Ahmed Suleman Khatani – True Intelligence

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The importance of Islam is discussed, including its use as a means of knowledge and success, its rise in various context, and its use in cosmetic treatments. The culture of fear and desire called Atul Oana waha jar is described, where individuals fear their existence or their bodies. The culture also includes a culture of fear and desire called Atul Oana waha jar, where individuals fear their existence or their bodies.
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respected all of my Karam
elders and beloved brothers in Islam
in this age of zulmat,
in this age of darkness.
In this age, which is reminiscent, reminds one of the prophecy of
Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam,
wherein he said Badi robil Amal fit Anan Lal Muslim,
he said, hasten towards Amal.
Persevere in Amal. Continue exerting yourself in Amal.
Never, ever become complacent, satisfied with the level of your
Because he said, fitnas are coming
trials, tribulations, tests on the Iman of the Ummat,
he described these fitnas and said ketamine. He said, like sections
of a dark night.
What is the underlying meaning behind this analogy or example?
Is that we find that
night time or darkness, very secretly, stealthily encroaches
upon one.
There is no fixed point where you can say that now daylight turn
into nighttime,
but very, very secretly, till all of a sudden, person realizes it is
completely dark.
So he said like this, fitnas are coming stealthily, secretly,
from different directions, and what will be the effect of these
fitnas? He said, Use Bihar rajulu, minanvasi kafira, a
person will have Iman in the morning, by the evening, he will
have become a Kafir.
Yum siminanan vayus Bihar kafira. Person will have Iman in the
evening or the next morning, he will have become a Kafir.
And what will be the underlying cause? What will bring about
this loss of iman on such a mass scale? He said, Ya be ya udinah,
who be out of them in a dunya, my ummat will sell their Deen
in return for the paltry wealth of this dunya,
we see it happening around us so many places in the world,
sometimes for a hamper of food,
sometimes for some medical treatment, sometimes for some
school education,
all sorts of different, different reasons, Iman is being sold almost
on a daily basis.
Some countries, South America, Africa, Jamaat have been
in the last 2030, years. Millions and millions and millions of
Muslims have become murtad.
Those who had miftachol, Jannah, the key to Jannat,
are giving it away
and are forsaking the Kalima of la ilaha, illallah, Muhammad,
so in such an age of zulmat and darkness for these type of
gatherings to take place on the nispath of the love of Allah and
His Rasul, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam and respected brothers,
this is not an ordinary thing.
This is a great favor of Allah subhanho wa taala, zanika, fadlu,
Allah, utihime, Yasha. This is Allah's Fazal. Allah gives it to
whomsoever he wants. This coming to the masjid or coming closer
towards Deen for this desire in the heart to go closer to Allah.
Subhanho wa taala. This is no personal achievement.
This is Tawfiq from Allah. Shahibai salam in the Quran. Oma
tawfirti, illa Billah, alihita wakal to wahi nib that whatever I
have done, a Nabi of Allah is saying,
whatever I have done, it is with Tawfiq from Allah upon Allah I
place my trust into Allah. Will have to return
one occasion, DAW Dalai Salam addresses Allah and
he says, Kefa ashkuruka, va Shukri, la kanyama.
He says, oh my Allah, how should I make your shukr?
How should I express my gratitude to you? Vashukri, la kanyama, when
even this much that the desire has entered my heart to make your
sugar, that is your Namath and me.
That is your favor, that is your bounty. In nakulu bani, ADAMA,
Bena, uswainim in asabi, Rahman, yukali, buhuma ke faisha, Allah.
Alai Salam said, the hearts of insan are between two fingers of
the fingers of Rahman. Allah can turn those hearts in whatever
direction he wants.
No one can question Allah. You. Salaam, yafalu, salon, Allah,
Allah cannot be questioned in will be questioned.
So he says, Ya Allah, how can I make your shukr when even this
desire to make your Shukr is your nyamat and bounty upon you?
SallAllahu says to him, the no Dawood, now that you have realized
realize what yahan NAS and tumul fukura o Illallah Allahu Al Hami,
the no people. Every one of you is fatil,
every one of you is a beggar, every one of you is totally and
completely helpless upon Allah, dependent upon Allah, Allahu,
Allah is the only being that is Rani that is totally and
completely independent of this entire creation and truly worthy
of all praise. Now that you have realized this, Al an shakar,
Tanni, now you have made my sugar
because this is hadaf.
This is the goal. This is the objective of this insan in this
world, vamah, Khala, kutul, jinn, Nawal, Ins illalia, mudul Allah
says, I have not created Insan. I have not created Jinnah for any
other purpose, except to become my slave
for this quality of abdiyat
to make is hard to make apparent that I am the bondsman of Allah. I
belong to Allah,
the life of this world, the things around us, my respected brothers
that is there just to test us in
at all. Allah, hum, Eum, akshanu Amala.
Allah says, whatever is in this world. Ma, ala AR this MA, is
comprehensive in NA ja, Allah, Ma, all are everything in this world.
Allah has made it Zee, Nath has made it attractive,
generally, the heart of insan aspires towards these things.
Zweigenalina, Nisa, ewal,
Bani, minada, habiwal, fidvati, will hail Musa, wamati, wala, ami
Kama tawul, hayati, dunya, Allah, hoy in the HO Hus, nalma, AB,
every branch
of the amenities of this world to which the heart of insan aspires
is mentioned in this verse of the Quran.
And Allah says We ye and Alin, we have beautified it.
We have made it attractive. The heart of insan aspires for it,
whether it is women, whether it is the mines of gold and silver of
this world, whether it is agriculture, whether it is
commerce, whether it is the opulence and the wealth of the
world that is stretched out in front of you.
Allah says, All this has been beautified. Has been made
attractive to Insan, hubbush, shahawat,
and then Quran places one label upon all this. Zanika, Mata al
hayatid Dunya,
all this is Mata.
What is Mata? Imam? Ismayi Rahima Allah was
a great scholar of Arabic grammar.
If you look in the lives of the Salafi saliheen, if
you look in the lives of our pious predecessors, we cannot imagine
the extent of khidmat of Quran, extent of khidmat to the olum of
Deen that they did
1000s and 1000s of kilometers they would traverse in order to acquire
the knowledge of Deen.
Nowadays, we cannot lament sufficiently over our lack of
munasapat with Quran,
that shok, that shagaf, that desire, that talab, that
inclination towards Quran, is no more there.
Quran, our elders are saying, egna Ashna, pegaam, banchuki,
Quran has become an irrelevant message for us.
Put it on the shelf. Ramadan comes, we take it out.
Some occasion of Barkat or blessing comes, then we take the
Quran out.
