Ahmed Suleman Khatani – Legacy In Children

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The human being is missing and its potential is in the future, including the loss of family members and the need for a permanent mindset. Deen and effort of accurate deeds are important, and individuals are given advice on how to handle events that occur. The importance of protecting one's identity and reputation is also emphasized, as well as the need for individuals to straddle their lives to achieve their dreams. The culture of strained and unsanful deeds is also discussed, where children are forced to take a damselfing stance to avoid exposure to poison and lack of respect and trust in their lives.
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Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.
Wanna shadow, Allah, ILAHA,
ubillah, him in a shaytaan rajeem, bismillahir, rahmanir, Rahim
wa salativa, raleharis ka nach nunav, Zuko Ola ke valeta Koa,
makalist, respected Ulla,
mahikiram, elders and beloved brothers in Islam
Allah has
sent and created every human being in this world.
And with the onset of the existence of this human being in
this world also comes with him,
his needs and necessities, what we refer to as zaruriyats.
From the first breath the child takes in this world,
his needs and his necessities begin
certain zaru riads, or necessities, pertain to the life
of this world,
and certain necessities to his cover, and certain necessities to
the everlasting life of the year after.
because we live in an environment
where there is such an effort to impress the importance upon us of
that which is apparent, that which is tangible, that which we can see
in front of me, that which we can see in front of us.
That is why, to a very large extent, this in San utilizes his
maximum capabilities to address the needs and necessities of this
world only,
whereas, if you compare this world
the short life that Allah has given us,
Vajra Vida Sula wali wasallam said that the average age in NA Amara,
ummati, mavena, Silas of ayel, he said that the average age of my
ummat will be between between 60 and 70 years. If we compare this
with the life of Kabal, which will be several 1000 years,
and then the life of the year after
just the first day, which Quran describes, phi Yom in
kananikadaru, bucham, Sina Alpha Sana
one day, the length of which will be 50,000 years,
and such Torres and such difficult circumstances on that day,
just for our understanding the sun, it is said the surface
temperature of the Sun is 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
The core of the Sun, the temperature is 27 million degrees
Every second
chemical reaction occurs in the sun, where 14 billion tons of
hydrogen is converted into 12 billion tons of helium. The energy
that is given off as a result of this, the heat is equivalent to
500 million hydrogen bombs exploding at one time.
Flames 100,000 miles long
are emanating from the sun. Janab rasulallah told us that on the Day
of Judgment, the sun will be brought right over our heads.
People will be swimming in their own perspiration a day that is
50,000 years long. How much of effort this human being is making
to protect himself from the heat of this world,
to ensure his comfort of this 60 or 70 years? What about that
50,000 years that lies ahead
and then. And then is the life of ashira, which is eternal.
If you compare this life with that life,
Allah Tala says in the Quran,
referring to that Hari Sara.
address the people of Jannat. Ya AAL, Jannah. O, people of Jannat,
they will respond. La de Rabbana, Sadiq,
the Rola. We are present. It is our Sadat,
the question will be put to them, Come Le BIS tum fill out of the
ADA dasnin,
how long was the life of this world, the 60 or 70 years, which,
as we mentioned earlier, our entire focus of effort is to
address the needs and the requirements of this life. What is
the comparison with the life of hereafter,
when Akira is in front of them, the people of Jannat will reply,
la vitna, yo man O baba, yom fasalil, aadheen,
Oh Allah, the life of this world was one day or a portion of one
day, compared to akirat, one Day or a portion of one day. Allah,
was saying to the yomin Obadiah,
rahmati, what karamati wa janati, Khalidi, Nafi ha abada,
what a brilliant deal. What a bargain you have struck.
You did not sell your ashinath at the expense of this dunya,
but you underwent hardship and difficulty in this world, and you
address the needs of the hereafter
in one day or a portion of one day. You have such such a bargain
that you have earned my rahmat, My Mercy, you have earned my favors.
You have earned my Jannat, and you will remain here in forever and
Then the same question will be put to the people of Jahannam, yahal
and NAR.
They also will respond, Allah,
we are present. Allah Sam Kamala wisdom, fill out the other
singing. How long was the life of this world? This world, they also
would reply, levitna light was one day or a portion of one day.
Allow say to them, to feel Yomi, nobody, what a
terrible loss you have incurred,
for the satisfaction, for the enjoyment, for the pleasure, for
the ecstasy, for the fulfillment of desires of one day or a portion
of one day. What have you earned? You have earned my anger.
