Ahsan Hanif – Countless Blessings

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of strong email and strong emotions in addressing weak
income and fear of failure, protecting one's values and protecting their reputation. They stress the importance of love for Allah and the Prophet sallal, which is a sweet source of happiness. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of not giving up on blessings of Islam, such as the belief in the Prophet sallal, and the importance of not giving up on people's most favorite things, such as the one who most enjoys.
AI: Transcript ©
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Although they learn you manage shavon Ilan God

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Bismillah him off money and all Hey

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in the hamdulillah he Diana Muhammad mahamadou who want to stare in who want to start a funeral who wanted to lay one rule below him in short, all the unforeseen our mean see Dr. Molina, Maya de la la la la wama yodeling farhadi Allah, wa shadow Allah. Allahu la Shetty, cara, wash under Mohammed and Abdu. Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam are Baraka they were early, he was so happy he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira and mavado for in nostoc al Hadith Nikita Bula heeta Allah wa for urine Buddha Buddha Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mashallah ohmori matassa Taha wakulla Matata timbira wakulla bedarra Malala wakulla mana chin now,

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Emma Muslim rahima hula huhtala reports in Sahil now, one day Abubakar rhodiola, one, the greatest of the companions of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was once walking in the street. And he came across another companion by the name of humbler. And when He looked at his companion by the name of Hamdulillah, he saw from his facial features from the way that he looked that he was anxious and worried there was something wrong. So the companions or the Allah who were people who loved one another, and they cared for one another. And when they saw that someone from amongst the community was in difficulty going through some issues or problems, they wouldn't just walk away and ignore

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them. They would go and try to help an ask are of concern for them. And so Abubakar rhodiola one when he's so humble, and he said, Oh, humbler? What's wrong? hamdulillah replied, and he said, nafa hamdulillah humbler has committed hypocrisy. This is the companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying that I have committed hypocrisy nifa and so abubakr rhodiola and said to him, oh, humbler? Why have you committed hypocrisy? What have you done that has caused you to commit hypocrisy? handler replied, and he said, a level Becker when I met the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and in his company, and he reminds us of death and the ophira and he reminds us of Jana and

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now as if we can see them in front of our own eyes. Then my Eman is extremely strong. And I find that I am connected to Allah subhana wa Tada. But then I leave the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I go home. I go to my family, my wife, my children, my best my job. I go back to the dunya. I no longer do I feel that type of strong Eman. My Eman weakens. And because of this fluctuating state of Eman, I feel that I have committed hypocrisy. Abubakar rhodiola one who is the greatest, most illustrious Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the most beloved companion to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he heard humbler of the Allah who

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unsay what he said, he replied, and he said, Oh hamdulillah By Allah, I feel exactly the way you feel. What you say what you're experiencing, I go through exactly the same thing. So let us go to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and ask him concerning this. So both of them Abubakar Alhamdulillah, sought out the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and as they were approaching, the prophet SAW Allah where are they he was sending them the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam also So by looking at humble and it is faith that something was worrying him. So he said to humble what's wrong Oh, humble, and humble. I replied Natha humble era soon Rasul Allah, O Messenger of Allah, I

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have committed hypocrisy. The Prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam asked him why, and hamdulillah went through that same story again, that same reasoning that he just gave to Abubakar, a messenger of Allah when I'm in your company, and you remind us of Jana and now as if we can see them, my email is extremely strong. But when I leave, when I go back to my family and my business and my job, my Eman becomes weak. And so because of this, sometimes strong email and sometimes weak a man, because of this, I fear that I have committed hypocrisy. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the most kind, generous, merciful person that a large version has ever created, knowing the state of his oma,

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knowing the problems and the issues that they are faced with, knowing the difficulties that they experienced. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to humble and Abubakar and by extension to us, to me a new he said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, by the one in whose hand is my soul. If you were to always

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Be in that state of strong emotion. Then the angels themselves would descend from the heavens, and they would come and they would greet you and shake your hands, in your houses and on your mattresses and in the streets. But Alhamdulillah Sir tomasa there is a time for this. And there is a time for that. This beautiful hadith of our Prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam brings to light an issue that all of us experience. If people like Abubakar and humble Allah and the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam experienced these issues whereby there were times in their lives when the man would become weak than what about me and knew they were there at the time of Revelation.

