Ahsan Hanif – The Book Of Prayer Episode 10

Ahsan Hanif
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The importance of following the Sun waking and following the Hadith is emphasized in the prayer of Islam. The speaker provides detailed instructions for each module and encourages practice. The importance of practicing the prayer of Islam is emphasized, including reciting the Prophet's statement and the use of words like "has been" to cover actions of worship. The importance of practicing properly and avoiding mistakes is emphasized, along with the importance of reciting the surah and the proper weight and weight weight weight. The speaker provides examples of common actions within the prayer, including reciting the Surah and the use of a hand in praying. The importance of proper weight and proper legs is emphasized, and the need to practice properly and avoid mistakes is emphasized.

AI: Summary ©

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			Amina shavon
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			hora beyond amin sallallahu wasallam Obara, Casa de la jolla
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			and sarada serpiente. He wanted to he was he he
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			seldom at the Sleeman kathira
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			Allah Emanuel hospital Muslim e4 Rahim Allahu taala Babu Siva Sana.
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			Before we took this long extended break that we took last year, we covered the introductory topics
and chapters to the book of prayer. And so we will discuss things like the chapter of the conditions
of prayer, the chapter of our than the chapter of having to shorten the prayer, the chapter of
massages, and so on and so forth. And those all of those chapters that we discussed previously, were
an introduction to this book of Salah. Now, from this chapter onwards, we go into the actual, if you
like the meat of the subject and the topic, and that is the actual prayer in itself. And so the
author of the mahoma huhtala, he begins with this chapter in title, the chapter of the description
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			of the prayer.
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			We know from our religion that in order for any action to be accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala, it
has to fulfill two conditions. And those two conditions are those that are large xojo himself
summarized in the final verse of Soraka, where a large total says Furman Kenyatta, Jr, arabe folia,
Milan, Milan, Sally Ha. While are usually very bad at Europe via hada whosoever wishes and hopes to
meet his Lord, they let him perform righteous deeds and let him not associate anyone in the worship
of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So those two things are needed in order for a person to have their deeds
accepted by Allah. Number one is last sincerity that you worship Allah and Allah alone. So your
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			prayer your fasting us aka your husband, Amara, it is done for Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. And
the second condition is righteous deeds. How does the deed become righteous? After you have
sincerity, it is a righteous when you follow and apply and implement the Sunnah of our Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So that is a general ruling, there is a general conditional those two
conditions are general and you find them throughout all of the different aspects of our religion.
But when it came to some actions, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stress this point of
following his Sunnah even more, and it is even more important and even more stressed and emphasized
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			than usual. So for example, when we discussed and study the book of Hajj, and the chapters regarding
Hajj and Umrah we came across the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which he said,
Who's the only man a seeker can take from me your Hajj rights, so that you don't go and perform
hedge make tawaf salary and so on and so forth. Any which way that you want according to your own
mind, your own intellectual understanding the profits on the lower it, you will sell them said, Take
your rights of hunch from me. Likewise, in this chapter of Sala and the description of prayer, we
will also come across another Hadith, the hadith of madaket nonhighway, this rhodiola one in which
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			the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Sunday tomorrow at moonee Valley, pray as you have
seen me praying and that is a principle within this chapter of Salah that I will pray in order for
it to be accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala must conform to the way that the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam pray, so we pray the way that he prayed. That includes the record and the schedule
and the avocado that you make and all of the different stages of the prep. So, this is why this
chapter is important not only is important, but you find that it is extremely long, it was much
longer than the other chapters that we have taken and that is because of the detail required within
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			this chapter.
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			So we shall begin with the first Harry's Harry's number 212 and a bee warrior authority Allahu
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			Allahu alayhi wa sallam upon his appunto Salah T for hospital Budo asuma stockopedia tabla for Kabir
submicrometer sarama kameena are on some more character Toma inara Kira to Murphy for Hector trata
de la Lima, some mustard have
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			some more Fatima in Naja Elisa sama mustard heterotopia in the sajida
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			Some of you confused solar Tikka Kalia, Harajuku sabarimala Bukhari will leave an image of Islam the
Muslim inhaca dogma in Nepal EMA Miss de de de facto Ebony raffia in the middle of the ban
heterotopia in Nakajima Ali Ahmed, welcome soon Becca Hector mom willingness to be the Buddha mean
howdy theory for entrepreneurs
00:05:24 --> 00:05:36
			in Holland at Masada decom Hector use beautiful wood Oh, come on, oh la, la La, La La La Jolla,
Hamada who use near la Wolfie have en can America for Armand
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			de la vaca bhairahawa lil only Aveda wood, some macabeo mill keytab Wahby Masha Allah, wa ligny
headband from Mama shaped, and the authority of Abu huraira rhodiola under the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said, when it comes to standing for the prayer, then perform Moodle properly and
face to Qibla. And make the trek beam and then recite what you're able to from the Quran. And then
make record until you reach tranquility in your record. And then stand until you are tranquil in
your standing. And then make scheduled until you are tranquil in your schedule. And then set up
until you are tranquil in your setting. Then again, make salute until you are tranquil in your
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			schedule. And then do that in all throughout all of your prayer. And this is collected by the seven
and the wordings of Al Bukhari. And also in the notion of even manager with the chain of narration
of Muslim until you stand and you are tranquil in your standing position. And likewise, in the
Hadith of the fire Ebony raffia collected by Mr. Mohammed did a ban until you stand and you are
tranquil in that position. And in the narration of Mr. Mohammed didn't stand until all of your limbs
go back to the original place. And in the narration of a necessity and that was from the heart of
the fair Ebner affair, that your prayer will not be complete until you perfect your widow as unless
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			there was an order. And then you make a bid to Allah and you praise Him you glorify Him, and you you
you make Santa upon him. And also within that narration. And then one of you should read the Koran
otherwise or out if he isn't able to then it implies a law that in glorify him, and then he make
detalied which is to say la ilaha illAllah. And in the duration of a Buddha would then recite Surah
Fatiha and that which Allah wills, and in the duration of urban hip ban, then we cite what you are
able to
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			disperse Hadith, whichever Allah brings him, and it's a long duration with different wordings that
he brings, and it but it is all the same duration was one narration.
