Ahmed Suleman Khatani – The True Liberation Of Women

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The segment discusses the misunderstandings of the umber and forthright actions of some Westerners, including the struggles of women to achieve their goals and the need for women to be professionals and articulate in the marketplace. The segment also touches on the struggles of men to achieve their goals and the need for women to be
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The point we are making,
the inability today, the inability today, of the Ummah, to discern
between what is halal and haram.
What is halal, we have made it haram. What is haram, we have made
it halal
and what fancy terms. That was another period. This is another
Compromises have to be made. We need our women to be
professionals. We need them to be articulate. We need them in the
commercial marketplace.
Allahu, Akbar,
at what cost have any of us taken the trouble go in Jamaat, go to
the universities. Go to the universities. And Wallah. Walla,
whatever little Iman remains in you will cause you to cry tears of
blood when you see what is happening to our women, when you
see what is happening to our daughters, at what cost, at what
price are we going to compromise our deen, are we going to
compromise our iman, are we going to compromise our accurate
at what price are we going to justify these things in our homes?
Look at our weddings today. Din dar tapgar, have to think twice
about attending anyone's function. Why? Because parda haya shame
segregation. This is for someone else. Different rules apply to us.
What Islam is a contemporary religion. Islam keeps up with the
times. Islam is here to liberate women under this guise of the
liberation of women. Mary wollstone Croft, 1792 is the first
woman known to advocate this idea of the so called emancipation of
women. She was an English woman. What she wrote, she started this
movement. Otherwise, even before this, even before this, the people
of battle, the kufar, the Nasara, they also understood this much
that our women have to be concealed. They our jewels.
Protection of chastity and morality is in concealment. Even
they understood it.
This movement started 1792 and what she said, she said that it is
a waste of assets. It is a waste of assets to make our women
domesticated slaves 1792 she said, we have to move to liberate them
by making them professionals and introducing them to the commercial
marketplace. Two, three centuries ago, bathil started with that
voice. Today, people under the guise of Islam are saying the same
thing. Few years ago, Aligarh University, India, there was a
Muslim girls university that section. So they had, they
announced there's going to be a talk, a talk by
a Swiss air hostess. Tell them some Molana and some Sheik is
coming. Maybe we'll have some interest to go for the talk. Swiss
air hostess. Auditorium is packed. I
different expectations, you form an image in your minds. What are
you expecting when the curtain drops the side the Manza, the
scene that meets them, goes against the very grain of what
they were expecting,
contrary to the expectations, they see a woman clad in paradah from
head to toe, completely covered, completely covered in paradah from
head to toe.
The shock,
there was a hush that reverberated through the audience. She sensed
it, so she addressed these girls, and she said, magribne tuka,
the forces of kufr and batil,
they have spat. What does this mean?
They advocated the reversal of roles. They advocated, under the
name of gender equality and emancipation of women, to take
women out of the homes, strip her of that maqam and that status and
that position which ALLAH blessed her with, make her into a
commodity in the market place, commercialize the women, bring
them into the marketplace. They advocated that what happened? The
entire family structure broke down. Broken Homes became the
order of the day. Children lost their identities. Women became
like tissue paper and rags. They became marshuka, objects of
desire. Use them when you won, throw them away when you won.
Travelers. Travel the.
US, World Countries
broken down relationships, illicit relationships, like animals
running from one to the other, no permanence. Look at the
psychological damage the moment that woman becomes pregnant,
abandoned. He's gone somewhere else. She has to bring up the
child, but now she's a professional woman. So that child,
you gotta look for a nursing home Allahu Akbar, I met one
psychiatrist in England. He told me of his colleague in America. He
said he's a child psychiatrist. I said, Do children need psychiatric
treatment? He said, If you phone my friend's surgery in America,
the next available appointment is three years time.
The entire system has broken down. They themselves are confused. They
don't know which way to turn suicide rate soaring, dependence
on drugs sorting, broken homes soaring. Their governments have to
give tax intense incentives to women to bear children. Have to
give tax incentives to encourage people to have a family to that
extent, the entire system broke down when they made war with
They themselves are frustrated. They don't know the solution. They
don't know in which direction to turn why. They don't have Quran.
They don't have Hadith. They don't have Muhammad, Rasulullah,
sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam. They don't have bastions of haya and
shame and modesty like khadijatul, Kubra, Ayesha, umul mumini, Fatima
to Zahara Radi Allahu, anhumaj main, they don't have these
examples. So they are frustrated. What is the irony? What is the sad
reality? She said, they have spat. They are frustrated. They've
realized that their systems have failed,
and you people are licking up despot. You people are licking up
desperate. You have the Quran, you have the noor of iman, you have
the talima of my Nadi.