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They lived with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They heard it recitation from his lips, they prayed in congregation behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They performed Jihad with him, and they made hard with him and they fasted the month of Ramadan with him, yet even they could have weak Eman. So what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advise them and advised us is that there are times in which this will happen. He man fluctuates, Eman at times is strong, and other times it becomes weak. There are people here today sitting in this congregation in this Masjid, who even on this blessed day of jungle are dispersed today of Friday, before they came to the masjid. When they

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woke up this morning, they found that they were disconnected from Allah. The man was weak. They didn't feel in their hearts that they had a strong attachment to Allah. And this is a reality that we all face and experience. If you were to think back to the time of Robin last year, or you want to think back of that time, perhaps if you went for Umrah or Hajj, the type of Eman that you experienced during those seasons at those times and in those places, no longer perhaps do you feel that way sitting here today? And so a man becomes weak. So the question my dear brothers and sisters in Islam is not whether you're a man or times will become weak, because we know that the companions

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or the Allah who also factor type of weakness. And by the way, the weak state of Eman that the companions felt is probably the heights of Eman for us yet still for even for them. They had this fluctuating state. So the question that we really address is during those times of weakness when our Eman does become weak, when we feel that we're detached from Allah, when we feel that we're not connected to the Quran and the speech of Allah, when we come and we pray in congregation with 1000s of other Muslims surrounding us yet still, our heart is still hard. We don't feel that it softens. We don't feel that we've come closer to Allah. That is a problem that we have to address. That is

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our Eman calling out for how we need to do something to increase and boost our Eman. And so it is for that reason that I want to insha Allah today analyze the Hadith. And there are many, many ways that you can increase your Eman many ways every act of God every act of worship to Allah is a means of increasing your Eman. Well I want to focus on a single Hadith in this hotbar and that is the Hadith narrated by an unstable nomadic Ravi Allah who collected in Sahih Muslim that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said fella fun man corner fee he was at the Halawa tell Eamon three things. If you have them and you achieve them, then you will taste the sweetness of emotion. And

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I've chosen this hadith because of this wording that you will taste the sweetness of Eman. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam. There is a sweetness to a man that once you taste you will never ever want to leave having that taste ever again. And there is not something which you taste in your mouth smell like fruit or food or something that you place in your mouth. The sweetness of Eman is something that you feel in your heart, contentment, peace, tranquility, that feeling of being attached to Allah close to Allah subhanho wa Taala that is the sweetness of Eman and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he man has a sweetness. Why? Because Allah azzawajal in the

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Quran when he speaks about tawheed he describes it as a tree and a tree. One of the greatest benefits of a tree is the sweet fruit that you take from the tree. And I'm Tara Kay for Dora below. Maslen Kelly met on by Heba Tasha Ratan Paiva also has a bit on what photo hafsa sama to Pula. Hakuna near Abuja, indeed from the parables that Allah has placed forth for us is that the example of the goodly word the good word, what is the good statement? La ilaha illa Allah. The example of that statement is like the example of a good tree. A god bless a tree, a tree that has its roots firmly in the ground, and its branches spread out far into the sky. It gives its fruits in every

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Season. That is the example that Allah has given for a man and photo head, that there is like a tree that doesn't just come into harvest once a year, or perhaps once every two years, or sometimes it gives a week harvest. Sometimes it gives a strong harvest. The man true a man is something which you can plug into at all times. It is something which you taste the sweetness at all times. And that's why scheffel Islamic multimedia rahima hula huhtala said, then indeed, in this world, there is a heaven, just as in the next life in the earth era, there is a heaven. And in order for you to enter into that Jannah, that heaven of the Hereafter, you must first enter into the gender of this world.

