Ahsan Hanif – Quran Tafseer – Page 177 – Qualities Of True Believers

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The transcript discusses the importance of religion in driving people to achieve their goals and the need for high levels of chained eating to achieve success. The speakers stress the importance of setting out and avoiding fear to avoid confusion and loss of property, and emphasize the need for a healthy marriage and faith in Islam to avoid harming one's health. The Qurayshipped incident highlights the emotional impact of the virus and the importance of showing faith in Islam to avoid confusion and loss of property. The segment ends with a promise to provide guidance on achieving goals.
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I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of
the worlds.
There is no retribution for the righteous, and
there is no aggression except against the wrongdoers.
I bear witness that there is no god
but Allah, alone, with no partner.
He is the God of the first and
the last.
means to have Iman.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then mentions the
level of complete Iman or the true believers
or the complete Iman in verse number 2
and he says The
true believers are those whose hearts tremble with
awe when Allah is mentioned, whose faith increases
when his revelations are recited to them and
who put their trust in their Lord.
We have as we know two levels of
There is the Iman that is Wajib and
there is the Iman that everyone must have
in order to be a Muslim and to
be a believer that you believe in Allah
alone that you believe in the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam that you believe in the
different aspects of Iman and so on and
then you have what we call Al-Iman
Al-Kamil which is the complete Iman the
highest level of Iman those people who have
completed Iman and here is what Allah azawajal
is referring to those types of believers because
that is the one that we all aspire
towards so all of us inshallah have Iman
in the sense that we have the basic
level of Iman but now with working towards
the higher level by doing good by fulfilling
your obligations by staying away from the haram
that is how you reach the higher level
of Iman.
Indeed the believers or the true believers are
those there are those whose hearts tremble in
awe or with awe when Allah azawajal is
mentioned so when Allah is mentioned his name
when Allah signs are mentioned when his verses
are mentioned when his verses are recited there
are those whose hearts tremble because they know
that these are the words of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala they're fearful that they're not
going to be able to follow them and
fulfill them they're fearful of what will happen
if they fall short of adhering to them
and they're fearful of the punishment of Allah
azawajal and that isn't a fear which then
incapacitates them but the fear that is mentioned
in the Quran and the Sunnah and the
Khuf that we have is one that inspires
one to action because there are two types
of fear and sometimes when we use the
word fear in the context of the Quran
and Sunnah we think of the fear of
for example someone's coming to murder you or
you're walking along that there's a lion or
predatory animal that's about to attack you there's
a fear that incapacitates you it freezes you
it makes you not able to perform in
action you just freeze because of the amount
of fear that's overcome you but the fear
of the believer is the one that actually
does the opposite like for example the fear
that a child the father and the mother
have that their children are going to live
in poverty they don't just get incapacitated and
freeze it spurns them into action they look
for work they look for provision they they
take it's a fear that they have but
it's a fear that prompts and motivates to
action a person who fears for their health
or they fear that something is going to
come upon them there that's a fear that
spurns them to act makes them take certain
measures and in order to safeguard themselves that
is the fear of Iman the fear that
inspires you and motivates you to action makes
you brings you closer to Allah allows you
to understand that you need to do good
and stay away from evil and there are
those these true believers or complete believers whose
faith increases when the revelations of Allah are
recited to them because they ponder over them
and they reflect upon them and they seek
to understand them and learn about them like
we're doing here in the Tafseer of the
book of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and because
of that it increases them in Iman so
look at how the mention of the name
of Allah Azza wa Jal brings to them
fear that spurns action motivates them to action
and his words which are also a reminder
of Allah Azza wa Jal is the part
of the mentioning of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
it increases them in Iman because their heart
becomes stronger the Iman becomes increased and higher
and so as a result they will do
more good and stay away from more evil
and they rely upon or they trust upon
their Lord they trust in their Lord for
all of their needs of the dunya and
the akhira for all of their wants and
everything that is that they require not only
that but Allah Azza wa Jal then continues
in verse number three and they are those
who keep up the prayer and give to
others in zakah or of that which we
provided for them so from their attributes also
is not just the heart not just issues
of Iman and fear of Allah Azza wa
Jal and issues of contemplation and pondering over
the recitation of Allah Azza wa Jal and
issues like reliance upon Allah and trusting in
Allah Azza wa Jal but it spurns them
into action and that action is manifested in
their limbs and upon their tongues because they're
praying and they're giving zakah and they're doing
other good deeds these are the people who
have true Iman so the people who claim
that their Iman is only in their heart
that they don't need to pray they don't
need to do a lot of good deeds