But what is Allah telling us in the Quran? What does Allah want
from us in the Quran? What is Allah commanding us in the Quran?
That concern, that worry, is no more they
this is that Kalam, Kalam Allah,
we have value.
We have value for worldly knowledge,
Sciences of the world that is regarded as knowledge.
But my respected brothers, if you look just basically,
what is my purpose in this world?
Why has Allah created me? I.
What will give me success?
What will give me fail? What will bring about failure?
These basic,
basic, fundamental questions,
we can go to the universities of the world. Go to the archives of
worldly knowledge. Go with the lifespan of nuwale Salam and go
book to book, page to page, with a binocular,
and spend our entire lives just to answer these basic questions, what
is the purpose of my creation? Who am I? Who created me? What is
success? What is failure? Go page by page, spend the lifetime
lifestyle, spend the life span of no Ali Salam and Walla Allah's
Qassam. You will not be able to answer these questions.
That which today we regard to be knowledge is not knowledge. You
this concept, or this idea,
that if you don't have a PhD or you don't have a university
degree, then you are ignorant.
This is a fallacy.
What is ignorance.
He who looked around him,
he who saw the Rising Sun,
who saw the setting sun,
who saw the lush landscapes, felt the cool wind of the breeze on his
cheeks, saw the print, the myriad colors on the wing of the on the
wing of the butterfly.
Saw the snow capped mountain peaks.
Saw the eagle perched on the top of the mountain observing that
ripple in the stream below, and then it swoops down in order to
catch its prey, the fluidity of its motion, the manner in which it
flaps its wings, the manner in which it clutches its claws, the
pointedness of its beak, the sharp gaze of its eye, the artistry in
its motion. He who saw that
saw the cheetah or the lion running towards its prey, saw the
perfect timing and the fluidity in the motion of its limbs, saw the
proportion and the design and the perfection in the formation of its
muscles for it to carry out its task and for it to proceed towards
its prey at such a speed,
he who heard the thunder saw the lightning
and failed to see Allah.
Failed to see the kudurak of Allah, fail to see the kivraya of
Allah. Fail to see
unequivocal call that is found in all these things, where this Insan
is invited to recognize Allah, He who has failed to see that more
jahil and more ignorant than him. There is no one
jahala Ignorance is ignorance of Allah.
Ignorance is ignorance of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wa
In fact, my respected brothers,
the whole world, the whole world of people who have not recognized
Allah, who have not understood the Oneness of Allah, who has not, who
have not accepted that Allah is my Khalid, that Allah is my Creator,
who have not recognized the beauty of Muhammad, Rasulullah,
sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam,
the whole world of them put on one side and on the other side, one
person, one person.
His Iman is so weak. There is no Salah in his life, there is no
zakat in his life, there is no Hajj in his life.
But he has recognized the Oneness of Allah. Has accepted the beauty
of the personality of Muhammad Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wa
This one person for our understanding, let us say he has
He has sight in one eye.
Why? Because his Iman is weak. Deen is not there in his life, but
he has believed in the Oneness of Allah. At least he has sight in
one eye compared to him, the entire world put together that has
not recognized Allah is blind.
It can be Einstein, it can be Newton, it can be the intelligence
of our time.
If they have not recognized Allah, they are jahil.
Look at the sweeping manner in which Quran calls out Kol Kul
afahay, Allah, tamru ni Abudu, Ali Jahi Lun,
tell them. Tell them,
what is it that you order me to worship others besides Allah, to
ascribe partners with Allah, to not accept the one oneness in
wahdaniyat of Allah, Ayu Hal jahiloon,
look at the manning the force behind the speech. Look at the
vehemence behind this declaration. Unfortunately,
as I mentioned earlier, our Muna, Sabat, our link, our attachment
with Quran, has become so insignificant
that we fail to realize the purport behind this, we fail to
appreciate the beauty of Quran.
This was that Kalam
Allah's Rasool. Allah Ali wasallam in the early days in Makkah,
he would recite Quran in tahajjud, Sara,
the disbelievers of Makkah,
Abu jahal,
otbah, Ahmad bin sharir, these were avowed enemies of Islam. The
whole day they would plan the hurting and the harming and the
maiming of rasulallah, his followers,
their hearts were filled with the zulmat and blackness of kufr and
yet at night, they would secretly gather to listen to his recitation
of Quran.
One night, they got into a conversation.
Then now, supila in the day, we are calling him Sahil in the day,
we are calling him Kahin. We are calling him a magician.
We are calling him a poet.
We are telling the people not to listen to him, and at night, we
ourselves are listening to him. If the people come to know we will
lose our credibility.
So they make a pact.
They say, okay, every one of you take an oath
that tomorrow we will not come to listen to his Quran. Everyone
takes an oath. The next night dawns,
each one thinks in his heart that they took an oath so they won't
come. If I go, they won't come to know such is the pull, such is the
jazi beard, such is the magnetic pull of the Quran that all three
of them, once again, come to listen to the Quran of Rasul last
this was that Kalam that shook the hearts full with zulmat and
And yet today, what is the Manasa but of the Ummat with Quran
this month of Ramadan, beautifully Look at the beautiful manner in
which Rasulullah said, Farah the Allahu saya mahu Farah the Lahu
Siya mahu wa Sanan to lakum. Kiya mahu
Allah made furs for you. Allah ordained upon you the fasting of
the day of Ramadan and I Muhammad. SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam made
sunnat upon you the standing in tarawih Salah
to listen to the Quran one way it comes for each rakat, for each
rakat of tarawih. Salah each sajdah, each Sajdah of tarawi
Salah in Ramadan Allah gives 1500 hasanat,
50. 1500 rewards for each Sajida, that is one day's tarawi salah,
60,000 rewards, 60,000 hasana
for each Sajida, for each Sajida of tarawi. Salah, Allah gives you
one palace in Jannat, made out of red ruby, and this palace will
have 60,000 doors made out of gold and silver for each Sajida of
tarawi salah,
for each Sajida of the month of Ramadan, whether in tarawi or Out
of tarawi, each Sajida of the month of Ramadan. Allah will give
you one tree in Jannat that if a fast horse rider rides for 500
years, he will not cross the shadow of that tree.
And yet, first night, Masjid is full.
Third night, fortnight, fifth night, sixth night, as Ramadan
progresses, gradually the masjid gets more and more and more empty,
and then once again, come back on the 27th night,
look at the loss that the Ummat is incurring if the announcement had
to be made, stratum Masjid tomorrow, tarawi salah.
