Ahsan Hanif – How to Make Your Children Love the Prayer

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The importance of praying for the Prophet sallal is emphasized, with a focus on the benefits of praying for the god- Son and shaping the mind to bring out the fruit of prayer. The success of praying for the Prophet is dependent on actions and actions linked to the individual, and parents should encourage their children to recite solar. The negative impact of the pandemic on the economy and the importance of protecting vulnerable individuals is emphasized, along with the need for everyone to be aware of the potential for infection with the virus and to take appropriate precautions.
AI: Transcript ©
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mando Rahim. hamdulillah neurobiol alameen

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sallallahu wasallam obado Karla Nabina Muhammad wa ala early he will succumb to huge marine

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and bad.

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Aloma lassa illa magenta who Salah want to touch over because neither she does Allah.

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I don't think this is

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so Okay. Can you all hear me?

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So, our lecture today is entitled, instilling the importance of Salah into our children and our youngsters. And this lecture is based upon a verse of the Quran in which Allah subhana wa teilen Surah Taha, he gives a commandment to our, to our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in which he says what morality is solid he was probably early learners lol is our National Novel zoko karate but truly taqwa on large xojo commands the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to order his family with the prayer and then to remain patient upon it. And just from this small excerpt from this, verses were abohar, we take two benefits. Number one that Allah subhanho wa Taala commands us parents,

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adults, guardians, those people who have young children, those people who have densities within their care Allah azza wa jal commands and orders us to establish the prayer within our own families, to teach our children the prayer to ensure that they pray, they understand not only the actions of the player, not only the words of the player, but they understand the greater meaning of Salah. And what it is that they achieved by praying to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah zildjian makes this a commandment. So it's not just that you let your children organically grow. And if they feel like praying, they pray. And if they don't feel like praying, then it's okay. rather large. zildjian has

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established a commandment within the Koran ordering us to ensure that they pray.

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And the second benefit that we take from this verse is that alarm system says will stop the rally. Once you've made this commandment, then you must be patient upon it. Because this is something which will take patience, perseverance, it will take forbearance, it will take time in some cases, in order for your child for your son or your daughter to understand the importance and the station of the prayer in the sight of Allah azza wa jal and in this religion, and so you have to be patient. Patience is something which if you don't exercise in the Salah, you will turn people away, you will make them free from the prayer and from worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah explicitly

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commands patients, along alongside the prayer, that you command them to pray, and then you Be patient upon this. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the famous Hadith that we all know and we've heard of many a time, or do your children to pray at the age of seven. And if they don't pray by the age of 10, then discipline them upon the prayer and separate them in the beds. The verse in Surah Taha and this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they establish the cornerstone of this lecture, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and before him Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded us to instill within our children the importance of prayer. So why even

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is it that we find it so hard to encourage our children to pray? Why is it that many of our youngsters, except with the exception of those president Masha Allah, for many of our youngsters, they find it difficult to pray, or they don't have this eagerness, this enthusiasm, this passion to come and pray. Many of them are of the mindset that they don't need to pray until maybe they're 40 or 50, or 60. Or they don't need to pray until after they go and perform hajj, or after they've enjoyed life and things have settled down and they get married, then that's when they start to pray. Where did we go wrong? From the commandment of Allah azza wa jal in the Quran, from the Hadith of

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the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam to its practical application within our own families, within our own children, and many of us when we were young, we went through that same phase as well, by the mercy of Allah azza wa jal, and by his great fevers and blessings and bounties, we are sitting here in the masjid, we are here because a large silver gel allowed us to understand and appreciate the value of the prayer. But for many of us, 10 1520 years ago, we weren't praying, nor do we understand the importance of the prayer. Because again, there was a disconnect between our parents who probably did pray, but they couldn't and instilled within us the importance of prayer, that love of the

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prayer. And so there are three aspects that I want to deal with. With regards to the prayer. And these three aspects. They don't just, they're not just applicable to children, or instilling the love of Salah in children. They apply to us as well.

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Even if we pray, they apply to us, in the sense of making us appreciate the solar much more of becoming more attached to the solar, of making the solar not just a ritual of actions and words. But something which enters into the heart, it softens the heart. And it makes the heart reflect and ponder. These three aspects that I want to focus upon, it is the foundation upon which the solid should be based, then the nurturing period, how you build up from those foundations. And then as practical implication, these three things that I am going to mention, they are not separate from one another. It's not that you do one stage, and then you move on to stage two, and then you move on to

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stage three. Rather, all three of them are done in parallel, you must work on all three of these things. Because time as we know is scarce. And our children grow up very quickly. And you only have a limited period of time, before they become susceptible to the influences around them. And before she mom begins to work on them, because she knows that the most important thing but Allah obligated upon the Muslim after towhid is Salah, the prayer. And so he will work day and night, he will work and he will try and he will try his utmost with all of his armies and all of the means at his disposal to divert us and our families and our children away from the Salah. The scholars of Islam

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say that the one who leaves the prayer in the sight of Allah his sin is greater than the one who murders than the one who steals than the one who commit Zina than the one who is engaged in the Riba, all of these major sins. It is a way to cite a sin in the sight of Allah that a person doesn't pray. So one of the things that shape on does is he makes us negligent of the importance of the prayer. People don't pray, we don't bat an eyelid. If people don't pray Salah around children on praying, we're not too fussed about whether they understand the importance or not. Whereas if our child was to steal, malaria will be allowed to murder or to perform some other type of crime or sin.

