Ahsan Hanif – Quran Tafseer – Page 152 – The Forbidden Tree
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The transcript discusses the history and characteristics of the Surah of Islam, including the use of the word "the Book of Allah" to describe the creation of Adam A.S. and the various stages of creation. The speakers also discuss the history of bowing down before Adam and the use of humans in various stages of creation, including the use of natural ingredients and body parts to create new things and new ways of thinking. The importance of knowing one's intentions and actions in order to overcome challenges and achieve success is emphasized, along with the importance of living in peace and not engaging in interests.
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Welcome to another episode of our Tafsir program,
page by page, and inshallah ta'ala today
we're on page 152, which is the second
page in Surah Al-A'raf, in the
8th Juz of the Qur'an.
In the previous episode, we began with the
Tafsir of this amazing Surah, the 7th Chapter
of the Qur'an, Surah Al-A'raf,
and we mentioned that Allah Azzawajal begins this
Surah with the letters that are known as
the Huruf Al-Muqatta', those letters that Allah
Azzawajal sometimes begins certain Surahs with, or begins
certain Surahs with, and Allah Azzawajal then goes
on to speak about the Qur'an, and
its importance, and its blessing, and how if
we follow the teachings of the Qur'an
and the message of the Book of Allah
Azzawajal, then in that lies our salvation and
our success in this life and the next.
And as for those who turn away from
the Qur'an, and they follow other than
the Qur'an, and they don't dedicate themselves
to the Book of Allah Azzawajal, or they
don't believe in it, they outright deny and
reject it, then those are the people that
will have nothing except loss, and will have
nothing except Allah Azzawajal's punishment and wrath.
And that is when Allah Subh'anaHu Wa
Ta-A'la then mentions those people who
came before, that the punishment of Allah would
strike them when they were least aware, or
least expecting it, and then they would realize
that they had done wrong, and that their
whole life was one of evil.
Allah Azzawajal mentions that He will question people
on Yawmul Qiyamah, both the messengers and the
people to whom those messengers were sent, and
then Allah Azzawajal will establish upon them evidence,
and will weigh their deeds and weigh their
actions, and those whose actions are heavier in
the scales of good, they will be successful,
and those whose actions are heavier in the
scales of evil and bad, then those are
the ones who will be in a state
of loss.
Today we continue from verse number 11, and
today's passage primarily will be concerning the story
of the Prophet Adam A.S. Allah Subh
'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, as we mentioned
in the previous passage in the previous episode,
mentioned these general principles at the beginning of
this Surah.
And here Allah Azzawajal will now mention to
us the first example of disobedience to Allah
Azzawajal, when Iblis refused to obey the command
of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la,
and the evil that that leads to, and
the harm that that leads to, even though
he had seen evidence, and he knew that
Allah Azzawajal alone was worthy of worship.
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says
in verse number 11, We created
we gave you shape, and then we said
to the angels bow down before Adam, and
they did, but not Iblis, he was not
of those who bowed down.
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la mentions
here, speaking to us as the children of
Adam, reminding us of his many favours, and
from his favours is, the favours of Allah
Azzawajal upon us, is the origin of our
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says,
Because as we mentioned before, Allah Subh'anaHu
Wa Ta-A'la mentions two stages of
creation when it comes to humans, the original
creation of Adam, which was from mud, and
from the earth, and then Allah Azzawajal mentions
the creation of the rest of his progeny,
or his offspring of humans, and that is
from the sperm drop.
Here Allah Azzawajal is referring to the original
creation of Adam.
We created you O Adam, and the children
of Adam, we created you all originally from
the land of the earth, and turning that
into mud, and the different stages that we
went to, that Allah Azzawajal will mention elsewhere
in the Quran, in a verse, insha'Allah
Ta-A'la, that we will come to
in a forthcoming episode, in a few juz,
insha'Allah Ta-A'la.
