Ahmed Suleman Khatani – Prophet Muhammad The Epitome of Good Character

Ahmed Suleman Khatani
AI: Summary ©
The title Islam is a reference to completion through the woman of the household, who has a magnetic attraction and serves in the household for 10 years. The title is a war that must be wage and is a lifelong battle. The speaker describes various aspects of a woman, including her beauty, service, and political status. The title is a reference to the woman as a servant of Islam and a woman who served in the household for 10 years and never spoke during a battle.
AI: Transcript ©
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our mother, Ayesha Allahu Taala anha,

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was asked the question,

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describe the morals, describe the day and night,

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describe the akhlaq in character,

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describe the way of life of Muhammadu Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam Abu

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she could have went into a lengthy description

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and Walla, if you are given the life of no Ali Salam, and every

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second of that life is spent describing Rasulullah, sallAllahu,

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sallam, we will still not do justice.

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Yet. Look at the intelligence which Allah bestowed our

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That she summed up this huge, monumental question in three

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What did she say? She said, kanakulu kuhul Quran, kanakaul

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Quran, if you want to see the day, the night, the Constitution, the

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message, the import, the way of life of the Quran. Then it is

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Muhammad, Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, the akhlaq and

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character of rasulallah is the living embodiment of the Quran.

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Now listen to this verse, Allah says lakadakana. Lakad,

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kaanala, kumfi, Rasul, Ilahi, uswatun, hasana. You want Allah.

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You want Jannat. You want forgiveness. You want Allah to

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love you. You want honor in this world, you want prosperity. You

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want, barakah, whatever you want.

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It is contained in this verse of the Quran Allah says, for you in

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Muhammad, Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, uswat hasana.

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Before I translate uswatun hasana, Allah says, For who is this? For

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who is this? Niman Khan, arjulah, akhir WADA karallah, who believes

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in Allah and in akhirat, the one who has Iman, the one who wants

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Jannah, the one who wants Akira for him in Rasulullah Sallam is

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uswatun hasana.

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Allah did not say uswatun Kamila,

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perfect, complete culmination that is car mail in Arabic, and

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definitely to Rasulullah sallallahu, sallam, everything

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reached perfection. Nubuwat reached perfection.

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Just to illustrate this point, nubuwa reached perfection. Once,

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Rasulullah sallallahu gave a paraben an example describing the

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home of nubuvat from Adam Ali Salam to the last Nabi. He

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described it as if a house was being built. And then he said they

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were in the corner. There was one gap left, there was one gap left,

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one brick still to come. And then he said, * laminatul, akhira

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wa Anna fataman Nabi, I am the final brick. In other words, I am

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the culmination, the completion of the home of nubuat through him was

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the culmination, Completion, perfection of Islam. Ali OMA

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Akmal, tulakum, dinakum Wat malikum, nyamati, what Adi Tula

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Kumul Islam. Adina through him was the culmination completion,

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perfection of ala boisto, Liu, tamli, Makani, like that. We can

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go on culmination, Completion, perfection, Epitome. Height was

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reached through Rasulullah. But interestingly, in this verse,

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logically, it should have been uswatun Kamila, perfect example,

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Allah does not say uswatun kami What does Allah say? Uswatun hasa

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for you in Rasulullah Islam is the most beautiful example, the most

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beautiful way of life.

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Kamil is contained in this. But why beautiful? One reason Ola maki

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RAM give, they say for beauty, you don't need a proof.

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If someone tells you know what? It's a 14 full moon. I look at how

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beautiful the moon is, and you say, Bye, Dalila, bring me one

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proof. What do you name pagal? Are you lost your marbles? A woman is

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beautiful. Something is attractive, beautiful. You don't

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need a proof for it. You don't need a proof for it. In itself. It

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has that magnetic attraction on the one explanation, the other

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explanation, my respected brothers, Olam, I cannot give

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laka, the kanala, kumfi, rasulallah, uswatun, hasana, what

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is the quality of beauty that it attracts, it magnetizes. You don't

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have to introduce or you don't have to give a Bayan or make a

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skill, or convince somebody that you don't have to convince a human

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being to go towards beauty. Allah has made this heart such

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automatically, it is drawn towards beauty. What better way to explain

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this? Few years ago in the Haram, you.