For every every person that will attend underneath the musalla,
there'll be 1500 pounds
then, father, mother, grandmother, niece, auntie, everybody will be
The Masjid will be too small,
because we understand the value of Mal we don't understand the value
of Amal,
Subhanallah, Subhanallah, mithlah, Jabali Oh din rahaban, filjanna,
o ka Makala, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam,
one Subhanallah, one SubhanAllah. If it was told by every time you
say subhanallah, you get 10 pounds. What will happen? He will
be eating, say, subhanAllah be talking small. How you smile?
Whatever basic speech, everything else would be small. Why 10 pounds
each time?
And yet, what is the reality? What is the reality? Janavi rasulallah
said, One Subhanallah is equivalent to the mountain of Ohad
in gold in Jannah,
14 kilometer mountain range in gold in Jannah, one SubhanAllah.
But the value of Maal is there? The value of Amal is not there.
That is why the heart is aspiring towards Mal. It is not aspiring
towards Amal
every branch of worldly wealth,
every branch of worldly wealth, in this verse of the Quran, which I
mentioned earlier, Allah enumerates it. And then Allah
places one label, one label. Dalika, Mata UL haya Tidd dunya,
what is Mata? Imam, Isma irahima Allah,
great scholar. In fact,
I digressing. There's one incident mentioned about him. Allah had
made it such he wasn't a handsome person. In fact, he was not
attractive to look at it all.
But his naseeb was such that he got married to a very beautiful
So one day, his wife was preening herself, admiring herself in the
looking at her beauty, natural beauty, which Allah had given her.
So she turned around and she told him that you and I are both
janatis. So he
says, How come? What makes you arrive with this conclusion. She
says, Every time I look at you, I make Sabha. Allah will give me the
Jannat of Sabha. Every time you look at me, you make shukar. Allah
will give you the Jannat of shukr,
generally. That is, that is the 30 if they say, the only time a woman
will speak good of her husband is before they are married and after
he dies. In between is very difficult.
It's a different matter that the akhlaq and character is not there
amongst us to make them speak good of us.
Nevertheless, Imam Isma irahima Allah
was in the taftish trying to understand the meaning of three
words in the Quran. One was Mata, the other was ratim, and the third
was taala.
Look at the khidmat of Quran that was made.
Nowadays, we feel time that is spent in acquiring worldly
knowledge is wasted time. The time that is spent in acquiring worldly
knowledge that is valuable time. If the time is spent in Deen, then
we feel that is wasted time.
My son will be backwards. My child will be backwards. Society will
look down upon him. How is he going to make ends meet?
All these questions are arising in the mind, if the child is
channeled towards Deen, I
say that Umar bin Khattab Radi Allahu taala, and who was that
He was not an intelligent person. It is said of him that he would
work as a shepherd in the early days in Makkah,
and the mother of Umar was exasperated with him, because if
he took a certain number of camels or a certain number of goats or
sheep in the morning, by the evening, Omar would definitely
lose one or two animals.
She said, What good are you going to be, my son?
You can't even look after animals.
But when he placed his hand in the hand of janavi Rasulullah
sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
when he said, Allah, beg to the call of Muhammad Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wasallam, Allah took him to those Mantles of honor
and dignity and status.
Allah opened his mind so that up till today, people study with all
the life of Umar, the Allahu ALA and
the manner in which he ruled two to 12 years of Khilafat Islam
spread to 2,200,000
square miles, four.
1000 Jamia masjids were established. Omar became that
personality where, on 15 occasions, there's no time to go
into the details. 15 occasions, he expressed a desire to rasulallah,
to some companion. And on the desire of Umar, Quran was
a person who couldn't look after a few animals. When he placed his
hand in the hand of Rasulullah sallall Islam, that is the Akal
and the intelligence which Allah gave him,
he became a living embodiment of the Hadees of rasulallah Islam,
said it, Allah fear the inner wisdom, fear the firasat. Fear,
call it the sixth sense.
Fear the Firat of IMO, Min fain durubinur illallah, because he
looks with the noor of Allah.
One incident is mentioned, Khalida if sa Rahul Ali mentions in his
kidab, one scholar,
he said, during the Khilafat
of Umar RadiAllahu taala, and who, one night, Ali RadiAllahu taala,
and who sees a dream,
and in his dream, he sees it is the time of rasulallah is
proceeding for Fajr Salah. There's an elderly woman outside the
masjid in her hand. She has a bowl of dates. She presents it to Ali.
Says to him, present this to Rasulullah. Sallall Islam request
him to distribute it amongst the companions. He goes to Nabhi slam
after Salah presents the dates to him. Nabislam takes one date, puts
it in the mouth of Ali. Ali experiences such sweetness and
ecstasy that he says, Sidney rasulallah, give me another one.
Just then, the Azaan goes, Ali wakes up, realizes he was
dreaming, proceeds to the masjid, to his utter surprise, the same
woman with the same tray of dates he finds standing outside the
She says, Give this to Amirul mumini, and Omar request him to
distribute it amongst the companions. After salah, he goes
to Omar. Omar places one in his mouth. Ali experiences the same
sweetness that he experienced in his dream. And he said, Sidney,
Amir al Munin, omine, give me another one. Omar smiles at him
and says, Lozada Kal Habib lazituka, that if My Habib selasa
had given you another one, I also would have given you another one.
He mentions this incident under the explanation of this hadith. It
fear the inner wisdom that Allah gives a mukmin because he looks
with the noor of Allah.
Engaging ourselves in acquiring the knowledge of deen is not a
waste of time. Our understanding of perception of what is akalo
intelligence and and what is the true reality of Akala
intelligence, that is something else
the whole world of those who have not recognized Allah on one side,
and one person with iman, with weak Iman, this person is like a
person with sight the entire world, whether it's Einstein or
Newton or the intelligence of our time, if they have not recognized
Allah, they are blind.
They occur and intelligence put together is not equal to the
intelligence of this one person with weak Iman
and the and the tragedy and the travesty that is facing us today,
my respected brothers, is that the people
people would sight in one eye are asking the blind people to guide
Teach us what is culture. Teach us what is advancement. Teach us how
to conduct ourselves. Teach us what our home should be, teach us
what our family values. Teach us what is akhlaq and character the
person with sight is asking the blind man to guide him.
How is he ever going to gain guidance? As if we have no Imam,
as if we have no Hadi, as if we have no rahbar, Muhammad,
Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, where the poet says,
afalat shumu sul owaline, the sons, the sources of light and
guidance of The nations of the past have set, but our son, our
source of light and guidance, Muhammad, Rasulullah, sallAllahu,
alayhi wa sallam, qamat will come, but his light will not set.
