Ahmed Suleman Khatani – Preservin Family Rights
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The segment discusses the history and characteristics of Islam, including the importance of unity and the use of sharonian fusina. The potential consequences of the Taliban-led conflict, including conflict and legal battles, are also discussed. The conflict between two brothers in humanity, the loss of family ties, and the recent events and their impact on society are also discussed. The importance of preserving family ties and uniting is emphasized, as well as the need for forgiveness and forgiveness in court cases. The transcript also touches on the importance of forgiveness and the need for forgiveness in court cases.
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Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah. Wana ozamila,
him in sharonian fusina woman say, yamali, NAMA, Yadi, laholla, Hua
meyudu, falahadi, Allah,
wana Allah, ILAHA, illallahu,
Anil Majeed, one for colon. Hamid,
audubilah, him in a shaykh on your rajeem, bismillahir, rahmanir,
Rahim walata will hasana to Wallace, saya
ID Fain, faidal, Nadi, baina kawabena, who Ada watun,
A Allah mahikiram Elders and beloved
brothers in Islam.
Throughout the ages,
one of the primary conditions
for the help and Sukkah of Allah subhanahu wa
being at the behest of the Ummat of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
one of the primary conditions for this
has been the unity of the hearts of the ummats.
And if you look in the Sira of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allows Rasul sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam to maintain and to preserve the unity of his ummat
went to great lengths, great kurbani, great sacrifice, Allah
rasoolallahu, alaihi wasallam himself undertook and no expense,
no sacrifice, was spared on the behalf of Sahaba ikiram also
Sira is repeat with incidents of this nature,
indicating to us the extent to which Rasulullah Pak Sarala A
salaam exhorted his ummats at all times to preserve The unity and
conformity of the hearts he
was not only Nabi of Insan,
he was Nabi of the animals also.
And one incident
very, very clearly to the fore this point
of the extent to which Rasulullah sallallahu sallam was concerned of
the unity of the hearts that
on one occasion a camel came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
and this camel spoke to Nabi ABA Sala Ali sallam, and complained
of the ill treatment it was receiving from its master,
Allah AJ, called the sahabi who owned this camel,
and made a request to him.
He said, Will you seed this camel over to me? Will you gift it to
This Sahabi immediately relented, and he gifted, willingly and
gladly, this camel over to Rasulullah, sallAllahu sallam.
Then the vishalsam addressed this camel and said, You are free. Now.
Your days of ill treatment and suffering are over.
The response of this camel was defined as rewired for Raza,
Ratan, fakala Amin Summa, raga Saniya, fakala Amin Summa, rava
Talita, fakala Amin Summa, ragar Rabia, Rasulullah Ali he wasallam,
the sound which a camel makes. It did this one time. Navis, rasam
said, Amin, second time, Amin, third time, Amin and fourth time.
Navies, Lawson began crying.
Sahaba, having witnessed this incident,
they questioned in the Arab what transpired, what occurred?
He said that the camel made dua. He.
The first dua,
may Allah rid you of your fears, as you have rid me of mine to
this, I said, Ameen.
Then the next dua, the camel made, may Allah Dalai protect your ummat
from being destroyed by some calamity, earthquake, natural
disaster, etc.
To this, I said, Ameen,
third dua, may Allah protect your ummat from being annihilated by a
tyrannical ruler.
This also, I said, Ameen and the fourth dua is the camel meal, may
Allah dala protect your ummats
from their hearts becoming disunited,
from yaktila, from differences, from conflicts arising amongst
This time ravish Assam started crying. He did not say Ameen,
because he says, when this camel made this dua, Allah send Jibreel
to me and inform me that this dua will not be accepted
yet. Tava Ichi, is he? It is a natural thing. Differences will
arise, conflict situations will arise.
But unfortunately, to a very large extent,
if we look in the lives of the Ummah today, when faced with these
conflicts, when faced with these differences of opinion, instead of
adopting the Taliban and the teachings of Rasulullah sallali
Salam, we are looking towards the ways of others.
We want to go to court to resolve our conflicts, to resolve our
differences. We want to fight legal battles.
We start arguing with one another. In instances, effort is made to
publicly tarnish the image of one another.