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What is this gender the seven, this garden and paradise that is referring to it is tasting the sweetness of a man, it is coming closer to Allah by worshiping Him and doing acts of goodness, that is what he's referring to. And that's why the scholars of the past would say that what we have in our hearts, if the rulers and the powerful and the rich people, if they knew what we had in our hearts, they would kill us for it. Because it's more valuable than all of the wealth and money that they have. It's more valuable than all of the power that they have. All of the land that they possess, all of the prestige and fame that they have, is much value much more valuable, much more

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precious than all of that. Why? Because what the scholars had in their hearts was strong, he man, they tasted the sweetness of a man, they had tranquility and peace and comfort. And these things only come from Allah subhanho wa Taala. It's not something which you can buy, not something which you inherit, not something which you download, not something which you qualify for. It is something which allows the will gives us a gift and an honor and a blessing. But there are things that you can do in order to achieve those things in order to come closer to attaining those gifts from Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was focusing on in this

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Hadith, when he said three things if you have them, you will taste the sweetness of a man. The first thing your corn Allahu wa rasuluh I have lay him in mercy. Well, the first thing is that Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam should be more beloved to you than anything and everything else. And this is something which we all know is a part of our religion, that we love Allah more than everything else. We love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam more than everything else. And even though this is something which we know, and insha Allah, to some extent, we have this type of love within our hearts, all of us fall short of the mark. Because to truly love the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And to truly love Allah is not just to make a claim upon your tongues. It's not just to say something when it feels like it's good to say it out loud. But what it means is that you put that into action, that in your heart that is nothing more beloved to you than Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you defend the honor of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by defending their religion, that you that you implement the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the laws of Allah even when it goes against your desires, and we all know that sometimes when you're practicing this religion, you want to

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worship Allah shavon comes and he whispers and he attacks you, the people around you look down upon you. People say stuff about you, that probably isn't so pleasant, but that is from the sacrifice that you face. That is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told his companions, that is why the reward of holding on to the path of Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is one of the greatest rewards that you can attain. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was once in a graveyard with his companions. And he was giving salaams to the inhabitants of the graveyard. And then he said out loud, that I longed to see my brothers. I longed to meet my brothers. And so the

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companions were amazed by the statement. So they said, O Messenger of Allah, a we're not your brothers. We're here around you how much you already met us and seen us? He said, No, you are my companions. My brothers are those people who will come after me. They will not have seen me or met me, yet still, they will believe in me and they will follow me. That is the description of being a brother of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of being a part of his own mother, even though you never met him. You never saw him. You never sat with him, you never spoke to him. You still believe in Him, and you still follow his sooner and you're still willing to give more precedence to

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him and his way over yourself and your parents and your children, and everything else that you hold dear. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knew and acknowledge that this would be difficult. It is difficult to wake up in the morning for Salah to vision, difficult to fast in the month of Ramadan, difficult to take money out of your pockets and split

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For the way of Allah, but you do it because you sacrifice these things because you know that that is what Allah wants. That is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam instructed us to do. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this Hadith, he acknowledged the difficulty of this challenge. And he goes on, and he says, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that for one of those people, his brothers, for one of them, to hold them to this religion, will be like holding on to red hot coals, red hot coals. And one of the reasons why this example is given here by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is because when you take a red hot coal in your hand, then your natural

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inclination is to drop it is to let it out, because it's painful, holding such a thing in the palm of your hand. But to fight those desires, to fight that desire of wanting to let go, that is the example that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is giving that despite the difficulty, despite that hardship, you keep holding on to that red hot coal, because that is what Allah once that is what the prophet SAW Allah and he was selling them once. And obviously this is a metaphorical example. But that's what it is, is translated into our morning prayers when you wake up for fudger. Or when you come for a shower, or when you fast in the month of Ramadan, or you give sadaqa or you