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			This Have you thought about a rhodiola one and other varying wordings that come from it is
considered to be the Asan or the origin or the essence of this chapter. And as we've said before,
and we've discussed the methodology of people hijacking mohalla in this book and the way that he
brings Hadith and his ordering of the Hadith. We've said before that normally the first Hadith that
is mentioned within the chapter, by Abraham, Abraham, Allah is the most important or one of the most
important hadiths concerning the issue. And so he always begins with the most important one, we'll
give you the basics, the essence, the principles, the guidelines of the issue, and then he will
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			bring other integrations to supplement and complement this first heavy. Likewise, Rahim Allah, Allah
as he often does, throughout his book, he summarizes and abridge the Hadith. And so this hadith as
we'll discuss, is actually a much longer Hadith. But Abraham Rahim Allah, He bridges it, and he
summarizes it to the points that are necessary. When it comes to the prayer the prayer is unique in
a certain way, like Hajj and Umrah and what I mean by that is that normally when it comes to the
actions of Islam, we are divided into two things, two categories, the do's and the don'ts. So you
have the things that you do in the act of worship, and the things that you must refrain from in that
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			act of worship.
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			So for example, in fasting, what do you do you you know, you you still you stop eating and you stop
drinking? What don't you do? Eat and drink? And so there's always do's and don'ts likewise Hajj and
Umrah what do you do in the Haram? What can you do in a haram there are always do's and don'ts, then
the do's what you can do in these acts of worship are also divided generally speaking into to and
that is what is obligatory upon you to do what is known as worship and then what it is recommended
for you to do what is known as Sunnah almost the hab Omen do and so for example, when it comes to
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			that which Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions within the surah or within sort of Mati that the verse
of widow, that is worship, you must do that. washing your face, washing your arms, wiping over your
head, why
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			Your feet, these are things you must do in Moodle. What is the Sunnah motto, other things which are
mentioned throughout the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like, for example, have made
using the miswak, before you make poodle. And we covered this chapter, you know, in a lot of detail
previously as well, but the point being, that the in the dues in what you do, and the actions that
you should perform, they are also divided into two categories, that which is obligatory, and that
which is recommended, that is the general norm. The exception to this is the chapter of punch, the
book of Hydras, recovered, and also the book of Salah. And there is a third element of what you do
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			the actions that you should perform that enter into these two chapters because of the nature of
them, how big they are, how important they are, and the nature of these acts of worship. And an
extra element is that the category of obligations is then further again divided into two. So you
have the do's and the don'ts, then the dues are divided into obligatory and what is considered to be
some recommended. And then in prayer and hunch the obligatory is further divided into two, how is it
further divided into two? It is divided into pillars, and obligatory acts are broken, and,
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			or broken. And what is the difference between the two and we did cover this in the chapter of
hodgepodge just to refresh our minds and our memories. The difference between the two is that our
broken literally means a pillar. And a pillar is something which you must perform, you must perform
it without it, there is no prayer, there is no Hajj, there is no camera, you must perform these acts
of worship, or these acts within the hands of the camera or the prayer arounds that prayer is null
and void. There is no excuse, there is no expiation, you can't make up for it. So in the prayer, you
can't just perform to such as at the end, if you miss a broken a pillar, the pillar must be
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			performed, it must be done, or else the prayer is incorrect. The second category is the word
obligatory. So both of them are obligatory. The difference being though that are obligatory Act, the
word within the prayer and the hedge. The word job is something which if you miss by accident, by
mistake or forgetfulness, you can expect for it and your prayer or your health is not null and void.