On one occasion, the sulali, salam, marabhi, aziradi, Allahu,
he says we were sitting with NAMI salami. Salami asked us a
Ali Islami, OSA
O my Sahaba tell me which practice of Islam, which Amal of my deen is
the most powerful
Sahaba said, as Salaah rasulallah,
the response of Rasulullah sallam was Hasan attuned wama. Here we
have. Salah is very good, but I was not referring to Salah. Then
they said, Siam Ramadan, the fasting of Ramadan is the most
powerful and influential Ahmad Deen,
again, his response,
Hasan on vamahu abhihi, fasting is good, but I was not referring to
that. Then they said, Al jihad, UTI sabilillah, jihad in the path
of Allah. Again, he said, Hasan, unwamah, Hoa VI, that also is
good, but I was not referring to that. And then he himself gave the
response to his question. He said, In o taka, oral Islami and tohib
bafilah, Watu, Buddha, Fila, O Ka Makala, sallAllahu, alayhi wa
salam. He said, Islam. Says the other must boot Amal Islam ke
Rashi, the most powerful Amal and action of maidi is that you should
preserve the love and muhabbat amongst you for the sake of Allah.
Love one another for the sake of Allah. Overlook your conflicts,
overlook your differences, walk away from disputes, and if there
is hatred, also that hatred should be for the sake of Allah. It
should not be motivated by worldly concerns and worldly desires.
Conflicts, as we mentioned, my respected brothers, will occur.
Differences will be found.
The question is, how we react in the face of those conflicts?
Allah dala, in detail, in the Quran,
has mentioned one conflict which occurred
what we call in Arabic, jidal, one argument, one fight, one dispute.
In fact, this was the first conflict that occurred in
and in detail, it has been mentioned in the Quran so that the
summat understands what Allah and His Rasul wants from you,
not coincidentally or by chance. But
ironically, this conflict, which is mentioned in Quran, which was
the first dispute that took place in humanity, occurred between two
And in this is ishara in this is indication that in most.
Instances, the arguments and the disputes that will occur in this
ummat will happen between family members,
sila Rahme, preserving family ties, really, my respective
brothers, if you look at the wealth of Ahadi Sala Salawa,
salam, that are found with regards to the emphasis which he placed at
any circumstance, at any cost, he said, preserve your family ties.
Let me isladim. On one occasion, he said, in
He said, Allah gave family ties a physical form, and when Allah dala
created it, Allah Tala addressed family ties and said, Anan Rahman,
want a Rahim. I am Rahman. I am the most merciful, and you are
Rahim. You are family ties, I give you my word Allah. Allah is
saying, I give you my word
aktawman kataki, asiloman wasalaki, that person who will
preserve you, that person will look after his family ties. I will
preserve him
and that person who will destroy you, that person who will cut off
from his family, that person will get into disputes and hearts will
be disunited with his family members. Allah says, I will cut
off from that person.
One Hadith, said inner Rahim wala kumbil Ash.
He said family time is holding on to the ash of Allah united will
lay one. Nahan ya Rahman Silman, vaswalanifi wakta, was Allah. He
said, family ties is holding on to the ash of Allah. And every day
and every night this family ties addresses Allah and says, Oh my
Allah, join with the one who joins me. Join with the one who
preserves me and cut off from the one who cuts off from me.
Unfortunately, our understanding of what preservation of family
ties is that also is not correct.
Our clock in character generally, is a reciprocal one. You scratch
my back. I'll scratch yours. You smile with me. I'll smile with
you. You see to me. I'll see to you. That is not a clout,
that is not preservation of family ties the ASAM said lay salva
siloville mukafi, the one who reciprocates does good with his
family members if they do good with him. He is not one who has
preserved family ties. The one who preserves family ties is that
person is when his family eats up his heart,
when they destroy his Haqq, when they oppress him. He becomes
Muslim. He makes suffer in the face of their zulum and deals
nicely with them. He is that ummati of mine, who has preserved
family ties,
coming back to the instant in which we mentioned, the first
dispute that took place in humanity was between two brothers
in this is ishara, an indication in this ummat, to a great extent,
disputes will occur among family members. What is sunnat Allah?
What does Allah want from you when this dispute occur?
The dispute occurred between the sons of Adam, Ali, salam, haben
and Kabil very briefly for understanding that time for the
procreation of humanity to be preserved every year, to be the
Hawaii assalam, two twins would be born, a pair of twins would be
born, one male, one female. The next year, another pair of twins.
