's very knowledgeable is also very young in age is only in
his 40s, which for a scholar that so senior is very young. And so inshallah he's also going to be
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			coming for the first time to the UK. We also have the Vice Chancellor of Mohammed Bin Saud Islamic
University of Riyadh. He's also coming to Abdullah chifley. We also have Shahada, Jesus Sutton, who
came last year as long as a couple of times before, he's also inshallah going to be returning the
Shabbat. He said Han has been very fortunate to study with many, many scholars who study with
scholars from inside Saudi Arabia and outside Saudi Arabia as well. So inshallah that is the
conference that we have. So we want you to spread the word to take leaflets to distribute them, and
to invite
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			All of your family and friends in sha Allah for the conference that nothing.
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			Solo soprano Amina Mohammed, one early
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			Islamic history when Yes, it was taken by force. It was removed from the Kaaba and taken away. And
then it was bought back.
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			But I don't remember the exact time. But she had that took place.
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			There is a notion of an ambassador the alarm and rumor that a man came to him and he said, that all
women at bats are drunk from the world of Islamism. And he said, Have you drunk from it? As you
should, as is necessary? And so the man said, and how do you drink from something as as you should.
And so he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he would drink from the well of
Zamzam. He would come and he would take the water, and he would say, Bismillah, and he would face
the paper, and he would drink from it. And then he would make dua, and then he would say,
Alhamdulillah, and he would drink tentatively from it. And then he mentioned the Hadith in which the
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			Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that from the differences between a believer and a
hypocrite, is that the hypocritical, never drink plan to flee from the well of Zamzam. And this is
an original Abraham pass for the Allahumma. So the etiquette of drinking themselves is to say
Bismillah, to face the Qibla and to make dua and then after you finish drinking, from the lunch
drink tentatively from Milan was best