Ahsan Hanif – Day of Arafah – A Reminder to Realign Our Priorities

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of worshiping Allah's subhanahu wa ban on wealth and desire for pleasures. The speaker uses the experience of the day of title as a reminder to realign priorities and understand the rights of Allah to his slaves. The speaker emphasizes the need to prioritize worship and not associate anyone with worship.
AI: Transcript ©
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The covenant that we made with Allah

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that this life that we have, these finite

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years that we have, it's not so that

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we can gather wealth, it's not so that

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we can have large families, it's not so

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that we can enjoy the pleasures of the

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dunya, it is only for one purpose, and

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that is the purpose to worship Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala. And the nature of the dunya

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with this distraction, the nature of the human

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with his negligence is that we are often

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forgetful of this one very important fact. And

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so times like today, the day of Arafah,

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times like the month of Ramadan are reminders

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that are timely for us. That we need

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to realign our priorities. That we need to

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understand what is important

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about this life and what is less important

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in this life. The prophet

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highlighted this very principle in the hadith in

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Sahih al Bukhari, the hadith

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who one day was riding behind the prophet

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the prophet said to him,

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do you know what the right of Allah

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is upon his slaves and the right of

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the slaves upon their Lord subhanahu wa ta'ala?

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He said Allah and his messenger messenger know

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best. He said the rights of Allah upon

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his slaves is that they worship him alone,

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not making shit with him And the rights

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that they have that Allah is obligated upon

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is that he won't punish those who don't

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associate anyone in them with worship.

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