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save for years, and you make 100 once in a lifetime, all of those sacrifices for Allah and for His Prophet salaallah where are they He will send them and that's why you have the example of the companions or the Allah who would come and they would sacrifice all of their wealth, they would sacrifice their families and their children and everything, just to protect the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is what is meant by loving Allah and His Prophet SAW Allah Allah He will sell them more than anything and everything else. A verbatim ninja raha de Allah one on the day of the Battle of brother, when he was in the ranks of the Muslim army in the opposing ranks the enemy lines

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was his own father, fighting with the Polish non Muslims. And on the battlefield, he had to fight his father on the day of battle had to face him every time his father came, he would look for a way out, go right go left, because it's his father doesn't want to face his father on the battlefield. But there came a time in the battle where he was trapped, had to face his father couldn't move, and he was either him or his father. And so out of love for Allah and for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knowing that Toshi than a man is a far greater bond than the bond of blood, and the father of fatherhood. He took the life of his own father, and a large sandwich and praises in the Quran.

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lethargy do call me You may know Nabila, he will do me a favor. You do Nam and her de la hora Sula, Willow can buy a home, home with one a home or shirato home. You will not find those people who believe in Allah and believe in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that they love and ally themselves with those who have enmity and hatred, and they oppose and try to kill Allah oppose Allah. I'm trying to kill his prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even if those people be their fathers, their own sons, their own brothers or their own family members. That is the praise that Allah gave to abort obey them that day of brother. This is the sacrifice that they made. It wasn't

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just that they sat at home, and they weren't able to do certain jobs, or Sarah home, and it was difficult for them to perform certain acts of worship. They performed actual sacrifice, sacrificing money, leaving their homes, leaving their loved ones, moving from one city to another, all of these trials that they had to go through, out of love for Allah, out of love for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so when you have that type of love, that type of of love for Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even though people around you may not agree or may not like it, but you follow the Quran and the Sunnah, even though your appearance may look different to the way

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that other people are around you, even though you may have to do certain things that your friends don't approve of. But it doesn't matter. Because that's my sacrifice to Allah. That's my sacrifice to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that's what it means to love them more than anything and everything else. When you achieved that level and that state, then you have started to taste the sweetness of a man, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam continued on to the second of these three points from the three things that will allow you to taste the sweetness of a man, and you hit Balmoral law, you hibou in law, the law, that you love someone and you only love them for the sake

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of Allah, you love them only for the sake of Allah. And these things, my dear brothers and sisters are things that we're already doing. We already claim to love Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we already have friends and brothers and sisters around us who we love for the sake of Allah. But is that love sincere? Is it only for the sake of Allah? Or is it because these are my friends that I grew up with, even if they're bad company for me, these are the people that I work with. So I

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hang around with them. These are the people that I grew up with or the people that are related to my family. I have some business dealings, I need to get some money from this guy. So I need to make in my friend, what is that love that is for the sake of Allah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave that example in a Hadith, when he said that from the past people from the past nations, there was a man who was traveling from one city to another. And he was traveling on on that way a large, which I'll send to him an angel in the form of a man. And the angel came to that man and he said, Where are you going? The man replied, I'm going to such and such a city to see a brother of mine,

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when Angel replied, is it because you have some business dealings? Perhaps he owes you some money? You need some money, here's a here's a loan, overuse some type of debt. He said, No, not because of money. He said, Is it because of marriage? You want to get married in his family? He wants to get married from your family? He said no, not because of marriage. He said sin Why? Why are you going all of this distance? He said only for the sake of Allah. Only because I love him for Allah. So the angel replied, and he said, I am an angel from your Lord, that Allah has sent down down to you. And I and Allah azza wa jal wants you to know that just as you love that man, Allah loves you. Just as

