Ahmed Suleman Khatani – Part 2

Ahmed Suleman Khatani
AI: Summary ©
The rain on the planet has caused dangerous chemicals to come out of the atmosphere, which is a dangerous concept for health issues. The rain also has potential dangerous effects on the planet, including dangerous chemicals to come out of the atmosphere and dangerous levels for health issues. The transcript describes a series of disconnected sentences and phrases, with no clear context or topic. A man named Allah is being invited to recognize the Greatness of Islam, the One who created the Earth, the One who brought the vegetation, the One who brought the vegetation, the One who brought the vegetation, the One who brought the vegetation, the One who brought the vegetation, the One who brought the vegetation, the One who brought the sun, the One who controls the moon, the One who brings every living thing that goes into the mouth of the cow, the One who brings every living thing that goes into the mouth of the cow.
AI: Transcript ©
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The one who gathers the rain clouds, Allah, Alam tara, an

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kama fatal wadka yam in khalala, the one who gathers the rain

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clouds. Allah, the One who causes them to clash, creating thunder

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and lightning. Allah, you said, Behar to be Hamdi he Walla,

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Malaika to win K Fatih, the one who causes the rain waters to fall

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and sababin Alma, a one Allah, He causes the rain waters to fall

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where he wants it to fall. You see Bubi, he may Yasha, and he removes

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it from Hey, where he wants to remove it. Why? Yesha, he has kept

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us perfect system in place, so that every second from the earth,

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16 million tons of water evaporate into the atmosphere, and every

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second, exactly that same amount of water from the atmosphere comes

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back onto the earth, this perfect measure and accord in the control

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of one, Allah alone, the one who causes the rain waters to fall,

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Allah, the One who causes the earth to split open, Shakun al out

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of the Shak Allah, the One who causes the sprout to come out of

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the seed. In Allah couldn't have been one Nawa. It is Allah that

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causes the sprout to come out of the seed, to come out of the

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ground. For Amba haina Baka was a tuna. Wahada, grap,

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grapes, corn, dates, trees, fruit, vegetation, matallakum, Wali and

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amikum. Look at the Daily Dastar, Khan of Allah for you and your

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animals to prosper.

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Amman, Jalal, Arda, Karara, Allah calls out, is there anyone else

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that has made this earth stable for you? This earth is not still.

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This earth is not still. Quran invites you wail out of the Kefa,

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sutehath, mihada hualadi, ja Alala, Kumul Ardha, dalula, wafil

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aur of the aya to Lil mukinen, Allah says, look at the Earth, and

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you will see signs of the greatness of Allah. This earth is

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not stable. It is spinning, spinning at the speed of 1000

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miles an hour, moving outwards at a speed of 65,000 miles an hour,

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and there is still a third motion. This earth tilts 23 degrees to the

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north, 23 degrees to the south. This tilting of the Earth, which

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is not visible to the naked eye, is what brings about the four

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seasons. It what's bring about the movement of the winds. If this did

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not take place, then man would suffocate in his atmosphere. Amman

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jaalalaha and Hara. Is there anyone else that has made this

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earth stable for you? Is there anyone else that has placed the

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mountains as pegs, pegs on it? Is anyone else wail, jiwali Kara WA,

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jaala khilalaha anhara, wajada alaha, rawasi wa, jaala veinal

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Bahraini hajiza. Is anyone else that has placed the mountains on

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the earth? Is there anyone else that is giving you sweet water?

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Hazab farat, anyone else that is giving you salty water? Hada

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milhan Hoja Is there anyone else that has created a boundary

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between the two so they do not meet? Wajala Bay na Huma, Barza,

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hula, Yan Ayla, Huma, Allah. Allah calls out. Is there another ILA

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besides your law? Is there another power besides your Allah? Is there

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someone else besides your law, that everything around us is a

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living testimony. Is a living invitation to make us understand

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the greatness of Allah. Every breath of air we are taking in,

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every breath of air, it is said a human being, 24 hours have passed

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from yesterday to today. 24 hours have passed every human being

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breathed in and out. 20,000 times. 20,000 times in the last 24 hours

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without thinking, without even pondering, each human being

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breathed in 8000 liters of oxygen in the last 24 hours.

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If Allah to cut it off and Allah, Allah to say, buy your own oxygen,

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ask the doctors for those that need respiratory treatment in the

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hospital, one liter of oxygen cost more than one Rand. If you assume

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it's costing one Rand, you need 8000 liters a day, so you have to

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pay 8000 and every day. Then what about your father and your mother

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and your brothers and your sisters and your wife and your children?

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What is going to be your daily bill for only, for only the oxygen

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of your family

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6 billion in sun on the surface of this earth, all are breathing.