And you don't have to go back and perform it again. You can expect for it, but a rokan a pillar You
can't expect for it. So for example, in hygiene in health, if you don't stand on the dev alpha in
the plane of alpha, that is a rock and a pillar of hedge standing in our alpha and the length of the
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			ledger. If you don't stand in our alpha, there is no hedge for you. Doesn't matter how many camels
you sacrifice, how much money money Givens in charity, how much is still found you make there is no
hatch, there is no hatch fee, you must be an honor for on that day or on that night arounds there is
no hedge that is a rookie. Whereas in hatch, if, for example, you miss stoning the pillars, as we
know in minute there are three pillars you stone them, if you miss them, that is not a pillar of
hatch. It is an obligatory act, you can expect by sacrifice machine. So if you missed it for a
genuine reason, I don't mean someone that misses it on purpose, because they're lazy or whatever,
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			they have a genuine reason, and they can't go and perform it. So then they can sacrifice a sheep. So
both of them are obligatory, but one can be expiated, the other one can't. Likewise, in the prayer,
we have the same setup, there are parts of the prayer that you must do. And if you don't do them,
then there is no prayer. And there are other parts of the prayer which you must do as well. But if
you miss them for a genuine reason, when you can make up for them, you can expect for them. This
first habit of above railroad, the last one is discussing the pillars of prayer. This is what it
generally revolves around the pillars of the prayer, not obligatory acts, not the sunan not the
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			recommended acts. It is the pillars of prayer. But it is not comprehensive. There are some pillars
of prayer that are not mentioned within this hadith. They are not mentioned within this Hadith, but
generally speaking, it is discussing the pillars of the prayer. And there are also other acts within
these narrations that are not pillars of the prayer. But they are just mentioned as well. But
generally speaking, most of what is in these narrations are the pillars of the prayer. This Hadith,
as I said, has been summarized and abridged and it's a song or the full version is a much longer
Hadith. And that is that this hadith is known amongst the scholars of Islam as the hadith of almasi
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			feasts on it. The man who prayed improperly, incorrectly, badly poorly, the man who didn't pray
properly. This is the Hadith
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			This is how the Spanish refer to this Hadith, and we'll see if you salata, the man who didn't pray
properly, and his story is that a man or companion by the name of Khaled Eben raffia, Allah dibner
raffia entered into the masjid. Once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting in the
messenger. So he entered and he prayed. He prayed to here to measure the entered and he prayed. And
then he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he gave silence. So the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responded and he said, What are the common Salam aerojet for suddenly
for in the column to Sunday, he replied to his salams and then he said to him, go back and pray for
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			you haven't prayed
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			to the man went back and he prayed a second time.
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			The way that he knows to pray, this is how he prays, or how he's always been praying. He came back
to the professor send him after the second time give cinemas again, the profits are lower and he
will sell them said what are the call center aerojet for suddenly for in the column to suddenly go
back and pray for you haven't prayed. So the man went back the third time, the third time. He's
offering that prayer goes back a second time. The third time he offers this prayer. He prays comes
back against a Salam aleikum. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said what are they call Salam
aerojet for Sunday for in mecanim to suddenly go back and pray for you have prayed. So when the
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			prophets of Salaam said this the third time the man replied, and he said, Well, levy bathabile la
casinoeuro hada Oh, the one who sent you with the truth, the one that Allah gave the truth to, I
can't do better than this. This is more than I can do. This is how I pray. This is how I know how to
pray. So then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned what is mentioned within this
narration, but if Mahajan, Rahim Allah brings, so that is the background to this issue. And that's
why the holly is referred to the man who prayed improperly, incorrectly, he came and he prayed the
way that he thought that this is the prayer. This is what he knows to be the prayer. And this shows
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			us a number of important points before we go on to the more filthy aspects number one,
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			that a person's prayer, just because they think this is how they know to pray. Or this is the way
that the parents taught them to pray. Or this is the way they learn to pray from a book or whatever
that means maybe doesn't necessarily mean it is correct or authentic, as established by the
prophets. On the long run. It was similar, and the prophets of Salaam here is referring to the main
issues of the pray the pillars of the prayer. We're not talking about the recommended acts, we're
not talking about the smaller minutiae of the prayer, in which there are differences of opinion
amongst the scholars. We're talking about the essence of prayer, the main parts, the pillars of the
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			prayer, if those are not perfected, or not offered properly and correctly, there is no prayer. of so
Selim says to him, go back and pray for you haven't prayed, and the management plane, the way he
knows to praise, standing and record and the way he normally makes and performance these acts, but
the prophets of Salaam said to him, you haven't prayed a slump prayer. So just because someone is
performing report was so good, doesn't necessarily mean that they are praying, if it is not correct
and doesn't fulfill the conditions of Vax of prayer. That's one point of benefit. Number two, is
that someone who is in that situation, and that's how they've been praying, they should be taught.
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			And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam uses a unique technique of teaching a teaching tool that
is unique. And that is that he makes the man go back a number of times and repeat the prayer. Until
finally the man just becomes fed up and he says, I don't know any better. Tommy, I don't know any
better. And so the prophets of Salaam waited for him to reach that stage of acknowledging to himself
that he can't pray any better that he doesn't know how to pray. He's making mistakes. And once you
read, he reaches that realization, and he's ready to accept this knowledge and implement the actual
way of prayer. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam informs him and enlightens him. The
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			third point of benefits here is that the profits on the lower end he will sell them, didn't order
the man to go back and repeat all of the prayers of his life. From the moment he accepted Islam
until that point. He didn't say to him, all of those prayers that you've previously prayed, now, go
back and pray them, repeat them all again, because we've just established you didn't know how to
pray. The prophets of Salaam told him how to pray. And then he left at that meaning from now on,
this is how you pray. And that also shows that if a person is in that situation, they shouldn't be
shy or embarrassed, shouldn't be fearful that all of their prayers are null and void, or that the
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			President mean anything. Well, they weren't counted. Because if that is how they knew how to pray,
and that was the best that they could do to the best of their knowledge, then insha Allah Allah will
accept that from them.