Allah Azzawajal, as the Prophet told us, he
took from the earth, and in one narration,
Allah Azzawajal took from different parts of the
earth, and just as you have differences in
the type of earth, or sand that you
get upon the earth, or the different types
of earths that you find on the planet,
so some are softer, and some are harsher,
and some are of different colours, and different
textures, then likewise, the people of the children
of Adam, humans, also have differences in terms
of the colour of their skin, and in
terms of their personality, and in terms of
the texture of their character, they also differ
in these aspects.
But Allah Azzawajal took from the earth, and
He created our father Adam A.S. from
the original material, ثُمَّ صَوَّرْنَاكُمْ And then Allah
Azzawajal says, we gave you shape and we
fashioned you, in the best of forms, as
Allah Subhana Ta'ala mentions elsewhere in the
Quran, وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ We
have created mankind in the best of forms
and shapes, and what that means, as some
of the scholars of tafsir said, it's our
ability to use our body in such a
way that we're so dexterous, and we're so
able to adapt ourselves to our surroundings, and
what we have around us, that we're able
to use this earth in ways that no
other species is able to use.
The way that humans, because of the legs,
and the arms, and the digits, and fingers,
and the way that we can hear and
see, and the whole thing that we have
that Allah Azzawajal created for us as a
human species, the way that we think, and
the way that we understand and comprehend, and
what have you, has allowed us to conquer
this earth as we can see it today,
and allowed us to use the land, and
the sea, and the air, has allowed us
to use the natural minerals, and create and
invent new things that further give a person
ability to come and use what Allah Azzawajal
has given to them from the earth, in
ways that they have been then able to
progress, and to develop, and to do so
many things and flourish upon this earth.
So Allah Azzawajal fashioned us in the best
of ways, created us in the best of
ways, shaped us in the best of ways,
and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says, ثُمَّ
قُلْنَا لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ اسْجُدُوا لِآدَمِ And then we said,
after Allah Azzawajal had created Adam A.S.
our first father, and had shaped him, and
had blown into him of his spirit, that
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala then commanded the
angels, اسْجُدُوا لِآدَمِ That you should bow down
before Adam, and this is a bowing of
respect and honor, not a bowing of worship,
because it was allowed in previous Shari'ahs,
it was not allowed in the Shari'ah
of our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Allah obligated
this for us.
But in previous Shari'ahs, like we see
in the story of for example Yusuf A
.S. and other than that in the Quran,
that they would prostrate before people that they
would honor, their parents, their leaders, their kings,
they would honor them in that way by
bowing down before them.
And again it's not out of worship, it
is one out of respect for our Ummah,
that's not allowed.
You don't prostrate before anyone except Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
But here Allah A.S. commanded the angels
to do so before Adam A.S. فَسَجَدُوا
And they commanded, they obeyed the command of
Allah A.S. إِلَّا إِبْلِيسِ Except for Iblis
لَمْ يَكُن مِّنَ السَّاجِدِينَ He refused to do
He refused to turn, he refused to do
so, and he disobeyed this command of Allah
A.S. So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
in verse number 12 tells us the reason
as to why Iblis refused.
قَالَ مَا مَنَعَكَ أَنْ لَا تَسْجُدَ إِذْ أَمَرْتُكَ
قَالَ أَنَا خَيْرٌ مِّنْهُ خَلَقَتَنِي مِنْ نَارٍ وَخَلَقَتَهُ
مِنْ طِينٍ Allah said, what prevented you from
bowing down as I commanded you?
And he replied, I am better than him,
you created me from fire and you created
him from clay.
So Allah A.S. asked Iblis, why didn't
you do as you were commanded?
Why didn't you obey my command when I
commanded you to prostrate before Adam A.S.?
This was his response, I am better than
His arrogance, his haughtiness, his pride overcame him.
And that is why many of the scholars
used to say that it is the essence
of all evil.
These traits of arrogance and pride, they are
the essence of all evil and they are
the essence of shirk.
And that is why the Prophet s.a
.w., the one who has even a morsel
of the smallest part of pride and haughtiness
and arrogance will not enter into paradise because
of how evil it is.
He said, I am better than him.
Because you created me from a better material,
from something better which is the fire.
The fire is stronger than the mud through
which you created Adam A.S. That is
his logic.
And this shows to us a number of
Number one, that our religion is not based
on logic.