You have earned my learners and my curses, and you have earned the
eternal suffering of Jahannam, Khalidi, Nafi ha Abu da, you will
remain here in forever and ever.
Ambi Ali, he was Salat. Was Salaam.
One of the fundamental and primary efforts which they made
was what we call zahe to condition the minds of this human being, to
give preference to the needs and the requirements and the effort of
over the temporary life of this world.
Many, many incidents we will find in the life of janabel,
Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam and Sahara after him,
where this effort was made, this constant Dawid and invitation of a
Unfortunately, my respected brothers, because neither The
environment of iman remains in our homes, or the environment of iman
remains in our businesses, or in the bazaar,
or the environment of iman, to a very large extent, remains in our
masjids also, because nowadays in the masjids also, it is worldly
talks. Very little cover is spoken about, very little Akira is spoken
about, very little effort towards the consciousness and the reminder
of akihat is made.
This is why we find the maximum effort that Insan is making is on
this dunya. And
what is a greater tragedy by respected Brothers is that the
effect of this, the loss of this, is not only his own loss, but
because of his
incorrect effort. That legacy of loss is passed on to his family,
in Surah Luqman,
Allah in the Quran
reproduces the conversation between father and son. Lukman Ali
Salam addresses his son,
and through this one entire ruku
of the Quran devoted to this conversation, he.
Through this, every father, every mother of this ummat
is being made to understand, what is your responsibility towards
your offspring? What is your responsibility towards your
children? With regards to the effort of deen and effort of
accurate the occasion of Juma is too limited to going to details,
but just one or two aspects. Yabu Naya in Naha in Taku, Miska
lahabti, Min kardal, fatakun fi Sakura, office sama watch
TV. Allah in Allah,
Oh, my beloved Son, Lukman is speaking to his son. O, my beloved
Son, that action which you do, whether good or evil,
even if it is smaller than a grain of mustard seed
hidden underneath some Boulder, somewhere in the heaven, somewhere
in the earth.
A day is coming yakti, the Allah that that objection, also, you
will have to give account for in the court of Allah,
nothing will be concealed from Allah.
What is Allah telling us that every father, every mother, has to
instill the figure and the concern and the worry and the yakin of
accurate in their children.
This is the
legacy. He had three sons,
all three passed away in infancy.
The disbelievers of Makkah began taunting him
that O Muhammad, sallAllahu, alai Salam, after you die, your name
will die with you.
No one would speak about you. There will be no one to keep your
name alive in this world, because generally,
it was their concept that through our offspring, through our sons,
our name will remain alive in this world,
Allah to console Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam sends
Jibreel suraksar
and one verse of the surah in Nawal Avatar
The O Muhammad Sallallahu, Alaihi Wasallam O My Beloved NaVi,
do not be concerned that your name will die.
Do not be perturbed by the tongues of the Quraysh in Nashua, your
enemies, those who have no Deen, those who have defied your
message, their names will die. Your name will not die.
What is the message that is found in this verse in the Quran, my
respected brothers, that if you want your legacy to live on, if
you want your name to be raised in this world, then leave behind the
legacy of being in your children.
That Hadith rasulallah mentioned in the beginning. Ravi salaam
said, when a human being passes away from this world, his ability
to do good deeds come to an end.
But there are three roads, three avenues that remain open for him
that even if he is in discover he will still be getting reward. One
is saga Thai Dariya.
The other is that knowledge of Deen, which is spread in the
Ummat, by which people are benefiting. And the third
pertaining to what we are discussing. The BSL Assam said, if
he instilled Deen in his children, if he made the effort to bring the
deen of Allah alive in his children, if he instilled his
children with a concern in the yaquian of accurate, then he will
be in his cover, and he will
still be getting the reward. So Ali mentions the incident
mushy Rahmatullahi was any pious person
one night, he is sleeping. He sees a dream.
He sees a Muslim graveyard.
All of a sudden, the residents of the grave come out,
and they start rushing towards one field where India
white objects that look like sweet meat.
All of them are rushing to collect as much of this as possible as
they can.
He observed that one person, unperturbed is leaning against the
tree and relaxing. He is not rushing like the others.
So he goes to that person,
and he says to him, What are these people running behind? He.
This person says that they are running to collect Isa, a Salah.
That is whatever Quran etc, was recited, whatever good deeds were
done and the nears was made for the Maya, they are running to
collect that they are in need of it.