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you love him. Allah loves you, when it's untainted love when it's not love that has been tainted with anything from the dunya only for the sake of Allah, only for Allah and this is the friendship that will last on your multi Yama when Allah azza wa jal says in the Quran, Allah Allah Yama even bearable homely Maldonado, an elder looked up in the best of friends and your multi Yama will be enemies one to another, except for the mucked up in why, because there is those McDuck in in this dunya your friends who love you only for the sake of Allah. They won't be shy or embarrassed. When you don't offer your prayers to remind you to pray. They won't be shy or embarrassed in the month of

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Ramadan, to encourage you to recite extra Quran, they won't be shy or embarrassed to tell you to give more in charity, they will do everything they can because of their love for you for the sake of Allah to ensure that you enter into Jannah as opposed to those friends who will appease you. As opposed to those friends who are shared and who are scared that if they remind you of Allah, you'll become upset and you will speak to them anymore. They don't care about that they can only for your well being in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala that is the true friendship. And that's why I believe riesel hanani Rahim Allahu taala said that he entered into the mosque in Damascus and within

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the masjid he met the great companion while the Punjabi rhodiola one and he said to him, oh my god, I love you for the sake of Allah. Whereas I looked at him and he replied, law, take an oath by Allah swear by Allah, that you love me only for the sake of Allah. And he made him repeat this oh three times. And then he said have glad tidings for I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say that Allah azza wa jal says in a hadith and Pudsey what Shabbat Maha Betty Phil Mota have been a fee. One motor generally seen a fee one motors are very in a fee, one motor Ballymena fee. Allah azza wa jal says in this hadith and Pudsey four types of people, Allah is love is obligatory upon

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them, Allah is love is incumbent upon them, those who love one another for the sake of Allah, and those who sit with one another for the sake of Allah, and those who visit one another for the sake of Allah, and those who strive for one another for the sake of Allah. And these are things that we already do. We already have people, friends, that we love, friends that we visit, friends that we sit with, friends that we strive for. But the important point in this hadith is that it must be for the sake of Allah, only for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And when you have that type of friendship, then even on your monkey Yama, you will see the fruits of that type of friendship, that

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will be a blessing, friendship in this life, and the next and that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he first came to Medina, he was eager to pair up the companions, one from the Ansari one from the Maha jeanene make a pact of brotherhood amongst them. That's why you have the examples of Abubakar and armor and the way that they had that rivalry between them. rivalry for what not for money, not for fame, not for power, only for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala barakallahu li walakum Rani was one of our New York mafia him I mean it will hikma Apollo Mathis Maroon was Dr. Abdullah Holly welcome well engineering muslimeen I mean called is I've been pissed

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off Euro in the whole kind of Farah

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Allahu Allah certainly he was shockula tofield Tina was shadow Allah you know in Allahu la sharika Hotel the militia and shadow nana nana Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah

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sallallahu wasallam ah about a karate he went early. He was so happy he was one who seldom at the Sleeman kathira I'm about the third issue that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned to us in the house.

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diff from the three ways that you get to taste the sweetness of a man. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when you're pro when you're older, filco free, because the hula can often now that a person should dislike and hate, that they should leave this religion after Allah azza wa jal save them from disbelief, just as a person dislikes that Allah should throw them into the fire of how my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, Allah azza wa jal has bestowed upon us so many blessings. And if you were to try to count and enumerate those blessings, it would be impossible for us to do so if you want to just sit down and try to think of the blessings that Allah has placed just within your

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own body, your eyesight, your hearing, the fact that you have 10 fingers, the fact that you can walk, the fact that you can talk, the fact that you have a brain, and that's before you even go into the heart, and the lungs, and the kidney, and the liver, and all of those functions, that even with modern science and technology, even with breakthroughs in medicine, we're still only able to fathom a very small percentage of the true miracle of the way that our body works. Just the way that we breathe, just the way that our oxygen works and carbon dioxide, all of these things. And that's before you look around you from the other blessings that Allah has bestowed upon you, upon your

