Ahmed Suleman Khatani – Prophet Muhammad The Epitome of Good Character
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our mother, Ayesha Allahu Taala anha,
was asked the question,
describe the morals, describe the day and night,
describe the akhlaq in character,
describe the way of life of Muhammadu Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam Abu
she could have went into a lengthy description
and Walla, if you are given the life of no Ali Salam, and every
second of that life is spent describing Rasulullah, sallAllahu,
sallam, we will still not do justice.
Yet. Look at the intelligence which Allah bestowed our
That she summed up this huge, monumental question in three
What did she say? She said, kanakulu kuhul Quran, kanakaul
Quran, if you want to see the day, the night, the Constitution, the
message, the import, the way of life of the Quran. Then it is
Muhammad, Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, the akhlaq and
character of rasulallah is the living embodiment of the Quran.
Now listen to this verse, Allah says lakadakana. Lakad,
kaanala, kumfi, Rasul, Ilahi, uswatun, hasana. You want Allah.
You want Jannat. You want forgiveness. You want Allah to
love you. You want honor in this world, you want prosperity. You
want, barakah, whatever you want.
It is contained in this verse of the Quran Allah says, for you in
Muhammad, Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, uswat hasana.
Before I translate uswatun hasana, Allah says, For who is this? For
who is this? Niman Khan, arjulah, akhir WADA karallah, who believes
in Allah and in akhirat, the one who has Iman, the one who wants
Jannah, the one who wants Akira for him in Rasulullah Sallam is
uswatun hasana.
Allah did not say uswatun Kamila,
perfect, complete culmination that is car mail in Arabic, and
definitely to Rasulullah sallallahu, sallam, everything
reached perfection. Nubuwat reached perfection.
Just to illustrate this point, nubuwa reached perfection. Once,
Rasulullah sallallahu gave a paraben an example describing the
home of nubuvat from Adam Ali Salam to the last Nabi. He
described it as if a house was being built. And then he said they
were in the corner. There was one gap left, there was one gap left,
one brick still to come. And then he said, * laminatul, akhira
wa Anna fataman Nabi, I am the final brick. In other words, I am
the culmination, the completion of the home of nubuat through him was
the culmination, Completion, perfection of Islam. Ali OMA
Akmal, tulakum, dinakum Wat malikum, nyamati, what Adi Tula
Kumul Islam. Adina through him was the culmination completion,
perfection of ala boisto, Liu, tamli, Makani, like that. We can
go on culmination, Completion, perfection, Epitome. Height was
reached through Rasulullah. But interestingly, in this verse,
logically, it should have been uswatun Kamila, perfect example,
Allah does not say uswatun kami What does Allah say? Uswatun hasa
for you in Rasulullah Islam is the most beautiful example, the most
beautiful way of life.
Kamil is contained in this. But why beautiful? One reason Ola maki
RAM give, they say for beauty, you don't need a proof.
If someone tells you know what? It's a 14 full moon. I look at how
beautiful the moon is, and you say, Bye, Dalila, bring me one
proof. What do you name pagal? Are you lost your marbles? A woman is
beautiful. Something is attractive, beautiful. You don't
need a proof for it. You don't need a proof for it. In itself. It
has that magnetic attraction on the one explanation, the other
explanation, my respected brothers, Olam, I cannot give
laka, the kanala, kumfi, rasulallah, uswatun, hasana, what
is the quality of beauty that it attracts, it magnetizes. You don't
have to introduce or you don't have to give a Bayan or make a
skill, or convince somebody that you don't have to convince a human
being to go towards beauty. Allah has made this heart such
automatically, it is drawn towards beauty. What better way to explain
this? Few years ago in the Haram, you.