So he asked him, Why are you relaxing? Why aren't you also
rushing like them?
So he says
that my son,
Allah accepted him for Deen.
He was his Hafiz Quran. Every day he makes one khatam of Quran, and
he makes isali Sawa for me,
so I have no need to rush like the rest of them.
He asked him, Where is your son? So he says, in so and so Bazaar,
my son has a shop where he sells sweet meats.
The next day. Mutare means Shakir Ahmed rahilli went to that Bazaar,
located that shop. He saw a young, handsome youngster. He saw a
young, a handsome youngster. He
was selling sweet meat, and he saw that his lips were constantly
moving. So he asked him, What are you doing? So he says, I am
reciting Quran every day. I make khatam of one Quran and I send isa
AB for my father.
Sometime passed, muthari again, sees a dream, same kabalistan,
same scene, but now that person also is running with the rest to
collect isa ala Saab. So he stops him, and he asks him, this time,
no conversation takes place. The next morning, when he gets up, he
goes back to that Bazaar, and he finds that sweetmeat shop is
So he makes some enquiries, where is the owner of the shop? They say
it was a youngster. He passed away yesterday.
The true wealth that we will leave behind, my respected brothers, is
to leave the legacy of Deen in our children.
This is a responsibility our offspring and an Amana and a
trust, which Allah has given us. With regards to this, we will be
questioned on the Day of judgemental said in Allah, Allah
is going to question every father, every mother of this ummat
with regards To that Amanat and trust that was given to them.
Hafillah, amdaya,
did you protect and nurture that trust, or did you destroy that
Amanat and trust? Khata, yat, ALAB, rajulu and Ali Beti to this
extent, Nabis rastam explains every father will be questioned
about his family members that Amanat and trust of Deen. Did you
make effort to bring it alive in your family or not you will have
to give account in the court of Allah
Islam, said man generally
today, my respected brothers, with regards to our children and our
offspring, the concern is there. My son must get a good degree. My
son must be financially well off.
He must be equipped to meet the challenges of life.
When it comes to my daughter, I must see to all her worldly needs
and necessities.
Eventually, I must see that she gets married and goes into a good
This concern, and this worry is there,
but what about the needs and requirements of my children in
What about the needs and requirement of my children in
that concern, that worry, unfortunately, to a very large
extent, is not there,
neither is that effort being made.
On one occasion, Bali, he
was walking in the Buddha.
He saw some young children playing.
On one side there was one youngster. He was sitting and
but no Rahmatullahi thought to himself that perhaps
this youngster does not have any toys, so he offered to buy some
toys for this youngster. This youngster said to him that overhol
I am not crying because I do not have toys and I cannot play like
the others. So he said, Why are you crying? He said, I am crying
because of the fear of jahannam.
So bahul was momentarily shocked by this response.
He couldn't understand that a youngster would give such a
So he thought that maybe the youngster is playing fools with
him. So he told him what this is your time to play. You are still a
young boy. What are you worried about? Jahannam,
this youngster said, Baloo, do not make a fool of me. I have observed
that when my mother prepares the fire to cook food, she puts the
small twigs in first, then she puts the big branches. I fear that
to churn Jahannam Allah will put as youngsters first. Then Allah
will put the elders,
what type of environment in the home. And what type of effort of
iman induces this type of concern for Achilles in a youngster?
This, this may be 13 centuries ago. Recently, one jamaatsa. When
Germany became a kal buchari, there was one German couple,
They accepted Islam. They came back to Islam.
Professional couple, masura, Jamaat, the kanbuzari, they gave,
they say, in the home,
this German woman, mother, full paradah,
the Jamaat stayed in a house. They said they observed that every time
the five year old boy would misbehave, his mother would scold
him and to get him to behave, she would say, when you grow up, I'm
going to make you a doctor. When you grow up, I'm going to make you
an engineer. I'm not going to let you become an alim.
They would warn and caution the youngster to behave by this
Now, what type of effort of iman existed in that home for this
level of consciousness, of accurate to come into this
Unfortunately, my respected brothers
nowadays, the system of dunya is such
Allahu. Alam said, kulamo Ludin you Ledra.
Every child is born on fita de salimah. Every child is born with
the natural inclination to obey the commands of Allah. Naturally,
Allah has put this in every child
for Abu wahu, yahui, danihi, O Ya ou majisanihi, he
said, thereafter it is the environment that the parents
create in the home. Thereafter it is the effort that the parents
made, as a result of which the child goes towards Nasrani, Asmaa
that marsoon Child, on no occasion adjust his father and said, Oh, my
father. Teach me about cartoons.
