Ahsan Hanif – The Hijrah

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam was given to the Prophet's family, who eventually decided not to do business with them and eventually left their current country and went to the new country. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being patient and trusting in Islam to achieve peace and achieve peace. The speaker also discusses the history of Islam, including the implementation of the Prophet sallam and the return of the Prophet sallam to Afghanistan. The importance of fulfilling rights and protecting others is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Even though many of the people from that clan, meaning the family and the tribes, people of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, not all of them, not all of them had become Muslim. Not all of them accepted Islam, but they will relate it very closely to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam through blood, the orange came with an idea that they would boycott them. They would be a social economic boycott of these people. So these people, the family or the tribes, people of the profits on a lower it was selling because corporations, the major tribe, and they have many clans within it. The clan have been Hashem, which is the family of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Ben

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McCollum were the uncles and the sons. They were boycotting. And they went to a place called worthy.

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Sheva Vitaly. This is the place where they would remain for a number of months, they were socially boycotted, that the other arrange, wouldn't do any business dealings with them. They wouldn't interact with them, they wouldn't marry from them and so on. And they boycotted them economically, that they wouldn't allow them to have provision come to them or business dealings with them, either that they buy or that they sell.

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So they were difficult times for those people, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Muslims and those people that were included in that boycott, at times they would have to search on the ground and eat things, or find sustenance just on in the open desert because of the boycott, until towards the end of the period, some of the people perish, regretted what they did some of their noble men, and they decided that this was the pack that was unjust, and it was unfair, and so on. And they rescinded that boycott, the point being that the Muslims were undergoing difficulty at that time. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam began to look outward of Makkah, he began to search

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from outside of Makkah. He'd already tried pif, as we heard last week, and they had rejected him. But what used to happen is that in the time of Hajj, the season of hunch all of the major tribes of Arabia would come to Mecca to perform pilgrimage at that time. This was the pilgrimage of the pagans before Islam, but they would come and they would spend time in Macau and they would go to Mina and so on. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would go and he would visit some of these tribes, and he will take with him, Abubakar rhodiola, one Abubakar, from his many, many attributes and his many virtues, and his many good points is that he was a man of lineage a genealogist, he was someone

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who's familiar with all of the different tribes of Arabia, so that if he came across them, and he realized where they were from, and which tribe they belong to, he would be able to advise the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam concerning that tribe, or the tribe that is known to be trustworthy, known to have courage known to be strong, known to defend the weak, or maybe there are tribes that don't have those types of characteristics within them. Because some of the tribes of Arabia used to be known for stealing. Some of them are known for looting. Some of them are known for being highway bandits and robbers. each tribe and each clan has its own distinct characteristics. So

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would go with Abubakar rhodiola. One, sometimes also Ali rhodiola. One, and he would go to the different tribes, and they would go and they would give them the message of Islam in secret. They would go to the leaders and say, This is our message. This is our Islam. We want you to give us asylum, who the Muslims give us asylum, we will come to your land, and you protect us within your land, meaning the Quraysh cannot attack us and if they choose to, you will defend us as if we are one of your own. The vast majority, if not all of those tribes, they said no. They said no for a variety of reasons. Some of them didn't like the message of Islam, some

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of them didn't feel feel that they had the strength and the might and the power to ward off. Others from amongst them like the messenger of Islam a lot but for one reason or another, they said no. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam undeterred, he would go and he would speak to these tribes. On one occasion, and this is approximately two years before the hinterland. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the season of Hajj was approached by a number of people very few in number about a dozen. A dozen people came to him and they came to him from the city of Medina. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had planned and he had looked at the major tribes of Arabia, the

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ones that he thought had strengthened power, and they will be able to help and give shouted to the Muslims, but from amongst those tribes was not the people of Medina because the people of Medina the Arabs were made up of two major tribes, the Olson the husband, and one thing that was famous about the Olson the hustle ranch was that they had a civil war amongst them that was never ending. It lasted for generations, it continued, and it continued, and they had an immense rivalry between them. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has issues of its own, the Orisha tried to attack them. The last

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In the need is to go into another conflict that someone else has of their own making. But look at how Alonzo was Olympians. Look at how Allah subhanaw taala makes for people away out. Last week when we were discussing this Ron mineralogy, we said that one of the greatest lessons of that trip and that journey is how Alonzo Virgil shows to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam His divine care and protection, the no matter who else forsakes you, we meaning alarms that will protect you, Allah will care for you. And if you have a lot of care and protection, you don't need anything else. And one of the fruits and the results of that corrosion protection is not a large though, which always