You were not allowed to marry the females that were born with you.
You can only marry the one that was born in the next pair, Kabil
Allah made it such that his sister was very pretty. Havin his sister
was not so good looking. So Kabil was not prepared to relinquish his
sister to habi. He wanted to marry her himself. They brought this
dispute to adab Ali Salam aadwalam told both of them, both of you
give one kurmani, one sacrifice, one sadaqa, the one whose sadhaka
is accepted will be able to marry her.
Kabil was a farmer. He looked for his cheapest crops, put that on a
high ground as his sadhaka. Habil tended and raised animals.
He looked for the fattest and most expensive animal. He put that on a
high mountain.
The system at that time was a fire would come down from the heavens
and would burn away and take up the accepted sadhaka. The fire
came down white smoke, if nikasid Ahmad Ali says he mentioned in his
rewind the animal of habeel was accepted. Kabir was rejected.
Habeel Rabil became even more angry
now even his tedka was not accepted. His rage against his
brother intensified. He picked up an ax or a piece of wood and when
threatening he was his brother, I am going to kill you. Allah
mentions this incident, not for stories, but for us to take
Habib physically was stronger
his brother and he was in the right. His brother was in the
wrong. His brother advanced towards him. What was his
response? He said, na Himba city, who read one taboo Abu Asmaa is me
for the kuna mean as habina was Anika.
Interestingly, because it is pertinent to what we are
mentioning, to such an extent habeas purvani was accepted. He
had so much class then mufasari invention that that animal of his
was lifted up, kept in Jannat, tended in Jannat till the time of
saint in Ibrahim alaihi salam, and that same animal was sent down as
fidya and ransom for Ismail alaihi salam to be slaughtered by Ibrahim
salam. He addressed his brother, and he said that if you stretch
your hand out to harm me,
all those of us today who are demanding their hack and their
right, listen carefully to this when it comes to your family
members. Allah, some does not want you to look for your right.
Dispute with your family members are not an opportunity for you to
demand rights. It is an opportunity for you to earn your
Allah, that hadith which I mentioned in the beginning, what
did he say? He said, Let me give you a Nusa. Let Muhammad,
sallAllahu, sallam, give you a prescription for three things.
Take my guarantee if you want burkat in your life.
Ulama explain one meaning of burkat in life. They say, even
after you are in your cover, even after you are in your cover, those
good deeds which you are doing while you are alive, you will
still get the reward. If you want that and you want wealth, you want
your Rosi to increase, you want burkad In your dunya. And the
third thing you want to be protected from a bad death. You
want your name to be remembered after you leave this world.
Muhammad, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, sardiq al mas duh.
SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, the seven heavens and the seven Earths
can come to an end, not one word of lie or exaggeration or
ambiguity pass through his mubara gloves.
Listen with the years of Imaan, my respected brothers. How is it
possible before I translate? How is it possible that in an ummat
whose master, salallahu alay wa sallam has given such talien has
thought of such a lot in character that brother is not talking to
brother, cousin is not talking to cousin. Muslims are fighting in
court cases. Counselors are being taken out, denigrating one
another. Where is our Tanu bud Deen? Where is the honor of Deen?
Few years back in India, one court case took place. Two Muslims went
to court before a Hindu judge look at the documents of that court
case. The Hindu judge passed a comment. He said, Today, two
Muslims have come to fight in my court, there is only one winner
and one loser. Islam is the loser. Islam is the loser when we don't
cannot resolve our conflicts to Sharia, when we have to look for
some other avenue. Muhammad sallall Islam said, become Muslim.
Become Muslim. Become the oppressed one. When dealing with
your family members and I give you guarantee your wealth will
increase. You will have birth cut in your life. Allah will save you
from a bad death. Your name will be weighed up become Muslim when
dealing with your family members, become hab he had just his
brother. If you stretch your hand out to harm me, i.
Will not raise my hand to protect myself. I will not retaliate. Why?