Our religion is based upon Allah's commands and
And that is why we follow the Quran
and the Sunnah and not our logic.
Yes, you use your intelligence and logic to
understand the Quran and the Sunnah.
But within the confines of the Quran and
Sunnah, you don't reject the Quran and the
You don't debate the Quran and the Sunnah
based upon your interest and your logic.
Rather, you use your logic and complement it
with understanding the book of Allah A.S.,
the Sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w.
Here, Allah A.S. is giving a command,
that is text in the form of prostrate
of Iblis to Adam.
That's what text is.
Text is Allah's sayings in the Quran, or
what he inspired to the Prophet s.a
.w. that he told us.
And so he's telling, Allah A.S. is
telling Iblis at the beginning of the creation
of humankind, prostrate to Adam, that's the text,
that's the command.
What does Iblis use to refute that command
of Allah A.S.? His logic.
So that's the first point.
Our religion isn't based upon whether you can
make sense or understand or make wisdom of
something, or understand the wisdom behind something.
If you can, Alhamdulillah.
But if you cannot, Allah didn't say that
you have to only obey that which you
understand, which makes sense to you, which you
find the wisdom in.
Allah said obey me in everything, submit to
If you understand, that's good.
And maybe if you learn more and study
more and have and seek knowledge more, then
you will come to understand many things.
But for you to say that it is
a prerequisite for my obedience to Allah, my
worship to Allah, that's exactly what Iblis did.
And that is why Allah A.S. mentions
this story here.
Because many of the people that reject Islam
or reject the Prophets, they do so not
based upon textual evidence, not based upon even
what is good or upright or just, it
is based upon their logic.
And logic then differs from person to person.
What I think, what makes sense to me,
doesn't make sense to you.
What makes sense to you, doesn't make sense
to the third person.
And that is why in our worldly life,
we have so many differences.
Even in your family, if you were to
go around and there's five, six of you,
and the mother was to ask or the
father was to ask the children, what do
you want for dinner today?
One person wants this type of cuisine.
Another person wants take away.
The third person, everyone's got their own mind.
Because everyone's logic is different.
You want to go somewhere out as a
family together.
Everyone wants to do something different.
Some people just want to relax.
Some people want to go to the beach.
Some people want to go to a mountain.
Everyone has their own way because logic differs
in that way.
No two people have the same level of
intelligence, understanding, wisdom.
And that is why if the religion was
left to people's logic, it would become chaotic,
which is what we see even in Islam.
All of these differences and groups that we
have, it's because people are using their logic
in their religion.
So they reject parts of Aqeedah or they
invent different things into their religion because certain
aspects they couldn't understand, didn't make sense to
So they chose to do something new because
they felt that was more palatable, understandable and
relatable to people.
But the next person comes and says actually
that doesn't really make sense to me either.
So I will do it like this.
And before you know it, you have so
many different varieties.
Whereas what you're meant to do, stick to
the Quran and the Sunnah.
Doesn't make sense to you.
It's okay.
As Ali r.a said, if we were
to use our logic in our religion, then
when it came to making wudu and wiping
over the sock, we'd wipe over the bottom
of the sock as opposed to the top.
Because that's the part that touches the ground.
That's the part that has dirt on it.
If anything is going to have dirt on
it, not the top of the sock.
But Allah azawajal then said, but we don't
use our logic in our religion.
The Prophet s.a.w. commanded us to
wipe over the top of the sock and
that's what we do.
That's our religion.
Does it make sense to you?
It's okay.
Allah told you to have iman and to
Allah didn't say to you understand first and
then worship me.
Allah said worship me.
And if you understand or you can have
the logical understanding of something, then that is
But also because that logic can be corrupted.
Shaitan's logic is corrupted because he thinks that
fire is better than clay.
Who said fire is better than clay?
That's his logic.
That's what he understands.
But we don't have to accept.
Why is logic?
Why is that better than the earth?
Isn't the earth the place of life?
Doesn't all vegetation, all fruit, all tree, all
plants, which are as we know now, we
need oxygen that comes from all of that.
That's where we get our source of oxygen.