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makes out for you away from difficulty, any problem any challenge, any hardship that you face. If you're patient and you turn to Allah and you trust in Him, that result will always come in numerous Nusra. with difficulty there always comes ease, that ease may be quick and it may be today or tomorrow, it may be next month, it may be next year, it may be in 10 years time may take a very long time. But always that ease will come it is a test of your Eman and a test of your relationship with Allah. So Allah azza wa jal brought to him a dozen of these people, small group a number from amongst them with some nobles, but they will not the leaders of their tribes. So it was a small

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contingent of people. They heard the message of Islam. They heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and what he had to offer, and they accepted Islam. They accepted Islam. They said O Messenger of Allah, we want to bring you Muslims to Medina. He said, This doesn't make sense. There's only 12 of you, a dozen of you approximately, you're not leaders, you don't own the tribes. You don't have that influence. You can't give that command of refuge to all of the Muslims, but rather go back to Medina. Call your people to Islam. And if things progress, then we will see. They said O Messenger of Allah sent to us someone sent with us someone that can help us that can that can call people. So

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent to them the first ambassador of Islam, a companion by the name of Mousavi bonora Mayor rhodiola Juan Musab was from the richest wealthiest, most handsome young men of Polish until he accepted Islam. And then his family cut him off from all of his wealth and all of his money. He will lead to be martyred in the Battle of rhodiola one Muslim Libyan army returned with those people to Medina, and he began to call them to Islam. The Muslims are still undergoing persecution and oppression in Medina and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam waits until the following year. The following year, those people come back they come to Mecca for the

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pilgrimage, and this time there are 70 odd in number 70 odd in number. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam met them at the gemorah to LA Cava the first time he also met them at the jumla to LA Cava because the two pledges are called the pledge of acaba gemorah till October is when you go now for hydrography go to Milan and you visit that place. The three pillars that you stone, the three pillars that you stone, the jamala tilaka is what we call the big pillar, the major pillar, the one that is closest to the direction of Mecca. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam met these people, and this time along with him was his uncle abass rhodiola one our boss at the time wasn't a

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Muslim. Those people accepted Islam they gave a pledge of allegiance to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they pledged that he would have safety and sanctuary within Medina, that if he came, and they and the Muslims came to Medina, the people of Medina would protect him, as if he was one of their own. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam liked what he heard, and it was a feasible and viable option. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had family in there because his mother's side his maternal relatives came from Oba which is as you know, on the outskirts of Medina. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam liked this idea, and a large surgeon had placed it within him

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inspired him to be acceptable and warm to this idea. Allah bas rhodiola one, the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one of the noble men of Quraysh, even though he wasn't a Muslim, this is his nephew. He said to those people of Medina, who would like to know what we would call the answer. He said to them, that if you are able to take him and protect him, then let him go with you. But if you will take him and then abandon him, forsake him. You don't feel that you can carry out what you promised to do. Then it is better that you leave him in Makkah. Yes, things are difficult, but at least he's already here. And the family is around him, his tribe his clan is around him. But

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once he leaves, he will never be able to return just because he wants to. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard the statement from our best on Saturday. They reiterated that they wanted the Muslims to come and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told them to go back. He said, Go back with Moses.

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Have you been made continue your dharma. And we will soon come? Because he was waiting for the commander of a large surgeon.

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Those people on Saturday would go back and they would call the major leaders of the tribes, the major leaders of the unsolved and the has Raj, people excited even more about the long run, even a robot and so on. And they would accept Islam. And because of their Islam, many of their people and their tribes would follow them into Islam. So you had a very big group or a very big swathe of people within Medina, accept Islam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam began to allow the companions to make casual. They used to leave one by one in groups in small groups in tos as individuals and so on. Some of them were told that they couldn't leave without their wealth. Some of

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them were told that they had worked in Mecca, and their money was from Makkah and their business dealings were from Mecca. So if they want you to leave, they had to leave behind all of their wealth. So they did so in order to be able to make hijra. Some of them were told that if they wanted to leave, they couldn't take their families. You can't go with your wife, you can't go with your children and remember that it wasn't always a whole family unit that had become Muslim. Sometimes the husband is Muslim, but no one else or the wife is Muslim and no one else or the son and daughter are Muslim, but no one else. So the people left and they were from amongst them, those who are