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We become extremely upset and defensive. Why? Because shape man in our mind has diluted the importance of the prayer. And that's not to say that all of these other sins are easier or any less severe or that we should encourage them in any way No. But at the same time, our priorities have shifted. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that from the signs of Yeoman for Yama is that the last thing that the people from this oma will lose it is the Salah. It is the Salah, but shavon works every single day to reach that goal, for a time will come and people will no longer understand Salah they will pray they will make rapport they will make sujood and the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that from the size of your multi Yama is that a single search is better than the dunya and everything else that it contains. It is better than the dunya and everything else that it contains. Because scarcely does a person prostrate to Allah subhanho wa Taala during those times, so these are the three points or the three angles that I want to deal with this topic from the first of those angles is building that foundation. It is if you like discussing the appeal the element of prayer, prayer, and the tawheed of Allah subhanho wa Taala are integral to one another, they are linked and you can't sever that link. Because if a person has towhid but they

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don't pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala their email, you know, Allah will always constantly be weak. And if a person is praying, but they have issues in the RP either in the Toshi, they're committing shock, or they're performing some act which isn't acceptable to Allah azza wa jal, then, in their prayer, there are problems, they will find that prayer brings them closer to Allah azza wa jal unnecessarily gives them the fruits and benefits that the prayer should give them. And so when is this that I want to begin from in the hadith of Horacio kabisa, one of the scholars of the past he said that I came to Medina and asked, I made do I to Allah subhanho wa Taala. There are laws should

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guide me to someone in Medina that I could benefit from. He said, I entered into Medina and I came across none other than Abu Dhabi, Allah one, the great, illustrious Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that I came to Abu Dhabi, your loved one and I said to him, before I came to Medina, I made the right to Allah, that Allah would guide me to someone in Medina that would benefit me. So Allah guided me to you so informed me of a hadith that you heard from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that you think will benefit benefit me, and rarely will I hear it from anyone else about aid or your loved one replied and he said, that the Prophet said sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam in a woman who has sammobile Abdul

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Welcome to Yama, Sala, where indeed the first thing that a person will be held to account for on the day of judgment from all of his actions is the prayer. So if the prayer is correct, then you have passed and you are successful. And if you fail in the prayer, then you have lost and you will, you will be destroyed. This Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam establishes for us that foundation, that the prayer isn't just something which is five times a day, it's not just a set of rituals of actions of words of doers of incantations of supplications, it is much more our salvation depends upon the Salah. Our success on the Day of Judgment depends upon this action. And that's why

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called it or Moodle, Islam, the pillar upon which Islam is built. It is the Salah, the prayer. And so this is something which we need to nurture from a young age within our children. Just as the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they will nurture within their youngsters, the concept of apisa of the head, that only one God is worthy of worship. Your child may only be 3456 years old, they may not completely understand these concepts or comprehend the various nuances that surround it. But at the same time, to instill within them that seed, which is the foundation that I'm discussing that seed to implanted within their heart,

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that it is a law alone that they worship. This is something which the companions will take seriously. On masala Viola who is the mother of Annecy, nomadic or the Allah one she would say that when I accepted Islam, and even though Malik was a baby, he will still being circled by me, meaning he wasn't eating solid food. And I made him c'est la ilaha illAllah before anything else that came out of his mouth, the first thing that came out of his mouth was La ilaha illAllah.

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Not Mama, Daddy, right now all of these words, which are cute, and we try to instill within our children we hope that they say we encourage them to say the first thing that she wanted her son to say was La ilaha illa Allah. There was a companion who came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had a slave girl. And that slave girl was looking after some sheep. She was doing some shepherding duties, and she found a staple, she made a mistake, and she lost some of the sheep. The companion came he became angry, and he struck her because of her mistake, when he regretted this, and he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said O Messenger of Allah to expat for

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what I did. I want to see her for the sake of Allah. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, bring her to me. So he was she was brought before the prophet of cinema, young girl, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to her, in Allah, where is Allah? And she said, for summer above the heavens, and he said, Who am I? And she replied, You are the Messenger of Allah, the prophet of Allah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went and turned to that companion and he said, are tougher in the hammock Mina for her, for indeed, she is a believer in stealing from the young age, those seeds of Eman of douyin And likewise, of the Salah, that they understand that the

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Salah isn't just an action is not just something that we do so just something which they saw their parents do from a young age, it is far greater than this. And it is something which we need to instill within our children. If you look throughout the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions the stories of many prophets of Allah. And the scholars of Tafseer Rahim Allah they say that every prophet of Allah was obligated with the prayer. every prophet of Allah was obligated with the prayer to show the importance of the prayer. every prophet of Allah prayed, it was an obligation upon them. Throughout the Quran, Allah azza wa jal refers to the prophets of Allah, and how they used to pray.