In the Harab, Galla means I fear my Allah in me, read and Tabua, be
it me, what me? Patakuna mean a tabina, if you will not listen to
my advice, my brother, if you will not listen to my advice and put
down that weapon, strike me, kill me, murder me. Take from mine
whatever you want. I will not oppose you. But understand if you
carry on with what you are doing, you will carry my sin and your sin
and your abode will be Jahannam, what he did not listen to their
eyes. Habis name was raised till Tiamat habi is purvani was
accepted. Habil was given dharaja In Akira. And what was the outcome
of Kabil, not only disgraced in dunya, not only disgrace. In
dunya, Rasulullah said, every murder, every murder that will be
committed in my umat, a share and a portion of the guna of that
murder will fall on Kabil. To that extent, Allah generated and
brought him down. This dispute is mentioned in Quran,
another dispute also Quran mentions,
to teach us the importance of preserving family ties.
To teach us the importance of preserving unity.
We all know the famous incident,
we say, Dina, Aisha, RadiAllahu Taala was stranded,
accused of Zina, that Khartoum, that personality whose martava and
status was such
that her being a partner with rasulallah, that selection came
from Allah. Nabhi salaam passed away with his mubara gloves on her
bosom. The last thing to enter her stomach, to enter his stomach was
the saliva of Ayesha Radi Allahu Aha, her brother, Abdur Rahman,
entered the room. He had a mismatch in his hand when NaVi Sal
Islam was on marathon. Wafaaq on his deathbed, navies looked at it.
Aisha asked him, ya rasulallah, do you desire mizwat? He said, Yes.
She put the mishwath in her mouth, softened it first, her saliva was
mixed with it. He then made mishwath. That was the last
action that he did before making padka from this world,
her hujara mugaret has become the Rosa and the resting place of
Rasulullah every day, every day, every morning and night, 70,000
Malaika at dawn descend and send Drude and Salawat till sunset.
70,000 Malaika come at sunset till the next morning on the hujara of
Sayyidina, Aisha, RadiAllahu, anha, such a personality slander
with Nick with Zina.
What greater and more heinous crime can there be?
What was the response of her father, Abubakar of the Allahu
anhu, that one month period before the wahi and revelation,
exonerating and and clearing her name came down in that entire one
month, not one word of objection. All he did, all he said, was in
the days of ignorance, we were not accused like this. Now that we
have gotten Islam how could we be? How could we such an accusation?
Come on us.
When she asked her own father, defend me in front of rasulallah
Islam, he remained silent. When Quran came down, exonerating her,
she turned to her father, and she said, Oh, my father, you also, you
also didn't say anything in my honor or in my defense. What was
his response? Ayu sama into zilluni wa Ayu Abu
malam, Alam O, my daughter, which sky is going to shade Abu Bakr and
which Earth is going to carry the burden of Abu Bakr and the weight
of Abu Bakr?
If I had to speak anything in a matter which I did not know about,
I am not Ali muzee, I did not know the truth. Truth. How could I
utter one word in your defense? Nowadays, first thing we hear,
nobody bothers about finding out the truth, as long as it's a duty
piece of gossip from one year to the next year, if there's any
problem somewhere, instead of trying to contain the problem, we
make in our life's mission to exacerbate and increase the
problem that unity and Muhammad of the heart no longer remains.
one of those individuals was.
Most active in spreading this false rumor was Al Badri sahabi,
Mr. Hardiallahu taala, who who was the cousin of rasulallah of Abu
Bakr. Abu Bakr, prior to this incident, brought Mr. Up, he would
give him a monthly allowance when Mr. Was lashed 80 times for
slandering Aisha, Abu Bakar, the Allahu taala, no natural reaction.
He said that that allowance which I used to give my cousin, I will
no longer give him. He slandered my daughter. He slandered my
daughter. I will not give him an allowance anymore.
Allahu Akbar Quran comes down. Wallahi will suddenly come a
Satya, you too, will you? The
veracity of
this injunction of Quran,
who is being addressed.
Wow, would blame him for what he did. Yet, NaVi is now some summons
Abu Bakr and reads this verse in front of him. The crux of the
Islam does not allow you to cut off allowance from your needy
relatives. Islam does not allow you to cut off from your cousins.
Abu Bakr, never mind what he did. May Allah says, Allahu alaqum, do
you not want Allah to forgive you? Do you not want Allah to forgive
you? If you want Allah to forgive you, then you will have to forgive
mister Abu
Bakr, when he hears this immediately, he breaks his promise
and he doubles allowance, doubles allowance that he is giving that
cousin of his who he brought up. What will our reaction be? Namak,
haram, what I did for him and what is he doing?