Teach me about shaitan box. Teach me to imitate the way of the yahud
and the salah. Show me how darn will fall on deaf ears.
Show me how to sit for hours and hours in front of the shaitan box
and look at Zina taking place.
No child ask his father or mother.
That is the type of effort we made. We instill the value of
these things in those children
understand. My respected brothers,
give your child a good education, give him the best degree,
equip him to address the financial challenges of this world. But if
you have not made that effort
to make that child understand that salah or one sajda is more
valuable than the seven heavens and the seven Earth put together.
Then my respected brothers, you have made the child bankrupt.
You have not done any service or any good to the child.
Omar bin Abdulaziz, Rahmatullahi,
Sachi Khalifa, it is said his Khilafat spread to three
continents, from Damascus to Kashmir, from Damascus to southern
France, from Damascus to Senegal, from Damascus to Istanbul, such a
vast kingdom.
Occasion of Eve comes. His wife, Fatima
comes to him, and she says, It is the occasion of Eid.
The children want new clothes and.
What is his response? The ruler of three continents, he says, The
allowance that I get from beitul Maal does not allow me. I have
nothing left over to buy new clothes for them.
There was no question of going towards haram.
So she gives him a suggestion. She says, Why don't you request one
month advance of salary?
You utilize that, and for the next month, I will do some domestic
chores. I will prepare some food and sell it so we meet our needs
at home, at least the children will get new clothes on the
occasion of Eid.
He goes to muzahim, who is the treasurer in his employ, and he
says to him, give me one month's advance salary. Muzahim prepares a
document on it is written, I Ahmed bin Abdulaziz guaranteed that for
the next one month I will remain alive.
He says, sign this and I will give you the advancement. When Umar bin
Abdulaziz sees this, he burst into tears.
He goes back home,
he gathers his family,
and he says to them, there were two roads in front of me. There
were two roads in front of me. I could have usurped the wealth of
the masses, and I could have kept you in the lap of luxury. In
exchange for this, Allah would have given me jahannam.
I could have instilled Iman and Taqwa in you.
Never mind you are deprived of the things of this world.
every time you are you are in need, every time some necessity
comes in front of you,
turn to Allah, make two of that salah, beg and besieged from
Allah. Allah has promised in his Kitab, wahyata, Allah, Sally He
Allah is the friend of those who are Salih
Ask from Allah. Allah will fulfill your needs. He said this was the
second avenue in front of me to instill the consciousness and the
tango of Allah in your hearts.
Through this, Allah will give me Jannat. Oh, my children, I was not
prepared to usurp the wealth of this of the masses and earn
Jahannam, because I cannot bear jahannam.
It is said the next day, the children of the other people came,
one or two mocked at the children of Umar bin Abdul Aziz. You are
the children of the Khalifa and you are wearing old clothes. Look
at the new clothes we are wearing. His eldest son, Abdul Malik,
addressed them and said, today, the children of uma bin Abdul Aziz
have no reason to lower their heads in shame. Today is the day
when we can raise our heads in honor
that Allah that Allah, in order to that our Father, in order to see
us in luxury and comfort in this world, was not prepared to deprive
us and destroy our akhirat, this is the day of honor for us.
Like this, many respected brothers, if you look at the
history of this, ummat, there are many, many incidents replete like
Just to terminate time is very, very limited.
Ali, Ravi, Allahu, Taala and who
leaves behind? What? What? What was this? Status of his children,
Sayyida, Shabbat, Jannah Al Hasan Al Hussain, the leaders of the
youth of Jannat, Hassan and Hussain Asmaa,
their Jannat was guaranteed
when they were in the cradle. Yet look at the effort of iman that is
made in that home. It is said after
Ali, Ali Allahu Taal, who is stabbed and he is on his deathbed,
he writes overseas NAMA,
leaves behind advices for his children,
addressing Sayyidina, Imam Hassan and Hussain Asmaa, look at the
advice that he leaves behind. Yahonaya ahira, Oh my beloved
children, enliven your heart. Give life to your heart with the
admonishment of the Quran one a will who will Sheik ma
illuminate your heart with the wisdom of the words of Rasulullah
sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam wahi viz word, strengthen your heart by
abstaining from the passions and desires of this world. Well, then
lil hub will moat gain control of your nafsi.