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That is 48 billion liters of oxygen from this atmosphere enters

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this human being every day. The sweet oxygen comes in, the harmful

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and poisonous carbon dioxide comes out, yet the level of oxygen in

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the atmosphere remains at 21%

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where is the storehouse whose system is this? Who has put this

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into place that the plants take in the carbon dioxide through a

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process of chlorophyll with the light of the sun and replace it

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with oxygen atmosphere? If the level of oxygen had to go up by

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one or 2% it is said the number of accident.

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Fires will increase 700 times. If the level of oxygen had to go up

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to 25% everything on the surface of this earth will be burnt to

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ashes, so that in every breath of air that you are drawing in which

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you don't even think about Allah is inviting you recognize the

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greatness of Allah. Recognize the greatness of Allah, the One who

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created the heavens, the One who created the Earth, the one who

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brought the plants, the one who brought the vegetation, the one

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who controls the sun, the one who controls the moon, the one who

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controls the star, the one who brings days, the one who brings

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night, the one who is in control of this entire system. One Allah

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alone. Allah calls out awaladina, kafaru, Anna sama Wati wa Kanata,

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ratkan, Fafa na Huma wa jaalam in Alma equal, Lashe in Hey, why

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don't the disbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were

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once together. They were compact. Nahuma, we split them open. What

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Allah mean? Allah

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and from water, we brought every living thing that same drop of

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water. It still looks like a drop of water when it goes into the

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mouth of the cow, it becomes milk. Goes into the mouth of the bee

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becomes honey, goes into the mouth of the silkwm becomes silk, goes

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into the mouth of the oyster, it becomes a pearl. One water, same

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water. Who is doing one? Allah Amen Khala ka Sama, Wati wala,

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kumina Sama, imaah, fambya, Ayla Huma Allah, Ayla Huma Allah. Ayla

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Huma Allah Quran, is asking you over and over again, is there

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another ILA besides you? Allah, is there anywhere else that is doing

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all this for you? Wa jaala, minallah, ikhin hai. Allah says We

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made out of water. Every living thing you also were made out of

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water. Hal atta al Insan, Shayna, Mina, Dahar, lam yakun, she ammat,

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kurah o Insan, did they not pass upon you a period of time when

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your zikr was not made, you didn't exist. No one spoke about you. No

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one talked about you. You were non existent. In falaknal, in San

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minutfat, in amshad, from a drop of water,

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my Maheen, worthless liquid so small that sperm is it cannot be

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seen without a microscope.

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Yet, from that water, Allah brings a heart into existence.

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The first thing that is formed in the womb of the mother is the

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That is why the heart, your heart, is older than the rest of your

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body, the roof, comes four months later. But the first thing that is

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formed is the heart from water,

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those eyes 100 and 30 million receptors for light in every eye,

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100 and 30 million receptors of light in each eye, so that one

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millimeter of the eye can accept 30,000 separate points of light in

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one second. These eyes are taking every second 10 three dimensional

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every day. 800,000 pictures the eyes are taking. The retina at the

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back of the eye, each time one picture is formed, the muscles

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contract to clear it to take the next picture. In milliseconds,

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this happens, that contraction of the eye muscles, if the same

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muscle had to be put into your leg, it is equivalent to walking

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100 kilometers everyday. Behind

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this 100 and 30 million receptors for light, there is a cable, not

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one cable, not two cables, 1.3 million cables, 1.3 million cables

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in the eyes of every human being that is passing through a hole in

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the back. How big is that hole? 1.4 millimeters, and 1.3 million

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cables pass through that hole without sparking, because if they

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sparked, you would see upside down. You wouldn't recognize your

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wife from your

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mother, Ayla, humma, Allah. Is there another ILA besides you?

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Allah, from a drop of water. What explanation can you give for this

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from a drop of water, such charisma in creation, cut

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open the head of that person. What will you see? You see two pieces

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of flesh, that brain. What it looks like a very sheep brain,

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human brain looks the same

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in that piece of flesh. Where is emotion, where is love, where is

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hatred? Where is light? Dislike? Where is affection? Where is

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malice? Where is greed? Where is intelligence, where is memory?

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How in that piece of flesh is a sea of emotions? How in that piece

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of flesh is the imagination of insan from a drop of water?

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Zalikum, Allah Kumar of Bucha, mulha, famada, baad Al Haqq dala,

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balal, run away from the reality of Allah, and it will only be

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from a drop of water. This beautiful wujud comes into

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and Allah dala calls out in his Quran, afacha Batum, annamalaknam,

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abutha one nakumi in Allah. Now that, even now that you have

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understood khalik is Allah, Malik is Allah. So where is Allah? Bari?

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Is Allah Badiya, is Allah the Creator, the Sustainer, the

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nadisha, the former, the formulator, is one, Allah alone.

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Now that you have understood that then Allah asks you, do you think

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that all this was created in vain?

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La IB, are these games?

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Aya Sabin San wa Utah

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Allah says, Do you think you are just going to die and it's going

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to end there?

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