they don't need to abide by the Sunnah
Iman's in the heart it's okay I have
fear of Allah in my heart Allah Azza
wa Jal is showing here that's not true
and complete Iman you may have Iman but
this isn't the true and complete Iman that
every believer should strive to because if Allah
is telling you to do certain things then
part of the completeness of Iman is to
abide by that which Allah Azza wa Jal
is instructing us with and that is why
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in verse
number four those
are the ones who truly believe they have
high standing with their Lord forgiveness and generous
provision this is true Iman this is the
Iman of the people who have Iman in
their hearts and their actions of the heart
and it is manifested upon their limbs and
upon their tongues and so they merge and
they join between this the inner Iman and
the outer manifestations of Iman through righteous deeds
and actions those are the people that Allah
Azza wa Jal is saying they are the
ones who have truly completed the Iman and
they are therefore the ones who will have
the completest of reward they will have elevated
lofty stations a high standing before their Lord
on Yawm al Qiyamah and forgiveness for all
of their sins and they will have the
greatest and most generous of provision in this
life but more importantly in the next life
on Yawm al Qiyamah in the gardens of
Jannah Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala after mentioning
this now will begin by going into the
story of the battle of Badr so from
verse number five from the very beginning of
the Surah Allah Azza wa Jal starts speaking
about the battle of Badr and look at
how the battle of Badr before it Allah
Azza wa Jal brings to us this prelude
if you like this opening of the Surahs
introduction with these attributes of Iman because this
is what the companions had the companions had
to display these levels of Iman both internally
and externally in order for them to be
able to participate in that first battle after
that they now understand what's required of them
but that first time this is the first
time the Muslims have to engage in battle
the first time that they're going into open
warfare and not just with anyone but with
the Quraish who for many of them are
their family their blood relatives their kin their
kin's people the people that they grew up
with their neighbors this is their community that
they come from their tribes people that they
emanate from and so they are required a
high level of Iman and a high level
of Taqwa of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and that is why Allah Azza wa Jal
knows best that the verse the verse is
open in this way if you are able
to have these attributes that Allah mentions at
the beginning of Surah Al-Anfal you can
overcome any challenge in life the companions overcame
the battle of Badr and the Quraish that
were the enemies in the battle of Badr
me and you may not have to fight
in the battle like the battle of Badr
but we have many other challenges many of
the hardships and trials that come upon us
the principle is the same the characteristics and
attributes are the same the level of Iman
that is required is similar and so you
have to abide by what Allah Azza wa
Jal is saying at the beginning of this
Surah obedience of Allah obedience of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Iman in Allah Azza
wa Jal fear of Allah Azza wa Jal
recitation of the Quran with contemplation trust in
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Salah, Zakah and
fin complications and then Allah Azza wa Jal
will honor you and when he honors you
subhanahu wa ta'ala then you can overcome
and surmount even what seems to be like
the greatest of challenges in life Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala then says in verse number
5 therefore recitation of the Quran with contemplation
Allah Azza wa Jal says now speaking about
the battle of Badr which is the first
battle that took place in the second year
of the Hijra and the story as we
know very briefly and we will go into
it inshallah in more detail as we come
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Muslims
were poor the Muhajirun who had left behind
and sacrificed everything in order to migrate property
wealth family everything they left behind so the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard of a
caravan a trade caravan being led by Abu
Sufyan coming back towards Mecca so the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to the companions
let us go and intercept the trade caravan
because the trade caravan will have some guards
some people defending it but they will be
very few and far between and they're very
easily be overpowered by an army that's coming
to ransack thee or come to take from
the caravan let us go and take back
from some of the wealth that we wanted
to gain that we've lost and so we
can go and take from it and that
is what the companions set out to do
but as we will see Allah Azza wa
Jal had a different direction for them Allah
Azza wa Jal had a different decree for
them so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says
for it was your Lord who made you
venture from your home for a true purpose
though a group of believers disliked it Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying after mentioning
the true level of Iman that these companions
had with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
that they were able to go and they
were able to fight in the battle of
Badr the Prophet said that Allah Azza wa
Jal is saying it is that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala wanted you to leave from
your home Allah is the one who wanted
you to go and Allah Azza wa Jal
did it in such a way that would
have been that made it easy for you
because had the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
stood there and said we are going to
fight Quraish in open warfare, we are going
to face them on a battlefield they are
few in number, they outnumber us by 2
or 3 times then many of the believers
would have found it very difficult at that
stage why?