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unable to leave, or those who are captured and had to remain behind within Makkah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam waited, these people are leaving and they're leaving. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stays in Mecca, because he's waiting for the commendable law for him specifically to leave. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam waits, the Quraysh they see what's going on. They see that these Muslims are fleeing, they're leaving, they're going to Medina they found another abode a shelter. And they know that sooner or later, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is going to leave. Such was the enmity to Islam, such as their hatred for the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that they didn't think let them leave and they're gone is not our problem anymore. Let them go let them leave. And it's not our issue anymore, but rather they do not want them to leave, and especially the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They wanted to destroy Islam from its roots. So they began to plan and plot as to how to kill and assassinate the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they decided that a man from each of the major tribes of orange would gather and they would go simultaneously, and Mike to the house of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they would kill him with a single blow all of them striking together whilst he slept in

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his bed galarza which will decrease decreed that night it would be the night of the hedgerow, so he gave the command to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that you should leave. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to the house of Abu Bakr rhodiola one Rama many of the companions are left Abubakar had remained behind, in the hope that when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam would leave, he would be able to accompany him. He had prepared to mount he had prepared provisions he had planned ahead, but he was waiting for this time. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to the house of Abu Bakr radi Allahu Akbar on that day, at the time of mahira. at high noon, the

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time when people sleep and they have their siesta, and the whole of Mecca is more or less empty because it's too hot. At that time, he came to visit Abu Bakr rhodiola one, when he knocked on the door of rhodiola. One he knew that something was wrong, something was different, because this was not a time that people visited one another. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him that Allah had given the command for the Hydra. And Abu Bakr radi Allahu, and said, O Messenger of Allah, will I accompany you? And he said, Yes. So the two of them agreed that they would set out and they would leave the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had left behind his cousin, or the rhodiola one

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who would sleep in his bed. And not only that, but he would then finish off all of the affairs of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would return the trust that he had, he would pay off his debts, he will sort out his affairs, and then he too would go to Medina. And this shows to you an aspect of Islam that sometimes we forget and neglect, and that is that, that the aspect of excellence of always fulfilling the rights of others. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Muslims are in the state of fear. People are planning and plotting to kill them and assassinate them. Yet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will not leave until he makes sure and ensures the

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role of his affairs will be set right? Didn't think these people are not Muslims. Forget non Muslims, the enemy's openly trying to kill him. They don't deserve any help. They don't deserve any mercy. They don't deserve that I fulfill their rights. No, because I will religion is a religion of justice. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even at its most difficult

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A lot of times ensured that justice would prevail, that justice would be carried out those rights would be fulfilled. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Abu Bakr radi Allahu Akbar left and instead of taken the normal route to Medina that the people used to travel on those days, he took a different route the opposite direction. I will back out on the long run had paid a guide by the name of Abdullah blue aura. He had paid him that he would accompany them and he would be their guide to take them to Medina by a road that no one else travels by. It is a different road to the one that the people usually take. But before that took place, they went and they hid in a cave, the Cave of

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Thor for three nights. When those assassins came to the house of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They found that it rhodiola Wang was there and instead that the plan had been scuppered that they want people they want to be able to kill the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Quraysh became incensed and angry, and they put a bounty on the heads of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Abu Bakar on the long run. So the men of orange would go and they would search search the surrounding areas, so that in order to be able to find them dead or alive, and to take this bounty,

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they came some of them to the cave. Once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Abu Bakar of your loved one were inside of the cave. And the key was beneath these people as they were searching Abubakar De La Hoya answer. And this is the famous first on a low revealed in the Quran. He said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam O Messenger of Allah. If one of them was to simply look down at their feet, they would see the mouth of the cave beneath them. They wouldn't know that there's a cave, they would search it, and they would find this. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that amazing statement. What do you think of the two? Allah is the third law in the law minor? Don't

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fear Don't be sad. A larger region is with us. So the courage those people are searching left and they didn't find the cave, Abubakar, the loved one had made preparations that his son would come with his flock or his sermons would come with a flock of sheep, and they would come with his son around the area. While the sheep graze on the pretense of grazing the sheep. He would give provisions to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Abubakar rhodiola one and they would tell them the news of Makkah, what the Quraysh were doing. After three nights the guide came and they left and they went and made their way towards Medina. One of the events that took place as the