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One of the ways that we instill the essence and the importance of Salah within our children, is by linking them to the various things that Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions as the benefits of prayer. Because often, when we have young children, they often ask when they see someone praying, Dad, why does he pray? Or what do you say in your prayer? Or what are these actions that you're performing children inquisitive by nature? And we're very poorly prepared in our answers will say something in response, like, Oh, it's just something which we have to do. Oh, it's just a pillar of Islam. Now a child of 456 doesn't understand, doesn't appreciate that it's a pillar what's a pillar of Islam to a

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six year old. So

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We have to instill within them the benefits of the prayer. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions them within the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions, for example, the story of the Prophet universality, his solemn universality, his salatu salam, he called his people to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And they rejected his message. And then he said to them, that the punishment of Allah will come upon you, because you have rejected my message. And he left those people, because the punishment of Allah was due upon them. And normally, when a prophet of Allah threatens his people with the punishment of Allah, he leaves, the punishment of a law comes, and it destroys those

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people. The exception to this case was the people of universalities. Sam, after eurosai, he said, I'm left alarmed, so which gave them time, he gave them another chance. And those people became believers. yunusov he sent him because he had said something, and it didn't happen. He felt angry. And so he left those people. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala tested him by making the whale of the sea swallow him. He was in the belly of the whale. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, follow Allah and now Who can I mean there must have been what it not that he was from amongst those people who would make the spear they would glorify Allah, lobby fluffy book, and he Isla Yomi you bathroom, he would

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have stayed within the belly of the well, until the Day of Resurrection.

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The scholars of the seal such as ignore abus, rhodiola, Ramkumar and other than Him, they say that the meaning of words of this verse were not that he was from amongst the people of the spear, it means prayer, that the spirit that is being referred to is the spear that you make in the prayer. What not the universality, Sanam was from the people of the prayer, he would have stayed within the belly of the well until the Day of Resurrection. One of the benefits that we derived from this story from this verse is that one of the greatest benefits of the prayer is that it helps you overcome trial and affliction helps you overcome obstacles. You see, the prayer is not just about an act of

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worship, and it's a school and a methodology. When you're training your children and you're nurturing them upon the prayer, you're nurturing them upon a methodology, that if you in your life, as you surely will, will come across trials and difficulties be at school, better home, be it in later life when you get married at work. One of the ways that you overcome this is by establishing that connection with Allah azza wa jal that you should pray, turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala as the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam would often do when he would say to be loved with your loved one additional de Sala, there is see contentment from the prayer. And I shall know the Allahu anhu I

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would say that if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was distressed by something, he would rush towards the prayer, he would hasten and hurry towards the prayer. And so it is a way to overcome trials. This is what I mean by when we instill within our children not just that the prayer is a set of rituals or actions or or a routine of words, but it is far greater than this. It is a methodology. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with the young companions he would instill within them these concepts in cannabis are the Allahumma was a young boy in the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when the Prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam died ignore Ibis rhodiola

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Huma was no older than maybe 13 1415 at the most, still a young boy in his teenage years. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to ignore our best one day, oh boy, I'm going to teach you some words. So remember them. For the La Jolla. Preserve Allah remember Allah and Allah will remember you remember Allah and you will find him wherever you turn, know that if all of the people were to unite and gather, in order to benefit you with something, they will not be able to do so except with that which Allah has already decreed for you. I know that if they will all together and unite to harm you with something, they will not be able to do so except with that which Allah has

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already decreed against you. The pens have been lifted, the pages have dried, the profits on a lower and even will sell them won't say this to the young companions, because he's instilling within them a sense of telecon the way that their relationship with Allah should be in your best with your loved one woman that understands that it's not about what this person does for me what that person wants from me. It is about my connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala and that's why my bus on the Allahumma during that young age, when he would come to the house of his aunt maimunah our mother rhodiola one one of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would say I would stay

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awake at night, to wait for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to stand up

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Pray in the Yamuna lane, so that I could join him and watch how he prayed. This is how an 1112 year old used to be with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because they already they had been instilled within him the importance of the Salah.