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He was salam. He is the servant of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. When

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this child was 10 years old, mother came gave this child. She

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said, Ya rasulallah, this is your Amana. I am making work up of my

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son to serve you. And then what does he say? He says, khadam tum

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Nabi, ya SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, ashravasinin. He says, I

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was the servant of Nabi salal Islam for 10 years. For 10 years,

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he was khadimur Rasul. And they say today, if you want to

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understand, if you want to understand the character of a

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person, if you want to understand the character of a person, if you

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want to understand the metal of an individual, if you want to know

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the inside of a person, there's two people you ask, one is the

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wife and the other is the servant. One is the wife, the other is the

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servant. You don't ask the outside world to fool the outside world is

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very easy. Normally, when it comes to wives, my Ustad, he says, the

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only time, the only time a woman has anything good to say about her

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husband is before they get married and after he dies. In between,

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very rarely you find a woman saying anything good about her

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husband. Why? Because that is the crunch test the wife and the

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servant, Allah, what? But this is not the topic. So I'm not going to

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details. I'm just digressing. Anasadi Allahu, anhu, he said, I

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served Rasulullah. SallAllahu, alayhi. He was salam for 10 years.

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In that 10 year period, he never raised his voice at me. Once,

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never raised his voice at me. Once, never scolded me. Once,

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never insulted me. Once. This is sunnah. This is sunnah. How many

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of us can say that about ourselves? How many of us can say

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that about our staff. Masha, Allah, tahajjud, guzar is in his

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place. Walla, this is harder.

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This is harder. This is more difficult. But today we don't even

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regard this as an aspect of Deen. Nevertheless, coming back to that

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hadith, Rasulullah saw some addresses Ya Abu Naya, he says, Oh

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my beloved son. He's talking to His servant, but he doesn't say,

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Oh My servant, Oh my beloved Son, ya abuna in his Tata. And tuspiah

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watums here, if you have the ability, if you have the ability.

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And tuspiah watums here, that every morning and every evening.

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What is this is, what does it mean? It means this is a 24 hour

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battle. And it is not just a 24 hour battle. It is a what I'm

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about to tell you, Rasulullah is telling Annas, and through Him the

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whole ummat. This is a jihad and a war that you will have to wage,

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not just morning and evening, not just when you are young, when you

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are young, when you are old, when you are rich, when you are poor,

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when you are healthy, when you are sick, wherever, whoever, whenever.

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This is one Jihad that you will have to wage your entire life.

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What jihad in istakata and tuspiha watumsia. This is ishara. This is

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the indication that this is a lifelong battle, winter, summer,

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autumn, anytime, any place. This is a lifetime battle. Fajr, you

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only have to make mujada that time. Zohar, five Salah on the

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time, Ramadan in its place, * in its place. Zakat once a year.

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This is a lifelong battle. And tuspi, Hawa, tumsia, what battle?

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Wale Safi kalbika rishonli akhad.

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Wale Safi kalbika rishonli akhad O My Beloved Son, if you have the

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ability that for your entire life, you adopt this quality that in

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your heart, there is no nafrat, no malice, no dislike, no hatred, no

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enmity, no jealous for any individual

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clean this heart, whether he is a drunkard, whether he is visiting

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the casinos, whether he whether you think your financial status

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has made you somehow rather superior to him, whatever

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language, whatever race he belongs to, every person you come into

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contact with, my Navier is saying to Anas, clean this heart. Clean

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this heart. Don't look down at that person. Don't have hatred for

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that person. Don't have malice for that person. Don't carry a grudge

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against that person. Unfortunately, today, my respected

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brothers like how one nurtures a child, like how one brings up a

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child. In our hearts, we nurture nafran, we nurture hatred, we

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nurture jealousy, malice. Got a person who's got a problem with

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his wife, he's got a problem with his children, he's got a problem

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with his neighbor, he's got a problem with his friend. He's got

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a problem with his friend. He's got a problem with everyone he

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comes into contact with, and we feel we have been that and pious

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in his Tata and tuskehawa, tumsia, Wales,

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fafal, oh, my son, if you can do this, do this. Do this.

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And what will Allah give you before I complete the Hadees, two

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incidents they going to mention. Once, rasulallah sitting with

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he says to them that just now, from this door of the masjid, a

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person who is going to enter, and that person is a janati.