Qamat will come, but his light will not set. Such a NaVi this
ummat was given, and yet still we are looking elsewhere, the Ummat
of the Quran, the Ummat of Muhammad, Rasulullah sallallahu,
alayhi wa sallam today is measuring its achievement in other
What greater injustice, what greater oppression can there be?
Nevertheless, coming back to that incident, Imam ismayi rahmatu.
Allah was very interested in what is the meaning of these words, how
to find out the correct meaning of the words of Quran. They didn't
sit with the dictionary.
Like nowadays, we have groups forming groups,
what they are going to study the Quran or commentate on the Quran
with absolutely no background or no understanding of deen or
Sharia. You want to commentate on the Quran.
It was his understanding that in order to gain the true meanings of
the words of the Quran, he would go to the Bedouins, those who used
to live in the desert,
and listen
how this particular word in normal conversation is used
in the normal day to day occurrence, when this particular
word will be used in conversation,
the manner or the context in which they use it, from that we can gain
the correct understanding.
So what Imam Isma irahi muhula does, he goes and lives amongst
the bed ones becomes one of them, waiting, when will they use these
words in normal conversation? Six Months pass,
imagine the extent of sacrifice that was given for the Oluf of
Quran. Six months passed like this. One day, while the camp is
having terula siesta,
one elderly woman had cleaned her pot.
The rag, which she used will be filthy, will be blackened. She
leaves the rag on one side,
a stray dog comes from the mountain, starts sniffing around
the camp while people are sleeping.
Someone becomes away, starts screaming, the dog has come,
perhaps it will steal something. The dog, in its panic, grabs hole
of the clot, which he had used to clean the pot, and starts running
towards the mountain. This woman Shouts out to inform the people of
the camp what the fuss is about. She says, jar ratim akhadal, Mata,
wataal al Jabal,
all three words that Imam Isma irahi, Mullah was waiting for when
in normal conversation, it will be used six months of waiting, there
is no limit to his joy when he hears the sentence of this woman,
she says, ja ar ratim, the dog has come. Akhadal, Mata. It took Mata
and it climbed or ran towards the mountains. He understood the
meaning of all three words in this one sentence pertinent to what we
were discussing, Allah has enumerated every branch of worldly
wealth, everything that the heart of insan aspires to. And Allah has
placed one label on everything, dalika, matwal, hayati, dunya, all
this is Mata of the life of this world. What is Mata? According to
this woman, according to Imam Isma irahim Allah, in the correct
context, Mata, that filthy, dirty rag that is used to clean the pots
is Mata
Allah, says, the combined wealth of this world, if it takes you
away from ALLAH, if it becomes an obstacle to your akirat, it has no
value whatsoever. It is Mata
Chor Dene, Wali Jahai. This world is such. It has to be left behind.
Nothing is going to come with us. Harun Rashid was a Khalifa. He was
ruling three continents, three continents, if you
want to understand it geographically, Baghdad to
Kashmir. Baghdad to Istanbul, Baghdad to Senegal. Baghdad to
Southern France. One ruler.
One day he sees a rain cloud. He says, um Turi, hey, susht was a
ujiba, ilaya, kharaju, rain. Wherever you want, your rain will
still be in the kingdom of Harun. Such a kingdom
barely 48 years of age, barely 48 years of age.
Prime of his life.
He's an area called Mashhad in Iran,
and he realizes that his death is imminent. He becomes ill.
Physicians inform him, you're not going to survive this illness.
Harun Rashid orders for his cupboard to be dug, sits at the
side of the grave, picks up the sand, lets it run through his
fingers. Ma abuna anni Malia halaka ani sultania. Ma Agna Anni
Malia halaka, anni sultania, all my wealth is of absolutely no use
to me whatsoever. Halakhani sultania, my sulkanat, my kingdom,
my armies of absolutely no avail to me whatsoever. The ruler of
three continents of the world, and this is his reaction when moth is
staring him in the.
What reality is there of this world?
What good is that * which is followed by sickness? What good is
that wealth, the loss of which is feared? What good is that youth
which is followed by old age? That youngster stands in front of the
mirror. He's got his Ray Bans on. He's got the gold necklace around
his neck.
He's got the bangles on his hand. He's admiring himself from this
side, from that side,
I am the one
the young girl
heard. The bloom of her cheeks were compared to the bloom of
roses, the twinkling of her eyes were compared to the twinkling of
stars. She thinks that she is the Zulekha of the time, admiring
herself, preening herself in front of that mirror. Why don't we
realize that it is just a few moons,
just a few years will pass? How are you going to delay the onset
of old age. What cosmetic Are you going to use? What plastic surgery
are you going to use? What buttocks treatment and whatever
treatment are you what implants are you going to use? How many
dollars are you going to spend to delay the onset of the ravages of
That same young girl,
that blooming cheek, will it not become the food of insects
tomorrow in the cover
those eye sockets will not insects walk through those eye sockets.
Why don't we wake ourselves up to the reality of this? Dunya, don't
look at the rising sun. Look at the setting sun. Don't go to the
places of revelry and haram. Go to the homes of where the Janaza is
being lifted up. Hear the cry of the elderly father who had such
hopes and aspirations for his young child today, that same
Father is lifting the Janaza of that same youngster.
Go to the Home of that widow who is crying over the loss of her
Then we will understand what the reality of the life of this world
Allah says, Woman, Noam, miruhona, Kisu Phil. Afala Talon, those whom
we take to an oath to old age, we bring about a reverse in the
creation. Afala Talon, why don't you understand
this entire humanity relentlessly The clock is ticking.
Unfortunately, we get so caught up. We get so caught up in the
glitter and glamor and attraction of this world
that this dunya appears to be the goal. It appears to be the object.
It becomes everything,
like the poet says in Lana fra, Bill ayamin aptawha in lenafrah.
Bill ayamin aptawhakul, la yo me, mada, yudiny, Minal, ajali, faam,
linaf, sika Kabal, Moti, mujita, hidden, fain Nama ribhual,
husrano, Amali, nujab did Suru,
he says, Oh foolish Insan, the movement of time is something you
are celebrating.
New Year has come.
Birthday has come.
The hallmarks by which the passage of the movement of time is
measured today has become a source of celebration to us, Little do we
realize? Kula, yomima, udini, minal ajali, every passing day is
taking us closer to our cover.
Every passing day is taking us closer to that reality.
Famille, enough. Sika, Kabal, Moti, mujta, hidden. So exert
Exert yourself. Aspire with one another, outdo one another.
Apply yourself in this dunya for what
not to outdo the next person in what car you are driving, or to
outdo the next person in how many shops you got, or to outdo the
next person in how big the bank balance is?
