Ahsan Hanif – The Mercy Of Prophet Muhammad Pbuh
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The speaker discusses the Prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam's use of words to encourage others to take action and do good things. They also discuss the Prophet sallam's actions, including his actions towards the wa titles and actions towards the wa titles. The speaker emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and apologization for past mistakes, as well as the need for forgiveness and apologization in regards to past mistakes.
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could kill him. The greatest harm that a person can do to you is to attempt to kill you to end your life. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would respond by suppressing his anger. The second thing that he would do is he would forgive and pardon. And the third thing that he would do was not only would He forgive and pardon those people, those individuals, those groups, those nations, but he would go a step further. The third thing that he would do is he would actually do good to them in return sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is something which allows our general stresses in the Quran, something which Allah subhanahu wa taala encourages us to implement in our lives as well. A
lot of xojo it says in the Quran was a llama purity, mira become virginity, Nabu has samovar to one
in LA Vina Yun, Fiona fissara Nora Volkow the Nina Laval RFP, Anna and in us, Willa, who you should have seen in Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and hasten with one another, compete with one another, raised to the forgiveness of your Lord and and the paradise that he has prepared. The width of which is the heavens and the earth, He has prepared it for those who have Taqwa, those who have piety, those who fear Allah. So who are these individuals? Allah xojo goes on to mention some of the characteristics and some of the attributes. He says that they are those who spend in times of ease and hardship. And there are those who suppress their anger. And they are those who pardon and
forgive others. And indeed, a lot of them are jealous of those who does good to others. These three things, suppressing our anger, pardoning others, doing good towards others. It is mentioned in this beautiful verse in the Quran, and there is something which will allow you to attain the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in a beautiful Hadith, Lisa Shadi Dubey, surah Allah Tina Shadi, the levy amico,
he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the strong one from amongst you isn't the one who can wrestle another one to the ground. He isn't the one who is physically superior, he has more muscles, or he is fitter or he is stronger and able to overpower others. Rather, the strong one is the one who is able to suppress his anger. when time comes for anger. He is the one who is able to suppress his anger to hold himself back. And another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, he said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that whosoever suppresses their anger, when they have the ability to exact their anger, when they are in a place and an opportunity to take revenge, to use their
anger, then Allah subhanho wa Taala on the Day of Judgment, he will call them at the head of all of creation, and he will allow them to choose from a from any of the forwarding in general.
And so the scholars mentioned Rahim Allah, that what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam means by suppressing your anger, and by pardoning and forgiving others, is that you are a person who has the ability to exact that anger is not referring to those people who are wronged by others who are more powerful than them, have more wealth than them are stronger than them, and they can't even retaliate or take revenge anyway, because of their weakness. While the it refers to those people who have the ability to take revenge, they are able they are in a position to take revenge, yet they refuse to do so because they want the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala and his reward.
So let us look at the personality of the prophets on the long run, he will sell them, let us study this aspect of his life sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his forgiving and pardoning nature. And one of the most beautiful summarizing statements in this regard, is a statement of his wife Arusha. rhodiola and her that she said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never sought revenge for himself. So Han Allah, the amount of times he was harmed, physically, the amount of times he lost blood, the amount of times people attempted to kill him. She said never once. Did he ever seek revenge for his personal gain. Rather, he would only seek revenge. If one of the laws of Islam one
of the laws of a law was to be broken. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam implemented the verse of the Quran that was addressed to him when a large zoologist said phosphide softshell, Jamil rather pardoned them
and be gracious in overlooking the mistakes and the errors. So let's look at the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to recommend to his companions, he would encourage the community that they should pardon and forgive one another. Man once came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said, O Messenger of Allah. Indeed, I have sevens, and they commit many mistakes, and they do many things wrong. So how many times should I pardoned them? Before I am allowed to go and take revenge, before I am allowed to discipline them? So the Prophet sallallahu Allah, He will send them in silent. So the man asked the question again,
and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, do not take revenge on them, even if they commit ever 70 times a day.