He was salam. He is the servant of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. When
this child was 10 years old, mother came gave this child. She
said, Ya rasulallah, this is your Amana. I am making work up of my
son to serve you. And then what does he say? He says, khadam tum
Nabi, ya SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, ashravasinin. He says, I
was the servant of Nabi salal Islam for 10 years. For 10 years,
he was khadimur Rasul. And they say today, if you want to
understand, if you want to understand the character of a
person, if you want to understand the character of a person, if you
want to understand the metal of an individual, if you want to know
the inside of a person, there's two people you ask, one is the
wife and the other is the servant. One is the wife, the other is the
servant. You don't ask the outside world to fool the outside world is
very easy. Normally, when it comes to wives, my Ustad, he says, the
only time, the only time a woman has anything good to say about her
husband is before they get married and after he dies. In between,
very rarely you find a woman saying anything good about her
husband. Why? Because that is the crunch test the wife and the
servant, Allah, what? But this is not the topic. So I'm not going to
details. I'm just digressing. Anasadi Allahu, anhu, he said, I
served Rasulullah. SallAllahu, alayhi. He was salam for 10 years.
In that 10 year period, he never raised his voice at me. Once,
never raised his voice at me. Once, never scolded me. Once,
never insulted me. Once. This is sunnah. This is sunnah. How many
of us can say that about ourselves? How many of us can say
that about our staff. Masha, Allah, tahajjud, guzar is in his
place. Walla, this is harder.
This is harder. This is more difficult. But today we don't even
regard this as an aspect of Deen. Nevertheless, coming back to that
hadith, Rasulullah saw some addresses Ya Abu Naya, he says, Oh
my beloved son. He's talking to His servant, but he doesn't say,
Oh My servant, Oh my beloved Son, ya abuna in his Tata. And tuspiah
watums here, if you have the ability, if you have the ability.
And tuspiah watums here, that every morning and every evening.
What is this is, what does it mean? It means this is a 24 hour
battle. And it is not just a 24 hour battle. It is a what I'm
about to tell you, Rasulullah is telling Annas, and through Him the
whole ummat. This is a jihad and a war that you will have to wage,
not just morning and evening, not just when you are young, when you
are young, when you are old, when you are rich, when you are poor,
when you are healthy, when you are sick, wherever, whoever, whenever.
This is one Jihad that you will have to wage your entire life.
What jihad in istakata and tuspiha watumsia. This is ishara. This is
the indication that this is a lifelong battle, winter, summer,
autumn, anytime, any place. This is a lifetime battle. Fajr, you
only have to make mujada that time. Zohar, five Salah on the
time, Ramadan in its place, * in its place. Zakat once a year.
This is a lifelong battle. And tuspi, Hawa, tumsia, what battle?
Wale Safi kalbika rishonli akhad.
Wale Safi kalbika rishonli akhad O My Beloved Son, if you have the
ability that for your entire life, you adopt this quality that in
your heart, there is no nafrat, no malice, no dislike, no hatred, no
enmity, no jealous for any individual
clean this heart, whether he is a drunkard, whether he is visiting
the casinos, whether he whether you think your financial status
has made you somehow rather superior to him, whatever
language, whatever race he belongs to, every person you come into
contact with, my Navier is saying to Anas, clean this heart. Clean
this heart. Don't look down at that person. Don't have hatred for
that person. Don't have malice for that person. Don't carry a grudge
against that person. Unfortunately, today, my respected
brothers like how one nurtures a child, like how one brings up a
child. In our hearts, we nurture nafran, we nurture hatred, we
nurture jealousy, malice. Got a person who's got a problem with
his wife, he's got a problem with his children, he's got a problem
with his neighbor, he's got a problem with his friend. He's got
a problem with his friend. He's got a problem with everyone he
comes into contact with, and we feel we have been that and pious
in his Tata and tuskehawa, tumsia, Wales,
fafal, oh, my son, if you can do this, do this. Do this.
And what will Allah give you before I complete the Hadees, two
incidents they going to mention. Once, rasulallah sitting with
he says to them that just now, from this door of the masjid, a
person who is going to enter, and that person is a janati.