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			A lot. So Virgil is the one who accepts deeds and he rejects deeds subhanho wa Taala. But now that
you've been told, you've been enlightened, you've been informed that you will make mistakes, and
this is the correct way to pray. Now it is upon you to implement that. And if you don't, then now,
your actions are no longer valid, if it comes to those pillars of the prayer. So these are some of
the things that we find from the benefits of the story behind this hadith. The Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said, if one of you stands for the prayer, that let him perform Moodle properly, we
covered a number of these issues in the first chapter of this book, or of this book of prayer. And
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			that was the chapter of the conditions of Salah. And so those are conditions, conditions, things
that you do before the actual act itself, before the prayer, and the prophets of Allah mentions to
here but there are others as well, that we've covered. And if you missed those, you can go back to
the videos in Sharla, and go back to them or refresh your memory. Those two conditions are number
one, or the two that I mentioned this Hadeeth number one is will do properly, meaning that you don't
just rush the widow, you perform Moodle properly. And number two that you face the Qibla if we start
to blur, and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam continues, and he says fatca bill, then
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			say the tech bill. And this is the first tech beer of the prayer. And that is known as to be rotten
ROM, the ROM and ROM generally also like enhance and hombre you have a harem, and basically means a
state of sanctity, a secret state, so you're entering entering into a sacred straight state. What is
the sacred state here? The prayer. So once you say that first alarm will occur, you have entered
into a sacred state. New rulings now apply upon you. You can't talk. You can't eat, you can't drink.
You can't do any of the things that you would normally do. Can't see your phone, none of that stuff.
You are now in a sacred state. That's why it's called miracle and signifies the beginning of the
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			prayer. And the professor seldom said in a different narration that the harima had to be when he
spoke about the prayer he said that it's beginning what makes everything that is normally halal
haram for you is the first appear emo at will. And that state of sanctity will continue until the
slim until you say a salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah until the end of the prayer. And so this first
beer is broken, it is a pillar of the prayer, you must do this. So if a person was to come into the
masjid, and they will just start saying 100 Let me so they can stand. They put their hands on their
chest, and they start reciting Surah Fatiha. There is no prayer for them. That prayer is incorrect.
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			Why? Because they didn't say Allahu Akbar. And this is an important point because often, especially
when you come late to the jamara so the Imam has already started. The Jamaat has begun you've come
in late you've Mr. Lockhart Rockers, maybe the Imam has stood up from reconnaissance me Hello Honey,
Mohammed, the maybes Institute. How do you start the prayer? Some people will come in and they'll
just say send me alone him and hammer them they'll just follow the email. That's incorrect. They
haven't prayed the prayer. You must always start with the miracle.
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			So your intention when you enter even if the Imam for example, isn't report or surgery, said Allah
Akbar, and you're gonna say Allahu Akbar as well. But the intention in your heart is that this is my
beer to
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			your Allahu Akbar that takes you into
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			his youth Bureau.
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			That is how you begin the prayer. This is a rock and it is a pillar. He said sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, Sumatra, Mateus sir America mineral poron then we say that which it is easy for you to
recite in the Quran. From the Quran. We will see from the other variations and wordings of this
hadith as well as other Hadith that Abraham's Rahim Allah will bring subsequently after this, that
this recitation that the professor Sonam is referring to is divided into two a pillar and a
recommendation. A pot that is a pillar you must do it in terms of your dissertation. And under the
pot which is recommended. It is fun. Now, it is better to do the pillar part of the of the
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			recitation, and that's clarified in some of the wordings of this hadith below is sort of
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			what is known as Al Kitab, the mother of the Quran, the most important surah of the Quran Surah Al
Fatiha, that is the pillar of the prayer you must recite Surah Fatiha. So if someone said Allahu
Akbar, I will go below him in the shape on the regimes Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim Allah who Allahu
Allah and they just start reciting sort of last and they miss Surah Fatiha, the prayer is invalid.
There is no prayer they have
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			Missed or broken, and this will open. And all of these are can other than the build up to the ROM.
All of these other pillars that we're now going to mention is for every single record of the prayer,
so not just once in the prayer for every record of every prayer. And that's why even for example, in
Salatu janaza, the funeral prayer in which there's no record and also nothing else, you still have
to recite Surah Al Fatiha. So it is one of the most important records and pillars of the prayer.
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			The second part, the second part of the recitation is any other surah. So after we started sort of
fatty how whatever else you want to recite, however long or short, from whichever part of the Quran
that is similar, that is a recommendation, you may choose and recite as much as you want or as
little as you want. Then he carried on some longer and he will cinnamon he said for Mark maraca,
then go into core until you are tranquil in that position. There are two
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			pillars being mentioned here. And one of them is something which is going to be repeated over and
over again, for the remainder of this hadith. The first pillar is the record itself, the action of
varying in the prayer. So you go into court, and we'll go into a lot more detail concerning each
parts of these prayers that are understood in more detail, Abraham's Rahim Allah will bring a hadith
to deal with these actual acts in and of themselves. But generally speaking the record, you go into
record that is a pillar of the prayer. That's one pillar, the second pillar that is mentioned, and
the one that is repeated for the remainder of this hadith is tranquility. until you reach a tranquil
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			position. What does the tranquil position mean? The scholars have explained this in different ways.