And the scholar has mentioned that this number 70, in the Arabic language, it isn't there to put a number or a finger on this incident, but rather 70 in the Arabic language can denote a lot or many. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying, never take revenge, even if they continuously make errors. Under the man came to the profits on the low hourly, he will sell them complaining about his relatives. And how many of us are in a similar situation, the man complained about his relative sing, when Indeed, I tried to join the ties of kinship, I tried to bring them closer to me. And all they do in turn, is keeping me away from them. I try to do good to them, and
they do evil towards me, I be kind to them, and they are harsh in return. So what should I do Oh, messenger of Allah. And how many of us are also in a similar situation? How many times do family members, our own siblings, our own relatives, our own family members, farmers, one way or another. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, By Allah, if it is, as you see, if you are telling the truth in that which you say, then you will not continue to be patient upon the harm except that Allah will fill your heart with a man, Allah subhanho wa Taala will fill your heart with faith and he man, because you are patient upon this harm that they are doing. When we look at the life of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the beautiful aspect of, of the personality of the profits on the long run He will send them is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was always at the forefront of each of these issues. He was never the one to just encourage the community, and then take a step back. And other people go unimplemented he was the one who was harmed the most, that he was the one who also forgave the most. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would suppress his anger, when people would do things. And this is often the case when people harm people unintentionally, or they do it in the heat of the moment. Not really wanting to harm someone, but
doing it because it is from their nature, to act in such a way that a Bedouin man came to the Prophet sallallahu and he was still them. And he pulled his top robe with such power and such vigor and such force, that our Mark was left on the neck of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he addressed him in a very rude impertinent manner and said, Oh Mohammed, give me from the wealth of Allah that Allah has given you. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looked at him, and he smiled in his face. And then he said to his companions, go and give the man that he asks Subhana Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will never seek revenge for himself.
Once the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sleeping under the shade of a tree, on the branches of the tree, he had his sword hanging. And so a Bedouin man came and found the Prophet sallallahu, he will send them like this completely alone. No Gods no one around him, no companions to protect him, his sword above his head. So he took the sword out of his sheep, and the Prophet sallallahu and he will send them a Whoa. So he held the sword towards him, and he said, Oh, Mohammed, who protect me from you. Now. I have the upper hand, I have the sword in my hand. So what will you do in response, who will protect you from me now? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam replied, full of a man full of faith, and trust in Allah. He said, Allah will protect me. So the sword fell, and it dropped from the man's hand. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took it. And this is a man who was trying to kill him, threatening him with his life. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took that sword, and he pointed it towards him and he said, Now who will save you from me? And so the man replied and he said,
said, Be like the one who takes things in a gracious manner. You have taken that sword, but be gracious in the way that you take it. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, Do you believe in me that I am a messenger of Allah? And the man said, No, but I promise that I will never do anything ever again to harm you. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam let him go, he freed him, this man who was trying to kill him, and he said, Go, so the man returned to his people, the tribe that he came on came from, and he said, to come in hide in us, indeed, I have come to you from the best of people. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he went at the beginning of
his prophet to to the people of Tai
Chi is a place in Saudi Arabia. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went there from Makkah, after having been rejected and harmed by the people of Makkah. He went to these people in pif, calling them to Allah, inviting them to Islam. So they responded in the most demeaning of manners in the harshest of ways. And instead of speaking to him, or having a dialogue with him, they began to stone him, and they stone him to such an extent, that blood that blood began to flow from his body. And so when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left those people alonza was sent the angels of the mountains to him. And the angel said, Oh, Prophet of Allah, if you order us, then we will crush
the people of this land between the two mountains, the two mountains of a pipe, we will crush these people. These are people who harmed him physically, he was bleeding from the amount of stoning of the stones that they threw at him. So the Prophet sallallahu, rarely He will send them replied, and he said, No, free indeed, I hope that from their generation from their children from the offspring, will be those who will say la ilaha illAllah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, not only what he suppressed his anger, not only would he overlooked the faults of these people, not only would he pardoned and forgive them, but he would actually go the next step, and he would actually be good
towards them in return. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was described, where I'm delighted that I might have been an astronaut.