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That person is a Jannati. Imagine who is saying this Rasulullah,

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this man in is walking in Madina is about to enter this Masjid. He

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is a Jannati. Everyone's curiosity speaks. Who is this person? Who is

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this Allama? Who is this bush? Gane, DEEN among Sava, an

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ordinary, elderly Sahabi who had just finished making his wuzu. His

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face was still wet. He enters the masjid

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Navis said about him. He is a janati. Second day this happened.

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Third day it happened. Same person. So among Sahaba, one

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youngster, what was his name? Abdullah bin Amar bin Asmaa

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kirama, of the opinion. This is Abu du Sahaba. This is Abu Sahaba.

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Certain Sahaba excelled in certain aspects. The greatest Sabi was Abu

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Bakar, the Allahu consensus. But they were distinctive aspects in

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which certain Sahaba excelled. This youngster excelled in what in

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Ibadan, it is mentioned about Abdullah bin Ahmed been asked that

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his daily mamul He used to fast every day, make tahajjud the

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entire night and make one khatam of the Quran every day. This was

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the daily mamul of this youngster. Now he is hearing that there is a

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jannathi. This elderly person is a janati. So his curiosity is peak.

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I make so much Ibadan, how much Ibadan this person must be making?

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So he hatches a plan. Comes in the rewired first ad for who Abdullah

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bin Amar bin asks. Abdullah bin Amar bin asks, goes to the House

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of this person, and he says, chacha

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addresses him with respect. He says, Can I be your guest for a

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few days? What? Why? He's not telling him why, but the plan is,

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let me see what. What is the special Amal, this man is doing?

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Nevertheless, he says, No problem. Become my guest. Abdullah bin

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Ahmed bin ask himself, nave, he says, night time came. I hid under

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the blanket, pretending to sleep, to see what he does. He says, this

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old uncle entered the house after Isha lay down on the bed,

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Allahumma, bismika, Muto akhiya, and snoring within a few minutes,

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he says, waiting maybe 10 minutes time, 20 minutes time, half hour's

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time, one hours time, two hours time, nothing is happening. This

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man is still sleeping right up till the Azaan of Fajr. No Taj

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also, he

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says, maybe something happened today, so maybe I missed out on

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something, because on the one hand, rasulallah Given the stamp.

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This is the janati. So no, no question of doubting that. So

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there must be something. I must second night, same thing. Third

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night, same thing. Finally, he can't hold his curiosity anymore.

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He says, I just made an excuse. I became your guest. Because this is

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what Nami Islam said about you. What is so special that you are

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doing? I haven't seen anything.

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This person said, Brother, I am an open book. Whatever you saw that

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is there. So

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finally, Abdullah bin AMR in this uljan, in this confusion now he's

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leaving the house,

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then this elderly Savi calls him back

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Allahu Akbar. What does he say to you? He says, There is one thing

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Amma ini, abi to alayhi, Safi, kalbi, really Ahad. He says, Every

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night, I can say with absolute conviction that when I go to sleep

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in my heart, there is no negative sentiment against anyone. This

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heart of mine is clean one thing and second thing, second thing, if

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anyone in front of me prospers, becomes rich, gets get gets dealt

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a good hand. I feel absolutely no jealousy or regret in my heart. In

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fact, I am genuinely happy for that person. When Abdullah bin,

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Ahmed bin asks Abu as what does he say? He doesn't just say yes. He

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it is this. It is this that has caused my Nabi on three occasions

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to say you are a janmati to complete that hadith. Oh, my

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beloved Son, if you have the ability and to be hava tumsia

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Morning and Evening your entire life, to make it such that in your

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heart there is no nafrat for anyone for I'll do so. And then,

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what does my Nabi say? Wadali ka Min sunnati. Wadali ka Min

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sunnati, this is my special sunnat woman, ahaba sunnati, Sharat, the

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one who loves this. Sunnat fakahabani, he loves me, and the

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one who loves me, Kana mai filja.

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Sunnah will be with Me in Jannat, illaman at Allah, Abu talibin

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Salim, Allah says, meet Allah with a clean heart. Take out this

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hafrat, bhasrat, take out this nafrat, take out this jealousy.

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Cleanse This heart. This is sunnah. This is AK, and this is

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what will draw humanity towards us. Allah, documentary you.

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