One of those ways is what is mentioned in the generation of Mr. Mohammed Rahim, Allah also found
first Hadith. And that is that you go into a position until your limbs go back to the original
position, meaning that you tranquil, so you let all of your body be stable. And it's there, and it's
tranquil in that position before you move on to the next position. So for example, if you go into
the core, when you bow, you must stay there, you must be stable, you must be tranquil, your body
must be relaxed in that position, before you come out of record. And then likewise, when you spend,
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			and then likewise, when you go into surgery. And then likewise, when you sit between the two such
good. So this tranquility in all of the positions of the prayer, it is also a pillar of the prayer.
Another explanation of what tranquility is or how you judge this tranquility is some of the sponsors
say that you enables you to make the car of that particular position. So for example, when you go
into record, you say, so don't be surprised a little bit alliums panel open arleen, when they go
into the say, so cannot be louder, and so on. And so, tranquility means that you've gone into that
position, and you're making those of car when when you finished, you move on, because that will take
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			some time to make those have come. And by that time your body will have reached that that stable
position in which your limbs are relaxed and in their positions. Both of these explanations
basically point to the same thing. And so that is that you have a tranquility in that position. So
Matter of fact, the tighter the law, then you stand until you are again tranquil in that position.
So you come out of report, you stand until you're tranquil. A common mistake is that a person will
come out of record. And before they even stand, meaning that the standing straight, they'll go into
surgery. So they'll come out and they'll go straight down, without even standing properly, allowing
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			the body to rest in that position. That is wrong. It is incorrect. And it is something which breaks
the validity of the prayer
00:28:56 --> 00:29:27
			thermos to practice in the surgery, then go into surgery until again you are traveling that position
then sit up until you are tranquil then go back into surgery and to tranquil and then the prophet
SAW Selim said do this for every single record of every single prayer, because after the first rock
or after the second search that you will come back up and you will start again. The only thing the
only pillars that are not mentioned within this hadith of Abu huraira The last one is the last
00:29:28 --> 00:29:47
			the last one is something which is also a pillar, not the first the shadow the last the shadow
whether that be in a tour of opera three rock or four aka the final the shadow what is the final
decision but the one in which you make the sentence that is the final the shadow. And the other
pillar that is not mentioned here as well is
00:29:50 --> 00:29:59
			the slim slim Alico hematologist nomadic Rahmatullah. Another of the pillars that is not mentioned
here is the correct order. So when you pray, there is
00:30:00 --> 00:30:39
			Order in these positions, so you must stand first, then record then standing. If you were to come
and change this order, then your prayer is also invalid. But generally speaking, this hadith deals
with the main issues and the main, the main pillars of this hadith. There are also a couple of other
issues here that are, that we'll touch on briefly. One of them is where the profits on the land
where they will sell them said, and this will be bought into more detail in another narration, that
if you're unable to recite upon them, praise Allah and glorify him instead. And so this hadith and
we'll come on to this later in another video it will be mentioned in more explicit detail, that
00:30:39 --> 00:31:21
			refers to that wording refers to a person who is unable to recite Fatiha or the or on any part of
the Quran, why? Maybe there are new Muslim, maybe, for example, the very old and they don't know
when they accepted Islam or they become very old to the extent that they've forgotten how to reset
the hand and so on. Or they have some kind of illness that prevents them from reciting that surah.
They can't remember it or something like this. So for such a person is unable to recite the surah in
any way. Instead what they do is they praise Allah, and they glorify our legacy. So Pamela Allahu
Akbar, they say la ilaha illAllah they make basically Vicar in the prayer instead of reciting Fatiha
00:31:21 --> 00:31:29
			and another surah but as I said, Allah will go jito concerning this shortly when it's mentioned in
the next in the coming ahaadeeth
00:31:31 --> 00:31:50
			the next Hadeeth Hadith number 203 100 213 and a be homemade in a serie de la de la croix Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala tabara Giada de had woman cafe with Oxfam Canada human property
through mahasaya hora
00:31:52 --> 00:31:55
			de la parte in mechanic for the surgery
00:31:57 --> 00:32:39
			technician voila beauty Hema Mustapha labiatae raffia sabi ridgeley hilted la weather jela Sephora
Kartini gel Asana Ridgely, he'll use Ravana Saba Luna with a jealous or rocky lockira to the
knowledge level use Ramona sabelo provocar Donna Makati of Raja Han Buhari and authority over from a
serie de rhodiola who said that I saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he made the beer,
he would place his hands by his shoulders. And when he would go into record, you will place his
hands upon his knees, and he will make his back straight. And then when he would stand, he would
stand until all of his limbs went back to the original place. And then he would go into surgery. And
00:32:39 --> 00:33:19
			he will make his arms not too wide apart more too close to his body. And he would make the toes of
his feet face towards the fibula. And when he was in, he would sit after the first tour occurs, he
would sit upon his left foot with his right foot upright. And when he would sit for the last rocker,
he would sit with his right foot up and his left foot out and he would sit upon his buttocks and
this is collected by an Imam Al Bukhari. This is another Hadith Addis Ababa from a viola one which
also deals with the description of the prayer. And you can see that he he has added in this notion
there is added information about the description of the prayer. And as I said, the more hobbies that
00:33:19 --> 00:33:58
			we take more of these blanks will be filled in. In this hadith of a homemade Viola Wang, he says
that when the process of selling would make the tech bill, when he would raise his hands in the
prayer, he would raise them, and they would come to his shoulders, raising the hands in the prayer.