Farmer linafica, hidden, exert yourself, apply yourself in
acquiring profit, in advancing yourself. What is the profit?
Fainna Phil Amali, because loss and gain is not in wealth is not
tangible. Loss and gain is is in Amal.
The currency of akhirat is Amal. The currency of akhirat is not the
wealth of this world.
It is said the greatest, the greatest conqueror in the annals
of human history was Genji Khan.
The second greatest conqueror in the annals of human history was
Mahmoud raznavi.
Years and years of conquest,
and finally, he decides to.
Build a palatial home, which is a hallmark or a testimony of what he
has achieved.
He erects this huge palace.
And once it is ready, he invites his father, subukdien,
Rahmatullah, a pious person, come and see, see what I have achieved,
years and years of what statement I am leaving behind. Look at my
legacy. We hear these terms.
So he takes him room to room, shows him artifact upon artifact,
priceless heirlooms, what he has amassed over the years.
What was he expecting his father to praise Him? Masha Allah, my
son, you achieved this. You achieve that.
But contrary to his expectations, contrary to his expectation, his
father remains silent.
Not only does he remain silent, he is unaffected,
unaffected, totally unperturbed.
this was a warrior. His whole life was spent fighting wars. He was
not a person of a moderate temperament. When things were not
are not going his way, he is likely to become angry. So the
rage is burning inside. The Fury is building up. This man is not
reacting my whole life, my whole life, everything I achieved, and
today, presenting in front of him. And there is no reaction.
Finally, he couldn't contain himself anymore. It was his
father. He couldn't do anything to his father, so, but he had to
express his rage. So what he does, he picks his ax up
and a mighty blow, he strikes on one of the heirlooms, as a result
of which it splinters into 1000 pieces.
When he does this, then his father turns to him and smiles and says,
Oh, my son, you have spent your entire life making effort on that
which cannot withstand the blow of 1x
Allah has not sent us to make effort on sand. Allah has not sent
us to make effort on sand. In San's purpose, in San's object in
this world has nothing to do with the tangible things of the world
in front of us. Allah begins his Kalam. Allah begins his Kitab,
Alif, Lam, Meem, raikkal, Kitab, la rebafi. This is the book in it
is no doubt, hudal, Lil muttaqin. It is Hidayat. It is guidance for
those with Taqwa. Where does Taqwa start from? Where does Hidayat
start from? Where does Iman start from? Al ladeena Yu minu, na
those who will believe in unseen,
those who will take the sword of law,
the sword of negation, and apply it to everything that is there
around them, whether it is the rivers, whether it is the streams,
whether it is the oceans, the multitudes of creations that are
contained in the oceans, it is said one cubic centimeter of water
of the oceans contains more living organisms than all the human
beings on the surface of the Earth, 6 billion living organisms.
Allah is kept in one cubic centimeter of water of the oceans.
Whether it is that, whether it is the rivers, whether it is the
trees, whether it is the streams, whether it is the animals, whether
it is the insects, whether it is the birds, whether it is in sun
moving upwards, whether it is whether it is the sky, whether it
is the comets, whether it is the asteroids,
just this solar system in which we are living, in the center, which
is the sun. It is said the Sun is 325,000
times the size of the Earth.
The sun is a collection of gasses every second, every second, 14
billion tons of hydrogen gas is converted into 12 billion tons of
helium gas. This chemical reaction causes energy to be released. How
much energy? Energy equivalent to 500 million atom bombs exploding
at one time every second, flames 100,000 miles long, this sun,
surrounded by nine planets, 32 moons, 30,000 asteroids, countless
comets and meteors, all moving in constant motion at indescribable
speeds. This galaxy in which we are living.
It is said the Sun is one star, one star. There are 2 billion
stars in this galaxy. Some of them are millions of times the size of
the Sun. This galaxy is so vast that if you have to travel at the
speed of light from one point, what is the speed of light? What.
miles per second. If you travel at that speed, 186,280
miles per second, it will take you 2 million years just to finish
this galaxy. And they estimate there are 500 million other such
galaxies, 500 million other such galaxies in which there are so
many stars, in which there are so many stars, that if one second,
one second was given to name each star, it will take 300 trillion
years, just to name the stars, and that is the visible universe. 3%
of the universe is visible. The other 97% known as the Black Hole,
is not even visible. They don't even know what is there? So vast.
All this move upwards. All this is somehow dunya underneath the first
heaven, whether it is all this moving upwards, second heaven,
third heaven, fourth heaven, fifth heaven, sixth heaven, Seventh
Heaven, and the Malaika of all these heavens, first Seleka
arshtat, from the earth to the ash of Allah, everything is dead.
Nothing lives, nothing dies. Nothing advances, nothing
declines, nothing benefits, nothing harms, nothing rises up,
nothing comes down, except with the permission will and irada of
one, Allah,
Allah, Aum. This is where Iman starts
to negate everything besides Allah the joy, look at the man Quran
calls out again and again, understand that it is only Allah
Alif la meme, Allahu, Allah, ILAHA, illallahu, rash LA, ilaha
illallahu, Shahid, Allah anahu, la ILAHA, illahou Allahu. La ilaha,
illallahu, al hay al qayyu. Allahu, ladi, La Ilaha, illahou,
it is one Allah, it is one Allah, it is one Allah, one. Allah is the
doer, one. Allah is the giver. One. Allah is the maker. One.
Allah is the controller. Life in his hands, death in his hands,
wealth in his hands, sickness in his hands, advancement in his
hand, decline in his hands, Allahu, LA, ILAHA, Illa, who know
and understand it is only one. Allah al hay living is Allah hayun
kabla kuli hai, hayun Bada kuli hai. Haun foka kuli hai, hayun
Yumi tu Kula hai. Hayun. La, you should be who hay Lam yazal wala,
yazal living, before every living living, after every living living,
above every living living, he will give death to every living living.
There is nothing living that is like Allah. Lam yazal, wala yazal,
he was from forever. He will be forever. Muhammad Rasulullah
sallallah sallam, when he raises his hand, look at the man in which
he pleases is Allah, Allahu, Anta Aha, kuman, zukir wa hakuman Obed,
one Solomon, if to the WA. Malik, wanswil, wa Salman atah, Antal.
Malik, la Shari, Kalach, Wal far, la nidalak, kulakun in lajjak, LAN
tu Tai love ethnic Walen to sail mik to
well a Allah, Oh my Allah,
worthy of being remembered is only you. Zikr, only for you. Ivanat,
only for you. The source of every help is only you. Generosity only
emanates from you. You are the king. You are the king. There is
no partner with you. You are alone. Third Ahad Samad, one
alone. Samad totally, completely independent from his entire
creation. Layesthe, he doesn't take help from anything. Laya taju
ilashe is not in need of anything. La yak falahi, Shay, nothing
concealed from Allah. Laya libu hushey, nothing overpowers Allah.