Your desires by remembering death. Wa kar every day, get your heart
to attest that I am going to die. I am going to die. I am going to
die. Wahazool at a Dahar lay Ali wala yam, remind yourself of the
baywai, of the disloyalty of the life of this world that your real
companion is not wealth. Your real companion is Amal wahali Ali he
Akbar Al mabhi. Sidfi diyarihim pandurfi asari him present in
front of yourself
the eventual outcome of the wealthy people of the past. They
may have been kings. They may have been rulers. Today, their palaces
are dilapidated ruins. Walk in the graveyard. Look at the black hole
of the cover. Look at those dilapidated ruins and ask them in
a hallu ain an asalu, where is that palm? Where is that wealth?
Where is that effort of dunya that you made, if they had a tongue, if
they could answer? Ali Radi Allahu Taala says, Those dilapidated
ruins and those empty towers and that dry sand, if it had a tongue,
will speak to you and respond to you and say to you, cut in. Cut
in. Takalu, mindari, Guru, wanazalu, fidaril gurba, we left
behind this world of deception, and we have entered these holes
and these pits of darkness and fear. For in him, O my beloved
sons, you also will have to go in that direction. So what is the
advice? What we mentioned in the beginning, every Nabi made this
effort. Every father and mother of the summat is required to make
this effort in their homes. The consciousness of Akira instill the
value of Amal Ali Radi Allahu, dead. He's saying to his children,
falaftabi duniya. But do not sell your accurate in exchange for this
dunya. Rather sacrifice this dunya in return for your accurate today,
my respected brothers, is that in our own homes, we are strangers
nowadays because of wealth, every child has his own private room. If
that mother or father walks into the son or daughter's room without
permission, then what the child says, You have invaded my privacy.
The color and value of parents no longer remains. Why? Because,
therefore, it is not being made. Father lives in the morning,
business. Mother in domestic chores. Children have gone to
school, afternoon, institution in the evening, that time where the
family was supposed to spend together, that time which our
elders are telling us, open the kidab, help in your homes. Call
Allah. Call of a susal. Allah, valuable time with your family
that find that time is spent on the internet, that time is spent
in front of the TV, that sweet poison is entering our veins. It
has clogged our veins, clogged our minds, clogged our hearts. Father,
mother, children sitting in front of the shaitan box and watching
dinner as early being called out still that deny is going on. No
serum or no solution of this world is going to address that poison of
their high eye and shamelessness that has entered our home, that
jungle, which is not tended tomorrow, the cause of the jungle
will prick you, the weeds will come back to bite you. Later on,
the parents are crying. My children don't respect me. My
children are in drugs. My children are here. My children are there.
After they have gone astray. Then you want to go to the muli Saab.
Then you want to go to the troubling Jamaat. Take him the
part of Allah. Take my son. For 40 days, my respected brothers, Janab
rasulallah, said, there is no legacy that you can leave behind
for your children more valuable than the deen, which you will
instill in them. Don't wait for that child to go stay and then
become worried when the child is seven years old. Janav doesn't
said, if it is a male, bring him to the masjid with you. If it is a
female, instill Salah in the home. Bring the thoughts in the Musa of
Imaan al I Walla. Walla manifested brothers, I am sitting on a member
of the masjid,
if we will not remove that shaitan box from our homes, if we will not
check out that satellite, and if we will not hold the hands of our
children and from a young age, bring them into the masjid,
then my respected brothers, the chances are very, very great that
tomorrow we will cry. Tomorrow we will regret that child is born
with a natural inclination to obey Allah. We are destroying that
intonation, that father, who feels that I have given my son Adi.
Degree or I have left well behind for him. I have addressed his
needs. The thinking of the Father is Napa.
The thinking of that college student who thinks that to a
degree I'm going to be successful is Napa. It is najis.
If you have not instilled the value of Salah, if you have not
instilled the value of iman, if you have not instilled the value
of Deen over accurate. We have left those children bankrupt. Shed
tears of Sova, my respected brothers, this effort of Asmaa,
yes, which has been revived is the ship of new Ali salam for this
day, day and age, we ourselves are to go in the path of Allah. Take
every youngster, take every youngster, every father and chuck
him in the blood of Allah so that his yakin becomes correct, so that
his direction becomes correct, bring Talib alive in our home,
link and attach ourselves and our children to the masjid. This is
the salvation of this day and age, a.