And the narration is inside Buhari, when he said about the long run, that indeed I found that in the Torah, there are descriptions of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, just as there are descriptions of him in the Quran, and from that, which is said in the Torah, is that this man will come on from his characteristics and his traits is that he will not be harsh in his manner, nor will he be someone who becomes angry, rather, he will suppress his anger, he will not be a man who will waste his time in the marketplaces. He will not be a man who will repay an evil with another evil, he will never exact revenge, rather, he will always pardon and forgive. And the greatest example
that I can give you of this, the greatest example of the forgiveness of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that I can give you is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did on the day of the conquest of Makkah. When after many years, Allah subhanho wa Taala allowed him to enter into the land of Mecca as a victim, as the one who was the Conqueror, as the one who had the upper hand after all of those years, some 20 odd years of harm from the orange of them physically beating the companions. After killing so many of the companions, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam zone uncle Hamza was killed, and so many others from amongst the companions, the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam himself was made to bleed on so many occasions. He was tortured on so many occasions, his companions were tortured, and the orange attempted to kill him not once or twice, but many times. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered on that day into Makkah as the Conqueror and as the victim. He was the one who never had the upper hand. He was the one that Allah azza wa jal gave power to him that day. And so he entered into Makkah. And from amongst the people of Morocco, the majority of them had surrendered to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because of the strength and the power that the Muslims had on that day. There were some 80 people from
amongst the people of Makkah, who refuse to surrender. And they went up onto the mountain of a team, and they they wanted to fight the Muslims. So when the Muslims overpowered them, these 80 individuals were bought to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forgave each and every single one of them, even on that day, even after the harm, and not only did the Prophet sallallahu
When he was seldom stuck there, but when he conquered Makkah, the people of Mecca, the disbelievers of Mecca gathered around him. So he said to them murter olona, in effect, become, what do you think that I will do to you on this day, after all of the history between us, after all of the battles between them, after all of the harm that was caused by them, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying to them, what do you think I will do to you on this day? Had this been any other individual, the first thing that you would have done is executive revenge. Heads would have rolled, he would have killed people on that day, there would have been much bloodshed. So the people
responded, and they said, We think that you will only do good to us. You are a kind brother, the son of our crane brother akun Kareem Abdul Karim. And so the Prophet sallallahu and he will send them replying to these people who are his arch enemy, the ones who try to destroy him and his religion, he replied by saying, Salalah He will send them indeed I say to you, just as my brother Yusuf Ali, his solemn said, latter three barleycorn Yom Yom funeral mamula, come, Rama, Rama, he mean, there will be no revenge exerted upon you today, we will seek no revenge against any of you today. Rather, I asked, Allah forgives you, and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy Subhana Allah,
these were the people that tried to harm him and kill him. Yet on that day, not only, not only does he not take that revenge, that he has the right to take, not only does he pardoned them, but he does good towards them, and he frees them and he says is horrible for him to move to LA, go for each and every single one of you is free. On this day, none of you will be taken as prisoners, and the only that the Prophet sallallahu rarely He will send them stuck there. But then you have the likes of Abu Sufyan the leader of Polish lowen, who was one of the arch enemies of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam going personally to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asking him to pardon him. This
is his arch enemy, the leader of the people of Mecca, and the Prophet sallallahu. He will send them forgives him, and he pardons him on that day. Not only does he forgive him, but he forgives his wife. Hint, interrupt. And hint was the woman who ordered the assassination of his uncle Hamza, the alarm when she was the one who ordered that he be killed. And she was the one who disemboweled his body. And she was the one who chewed upon his liver and then spit it out. She was the one who defiled his body. there on that day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even though he had such love for his uncle, Hamza be a long one. Even though he had this strong bond and connection with
him, he forgave him. And not only that, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also forgive and washy. The one who actually through the spear through comes out of the long run, the person who actually killed him by his own hand, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam also forgive him understand
this beautiful aspect of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his life, you will find that there is also something which the companions of the long run who do they learn this from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam just as me and you need to learn this from the Prophet sallallahu and he will sell them during the slander of Arusha that incident when the people slandered Arusha from amongst those people who send it her was a man by the name of Mr. And Miss spa, was one of the relatives of Abu Bakar the long run the father of Arusha, and Abubakar
was a man who had won. And he would often give him wealth, financial aid and help and support because he was from his relatives. And so that man became embroiled in the slander affair. He was one of those people who spread the rumors. So when Abu Bakar not the only one who heard of this, he said by Allah, I will never give him anything again. Under Allah subhanahu wa taala reveal the verse in the Quran.