That's how we survive.
Doesn't all of that come from the earth?
And what does the fire do?
Yes, it provides warmth and the ability to
cook, has some benefits, but it also provides
a great deal of harm.
It provides, it gives to us destruction and
fire which burns everything and chars everything.
And so it is also very harmful in
that way.
So what is better in terms of personality?
If you were to have a fiery personality
or if you were to have a down
-to-earth personality, one that is kind and
soft and gives the ability to grow, as
opposed to one that is harsh and burns.
And yes, it may be fun for a
time, but it is also very overpowering and
And so many people, I think, would say
that the one that is down-to-earth
is even better.
So again, logic isn't necessarily what you believe
or what you hold.
So the logic that is even given here
by Iblis isn't necessarily correct logic either.
And so Allah says therefore that for people,
for humankind, rather than everyone doing as they
believe based upon their own logic, Allah told
you what is good.
And we know that Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala is all just and all wise and
all knowing.
So therefore what he commands and gives must
be good, whether you understand or you don't
Allah only commands that which is good and
beneficial, whereas humans are deficient in their intelligence
and in their logic.
And so therefore sometimes or many times, they
can say and do that which isn't actually
good or beneficial.
In verse number 13, Allah azza wa jalla
tells us that after Iblis said what he
said, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala responded.
Allah said get down from here.
There is no place for your arrogance, get
out, you are contemptible.
Meaning Allah azza wa jalla expelled him from
the heavens, expelled him from the company of
the angels that he was in, told him
to leave because of the kibbah that he
There is no place here for the arrogance
that you show, for the pride that you
show, because you don't obey the command of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And Allah azza wa jalla told him to
leave, that he will be from the lowly.
And there is nothing lower, no one lower
than Shaytan.
He is the lowest of Allah's creation because
he disobeyed Allah and then he dedicated his
existence to the misguidance of others that they
should also be from amongst those people that
turn away from Allah azza wa jalla.
And that is what Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala tells us in verse 14, that this
was the request of Iblis.
Qala anzidni ila yawmi yuba'athoon.
But Iblis said give me respite until the
day people are raised from the dead.
And Allah azza wa jalla in verse 15
says that he responded and said, Qala innaka
minal mundhareen.
And Allah replied, you have respite meaning.
He asked Allah, Allah give me respite meaning.
Don't destroy me now, don't punish me now.
Allow me a respite meaning to live until
yawmul qiyamah, ila yawmi yuba'athoon, until the
day of resurrection.
And Allah said you have been given that.
So Shaytan then calls the people away from
Allah azza wa jalla and causes evil and
whispers and tempts people away from Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
Now someone may ask the question as to
why Allah azza wa jalla gave him respite.
And that is Allah knows best because of
the test that Allah azza wa jalla placed
us upon in this earth.
Allah calls to all that is good and
all that is upright and all that is
just and Shaytan calls to all that is
the opposite of that, all that is evil,
all that is unjust and all that is
And so Allah azza wa jalla by knowing
Shaytan and his evil, Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala shows to us what is good and
what is pure.
By knowing its opposite, you also see what
is good and what is pure.
So when you see evil, then you recognize
what is good.
So Allah azza wa jalla allowed for Shaytan
to come and through the evil of Shaytan,
Allah azza wa jalla rewards us for withholding
or withstanding his temptations and his desires and
his whisperings.
Allah azza wa jalla rewards us when we
turn away from and return to the path
of Allah azza wa jalla.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala rewards us
when we succumb to his whisperings.
But then we turn back to Allah azza
wa jalla repentance and seeking forgiveness.
And so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has
made this a path for the believers to
attain the highest of levels by fighting against
Shaytan and responding against the temptations of Shaytan.
And he has made it the way of
the disbelievers and the people of evil that
they find a way that will take them
towards the punishment that they will have as
a result of their disbelief.
And that is why Shaytan then makes this
accord or he declares his intentions in verse
number 16 and he says قَالَ فَبِمَا أَغْوَيْتَنِي
لَأَقْعُدَنَّ لَهُمْ سِرَاطَكَ الْمُسْتَقِيمُ Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala says that Iblis then replied, because you
have put me in the wrong, I will
lie in wait for them all on your
straight path.