There are two ways of doing this. Two things that are narrated authentically from the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. One is that the hands are raised to the shoulders. And the other is
that the hands are raised to the ear lobes, the bottom of the ears, how are the two done for the
shoulders, the top of the fingers come up to the shoulders.
00:33:59 --> 00:34:40
			So they come up to the shoulders. That is one way Hello. Monkey Bay means that they are equal to his
shoulders. So the tops we're talking about the tops of the fingers. So when we say the hands, we
mean the top of the hands, not the bottom of the hands, the top of the hands. The second type of
raising their hands is when it is equal to your ear lobes to its higher. So the bottom of the
fingers is equal to and doesn't like have to be precision, like precise to the degree but generally
speaking to the bottom of the ear lobes, and the hands should go all the way back. So common mistake
is people do this, right? It's like, I don't know what to describe that but it's like a half hearted
00:34:40 --> 00:35:00
			kind of raising of the hands. That is incorrect, has to come up either to the top of the shoulder so
the fingers come to the top of the shoulders, or to the bottom of the earlobes. Those are the only
two authentically reported ways of raising the hands from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
Some of the scholars said that the way that you
00:35:00 --> 00:35:32
			Combined between the two is that you do it in between, between the shoulders and the ropes. So you
combine between the two and you do it kind of in the middle of the two, either way, any of those
three inshallah is correct, but that is the way that you raise the hands and that is what made one
of the unlock one is same way the rocker arm Kennedy human rock party, and when you go into record,
you place your hands on your knees, you place your hands on your knees, can I have a model, please
someone volunteer or choose someone.
00:35:35 --> 00:35:42
			So when you go into record, and this had never before made you, if you come over here, make it easy
for everyone.
00:35:44 --> 00:35:48
			Take any possessions, valuables, okay, so when you go into record,
00:35:49 --> 00:36:13
			so you place your hands on your knees. So he would grasp his knee as the brother is shown here. And
he would make his back as straight as possible. Make his back as straight as possible and the
straighter that you make it that is closer to the center that is shallow straighter, is that as
straight as you can go. Okay, so with that, like I'm not insured for for any damage to your body.
00:36:14 --> 00:36:53
			Yeah. Okay. So, but there will be another Hadith. There'll be another Hadith that will discuss even
the report in even more detail. And the addition in that Hadith which we'll come to as well as at
the process of settlement, his head, you will be straight with his back. So the back of his head
would be straight with his back, he wouldn't be above or below. And then when he would stand from
that position, he would stand until he was completely back to his normal standing position. Like all
of his limbs go back to the original position. As I said before, common mistake is a person like
doesn't even stand properly and they go straight into sujood. That is incorrect. fader surgery. The
00:36:53 --> 00:37:32
			Wada de Roma tradition mala populi, Hema, and when he goes into surgery, when you go into surgery,
your arms should not be so far apart from your body where you will make Institute like this. So your
hands are like completely out. Nor should it be to the extent where they are completely touching
your body so that your elbows are touching your ribs. Both of those are incorrect, but they should
be in between. And what is reported as will come from also another Hadith is that the process of
them would be in between this but he would lift out, he would stretch his elbows like this, until
the extent that you could see the whiteness of his armpit. sallallahu alayhi wasallam but the point
00:37:32 --> 00:37:45
			of this hadith is that you don't stretch your hands to the extent that they're over there, right. So
you're kind of like frog was like a kind of a frog on your way out there and then you will make a
decision. That is incorrect.
00:37:46 --> 00:37:47
			or stop bla bla bla
00:37:48 --> 00:38:25
			bla and with as you're making, Your feet should be up and the toes should be pointing towards the
Qibla. Right. I think that's obvious, right? I don't think like we need to do a demonstration for
that. But I will need you for the next pump with a jealous photo carton and after the two sittings.
Now when it comes to the sittings in the prayer, there are three types of sittings in the prayer.
And this is going to be mentioned in this Hadith, and another Hadith that's going to come as well,
but will mention altogether. just for ease of reference. There are three types of sitting in the
prayer. One is between the two soldiers. That's the first sitting, three positions of sitting, I
00:38:25 --> 00:39:06
			mean, in the prayer, the first position of sitting is in between the two search does. The second one
is the first the shepherd. So for any prayer that is that is more than two records, like Muslim,
like Lord, I'd also like to shot more than two records, you have a first Shepherd, which is after
the first two records of those prayers. And the third position of sitting is the final bishop. And
that is for all prayers. every prayer has a final. The Shahada is the final sitting position before
you make the silence. That is the three. There are also three ways to sit in those three positions.