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olara So originally the Quran also mentioned the story of Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam. And how when he left his son and his wife is married it his Salaam and his mother in the barren land of Makkah, he made a dua prop burner in the US countrymen, Laurie? Yeti Bearden revisar in Enderby tickle Muharram Rob banner up masala Oh Allah I have left my family made them live reside an area which is barren, there is no vegetation in it. Oh Allah I did this so that they may establish the prayer.

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In another place in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions another da Brahim having a salami Lucci says Robbie Gianni Mati masala tea, woman valeriya tea robina water

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over la macnee and from my progeny from my children, those who will establish the prayer Oh Allah accept this to our What a beautiful day.

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So we take from this two benefits number one, the importance of making dua for your children, because the Salah, it is a light from Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is a light on a large religion gives to the believers. And Allah subhanho wa Taala does not give his light to anyone and everyone. It is a blessing and a bounty and a favor of Allah that He bestows upon those people whom He wills. And so one of the things that the prophets of Allah would do was never take it for granted. They would make dua that Allah azza wa jal establishes the prayer within him and within his household. The second benefit that we take is that when I brought him out, he said, I'm left his family in the

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bounders land. His greatest aspiration and dream for them was that they would establish the prayer.

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Doesn't that show you something about the mentality of Ibrahim alayhis? Salaam, his mindset, his priorities, the way that the prophets of Allah would view the importance of the prayer over Allah I have left them in this Bellman doesn't learn why, so that they may establish the prayer that they may pray, because they understood the importance of the prayer. Allah subhanho wa Taala when he speaks about the other son of Ibrahim alayhis salam is how he says what will happen is how will you feel we gave to the Prophet Ibrahim is how konnyaku were cold and jalna Salim, and we made all of them righteous, which are now in mateja Duna Marina, and we made them leaders of guidance by our

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command. Whoa hanaa la him irati what is karma Salah T, what you tell is Accra, and we inspired upon them, that they should do good works, that they should establish the prayer and they should give this account. One of the greatest means of success is that we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala one of the greatest means of success for our children, is that we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to connect them with the prayer. Allah says that is married and is happy, and Yahoo and all of these great prophets of Allah will leaders because they did good works. And from the greatest of God that they did was that they established the prayer when a person has that link with Allah subhanho wa Taala. When we

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instill within our children from a young age, that the way that they are successful, is through the connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Yes, when they're at school, they should study hard, and they should revise for their exams, and they should do all of this. But as they do this as well, we should make them have their trust in Allah, by making dua to Allah by praying to Allah subhana wa Taala by making within the Salah due to Allah subhana wa Taala by sometimes standing up for the night prayer so that they may make the actual large syllogism at the time and Allah subhanho wa Taala descends to the lowest heaven in a man which befits His Majesty, gentlemen, Fear Allah, the

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prophet that would alayhis salam, Allah subhana wa Taala mentions that he turned to Allah and he prayed, he prayed to Allah subhanho wa Taala when he performed or he committed a mistake, committed a mistake. So one of the ways that he made Toba to Allah was he turned to prayer. I mean, often the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that one of the ways that you repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala one of the best means of repentance is by making more dough and praying to Salah nephila and then asking Allah azza wa jal for forgiveness. So establishing the prayer not only with success, not only with aspirations and dreams, but also with repentance. Linking

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The Sala to everything that our children need within their lives. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that the Salah is something which also brings blessings as he mentioned the story of Zachary Ali Salaam. When those angels came came and a large soldier says that will Mullah rica will call him when you suddenly feel maharam When the angels came to him, and they gave him the glad tidings of a son. Yeah. Once he was standing, praying in his merab, in his place of prayer, the Salah is something which brings blessings. It is something which brings the favors of Allah subhanho wa Taala and his bounties. And so we asked our children we instill within our children from a young age, that

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if they want something, yes, they may ask their parents, they may ask the older siblings, but they should turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala, you should cultivate within them that that essence of making dua to Allah azza wa jal for the needs and wants, may be simple, it may just be a toy that they want, may just be something frivolous, easy for you to play for them, or to bring for them. But you instill within them that they need to make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. There are large so Angela is the one who ultimately grants provision and he is the one who grants all blessings. And so this is something which we need to do instill within our children, this foundation of linking the prayer

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not just to the physical aspect of the Salah, but to the greater meaning of Salah. It's linked to our Arpita and how we brings about all of these blessings that I have mentioned. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went on the My journey, Allah subhanho wa Taala, obligated upon him, the Salah, from all of the actions and from all of the obligations in Islam. The only one that alaris which are obligated directly to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he spoke to him directly with was the sada and it's the only act of Islam which is obligated before the Hydra as all of the other Pillars of Islam and obligations of Islam. They became obligations after the Hydra. The