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family, your children, upon you in terms of wealth, and job and safety and security, all of these different blessings of Allah. If you were to place all of these blessings that Allah has in one scale, and then what you do in return in terms of worship and good in terms of obedience to Allah, then you would find that you could never never come to being grateful for those blessings of Allah azza wa jal, and that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that from the people that will come on yarmulke Yama is a man who all lonely spent his whole life in worship of Allah. He spent his whole life in obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala. All he did was worship Allah. He will

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come on Yeoman pm and He will say to Allah, Allah, on this day, I want to be held to account only for my good deeds. I don't want your mercy of Allah. I don't want your forgiveness only hold me to account for the good that I did. And all he did in his life was good. All he did was rebound. All he did was a by Allah. So Allah will place all of his blessings that he bestowed upon this man in one scale, and he will places rebar that his lifetime of worship in the other scale, and it will be seen that all of his lifetime of worship is only equal to half the blessing of eyesight. Only half the blessing of eyesight, let alone hearing and speaking, and all of those other things only half the

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blessing of eyesight. So man, this man will see the way that alerts so we're just blessing of far greater than a lifetime of worship. He will say Allah, rather Your mercy rather Your mercy, and Allah through His mercy will enter him into Jenna. Allah azza wa jal has placed upon us many blessings, but the greatest single blessing that Allah has bestowed upon us far greater than all of those other issues that you can think of the greatest single blessing of Allah is a man. The fact that you are a member of this oma, the fact that you believe in Allah, that you accept the Quran as a speech of Allah, that you believe in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that blessing of

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being a part of this ummah, of being a Muslim, of having a man is far greater than any other blessing. How many billions of people have come from the time of Adam and will come until the end of time, it will only be a few from amongst them, that a large region will have blessed with the greatest of blessings, the blessing of a man, the blessing of knowing Allah and worshipping Him alone, the blessing of following the Shetty era of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But the irony in this is, is that even though this is the greatest blessing of Allah, it is the one that we most neglect, even though it is the greatest favor of Allah, the greatest honor that Allah has

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bestowed upon us. It is the one that we neglect most. We often think about our sight, we think about our hearing, especially when someone around us falls ill or we fall ill we appreciate these types of blessings. If we go through a difficult financial period, we appreciate money and its value. But when do we appreciate the blessing of man? When do we appreciate the blessing of the Quran? When do we appreciate the blessing of being part of the oma well, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, these three things are things that we need to work on, in order to taste that sweetness of Eman in order so that when we go through those periods of time, when our

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email is weak, when we go through periods of time, and we feel disconnected from Allah, we have the ability in our email, that we love Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam more than anything and everything else, that we have people around us that we love, and we only love them for the sake of Allah, and that we dislike that Allah should take away from us this blessing of a man, just as we decipher a normal cuyama Allah shall throw us in the fire as Allah Subhan

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Anahata Allah that He constantly gives a strong a man and that he gives us the ability to increase our Eman when it becomes weak and that a large soldier makes us from amongst those people who will have his blessings in this life and the next one that Allah azzawajal enters us into the highest levels of Paradise from Allah Mr. Duffy been upset was an Effie Hibi melodica

00:30:23 --> 00:30:36

Well, you have become an engineer he went he forgot an opponent Karima in the LA Hawa, Malika Hollister lunarlon, maybe you're living in Armando Salva, he was sending notice NEMA Allahumma salli wa sallam was wondering Mubarak and abduct Veronica Mohammed

00:30:38 --> 00:30:46

Rashid in la mattina de in the backend where Omar was man our early one sir era Sahaba th Marine what's happening in a woman tambien la Yami Diem

00:30:49 --> 00:30:51

amin Allah homophilic Muslim in one Muslim at

00:30:53 --> 00:30:53

me not Allah.

00:30:55 --> 00:30:57

Allah lamartine husana taqwa was

00:30:59 --> 00:31:03

until you have a mala ha Subhan Allah, Allah is that my OC phone was

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shavon alongi

00:31:17 --> 00:31:23

Bismillah mn in offi

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