That person is a Jannati. Imagine who is saying this Rasulullah,
this man in is walking in Madina is about to enter this Masjid. He
is a Jannati. Everyone's curiosity speaks. Who is this person? Who is
this Allama? Who is this bush? Gane, DEEN among Sava, an
ordinary, elderly Sahabi who had just finished making his wuzu. His
face was still wet. He enters the masjid
Navis said about him. He is a janati. Second day this happened.
Third day it happened. Same person. So among Sahaba, one
youngster, what was his name? Abdullah bin Amar bin Asmaa
kirama, of the opinion. This is Abu du Sahaba. This is Abu Sahaba.
Certain Sahaba excelled in certain aspects. The greatest Sabi was Abu
Bakar, the Allahu consensus. But they were distinctive aspects in
which certain Sahaba excelled. This youngster excelled in what in
Ibadan, it is mentioned about Abdullah bin Ahmed been asked that
his daily mamul He used to fast every day, make tahajjud the
entire night and make one khatam of the Quran every day. This was
the daily mamul of this youngster. Now he is hearing that there is a
jannathi. This elderly person is a janati. So his curiosity is peak.
I make so much Ibadan, how much Ibadan this person must be making?
So he hatches a plan. Comes in the rewired first ad for who Abdullah
bin Amar bin asks. Abdullah bin Amar bin asks, goes to the House
of this person, and he says, chacha
addresses him with respect. He says, Can I be your guest for a
few days? What? Why? He's not telling him why, but the plan is,
let me see what. What is the special Amal, this man is doing?
Nevertheless, he says, No problem. Become my guest. Abdullah bin
Ahmed bin ask himself, nave, he says, night time came. I hid under
the blanket, pretending to sleep, to see what he does. He says, this
old uncle entered the house after Isha lay down on the bed,
Allahumma, bismika, Muto akhiya, and snoring within a few minutes,
he says, waiting maybe 10 minutes time, 20 minutes time, half hour's
time, one hours time, two hours time, nothing is happening. This
man is still sleeping right up till the Azaan of Fajr. No Taj
also, he
says, maybe something happened today, so maybe I missed out on
something, because on the one hand, rasulallah Given the stamp.
This is the janati. So no, no question of doubting that. So
there must be something. I must second night, same thing. Third
night, same thing. Finally, he can't hold his curiosity anymore.
He says, I just made an excuse. I became your guest. Because this is
what Nami Islam said about you. What is so special that you are
doing? I haven't seen anything.
This person said, Brother, I am an open book. Whatever you saw that
is there. So
finally, Abdullah bin AMR in this uljan, in this confusion now he's
leaving the house,
then this elderly Savi calls him back
Allahu Akbar. What does he say to you? He says, There is one thing
Amma ini, abi to alayhi, Safi, kalbi, really Ahad. He says, Every
night, I can say with absolute conviction that when I go to sleep
in my heart, there is no negative sentiment against anyone. This
heart of mine is clean one thing and second thing, second thing, if
anyone in front of me prospers, becomes rich, gets get gets dealt
a good hand. I feel absolutely no jealousy or regret in my heart. In
fact, I am genuinely happy for that person. When Abdullah bin,
Ahmed bin asks Abu as what does he say? He doesn't just say yes. He
it is this. It is this that has caused my Nabi on three occasions
to say you are a janmati to complete that hadith. Oh, my
beloved Son, if you have the ability and to be hava tumsia
Morning and Evening your entire life, to make it such that in your
heart there is no nafrat for anyone for I'll do so. And then,
what does my Nabi say? Wadali ka Min sunnati. Wadali ka Min
sunnati, this is my special sunnat woman, ahaba sunnati, Sharat, the
one who loves this. Sunnat fakahabani, he loves me, and the
one who loves me, Kana mai filja.
Sunnah will be with Me in Jannat, illaman at Allah, Abu talibin
Salim, Allah says, meet Allah with a clean heart. Take out this
hafrat, bhasrat, take out this nafrat, take out this jealousy.
Cleanse This heart. This is sunnah. This is AK, and this is
what will draw humanity towards us. Allah, documentary you.