There are three ways to sit in those three positions. So I'm going to ask the brother to come back
00:39:06 --> 00:39:06
00:39:07 --> 00:39:31
			And if you face to cripple us with the brothers can see maybe get a before so I can see as well. The
first setting is known as if t rush is known in Arabic as if to rush and then is when you sit on
your left foot with your right foot up. So your right foot is up and your left foot is down five
actually can't see what you're doing. Okay, that's better.
00:39:33 --> 00:39:49
			Like this. So the the toes of your right foot are facing the Qibla. I know he's not facing the Qibla
but you know what I mean? now facing the Qibla he's sitting on his left foot his right foot is up.
This is known as if to rush if to rush. This sitting position
00:39:51 --> 00:40:00
			is for the position between the two senators the sitting between the two senators and the first the
shadow and the third the shadow there is a difference of opinion concerning
00:40:00 --> 00:40:38
			A lot of this, but it can be used for all three, it can be used for all three. Okay. And this is the
most common sitting position there is known as if Tirosh, what some people do a common mistake is
that they will sit with both feet down, right. So for example like to put both feet like this. So,
like for example like that, or they put both feet down like that, that is incorrect, that is not to
rush. So, unless a genuine reason, like you can't actually lift up your foot for whatever reason,
the way that you sit is if you rush into your right foot is up, your left foot is down, that is the
first position of sitting. The second position of sitting there is mentioned in the end of this
00:40:38 --> 00:40:51
			hadith is a tall rock to work toward a rock is what you do only in the final shot. Now some of the
scholars say the final the shadow of a photocopier
00:40:52 --> 00:41:21
			or a pharaoh Capra, anyone that has any credit has more than one to one, this is sitting that you
will do in the Final Edition one. And some scholars said that it is the position that you do all the
time. And other scholars said that it is the position that you do at the final distribute
irrespective of the number of records whether it's two, three or four. It is if to rush what is if
to rush, if the rush is that you sit on your left buttock, and your left foot comes out and your
right foot is still standing up. Do you know how to do this position?
00:41:23 --> 00:41:28
			Okay, so So put your left foot out so that it's coming under your right leg.
00:41:32 --> 00:41:35
			Okay, so if you turn around again, so I can see. So like an animal.
00:41:37 --> 00:41:43
			Okay, your turn a bit more can go sideways, so you're facing your back.
00:41:45 --> 00:42:20
			Okay, and your right foot would come out a bit more a left foot, sorry, can come a bit more normal
under under your right leg, okay, like this, basically. So what you have is he's sitting on his left
buttock, his right, his left foot is out underneath his right right leg, and his right foot is up
again. This is known as tabarrok. There are two ways of doing a rock. That is one way of doing our
rock. The second way which I'm not going to we can do because it's in our Acrobat. But for those of
you that are interested, the left foot would actually come above the right foot. Can you do that?
00:42:21 --> 00:42:24
			So the left foot comes out and above the right foot.
00:42:26 --> 00:42:38
			know you're still in the same exactly the same position. Yeah, but the right you just put your left
foot above and it's a difficult position to do. But both of those opposition's have to work there
are two ways of doing to work that is to
00:42:39 --> 00:43:18
			be slammed with a position where you're going. Let's do one more. Okay, so, so that is if tierra
tabarrok sorry to overlook this, Heidi says that in the finals, the shadow of a three rock opera or
fourth rock opera is the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to do to some of the
scholars said that you always do have to rush the first setting that he did the first position that
he did, when he's sitting on his left foot with his right foot up, you do that all the time,
irrespective of the shadow, irrespective of the sitting position. The second opinion is that you do
have to rush this one that he did now which was a bit more difficult. That position you do for the
00:43:18 --> 00:43:45
			child's not for the sitting between the two semesters, but just for the the chaperones, you always
do that. And others differentiated between a first shot and a second one or the shepherd in which
there is a Sanam. Okay, and they said that you only do that type of sitting. The second type that he
just showed us that type of setting, you only do it in a prayer in which there is more than one shot
and you do it in the final shot.
00:43:46 --> 00:43:58
			So that is the hadith of Abu Hamid aside the acerbity or the illawarra there is another position
that is going to be dealt with in the later Hadith. I don't think we'll cover it today. But just so
that in Charlotte is clear, it is a position known as
00:44:01 --> 00:44:05
			the car and the car basically means if you go into such the
00:44:09 --> 00:44:30
			now I want you to sit up without doing anything different to your feet. So sit up and leave your
feet exactly as they are. Okay, if you can turn around so I can just make sure you're doing it
properly. That is it our disposition is known as a TA. Okay, this position there are two types of
attire By the way, this is one type of
00:44:32 --> 00:44:36
			the second type of xR is where you sit on the ground.
00:44:38 --> 00:44:40
			No, and your feet on either side.
00:44:43 --> 00:44:59
			either side, now you can put them down. So you simply you're sitting on your on your button so you
sitting actually done. So as far down as you can go. But the point is there are different types that
are okay because basically there is a hadith that's going to come on later on.