why antagonize them?
why go away?
we are still weak, give us time and
so on but Allah Azza wa Jal wanted
this to be done Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala wanted his victory for the believers to
be shown and manifest so Allah Azza wa
Jal caused them to leave for a different
idea that they thought would be what would
take place and that is intercepting the third
caravan and so Allah Azza wa Jal sometimes
for the believer he makes them leave or
tread or set out upon a path but
the actual path that Allah wants for them
is a different one but in order for
them to reach that different one they must
first set out this way because the other
one seems too difficult insurmountable too hard for
them to contemplate at the moment but Allah
will aid them and help them to overcome
that but in order for them to get
there they must take this other way first
and then divert towards it and this is
what happens with the companions in the battle
of Badr Allah Azza wa Jal continues in
verse number 6 يُجَادِلُونَكَ فِي الْحَقِّ بَعْدَ مَا
تَبَيَّنَكَ أَنَّمَا يُسَاقُونَ إِلَى الْمَوْتِ وَهُمْ يَنظُرُونَ and
they disliked it so a group of believers
disliked it and they argued with you about
the truth after it had been made clear
as if they were being driven towards a
death they could see with their own eyes
a number of the companions disliked that they
would have to go and fight their own
family members and that's understandable it's a human
nature it's a human emotion to have that
if you were standing on a battlefield and
across you is your father your brother your
uncle your best friend your neighbor the people
that you've grown up with then clearly that's
going to like have some emotional impact upon
you and so some of the companions were
discussing this with the Prophet ﷺ saying to
the Prophet ﷺ maybe we shouldn't do this
maybe that's not what should happen maybe we
should change course and that is because when
the companions left to intercept the caravan of
Quraysh Abu Sufyan being the genius leader that
he was was sending scouts ahead and when
the scout realized that there's an army coming
from Medina he told Abu Sufyan so Abu
Sufyan did two things very quickly number one
he sent riders to Mecca warning them your
wealth is about to be attacked and taken
come and save your wealth the Muslims are
coming you want to protect your wealth come
and save it and number two he changed
course and he went a different way in
the end he saved the caravan and he
left and he managed to get to Mecca
without any problem but the army of Quraysh
had already been set out and because they
were looking for an excuse to destroy the
Muslim and Islam anyway and this was an
excuse for them and no one could blame
them now because they're trying to defend their
property they wanted to continue even when Abu
Sufyan said it's okay, it's safe the danger's
been averted they said no, we've left now
we're going to fight them and so that
is how the battle takes place and so
some of the believers were afraid of this
because to stand in front of them to
fight them and so on wasn't an easy
thing for them to necessarily accept at the
beginning and so they could see كَأَنَّمَا يُسَاقُونَ
إِلَى الْمَوْتِ وَهُمْ نَظُرُونَ Allah says as if
they were being driven towards the death they
could see with their own eyes because they
knew the numbers they knew where the strength
lay in terms of weapons and cavalry and
everything else armor and so this is something
which Allah azza wa jal is saying it
is something which took place but Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala continues in verse number 7
وَإِذْ يَعِذُكُمُ اللَّهُ إِحْدَى الطَّائِفَتَيْنِ أَنَّهَا لَكُمْ مَتَوَدُّونَ
أَنَّ غَيْرَ ذَاتِ الشَوْكَةِ تَكُونُ لَكُمْ وَيُرِيدُ اللَّهُ
وَيُرِيدُ اللَّهُ أَن يُحِقَّ الْحَقَّ بِكَلِمَاتِهِ وَيَقْطَعَ دَابِرَ
الْكَافِرِينَ Remember when Allah promised you that one
of the two enemy groups would fall to
you you wanted the unarmed group to be
yours but it was Allah's will to establish
the truth according to His word and to
finish off the disbelievers as we mentioned before
the Prophet ﷺ left they left with 300
odd companions in order to intercept the Quraysh
caravan and when the Quraysh hear of this
they would send out their army in order
to go and protect the caravan Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala says that Allah azzawajal promised