Iblis replied that he was given respite until
Yawm al-Qiyamah, that because of Allah, I
am from the wrongdoers.
I am the one who did evil and
I have been outcast.
I will stop them from following your straight
I will sit upon it and divert them
away from it.
And that is why the Prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam in the hadith of Ibn Mas'ud
r.a when he drew a line that
is straight on the ground, he said this
is the straight path that leads to Allah
and lines then to the right and the
left that these are the paths to the
right and left that lead you away from
Allah azawajal.
They take you to the paths of Shaytan,
each one of them has a devil at
the head of it calling to that path.
And so Allah azawajal has given to us
a straight path that leads to him.
But Shaytan has tempted himself on that straight
And that is why as the Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam said that Jannah, Paradise is surrounded
by difficulty and hardship.
And the hellfire, the naar, the Jahannam, it
is surrounded by desires and by ease.
And so when people look at those desires
and temptations, they're willing to follow them.
Those are the paths of Shaytan that divert
away from the straight path there, the paths
to the right and the left, each one
calls to it.
One's calling to drinking alcohol, one's calling to
riba, one's calling to zina, one's calling to
disobeying your parents, one's calling to not praying,
one's calling to not giving zakah or not
performing hajj.
All of these are different paths and there
are many of them.
The path to Allah is one and it
is straight.
And if you know it, it is simple
to follow because it is easy.
What is halal, what is haram, that's all
it is.
Believe in Allah, worship Allah, live your life
in accordance to that which Allah azawajal has
All of these other paths, all of these
other variances, all of these other paths that
we have to the right and left, those
are all different things that the Shaytan calls
And this is what he told us, Allah
azawajal is telling us already that this is
Shaytan's plan.
This is the test and this is what
is in store for you.
So there is no surprise, there is no
unexpected thing that's going to happen, there is
no thing that this is the test but
you don't know what the answer is, you
don't know what the result is, you don't
know how to overcome the test.
This is the test of Shaytan.
Because then he says in verse number 17
continuing, that not only will he stand on
the straight path and stop people from following
it, but he continues and says, ثُمَّ لَآتِيَنَّهُمْ
مِنْ بَيْنِ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِمْ وَعَنْ أَيْمَانِهِمْ وَعَنْ
شَمَائِلِهِمْ وَلَا تَجِدُ أَكْثَرَهُمْ شَاكِلِينَ I will come
at them from their front and their back,
from their right and their left, and you
will find that most of them are ungrateful.
This is what Shaytan will do, meaning from
every single direction, from the least place that
you expect.
Sometimes even when you are doing a good
deed, Shaytan will come.
And if you have an option of doing
a good deed, he will delay it.
Or if you're doing a good deed and
there's multiple options of doing good deeds, he
will make you do the less of it.
Or if he can't even stop you from
doing good deed or get you to do
an evil deed, he will just delay you
from doing the good one.
And busy you with things that are halal,
they're permissible, but you don't get any reward
for them.
He has so many different traps and so
many different levels of diverting and pushing people
away from the path of Allah subhanahu wa
And that is why when Imam Ahmad was
asked, when do we have respect from Shaytan?
When are we safe from him?
He said, when you put your right foot
into Jannah.
When your right foot goes into Paradise, then
you are safe from him.
Until that time, you are never safe.
Because he's always looking for a way.
Even in our Salah, as we know, each
one of us knows this reality.
You come and you pray and say Allahu
And what happens?
You start to think about your family, your
business, your career, your job, your relatives, the
problems that you have with your friends, or
sometimes it's, oh, I forgot to do this.
I forgot to look at that or I
was meant to do this.
And that's all that Shaytan does.
So now you're praying and you're turning to
Allah azzawajal and you're fulfilling your obligation.
But even in that obligation, your concentration, your
awareness, your submission to Allah azzawajal is being
lessened with every passing moment because that is
what Shaytan does.
He comes to you even upon the path
of good and he makes it difficult for
So you want to read the Quran now,
after 10 minutes, it's difficult.