Lion Fauci nothing benefits Allah. Laya durlu hushey, nothing harms
Allah. Khalili, she is the creator of everything. Ali mushy, he has
knowledge of everything. Habiru, mikulish, he is aware of
everything. LADEE fumikul, He exhibits His kindness towards
everything. Lay saka mithli, he, she and there is nothing that is
like Allah. This is where Iman starts with this heart has to
recognize Allah. Tala marifad of Allah, recognition of Allah. Allah
calls out Avadi utlu.
In vajrani, wajat, takul, Lashe, oh my slave, search for me. Search
for your Allah. Recognize your Allah. What does it mean? Search
for Allah. What does it mean? Search for Allah. Break down the
idols of the vein of Allah from this heart break down. The grade
of Allah shop is doing. Job is doing. Dollars are doing. Pounds
are doing. How many things are we going to make such that too? How
many things are going to dictate our life in which direction are we
going to turn? How much are we going to continue running behind
the tangible things of this world?
Allah, Islam said as the most truthful statement any poet said
was the poet was a statement of when he said Allah, Allah Allah
Kulu, shayin makhala, Allah batilu, wakullu, naimin la Mahala,
the most truthful statement any poet said, attested to by Muhammad
Rasulullah, sallall Islam, listen, listen, Allah. Put up your ears.
Hakan Kullu, shayin, makhala, Allah batilo, everything else
besides Allah's battle. Everything else besides Allah has no meaning.
Wakullu, naimin, Lama Khala, tazail and every Namath, bounty,
glitter and glamor, attraction of this world will come to an end. It
will come to an end. Everything will perish. Kul Luman, alaiha,
fan Kulu, nafinmo Kulu, Quran leaves out, no exclusion.
Everything will go. Everything will be destroyed. Subcommarnae.
Subcommarnae, hey, everything has to die, everything has to perish.
Everything has to come to an end, even this earth,
even this earth,
even the mountains, even the rivers, even the streams, they
also fear their death,
either Zul the earth, either Zul, zilatil, arduzil, zalaha
mountains, waidal, jibal, swira Yes, Aluna ka Anil, jibal,
fakulian, sifuha, ragbi, nasfa fayed, aruhaan, SAF Safa, la
tarafi, Hayden, wala AMTA, the seas, waidal, Bihar, fujirat, the
sun, either shamsuku Virat, the stars, even nuju Mun kadarat The
moon, One Shakta till Kamal, sabk, everything will die. Everything
will die one. Allah alone will remain one. Allah is the reality.
Allah has to become Maqsood. Allah has to become matloop. Allah has
to become the goal. Allah has to become the direction the tibla
Roh, direction of this heart has to become Allah. We have to become
living manifestation of the Command of Allah in the Quran. Kol
O Muhammad, sallAllahu, a Salam, tell them. Tell them in salati,
wana Suki wa mahiya, wamamati, lilahila, mean la Shari Kala, tell
them Verily, my salah, my sacrifices, my living, my dying,
everything for Allah, everything for Allah. Man AHA Bala wamana
Ali, Allah, fakadi Stak Mala Iman, he who loves for the sake of
Allah, hates for the sake of Allah, gives for the sake of
Allah, withholds for the sake of Allah. Faka distak Mala Iman, his
Iman is complete. That is Kamala,
Iman utdanee in wajathani, wajatakul ashey, search for me.
You will find me. If you have found me, you have found
everything. If you have found Allah, you have found everything.
Why? In foottani, fatta, kakulushe, and if you have lost
if you are living with any other motivation besides the pleasure of
Allah, if Allah hasn't become your pibla, what is one mean, Allah,
Akbar, there is nothing great greater than the pleasure of
Allah. There is nothing greater than the pleasure of Allah, if you
are living, if you are walking, if you are talking, if you are
conduct, if you are dressing, if your home, if your business, is
not motivated by this goal, my Allah must become pleased in
fattani, if Allah is not in your life, if Allah is not your
direction, if you have lost Allah, fat taka kulushai, you have lost
everything. Wairula kamishe, Allah says, I am better for you than
If we want Allah, if you want to recognize Allah, if you want the
Mari fat of Allah, if you want the love of Allah, if you want the
forgiveness of Allah, there is a bridge, there is a medium, there
is a Vasta, and that is Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wa
sallam Kul income to Ni, fat tabio ni yo bibukum, Allah wa yaakum,
zunu bakum, tell them, ah, Muhammad, sallallah, sallam, if
you love Allah, if you want forgiveness, if you want the
nearness of Allah, fat tabi, ohni, follow me.
Follow Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu, sallam, Allah will
forgive you. Allah will make you His Beloved. The condition is
becoming Muhammadi, head to toe become a living personification of
Muhammad. Rasulullah sallallahu, Ali wasallam Hadith, lavish
taftani, kulabab wajahu, Muhammad, if they open every door and they
come on every road, I will never grant them my closeness. I will
never grant them my manifest. I will never grant them my
recognition. I will never grant them entry into my court, except
that they do not come upon your road. Oh my beloved. O Muhammad,
Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam, one black Sahabi comes
into the Majlis of Rasulullah sallallahu, sallam, he has a
complaint. What is his complaint in Nakum? Fudilah, Bill alwani,
wassuari What Deen Ara eight in aman tubima, amanth wa Amiel
tobima, a Milt akuntu, makafil, Jannah.
He says, You people, according to his understanding, referring to
the Arab he says, You people have been given precedence over us with
regards to your appearance, with regards to your worldly wealth,
with regards to your worldly status. But the FISA and
environment of Madina menorah was such, such an effort Allah's
rasal, Allah Ali asallam, had made on the minds and hearts of Sahabi
Kinam that worldly status, worldly recognition, cease to have any
The goal was akhirat the hadaf was accurate. So he says, Oh Nabi of
Allah, all this does not interest me. Tell me if I bring Iman like
you have brought Iman and I do Amal like you are doing. Amal,
will I be with you in Jannat,
in this world, my perception is you have a higher status. Will
this apply to accurate? The concern was not dunya. The concern
was accurate. Allah SWT looks at him and says, la yahumuka, Sawa,
duvajhik in amanth, vimalt, wamilt, Vima amilt, lakunta, mai
filjanna, wainabarat, akal Aswad, la Yoram in masafati Alfie am He
said, color, complexion, worldly status, dignity, honor, wealth
counts for nothing in the court of Allah,
it counts for nothing in the court of Allah.