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Salah is so important that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam first received the commandment from Allah subhanho wa Taala it was established as 50 times a day and night 50 times. The prophet SAW Allah while he was sending them return. And as he passed by Musa alayhis salaam Musa asked him, What did your Lord command you? I will Prophet replate sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he commanded me with 50 prayers every day and every night 50 prayers is approximately praying every half an hour. Wait now this lecture would have to stop because it would be time for another Salah every half an hour, they would be assala whilst you're asleep every half an hour before every half

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an hour because you have to wake up I mean, we'll do everything you'd have to wake up to perform Sala at school, at work, go shopping on holiday on a trip wherever you're doing every half an hour less than half an hour. Stop and make Sunnah

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Musa alayhis salam said Go back to your Lord, for your people will not be able to do so. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we turned to Allah azza wa jal and asked for a concession. It came down to 45 he left and he came back and as he passed by Musa Musa alayhis salam said, What is it now? He said, 45 he said, Go back, your Lord will your people will not be able to do so. So another concession was given 40 and then 35 and 30 and then increments of five and kept decreasing until we came to find. Musa alayhis salam said to our profits on Allahu Allah, He will seldom go back to your Lord, Your people will not be able to do so. Five Salah from 50 your people won't be able to do so.

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And how truthful was mousai salam? How long did he know this oma better than we know it ourselves? Go back your people won't be able to do so. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I am too shy, too embarrassed to go back to my Lord again. So many times going back and forth between Allah and between Musashi Salaam I'm too embarrassed to go back to Allah again. A voice came out or pulled out and it said, it was always decreed that it would be five but the reward would be a 50.

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The scholars say Rahim Allah they asked the question, why? If it was always decreed that it would be five, why did Allah azza wa jal begin at 50? Why not just say it is five with the reward of 50 why begin at 50 and make the puffs or seldom go back so many times to and fro to and fro and go down until you eventually come to five. And they say that from the wisdoms of this and Allah knows best. That from the wisdoms of this is that olara siljan wanted us to know and this is what we need to instill within our children that yes even though it is own

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Five times a day and night, the way that you should remember Allah, it is as if you're worshiping him 50 times a day and night. That's how the Muslim should be. Their life should revolve around Allah so much. Their connection with Allah should be So, so strong. their needs and ones should rely upon Allah so much, that it's as if they're praying 50 times a day and night, throughout the night, throughout the day. all they're doing is remembering Allah through the Salah is from the mercy of Allah, that we have the concession that it's only five, but that doesn't mean that the mindset should be of only five. That is what the Salah instills within us. And these are the foundations

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upon which you nurture your children, you educate them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam informed us in all of these things of all of these benefits, so that our children when they nurture when they grow up, they know that they live should revolve around Allah subhanho wa Taala. Why? Because Allah created them for this purpose. Why? Because their salvation depends upon this, upon this link with Allah subhana wa Tada. The prophets on a lower alayhi wa sallam said, Whosoever preserves the five players, then he will have a light and a criterion with which he can differentiate between truth and falsehood on the Day of Judgment. And whosoever doesn't preserve the

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five prayers will have no light, and they will have no criterion on the Day of Judgment. And Allah will resurrect them with ferroan. And with qarun, and with her man, and with omega buleria will be law. Why? Because if a person doesn't have the connection with Allah, it is easy for Shang Han to attack them. If they don't have the Salah, then what do they have? If they don't have this most important fundamental of actions in Islam, then how can they possibly seek salvation from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that's why the scholars were so strict upon this, even to the extent that some of them said that a person who doesn't pray can't be classified as a Muslim, can be called a

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Muslim. And they gave many, many reasons for this. And they gave many evidences and even though the issue is of a difference of opinion, at the very least, what it should do is instill fear and terror in our hearts, that if we don't pray, we don't preserve the prayer. Our children don't pray. They don't preserve the prayer than it is something which Allah subhanho wa Taala will at the very least consider to be from the greatest of sins from the major sense. Allah azza wa jal in Surah. Maryam, he says after mentioned the stories of so many prophets, he says Allah He can live in and I'm Allahu Allah him in the beginner. Min valeriya t Adam, women Hamel nemorino woman Daria Ibrahima, what is

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wrong ILA woman man hygiena was turbina is Allah him rukmani hora, Soulja Boy kiya. Those were the prophets of Allah that Allah blessed and bestowed his favours upon from the progeny of Adam, and from those who travel in the ark with Noah, and from the children of Ibrahim and israa him and from those that we chose and what guided when the verses of the Quran when the verses of Allah will be recited upon them, they would fall in prostration and they would cry.