You find it burdensome and heavy upon you.
But if you were to put the Quran
down and watch TV or read a book
or look at a magazine, you could spend
45 minutes, an hour, maybe even more and
it wouldn't be a problem.
You go with your friends and you enjoy,
have a nice time.
It's amazing, it's easy.
You could spend a whole day with them
and you could chill.
Go to the masjid and listen to a
lecture, read some Quran, learn some tafseer, attend
a class.
After 10 minutes, you're like, this is long.
20 minutes, it's like, why is he speaking
for so much?
And this is what Shaytan does.
Even though there is good and reward in
that latter one.
And in the former one, even if there's
no haram, you're just wasting time.
You're not gaining anything, there's no reward in
It's just halal, it's permissible maybe.
And often times, that evil leads into some
type of haram.
You do some bad, there's some backbiting involved,
some lying involved, some taking fun of, making
fun of people involved, whatever it may be.
And so there's an element of haram in
it, even if the whole thing isn't haram.
That's what Shaytan does.
And so the one who knows and recognizes
this will work to fight their desires and
to submit themselves to Allah azza wa jal.
Because once you have overpowered your desires and
your soul, then the path of good becomes
easy for you, as was the case with
the companions and the others.
Don't think that it just happened to them
naturally, but they fought and they struggled and
once the struggle was complete or they had
an ability to suppress their soul and their
desire, then they were able to do good
And that's why you finally want to say
there are people who will go and spend
hours learning, seeking knowledge, spend hours worshipping Allah,
pray taraweeh, pray qiyam ul-layn, pray and
do good and give charity, because they've learned
to overcome the aspect of their desire and
their nafs.
Whereas other people don't have that level of
determination or that level of strength yet, and
that's something that we all have to fight
وَلَا تَجِدُ أَكْثَرَهُمْ شَاكِرِينَ And that is why
shaitan says, and you will find most of
them are ungrateful.
Oh Allah, when I come and I tell
them this, you will find most of them
will follow me.
And we know that to be the reality,
as Allah azza wa jal tells us himself
in the Quran, وَمَا يُؤْمِنُوا أَكْثَرُهُمْ بِاللَّهِ إِلَّا
وَهُمْ مُشْرِكُونَ The vast majority of people who
claim to believe in Allah are indeed mushrikeen.
As the Prophet told us, salallahu alayhi wa
sallam, that on Yawm al-Qiyamah, the vast
majority of people will be in the fire
and not in paradise.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then said to
him, قَالَ اخْرُجْ مِنْهَا مَذْءُومًا مَدْحُورًا لَمَنْ تَبِعَكَ
مِنْهُمْ لَأَمْلَأَنَّ جَهَنَّمَ مِنْكُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ Allah said to
him, get out, you are displaced and banished.
I swear I shall fill * with you
and all who follow you.
So shaitan was told, leave and do as
you please, because the true slaves of Allah
azza wa jalla will turn to him in
worship and those who follow the path of
shaitan, they will follow him into the fire
for eternity.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then tells us
the test that was given to Adam a
.s. and his wife.
And he says, وَيَا آدَمُ اصْقُنْ أَنتَ وَزَوْجُكَ
لَنْ جَنَّةَ فَقُلَ مِنْ حَيْثُ شِئْتُمَا وَلَا تَقْرَبَ
هَذِهِ الشَّجَارَةَ فَتَكُونَ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ For you and
your wife Adam live in the garden, in
Both of you eat whatever you like, but
do not go near this tree or you
will become wrongdoers.
So Allah azza wa jalla gives now the
first test to humankind, to our father and
mother Adam a.s. Enter into Jannah, do
as you please, eat from everything that you
please, except for this one tree, because then
you will be from the wrongdoers.
And this is exactly what our life is.
Allah says, do as you please.
However, do these obligations, stick to these obligations,
stay away from those prohibitions.
Everything else is halal for you.
You want a nice car, you want a
nice house, do it, fine, go, it's halal.
But so long as you don't steal people's
wealth, you are not oppressive in terms of
what you are taking, you are not going
to engage in interest and so on, the
rest of it is halal.