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profits on the low Arlene was seldom used to it was was traveling towards Medina, is that one of the people the bounty hunters was a man by the name of Soraka ibnu Malik Soraka. Even Malik had heard from someone that he had seen two or three people leaving in a direction and Soraka quickly cottoned on that these must be the people that he was searching for. This is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Abu Bakar. So Serato went on the same route until he could see them in the distance. But every time he got close to them, his camera would stop and he would fall off. So he would get on it again. And he would go further. And you as soon as he would get close enough, it would stop and he

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would fall off, would refuse to budge and move. for a third time he did that. And the same thing happened. He realized, therefore that this is something that a large region has decreed. He said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I will not chase you, I will follow you anymore. And the Prophet said to him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and promise that you don't tell anyone else about us either. And he did so and he returned to Makkah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would travel they will travel by day and by night, Abu Bakr radi Allahu Akbar, go ahead of him behind him to his right to his left, afraid and assure on that trip on the journey, they met an individual that

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was familiar with Abu Bakr rhodiola one he knew him and he said to Abubakar, not knowing what happened in Makkah didn't know the story and the commotion. He said, Who is this man with you? So Baqarah the Allahu I replied, this is a guide that is guiding me. This is a guide that is guiding me a very open ended statement meaning what he meant was that this is a guide meaning is a prophet of Allah, guiding me to Islam and guiding me to Allah. What the man understood was that is a guide taking me from place a to place B, and he left them as they will be coming hungry. The prophets on the lower alley was Selim came across a woman by the name of Omar Ahmed. She was a woman she was

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poor, her husband was out at the time. And the Prophet said to us, Allah, Allah, you will sell them. Do you have anything for us to eat or drink? She said, No, I have nothing for you. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam single goat I see that you have a goat. She said the goat is old, it's weak. It's feeble, doesn't give milk anymore. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Let me try. She said okay. He said the name of Allah. He placed his hand on the goat and he

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Gave milk enough for him enough Abubakar and enough for the woman. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left when the husband returned and she told him of the story. He said that I think this is the man that the people have been searching for. It sounds like this is the man that those people are searching for. The prophets on a lower level, Sallam continued, and he went towards Medina, the people of Medina had heard and he knew that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was coming every day they would go out, and they would wait at the outskirts of Medina, waiting to see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam approaching, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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went first to Oba and he stayed there for a number of nights Oba is where his maternal relatives were. And then he laid down the foundation of the masjid that we now call Masjid Oba. He laid its foundation. It was then constructed after he went to Medina, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stayed there for a number of nights. And remember, in those days, Medina is very, very small. It's like a village. So what today is a big city of Medina with mustard, Oba in there, the battle and the battle plan of Wofford and so on. In those days, these places would have been the outskirts, they would have been outside of the city of Medina, the city of Medina would be very, very small, perhaps

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like today, what the mosque of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is and some of that surrounding area very small. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spent a few days in Oba and then he left and he went into the city of Medina where he was met this amazing journey of the hedger of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which I have summarized for you very, very quickly, I know. But this amazing journey has many lessons that we can take from it. The first of those lessons and the most important is how Alonzo gel gives people relief from the difficulty, despite how difficult the situation had become in Makkah, despite the hardships and the challenges that they

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were facing, Allah subhanaw taala gave for the Muslims a way out. Number two, that pattern that relief is not necessarily from where you expect it wasn't from the major tribes of Arabia wasn't from the strongest tribes of Rabia burrata Alonzo vigil chose people who are known for the purity of heart. They were known for the generosity and their character. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam many years later, when he conquered Mecca, downside became afraid and upset. Why? Because they were afraid and upset the now that maca has been conquered. It's in the hands of the Muslims. It is the birthplace of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It houses the Kaaba, the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam returned to his homeland, he will stay there, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to the people of the answer by Allah, if all of the world was to take one value one road and the answer were to take a different road, I would take the road of the answer. Everyone will go back home with cheap and golden silver and whoo booty, but you will return with the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so those people are large that will praise them in the oranda ansara. Allah speaks about them in the Quran in many verses, because of the selflessness because of their sacrifice because of what they gave up for Islam. They put their city their tribes,

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their families, their wealth, a danger, to give the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Muslim sanctuary. But a large village will bless them and he elevated their status and he became and they became from the greatest of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam We ask Allah azza wa jal that it gives us the ability in this month of Ramadan to return to Him with sincerity. And that allows dolgeville makes easy for us our affairs and gives us relief from our hardships or some alarm a bit early. He begins by

This talk was delivered at the Green Lane Masjid on June 3, 2017.

Ramadan 2017.

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