the believers the Muslims, the companions that one
of the two you would have you would
either have the wealth of the caravan or
you would fight the Quraysh this is the
promise that Allah azzawajal made the believers wanted
the one that would be easier and that's
also natural it is human nature that you
want the one that's not going to put
your life in danger not going to put
you in the way of risk of harm
you want the one that's going to be
easier to intercept and that would have been
the caravan but Allah azzawajal wanted something else
and that shows that sometimes in life when
you make a decision you hope that it's
going to be easy for you that that's
going to be plain smoothing for example marriage
before marriage and even after marriage some people
get married and they hope that they're going
to have inshallah and this is the dua
that we all have a good marriage a
healthy marriage a marriage that is fruitful and
blessed and so on but sometimes it's not
the case sometimes Allah azzawajal doesn't decree that
for you but it is through that difficulty
and hardship and that patience that you show
that Allah azzawajal elevates your status that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala honors you in ways
that you are yet to understand because of
the reward that you will gain so you
can't always know what Allah has planned for
you you set out with one intent with
one vision if you like and Allah azzawajal
has a different one that he has intended
for you and that is what happened here
when you read Allahu ayyuhaqqal haqq you wanted
to make your life easy you wanted the
caravan the trade caravan you wanted some of
that wealth in order to relieve some of
the hardships of the dunya from you what
did Allah azzawajal want for you ayyuhaqqal haqq
that the truth should be established wa yaqta
'adabiral kafireen and that these disbelievers who have
opposed you who are your enemies who have
harmed you and tortured you that they should
be cut off and that is why many
of the leaders of Quraish died in that
battle the likes of Abu Jahl and Utbah
and Walid and others they died, Shaybah they
died in the battle of Badr many of
the leaders of Quraish died there and so
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling us
that this is the reality of that day
Allah azzawajal wanted this to happen because from
there the Muslims will only increase in strength
and yes they will get that wealth they
will get that wealth but it may be
a longer process to it but the things
that will come about as a result of
Badr the way that the Muslims their reputation
was enhanced amongst not only the Quraish but
all of the Arabs the way that the
people understood now that this is serious that
these people are not just a small group
of people that can be taken lightly they
are a force now to be reckoned with
that is something which has many great benefits
and obviously the people who then come to
the fold of Islam as a result and
that is why in the final verse that
we'll take today Allah azzawajal says in verse
number 8 liyuhaqqal haqqa wa yubatila albaatila walaw
kariha almujrimoon to prove the truth to be
true and the false to be false much
as the guilty might dislike it meaning that
by doing so the battle of Badr it
became clear where is the truth and where
is the falsehood people now knew it was
clear because the Quraish had an army that
was greater more well equipped more formidable and
the Muslims were weaker and less in number
but Allah azzawajal aided them and honoured them
and so the truth became clear and the
falsehood became clear and that is why the
Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam as we know
made dua on that day and he said
oh Allah if this group of Muslims is
destroyed meaning on the battle of Badr then
you will never be worshipped again meaning this
is all of Islam the strength of Islam
and the Muslims is right here if we're
wiped out there's no one left and so
Allah azzawajal gave them victory and it was
a tremendous victory as we know and inshallah
ta'ala as we will see in the
forthcoming passages and verses but for today inshallah
ta'ala we will conclude with this verse
and in the following verses Allah azzawajal will
speak to us of many of the blessings
and principles and lessons that we can benefit
from this battle