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And then a large soldier says in the next verse, For holla firm embarrassing him harmful Abbas Allah, what about Russia? What for so for your opponent, then they came after them generations who neglected the prayer and they follow their desires, so Allah will throw them into the fire. The great illustrious scholar of Islam, Rahmani Aziz Rahim Allah tala, he said that this verse, that they came after them generations who neglected the prayer, he said that it doesn't mean that these people left the prayer doesn't mean that they abandoned the prayer. What it means was that they wouldn't pray the prayer at its correct time. They would pray the Salah late. That is what a lot is

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speaking about. When Allah says that these are the people who follow their desires, they will turn into the fire. They have left the path of all of those great prophets of Allah. It is people who delay the prayer. No people who leave the prayer, who abandon the prayer, who perhaps only pray once a week on Yeoman Juma only in Ramadan, perhaps only twice a year and the eighth is not about those people. So then what about those people, that Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't even refer to in the Quran.

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And so we need to instill within our children, the love of the Salah, the benefits of the Salah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Imagine if there was in front of the house, have one of you a river? And you would go into that river five times a day and bave and you would come out? Do you think that any dirt would be left upon your body? They said no. Oh,

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In Java, Allah, he said, likewise, the one who prays five times a day, when you pray five times a day, you're purifying yourself from sins. But only when you understand the importance of the prayer. You understand the status of the prayer. The Prayer is more to you than a series of words and actions, does the prayer become something which is so great. And so what we need to instill within our children is not only the importance of the prayer, but to love the prayer, to enjoy the prayer, to look forward to the prayer, that the prayer isn't a burden, but rather it is a means of salvation, is the only direct connection that they have with Allah subhanho wa Taala in this dunya,

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from when they stand in the prayer, and they're reciting Surah Fatiha, Allah is responding to them. As if Allah is in a direct conversation with them when they are in the center, then that is the closest place that they can be to Allah on the face of this stuff, is this that we need to instill within our children. So when our children come to play, it's not a burden. But it's something which they love, something which they want to do. The sponsor say that there are six stages in achieving this six things that we need to instill within our children. Number one, is your last sincerity, that they should worship Allah alone to understand the importance that when they pray, it's not

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because I as the father is commanding them to pray. It's not because they're afraid that their mother will punish them. It's not because their friends are forcing them. It is because they understand the rights of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And when they reach that realization, you as a parent, your job will be easy. You won't need to go to that level of discipline or anything else, because they understand the greater purpose of Salah already. But when they think it's about you, and your punishment and your commandments, even if they pray, they pray out of fear of you. So when you're not dead, they won't pray. And when they're old enough not to worry about what you think or

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what you do. They won't pray. But when you instill within them from that young age, that Allah is watching, that if you don't pray, it's not about me being upset, is Allah will be upset with you. It's not about me disciplining you, but it is Allah who will punish you. It's not about me withholding rewards from your treats from you. It is Allah who will withhold his blessings from you. And so when you attach someone to Allah, you take out all of these middle people, all of these people that are insignificant, pale in comparison to the greatness of our Lord and creator subhanho wa Taala. And then once we do this, the second stage is that they understand the importance of being

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truthful in their prayer. And it's an extension of the first stage, that when they pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala. They're praying to the one who is all hearing, or seeing or knowing or enable the one who is the provider, the Sustainer, the one who decrees or God and all evil. And when they pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala they should pray, and they should complain to Allah, and all of their worries and all of their fears and all of the problems that they face, they should turn to Allah with all of them. instill that within your children from a young age. And no matter what difficulty what trial they come across, in life, insha Allah, Allah will make it easy for them, because they

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will remember the solace and the contentment that they received when they turn in the prayer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. The third stage is that when they pray, they should pray in accordance to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, because when you pray in accordance to the Sunnah, it is the best possible way that you can offer the prayer. And so it is more likely that it will be accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is more likely to bear fruits and to be beneficial, that is more likely to bring a person closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Number four, that when they pray, they should pray with the sun with excellence, as if it is the last prayer as the man came to the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the hadith of a boy eweb alongside the rhodiola when a man came and he said, O Messenger of Allah remind me that make it a short reminder. In another narration, he said Teach me, but make it short and concise. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when you stand to pray, pray as if it is your final prayer, pray as if it is your final prayer. One of the scholars of the past Halima McCarthy Rahim, Allah, tala, he was once traveling with a student. And as they were traveling the time for a shot came. So the students said to his teacher, the Imam, leaders in prayer, the Imam said to the student, no, you lead us in prayer. As

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people often do, when they stand on one person seem to the other you lead No, you lead and so they were going back and forth. So the students said to the Imam, his teacher, he said, You lead Russia and I will lead fudger right that's where you lead one, our lead one. The Imam Rahim Allah

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He turned to him and he said, if you think that you will live until the time of fudger, you won't pray Ryszard the way that you should.