Just follow these commandments.
The majority is permissible.
But stay close to these commandments of Allah,
obligations and prohibitions.
Likewise, Adam a.s. is told, all of
Jannah is for you.
Stay away from one tree.
Everything in Jannah except the one tree.
But what does Shaytan do?
And this is the whispering of Shaytan, it's
that one thing that he will tempt you
That one thing that you can't have, that
he will come and he will show to
you is what you actually need to have.
And that is what Allah Azzawajal says in
verse number 20.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says that Shaytan
then whispered to them as to expose them,
so as to expose their nakedness, which had
been hidden from them.
He said your Lord only forbade you this
tree to prevent you becoming angels or immortals.
Number one, what Shaytan does is whisper.
Shaytan can't force, Shaytan can't manipulate you in
any other way in terms of forcing you
or holding your family to ransom, putting a
gun to your head.
Shaytan whispers to you, but his whisperings go
into the heart, number one.
Number two, Shaytan guides you to that which
is evil.
Before this, before this verse Allah Azzawajal mentions
that Adam A.S. wasn't aware of his
own nakedness.
He didn't know, he wasn't exposed to that
type of evil or that type of or
that type of shame.
But because evil and haram leads to shame,
it leads you to be exposed to that
which makes your soul worse and takes you
further away from Allah Azzawajal and corrupts your
That is what Shaytan does.
So what did Shaytan do?
He came to them and he said the
only reason that Allah forbade you from that
one tree is because that's the tree that
will give you immortality or it will make
you like the angels.
And that is what Shaytan does, false promises.
The one thing that you can't have is
actually what you need.
Allah gave you so many blessings, but he
makes you ignore all of those blessings and
the one thing that you can't have, that's
what you need.
That interest is what you need in order
to get a bit more Waqf, you need
that more money.
You're living, you have a house, Alhamdulillah, you
have things, you're living, it's fine.
But no, you need that extra thousand pounds
of that interest payment will give to you
or whatever it may be.
In every single one of those evil deeds
or things that Allah Azzawajal has made haram
and prohibited, that is what Shaytan does.
That's the one thing that you need, so
we covet that which Allah Azzawajal has made
haram and that which is halal, it's open
for you, then it's something which you already
have access to, so it's not the same.
So, Jannah was open, all of it for
One tree is forbidden for him.
Shaytan comes and says, you know why that
Allah doesn't want you to have it because
then you would have Eternity.
And Shaytan knows us better than we know
Shaytan knows our desires.
Shaytan knows what we long for.
Shaytan knows what we wish for.
So he knows that humans like to or
want to live forever or as long as
they can.
He knows that we want wealth and to
be able to spend.
He knows that we want power and fame.
These are the things that every human by
their nature covets.
And so, Shaytan presses those buttons that we
And that's why each one of us has
our weaknesses.
For some people, it's the opposite gender.
For some people, it's drinking and alcohol.
For some people, it's drugs.
For some people, it's money.
So, Shaytan knows these are your weaknesses and
those are the ones that he will then
In the final verse that we will take
today, verse number 21, He Continues Or Shaytan
Continued And Said To Adam A.S. And
He Swore To Them, I Am Here To
Give You Sincere Advice.
And That Is What Shaytan Comes To.
Shaytan Never Comes To You As Shaytan, As
A Beast.
Follow Me, You'Re Going To The Fire.
But Do It Anyway, It Doesn'T Matter.
Shaytan Comes To You And He Makes It
Feel Like It'S Something That You Need.
Something That You Desire.
Something That Without Which You Cannot Function.
And Then He Beautifies It To You, Makes
It Tempting To You, Adorns It For You.
And Then You Fall Into That Trap.
And We Will See Inshallah Ta'Ala In
The Forthcoming Episode.
As We Know What Will Happen When Adam
A.S. Disappears Allah Azzawajal In This Regard
And The Way That That Will Then Work
Out And His Repentance That He Will Make
To Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala.
That'S All For Today'S Episode.
Inshallah Ta'Ala We Will Conclude Here.
Barakallahu Feekum, Wa Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu Al