Why? Because we do not have the pure and Mubarak Hera of
Rasulullah Islam in front of us, my respected brothers, cutting
off, severing family ties, disunity of the heart. This is
bringing destruction to the ummat. It was the night of Arafat. The
night of Arafat. Allah alaihislam is sitting with Sahaba water,
Mubarak Majlis, what is his what is his announcement? La you. Jali,
Asmaa, man, AMSA, Katya, Rahim, he said that person who has severed
family ties with any family member, please get up and leave my
gathering. Please get up and leave my gathering. One Sahabi goes
away, comes back a little later, Allah asked him what happened. He
said, Ya rasulallah, when I heard your announcement, there was one
armed of mine. There was a problem between me and her. There was a
dispute. I went to her, I related what you said. She made ask for
forgiveness for me, I asked for forgiveness for her. We patched
up, and I came back. Allah said, Listen, my ummad, listen my ummat.
Allah, Allah, Mercy will never descend on a gathering if there is
a person in that gathering who has severed his family ties, Abdul
rabiah, these Sahaba and others, whenever they would make
collective dua, before the DUA, they would announce, they would
announce, if there is anyone in this gathering that has seven
family ties with his family members, please leave this
gathering. Otherwise Allah will not accept our dua. Abu Abu Salam
Harad dua Abu Huraira used to say the doors of the heavens are
closed on the DUA the night of Arafat, the Majlis of Muhammad,
sallAllahu, sallam. And what is he saying? Allah will not descend if
there is someone amongst us who has set of family ties, one
more incident, and we will terminate my respective brothers
among Sahara. There were those Sahaba. They were those Sahaba who
were regarded as equivalent to 1000
once Ahmed been asked of the Allahu Tala to the governor, once
Ahmed been asked of the Allahu talaan who were taking the Jamaat
to Egypt, Sahaba were 4000 the enemy were too much. He sent
message for reinforcements to Omar, the Allahu. Omar sends him
another 4000
and he writes a letter with this 4000 I'm sending another four
Sahaba, you have 4000 another 4004 Sahaba. Zubaid bin awam, mikdad,
Bin Aswad, owada bin summit and Muslim, I mean muhal. Does the
Oman say? Each of these four people are equal to 1000
so now you have 12,000 and the VISTAs said, lay you. Love it. No
army of 12,000 of my ummat, because of lack of numbers, will
be defeated. He.
Each of these four is equal to 1000
there were certain other Sahaba also that were regarded as equal
to 1000 Muhammad bin Muslim and certain
other Sahaba amongst them, Muhammad bin maslamah, on one
occasion, the visala Islam addresses him, Ya Muhammad. O
Muhammad, strive in the way of Allah. He was equal to 1001
Sabi equal to 1000 he said, strive in the way of May Allah. But when
the time comes that the hearts of my Ummah that this United when
each one wants to do the other one down at that time, Muhammad, go to
the mountain of offer, then break your sword, and then sit in your
home, and if anyone comes to harm, you stretch your neck forward. Do
not reciprocate, do not try and protect yourself. Become like the
son of Adam alaihi salam, become like habeel
That time came in Sahaba also, when Muhammad bin Muslim, I
mentioning this for us to understand the nuksan and the harm
that is being caused to the Ummah today, when the hearts are
disunited, when Each one is trying to do the next one down. Muhammad
bin maslamah, that sword, which was equal to 1000 because of
disunity, was laid down also this thing, what is idea? I need my
heart. I must demand my heart. What is your heart? Allah alaihi
salam said, mantara, kalmira, wahoo Bethan, baitan si Raba Dil
Jannah, that umati of mind to preserve his family ties, to
preserve the unity of the heart, to preserve the muhabbat when he
is on Huff, if he will walk away from a dispute, come iron your
guarantor on the Day of Judgment, take from Allah a home in Jannatul
filhos in the highest Jannat, when you all have, if you will, walk
away from a dispute. This is the talien that is given to us,
especially with our parents, especially with our family
members, especially with our satis keep the Shira of Rasulullah. Help
will never come unless the hearts of the Ummah the United.