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If you think you will be alive, by the time of fudger, your Isha won't be the way that you should offer Russia. This is what the prophet SAW Allah while he was sending them was referring to and look at the way the speller installed within his student. That essence, that principle that you don't know you're going, don't take it for granted that you'll be alive for them to lead the original prayer. Pray every prayer, as if your is your final prayer. The fifth is that this all of this is from from the blessings of Allah, when you realize that it is the favor of Allah that Allah allowed you to pray, you don't take it for granted. When you realize that is the blessing of Allah, and that

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blessing can be removed at any time. And we all know people who used to pray, and they don't pray anymore. People used to come to the masjid and pray and they will practicing. But Allah subhanho wa Taala, for whatever reason, they have been misguided is a large soldier to preserve us and our families, and keep us steadfast and firm on this religion. But it is when you take things for granted, that is often when shaman is able to attack you the most, because you don't appreciate what you take for granted. And then number six, the final stage, and this is probably when they're older and when they're more mature, is that they understand that they will always be short, they will

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always fall short. They will never be perfect in their prayer, they will always fall short. And so the way that they need to make up those shortfalls is by playing more by coming closer to Allah more by doing more good deeds, because goodness should read goodness and good deeds should read good deeds. And that's where Larson says in the Sala tanha. And in fascia, you will Moncur the prayer, it prevents from evil and every type of evil act, because you should read good, and it should prevent you from evil. And so then we come to the final stage. And what I want to conclude this lecture with. And that is some practical advice for us as parents, all of these things that I've mentioned,

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they are theoretical, to an extent, theory of the importance of salah and instilling it within our children, making them understand that the Salah isn't just the action itself, or the words that we recite, but it is far greater, and it has far more reaching impacts. And also making them enjoy the prayer and love the prayer and so on. How do we achieve this practically, I have some tips for you insha Allah to Allah some advice, but also remember that every child is different. What works for my child may not necessarily work for your child, what works for your child may not necessarily work for someone else's child. And so you must, as a parent, know your child better than anyone else,

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what works for them, what doesn't work for them. And so this is something which you should use your discretion at, when it comes to instilling within your children, the love of salah and the prayer. The first stage is the stage of a child when they're 2345 years old, a child is very young. Those children naturally are inquisitive. They see their parents as the greatest role models alive. There is no one that is more dear to them more beloved to them than their parents, no one else can exert the influence that the parents can exert. And so that's why as parents, those of us that are parents we know. And even if you're not a parent, but you have young siblings or young nephews or nieces,

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you've probably seen that at that age when you pray, those 345 year olds will pray next year. They don't know how to pray. They're doing all sorts in their prayer, starting with the surgeon standing up all sorts, but they want to resemble you. They want to copy you and they want to pray because they have that love to just emulate what you're doing. This is the first stage of a child when it comes to their their first exposure to the Sunnah. And it is unfortunately often at this stage that we fall short. It is at this stage that we drive them away, maybe not physically or intentionally, maybe not harshly, but we impact within them. The scenes of the player isn't so important. The child

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comes three, four or five years old, and the child wants to play with you. You're like You're disturbing, get out the way don't play an extremely Go Go and do something on play with your toys. The child comes and he walks in front of you in the partisan or any better, and you just push him out the way the child comes and he wants to play on your back whilst you're playing. And you tell him off. Don't do that. Don't you don't disturb me. This is my my time in the Sala. This is my connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala the child of five, six years old, they see you coming to the masjid that like we want to go to the masjid Mrs Masjid may want to go to the masjid. Our friend

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goes to the masjid. We want to come. We're like children aren't allowed in the masjid. Wait till you're 12 1314 This is the first mistake that we make from that young age. Even though we don't realize it we already diminishing the status of the Salah in their minds and in their heart.

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And when they do become 1213, we no longer exert that same influence. Now, you're not maybe the greatest role model that they have, because they've been exposed to so much more. And so, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the best example in this, and Hassan Al Hussein or Mima, or the Allah who whom his grandchildren, his grandsons and granddaughter, when they would come to the Prophet Sal and once he was praying in the masjid, in congregation, leading the companions in Salah, they would play on his back, and he would never push them away. Never tell them to go. Even though he's in congregation, people are praying behind him, he would stand he would stay in sujood. I let

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him or his granddaughter play on his back until she was finished. She wouldn't get up and say children are allowed in the masjid. And this is something common today. We don't allow children in the masjid. And even if they do come to the mission, they have to sit at the back and watch many massages. Unfortunately, the profit or sentiment allow her to play until she became exhausted and fed up man until he became fed up until she became exhausted. And behind him are the companions, the great illustrious major companions, they are in prayer. Everyone stuck in sujood because of a child, but look at the way that that child when when she grows up or when he grows up, what's the first

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memory going to be of Salah? How are they going to look back on the Salah? Or they're going to remember someone telling them off, pushing them away, making them stand in the corner? Or are they going to remember it as something fun, something that they used to enjoy something that they will look forward to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and perhaps this is the story that resonates most greatest in this in this juncture. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was once given the hotbar to Juma