Go today to the European countries and see that passport queue,
that American with his passport, his chest is pushed out, goes
front to the immigration counter, stamps his passport down as if
challenging. Ask me any question, and see that poor Pakistani
standing in the back is shivering beforehand. He's got his Pakistani
passport. He doesn't know what the reaction is going to be. Are they
going to send me for interrogation? Send me for
question beforehand? Is going to be perspiring? A day is coming. A
day is coming. Very respected brothers, whether it was an
American passport, whether it was a Pakistani passport or South
African passport, or a Japanese passport or a Chinese passport, or
whether your bank balance had nine figures or six figures in it or
three figures, or whether you wrote a Mercedes Benz, or whether
you wrote a Renault Walla will count for nothing. There will be
only one criteria, which visa Have you come with as he have he has
your visa? Got this? Got the stamp of Muhammad Rasulullah sallullah
Ali, assalamu alat, whether you are black, whether you are white,
whether you are green, whatever color you may be, whatever
nationality you will be, it will come for nothing. There will only
be one passport, one basis of recognition, and that is Muhammad
Rasulullah. SallAllahu, sallam, oh, my Savi do not worry about
your color. Do not worry about yourself. Worldly status, if you
have brought Iman like I brought Iman, and you are doing Amal like
I Muhammad Sallallahu doing Amal. Not only will you be with me in
Jannat, not only will you be with me in Jannat, but Allah will give
your face such Noor, such light that it will be visible from a
distance of 1000 years. 1000 years distance, the noor of your face
will be visible this. Sahabi is elated. He cannot comprehend. He
says on Abhi of Allah, tell me, is Jannat like this? Is Jannat like
this? Is Jannat like this? Question upon question upon
question. Allah starts answering him, yes, Jannat is like this,
yes, Jannat is like this. Yes, Jannat is like this. Eventually,
Omar. Omar Ravi Allahu, taalan, who gets upset. He rebukes that
person. You are causing talif, you are causing trouble to the NABI of
Allah. Stop asking so many questions. Nabi Islam says, Omar,
leave him. Leave him. He has shock for Jannat. He has inclination for
Jannat. He has desire for Jannat. On the desire of this ordinary
Sahabi 18 verses, 18 verses of Purana reveal in Kana, misajuha,
kaura, ayina,
JIRA you.
kanakum Jaza, jazaha, Wakana, saukum, mashkura, 18 verses of the
Quran describing Jannat. Raul lain as if Jannat is in front of you in
that man Allah describes Jannat in these verses of the Quran on the
show on the inclination for Jannat of this ordinary black Sahabi.
What one verse, time is limited, just one verse. Allah says,
vaidara Eight. Vaidara Eight. Samma rahita, Naiman, vamkan,
Kabira, if only you could see, if only you could see that Jannat,
which I prepared, you will see bounties. Vamulkin, kavira,
you will see a vast kingdom. Who is saying a lie, saying
somebody who has got 100 pounds, says, I've got a lot of money. How
much money has he got? I've got a lot of money. He's got 100 pounds.
His perception of Lot is 100 pounds. Someone is a millionaire.
He says, I got a lot of money. How Much Money has he
got here? Who is saying VAs Kingdom Allah is saying. Allah is
saying mulkan Kabira. The same Allah. Who this? Dunya, this
entire world,
lady said, the known world today, the approximately 200 countries,
said, lokanathid, dunya, Tanya in the lahi, janaha, baud, Masaka,
kafiram minha shurbhata ma that if this world, if this world had the
value in the sight of Allah equivalent to the wing of one
if the entire world had the value in the sight of Allah equivalent
to the wing of one mosquito, Allah would not have Given the
disbelievers one droplet of water to drink. But this world is not
equal. Not equal. In Allah's side to the wing of one mosquito,
not equal.
If pro rata, we take the wing of the mosquito just for our
understanding, he said, not equal. Let us assume it is equal.
Take the wing of the mosquito pro rata and divide it into 200 parts.
What tiny part remains for England? Then divide it further.
What tiny part remains for London? Then go even further. What tiny
part remains for Stratham?
And then one person in Stratham who's got a few zeros in his bank
balance. Owns a few shops, or maybe a few cars, who has some
sits down and feels that, now I am somebody
I own a lot like one Ali, one of her elders. He puts it
beautifully. He says,
What is the hesitate of this person compared to everyone,
compared to the rest of the world, 6 billion in sun sharing this
earth. What is his heel? What is his relation compared to
everything else? He says, agar apne, Hena to Office. Me bet
karma, social, betul Khala, me bet kar sochu, Kim, Mary under second.
Nikal, if you want to understand how important and relevant you
are, don't sit in your office and think about it. Sit in the toilet
and think about it, that what is coming out from me Alabama is to
say ajiba to Liman kharaja, bowl in Marathe ni kefaya, takaba. It
surprises me the red individual that passed through the passage of
urine twice. Insan has to pass through the passage of urine
twice. He says that individual that passed through the passage of
urine twice, how arrogance and pride still comes into him? How
Does he still feel that I am somebody?
What is the Hesiod? What is the value?
Falanoki, mula, hum yom kiyamati wasna.
Falano ki Mullah, hum Yom al qiyamati, wasna Janam said on the
Day of Judgment, there will be some people from my ummats. They
will be brought, their wealth will be brought, their buildings will
be brought. The investments will be brought, and they will be
placed with the investments on one pan of the scale and on the other
pan of the scale, a tiny grain of mustard seed will be kept. The Pan
containing the mustard seed will rush downwards because of its
weight. And this person, with all his palm and all his glitter and
all his worldly possessions, will shoot up into the air. The angel
will announce, fala no ki Mullah, whom eomati was not today. He has
no weight or no recognition whatsoever. On the other hand, on
one occasion, Abdullah bin Masood RadiAllahu taala, and who is
walking the wind blows his kurta lifts up. When his kurta lifts up,
his shins become exposed. If na masu RadiAllahu taala, who his
shins were very thin and insignificant. Few of the
companions seeing that, they begin to laugh a little bit. Allah's
rasoslam says to them, Why are you laughing? They said, we observe
the shins of IBM that it is so thin. Allah's rasoslam says, wala
di nafsu, Mohammad, dimbi, Adi he in nama LA at Kalu, Phil mizanim
in jawali, you are laughing at how thin it is by the Qassam of that
being in whose hands lies the life of Muhammad, sallAllahu, sallam,
these shins of Ibn mus will be more weighty in the court of Allah
than the mountain of
weight in Allah's court is not dependent on the things of this
world. Wait in Allah's court is dependent on Amal, is dependent on
SIFAT is dependent on qualities Allah's Raso SallAllahu, alayhi wa
sallam made that effort. Made that effort on Sahaba Ikram, men and
women that each one could take directly from the treasures of
One woman comes to Madina manovara
with her young son. It was a practice in Madina manovara, when
the delegations would come, she sent to some females amongst the
Sahaba to teach her. Deen, her son is sent to the males among Sahaba
to teach him. Deen, the environment of Madina does not
agree with her son. He becomes ill, then he passes away. His
Janaza is prepared. Allah's Rasul says, Send for his mother. She
comes Anna Swati, Allahu, taala, and who is the narrator of the
Hadees. He says, are Jews and amya, an elderly woman who was
blind, blind and elderly. She comes into the Majlis of
rasulallah. See
she has a desire in her heart. She has a call in her heart. She has a
pain in her heart. She is carrying some burden in her heart. In front
of her is the rasulallah in front of her is Abu Bakr in front of her
is Omar. In front of her is Asmaa and his Ali Radi Allahu, anhuman,
the galaxy of Sahaba yet a new Muslim few days in Madina
Manohara. She does not request any one of them to make dua.