00:45:00 --> 00:45:02
			In which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prohibited
00:45:03 --> 00:45:13
			prohibited a car. But there is another narration of Abdullah bin Arbus rhodiola, which is not
mentioned in this book, but it's in Sahih Muslim that
00:45:14 --> 00:45:20
			in our bus Formula One would make a camera and he would say it is the son of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
00:45:21 --> 00:45:45
			Therefore, there are two types, the one that the prophets of Salaam is prohibiting, and he's
referring to that you shouldn't do is the second type that he did, with his feet out wide and him
sitting in between his feet. As for the first time that he did, if you can, if you can do that,
where is basically the way you come up with you the way your feet are in pseudocode you leave them
in that way and you sit on top of them that is the habit of Abraham pass.
00:45:46 --> 00:46:29
			So that one is allowed, it is allowed in the position only in the position of the sitting between
the two sisters only in the sitting between the two such this and as reported on even our bus and
even our motto, the Allahumma and I think it's Star Wars and others from amongst the scholars of
Islam, they would do this, some of the scholars said you shouldn't do this. There is a difference of
opinion some scholars said you just sit normally you don't do this or this policy, you can do this
but it is better not to it is better to sit normally. But it is reported in Sahih Muslim from
Abdullah Rambis so that is also a type of setting which is allowed for only in the position of the
00:46:29 --> 00:46:32
			sitting between the two sisters. We'll take q&a in a minute inshallah. So
00:46:34 --> 00:46:39
			okay, so those are basically the three types of settings that you have within the prayer.
00:46:40 --> 00:47:10
			Okay, so inshallah, I think we will conclude that because then the author is going to want to
different topic altogether. But inshallah we'll go back, He will speak about some other issues, and
then he will come back to the issue of record, and sujood, and sitting and so on, he will still
speak about some of the other details concerning this, as well as the standing and raising of hands
and where to put your hands in the prayer, and all of the other issues on the description of the
prayer of the Prophet sallallahu. alliums seldom social life, that's and if there's any questions,
we can take them otherwise,
00:47:11 --> 00:47:12
			depending on how you make,
00:47:13 --> 00:47:20
			so you leave them exactly the way they work, and then you just sit on them. So the point is that
you're sitting with both feet, that is a car.
00:47:22 --> 00:47:41
			Once again, we're going to come on to this, but for the car that you make, once is obligatory,
anything above one is recommended. And to do three is better. Two, three is the minimum recommended
amount. And then above that, you go in amount, so 579 11, and so on.
00:47:43 --> 00:48:03
			If you miss one record of the prayer, and you come in, there is no frustration of forgetfulness,
because you haven't forgotten. But you don't make the Psalms with the Imam, you stand up and you
pray one motorcar and then you make yourself basically when you enter the prayer, if you catch the
Imam on the second record, that is your first record. For you. That's your first record.
00:48:04 --> 00:48:41
			Even though that is your first record, and then you calculate that and I think we'll we'll we'll
just you finish your fatty happy you do it quickly. One of the common mistakes is that someone for
example, the risk factor has so slowly that the man who's going into the war is coming out, grandest
alone, you know, like Maliki to meet him because they're reciting like, you know, like, like,
really, really slowly. That's so you recite as quickly as possible. Even like when you're reciting
Fatiha behind the Imam and the moms or reciting Fatiha, you recite behind him recited quickly
slumber pro long recitation with all of the rulings of the jury than the mud that was actually
00:48:41 --> 00:49:21
			quickly the prayer is continuing. So in such restrictive as possible, he has to defer to her. And
that's why for example, if a person is praying in a silent prayer behind the Imam, and he forgets to
do that they just forget. And then he goes into Roku, and he carries on with the rest of the prayer,
he makes up that one record in which he forgot the fat the heart because he didn't make fat. That is
the exception to the rule. The only exception to not reciting fat is if you join the prayer when the
man was in the record, because of the Hadith of the Prophet or cylinder whoever record, rock record
whoever catches the record has caught the rock. So that's an exception because of an explicit
00:49:21 --> 00:49:43
			Hadith. But that's in a limited situation because you entered the prayer in that position. But if
you were there before and you were standing, then you must perform, you must perform fast. And
that's why for example, if you come into the machine, and the man standing and you say Allahu Akbar,
and as soon as you said Allah, the man says a lot but it goes into record. You will say Fatiha as
quickly as you can and then fetch in Morocco.
00:49:46 --> 00:49:59
			There is going to come on to the issue of sort of fat and more detail and the difference of opinion
on the issue is to start the general rolling is whichever position you find the Imam in, you start a
common mistake that you find people doing is they wait for the web
00:50:00 --> 00:50:16
			Stand up again, says the man just made such that they weren't such that they wait for him to sit, go
back into sagitta then stand and then they'll stop that is incorrect this wrong. It's not reported
from any of the scholars or whichever position you find him in, you stopped and then you recite fat
as quick as you can.
00:50:18 --> 00:50:21
			Or either he's an extremely fast Remember, you're an extremely slow recital.
00:50:24 --> 00:50:42
			Even if you join it like yours, it doesn't take more than like 30 seconds to decipher the practice.
It's like not the lecture be straight as well. Lecture be straight at the back is the best of your
ability. Like if you've got a back condition or you can like you know, go down as much as possible
then, you know,
00:50:43 --> 00:50:50
			you feel as much as you can, but generally speaking the the back were a lot more detail he was to
let just cover to her teeth.
00:50:52 --> 00:50:52
00:51:05 --> 00:51:06