Allah to him Muna Yorkville, Allahu Allah, let them pardon. Let them be gracious in overlooking the areas of others. Do you not love that Allah should forgive you in turn? And so when Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu had this he said, By Allah, I wish that Allah will also forgive me. So he forgave him and he continued to give him money. You have the likes of Amara, the long run during his villa for a man came to Him. And He said to him, oh, a mirror, meaning Oh, leader of the believers, you are a man who takes the wealth for himself. And you are a man who isn't just amongst the people
who became angry at this, that he was making false accusations against him. And so one of the people seeing the anger of tomorrow
he recited the verse of the Quran, who the love for what
he mean? Pardon those who wronged you, and order the good and turn away from those who are ignorant. And so I've been obsessed with the Allahumma says, but when Amara de la manga had this verse, He stopped, were kind of a coffin in the caterpillar and he was a man who would hold himself to the book of Allah when he would hear a verse encouraging something or ordering something or prohibiting something he was from amongst the first people to implement and enacted barakallahu li walakum Fillmore and he was Santa Monica annual Jacobi Murphy mammillaria to take ma aku Mathis Maroon Mustapha la howdy welcome Alicia meetingbooster me and I'm including even been forced a few in who
can have a photo
hamdulillah salat wa salam O Allah Sophia T one t Nana was shadow Allah, Allah illallah wa Hola, sharika lahu talim Alicia, Shadow Nana bnmc Donna Mohammed Abu Rasulullah
sallallahu wasallam Allah Baraka Ali, were an early he was, he was one he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira about
this beautiful aspect of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his personality and that is his forgiving and pardoning nature. This is something which we as Muslims also need to learn. And it is something which we need to implement in our lives. Allah subhanho wa Taala orders in the Quran. And he says, what does he say he didn't say to me through her from an alpha was a Jew who and Allah. Indeed, the reward of an evil is evil in return. But whosoever pardons and does good than the reward is with Allah. Meaning sometimes you even have the right to take revenge. When someone harms you, it is from your right, that you have justice. But what is better in the sight of
Allah is that you forgive and pardon these people for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is why the Allahu anhu would say that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was never bought with a dispute in which there was a punishment for one party or another, except that he encouraged those people that they should pardon and forgive one another. This was the way that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was. And this is why I'm one of the among when, when he was a judge for Abubakar de la when he would say that this is an amazing community that we have, referring to the companions. Indeed, I have been judged for a year, a judge for a year. And no single two
people have come to me with the dispute. No one has come with a grievance against another Muslim for a whole year. Not a single case is presented to him as a judge. He says because each and every single one of them knows the rights that they have upon others, and they know the rights that others have upon them. So they stop and maintain these rights. They live within these boundaries, and they forgive and pardon one another. And this is why the Allahu anhu would say, after having been the servant of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for 10 years, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, never a single time Did he rebuked me, never a single time Did he say to me, why did you
do this? or Why didn't you do this? Or I ordered you to do this and you didn't do it. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was patient with him. And so we learn from this, that we also need to enact this aspect of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we need to adopt this characteristic in our lives, with our children, with our families with our wives and spouses, with the general Muslim community and the wider community. This is something which we as Muslims should be at the forefront of doing, forgiving and pardoning others and doing good to them in return. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, describing the believers in the Quran, what does he know about
your Ishmael will furnish what is called the Bohemian they are those who refrain and stay away from every evil and sin. And when they become angry, they are those who are the first to forgive. They are those who are the first to forgive. And just as we hope that Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive us on Yom Okayama on the Day of Judgment, that day where the prophets of Allah themselves were the most noblest of creation, they will see indeed, our Lord on this day has become so angry, he has never been so angry ever before, and he will never be this angry ever again. On that day, we hope for the forgiveness of Allah, that Allah will pardon us and show us mercy. Then it is only
right that we should ponder and forgive others. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I swear by Allah
By the woman whose hand is by the one whose hand my soul is in, that a person does not continue to forgive and pardon another person, except that in the sight of Allah, He will raise in station and honor. May Allah subhanho wa Taala allow us to adopt this trait and characteristic of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and to practically implement this in our lives. So malamala
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