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and as he was delivered in the hotbed we all know that the rulings of the hood are far greater, far more severe, far more strict than anything else. In the Salah in the hotbar. To Juma, you can't speak. You can't even tell someone else not to speak if they're speaking so strict on the rules of Juma the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was delivering the what he saw his two grandsons and hassanal her saying, Robbie Allahu anhu from a very young boys, toddlers just barely walking. They came into the masjid, and they were wearing clothes fobes too long for them dragging on the ground. And as children do, they often do as they're trying to work, they trip up on their clothes. So they

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were tripping up and they were getting up and they were tripping up and they're trying to walk to the front of the masjid to come to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, their grandfather, and he's on the minbar given the hotbar the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw this happen 234 times. He stopped his bookbag just broke it off, descended the minbar walk towards them, pick them up and brought them back onto the minbar. And he said that I saw my two grandsons walking and tripping. And my heart couldn't bear that I should see them do this, but I should see them fall. So I had to go and pick them up and bring them with me. And then he placed them on the minbar and he continued with

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his hope but sallallahu alayhi wasallam look at the way the prophet SAW Selim is instilling within those children, the love of Salah even in the Juma imagine now, if the hottie did this, what would people think? Imagine now if the hottie would just walk off randomly in the middle of a football and he goes and picks up some child and then brings them back. let some play on the minbar whilst is given the hotbar is instilling the love of those children. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did this with the young companions instilled within them, the love of Salah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would instill within them the love of Salah so that when they grew up,

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they would understand and appreciate the importance of solar. So that channel now grows up five, six years old before they reach the age of seven, encourage them. Make them love the solar make it enjoyable for them. Take them out to the masjid if they want to come to the masjid. Let them see the Muslims gather and pray Father, teach them about the Salah, teach them whatever it is that you're reciting. Children often come and they say what is it you're reciting in Salah. But our blinders

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are on. And we just give this one terse response and the child has a response doesn't know any better walks away. When I sit them down and tell them were reciting Surah Fatiha. This is what it means. Encourage them to memorize it. Encourage them to know it. Children love to play with water. Why not encourage them to make although, yes, they'll make a mess. Yes, your bathroom will be flooded with water. But isn't it like isn't it something

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acceptable? If it makes them love this fella, but so often we're unwilling to make we take these petty issues so seriously, and we forget the waiter picture. And so instead we're

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In them this love of Salah when they reach the age of seven, now's the time that you need to start instilling what we've said before you planted those seeds. Now start to nurture those seeds, water them, make them understand what it is that they're doing when they're reciting in the prayer, make them understand the importance of Voodoo. Why is it that they face the Qibla? What does it mean to face the problem? Why is it when they pray, they look down? Why is it that when they pray, they can talk, they can eat, they can drink all of these things, don't just teach them from a textbook, make them understand and appreciate the importance of the prayer. Because the prayer is something

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fundamentally we should enter into their heart. First and foremost, it is something which they should have instilled within their heart before anything else. And so teach them. And so one of the mistakes that we make at this stage is we make it a very, very boring type of way of teaching prayer, do ABCD say ABCD, memorize this, learn this, if you don't know this, I'm going to beat you, if you don't do this, this is going to happen. And so the child now thinks is a source of punishment. The Sala that is so loved. And when you just think about it's become a burden for them already. And they're not even seven years old, or they're just barely seven. So that every stage

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because of the way that we are, and sometimes and mostly it is because of our own deficiency and understanding of Salah as well, we turn them away from a young age, but it is something which we need to nurture. When you do this and inshallah you do it correctly, you will find that by the time they reached the age of 10, perhaps even before the shovel now you will have instilled within them the Sala and that doesn't mean that after this, they won't have challenges, it will mean that after this, they're not going to miss a prayer or they're not going to be lacks on a prayer. But they're not going to be lazy when it comes to the issue of stone other children. Of course they are even we

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as adults are like this sometimes. But you have instilled within them those seeds, and it is easy to bring them back. Once you have instilled and lay that foundation, it's easier to correct them because they have that foundation laid already. And so now when they grow up and they reach the age of 10. If you need to discipline them, discipline them in a way that doesn't harm them. That's not going to make them hate the prayer. That's not going to make them run away from the prayer. But maybe perhaps take away a reward from them that they will normally have got. Tell them make them understand that prayer is something not to be trifled with. It's not just something which you can

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play around with. It is something which is important. But always remember to keep that balance never drive our children away from the Sala. But at the same time. Don't let them think that it's something which is easygoing or something which doesn't have any importance. These are some things which I have and I run out of time on those I would have elaborated more on some of these points, but time doesn't permit me to do so. But I want to end with that same point of how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would instill within his children and within the other companions, the love of salah and there is that level of salah and their understanding of the essence of Salah that

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would inshallah implant within them the seeds of being people who love the salt

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