She doesn't request any one of them to make dua. She herself
makes dua. Such was the environment of Madina Manohara,
such was the vibrant environment of iman that Allah rasam made such
an effort on sahabi kiram that each one learned to take directly
from Allah.
Each one tan look with Allah was developed like that. She goes down
onto her knees, feels the feet of her son, Allahumma ini Aslam to
lakato and wakala Atul Oana, waha jar to eleka ragbata. She says, Oh
Allah. I accepted Islam willingly.
I gave up idol worship. I gave up every form of shirk would show up
with inclination.
I made hijrat in your way. I stole in your path with ragbat
Allah. I have come to Madina for what to gain. Deen, why? Because I
want to go back to my people. I want to give them Islam. I want
them to be safe from jahannam. I want them to go to Jannah. This
was the when Sahaba men, women, children, when they accepted Iman
the the concern of rasulallah transmitted itself into them.
Each one was imbibed with the figure and concern for humanity.
That how this humanity can be saved from Jahannam and go to
Jannat. How this humanity can be introduced to Allah, how this
humanity can understand the beauty that the Personality of janavi
rasulallah represents, and for that they gave everything.
Her son has died. She is making dua. What is the crux of a DUA?
Not Ya Allah, you took my son away.
So Young, noone will support me. No,
Ya Allah, you took my son away. When I go back to my people to
tell them about you and tell them about Islam and tell them about
your Rasul, they are going to mock at me your new religion cost the
life of your son. What Islam are you going to come to tell us about
her concern is not the loss of a child. Her concern is the obstacle
this will become to the tablig of this Deen,
new Muslim, few days of Islam. Such was the environment of Madina
manovara, such was the effort that Rasulullah pakslasa made upon
That the whole goal, the whole maksad of the existence changed in
saniyat, humanity must be safe from Jahannam and go to Jannat,
compassion, concern, the cry and pain of humanity in the heart.
Ya Allah, you took my son. This will become an obstacle.
Anestrade, Allah says, barely she finished her dua, and her son
removed the coffin cloth from his body. He stood up. He lived
through the life of rasulallah, through the life of Abu Bakr
through the Khilafat of Umar and he became Shaheed in the time of
Asmaa niradi Allahu,
new Muslim. Such value, such weight they had in the court of
Allah, when they would raise their hand, the Anish of Allah would
such an environment exist. Existed in Madina manovara.
Coming back to what we are saying,
that Allah, in whose eyes this entire world is not equal to the
wing of one mosquito. When Allah says, if you see my Jannat, if you
see my Jannat, you will see a vast kingdom.
Jibreel, Ameen, it is said, from the head to the toe of this one
angel is a distance of 14,000 years, 600 wings. One wing he
opens, the whole east will be blotted. One wing he opens, the
whole West will be blotted. Jibreel says, I traveled for years
and years and years in Madani maze, one plane of Jannat. And he
said, I could not finish the one plane of Jannat. Such a Jannat,
such a Jannat. When the sahabi hears this, he looks at
Maya, Raina, will my eye see this Jannat that is described in these
verses of the Quran Navis. Lasalam says, Yes, you are a janati. When
he hears this, there and then he passes away on the spot. Allah
Islam addresses his companions and he says, la pad Aja NAFSA, Sahib,
Kum asho, ko IL, Jannah, the shok, the inclination the rahbat, the
desire for Jannat, has taken the life of your companion.
Akirat was a reality. Jannat was a reality, such a reality that Ali
Radi Allahu, done, used to say, lo Kushal, hita, lo kush sifal, hita,
Miss that to Imana. If Jannat and Jahannam had to be brought in
front of us, we saw it with our eyes. We had heard about it from
rasulallah. Now we saw it with our eyes. Ali says our iman would not
increase. We have more conviction on what we heard from rasulallah.
Own eyes are showing us
that was that was ishka Rasulullah Islam. That was the love of
Rasulullah Islam. That was golami of rasulallah Islam, my respected
brothers, this little bit of Harkat that is taking place,
especially in this Mubarak month of Ramadan, Jamaat beard, in the
path of Allah. The goal and object of it is this. It is no movement,
no organization, or there is no political agenda. One cry, one
concern, that how we can bring our lives on such a pattern that will
please Allah and His Rasul salaam Islam, how we can become the true
friends of Allah, how we can recognize the true love of
Rasulullah, how Allah can use us as a source of benefit, as a
source of mercy, to this entire humanity that is thirsty out there
and that is wasting for us to bring this message of concern, to
bring this message to link one, one person, to Allah and His Rasul
SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam. For this, my respected brothers
Allah's Rasul Assam said on this, I will terminate. He said, Man
sama yoman, man sama yoman fi Sabil, Allah, Fi re Ramadan. He
said, That person who will fast one day, one day while striving in
the path of Allah, not in Ramadan, not in Ramadan. He said, Fi Ray,
Ramadan, outside Ramadan. Nafal, fast. Nafal fast outside Ramadan
in the path of Allah. Bo aydah, aninar, Miyata, Amin sayl,
mudamaril Jawad, he said a fast horse rider will ride for 100
years the distance that he will cover. That distance Allah will
distance this person from Jahannam for fasting one day in the path of
Allah outside Ramadan. What will Allah give him if he will fast in
the path of Allah in Ramadan,
my respected brothers, we don't know if we live to see another
Ramadan or fidalica. So this is where we are supposed to be
competing. The field is open. We.
This is the time my respected brothers to reap the harvest of