Ahmed Suleman Khatani – Latest Lecture Halal Income and business

Ahmed Suleman Khatani
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a busy day for Islam, including a storm and a busy weekend. It discusses various topics such as the importance of not giving up, the importance of not giving up on promises, and the importance of not giving up on promises. The segment criticizes the misunderstandings of Islam, including the belief that anyone can sell anything on credit and the belief that anyone can sell anything on credit. A man named Sayed Dala talks about trying to convince someone to sell milk and use it to make a profit, and talks about the upcoming " Diabetism" and the importance of being true to oneself and not giving up on one's means.
AI: Transcript ©
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Asking when his Janaza would be brought. Navi salasam would ask

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the question, does he owe anybody money? If the response was given,

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yes, he owes somebody. Allah, a slum would not lead that Janaza

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salah. He would tell them, you all perform the janazah salah, and he

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would go away

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once a person is brought somebody says it nabislam is about to lead

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his Janaza mafum of the riot. Somebody says, ya rasulla. This

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man was a bad person, a gune gar sinner.

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So Nabi Islam asked the Sahaba that are present, has anyone of

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you seen him doing anything good? So one person said, Ya rasulallah,

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he and I together, we stayed awake an entire night guarding in the

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path of Allah Allahu, Akbar, nabislam says Wa. People are

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saying that he is a Jahan Nami. I can see him in Jannah and Nabhi

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slam leads his Janaza salah. But when it comes to someone who had a

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once, Rasulullah, sallAllahu, sallam, Janaza is brought Allah.

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Some says to Sahaba,

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is any family member of this person here? Somebody steps

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forward. Nabi sasam says, in nasahi, bakum, khabi, salababil,

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Jannah, Your companion has been blocked. His entry to Jannah is

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blocked because of his death.

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For in sheetum, Fatu, you want take over his death and Ransom

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him, wainshitum aslimu, ILA Abu lah, and if you want to hand him

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over to razab of Allah. So that person says, ya rasulallah alayhi

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adeno, I take responsibility for his death, then Nabi Islam, let

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the janazah salah. It is mentioned in the rewired what was his death?

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Two dinars. Two dinars. And this was the reaction of Rasulullah

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sallallah sallam. This hukum of not performing the janazah Salah

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was abrogated towards the latter part. But this was to teach the

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Ummat Muhammad bin Abdullah bin jahashradi Allah, who says, One

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day Ravi Stam came out of the kabrastan Jannatul bati Sadaam was

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leaning again. The wall all of a sudden, caught his head.

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Subhanallah Mina TASH deed, what a weighty what a weighty ruhokam has

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Far off now was sakatna. Sahaba say, we saw his reaction. We were

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afraid. We didn't even ask him. Yarsala, what has happened? We

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waited a whole day. The next day, Muhammad bin Abdullah bin jahash

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masters the courage ya rasulallah Mataji unzil, what was it that

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caused you to grab your head like that? What was so heavy? He said.

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Jibreel came and informed me that if someone of my ummat becomes a

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Shaheed in the pad of ALLAH is given life becomes a Shaheed

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again, is given life and becomes a Shaheed again,

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but he has debt. He will never enter Jannah.

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This is not a joke. It's not something light, unnecessary death

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today, the whole market place is on credit.

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And what is and

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what is the tragedy behind this

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is that people are living beyond their means. You never know what

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your business is worth, because everything is on credit. It's like

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a tire without air.

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It's a deception.

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Everything with a plastic card, everything hilted to the banks,

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driving a fancy car, living in a big house, but kokla empty.

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Nothing there.

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Allah Himself, at the time of his demise, was indebted, but that was

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a different debt. It was not unnecessary debt, not for business

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expansion, not to fulfill Lalitha of Dinya. Be content have kanad

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coming back to this. First point, he said, I never bought anything

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on credit. Second point, I never sold anything on credit. Third

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point, Allahu Akbar, what does he say? Maharadhat toribhankatu

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marada to ribhanka He said, whatever I had, if anybody made me

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an offer, if I was making a profit, even if it is one ran in

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our terms. I didn't hold it back. In the anticipation of more

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profit. I would sell it immediately, even if the prophet

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was less. Alira, the Allahu in Kufa would take a whoop and walk

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in the bada of Kufa and he would say, La tarudu, Kalil, kathirok,

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he would say to the businessmen of Kufa, don't turn down a small

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Prophet and hoard your goods in the anticipation of more profit.

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If you're getting a prophet, shall Allah will give you more Barkat,

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Abdul, Rahman, minawradi, Allahu. This was the third principle

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maharadhatu, rivakhan, cut to I never held anything back or

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hoarded. What happens when, when we expect a commodity to become

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scarce we put in the warehouse? Why the price will go up, I'll

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make more profit. This is not the Usul of Islam. This is not the

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Misha of a Muslim businessman, a Muslim businessman, halal, earning

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Halal profit. Sell Allah will give you a.

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And more, there will be Barkha. There will be blessings in it,

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the fourth principle,

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Abdul, Rahman, minawradi, Allahu Daan Hu

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the source of that baraka and blessing. One was the dua of

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Rasulullah sallallah sallam. The other hand, what does he say?

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Allahu Akbar,

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he said, I never concealed the defect of any item. I never

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concealed the defect of any item. Allah. AJ Islam himself would

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patrol the marketplace of Madinah Ali man after Zor salah, once

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there was rain. Allah Islam, in afternoon, he's walking in the

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marketplace. He sees someone selling grain. The grain is dry,

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in other words, superior quality. It's not wet.

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Allah rasoo Sala Islam seeing this, it was raining just now. How

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is this thing dry? The PAK saasam puts his hand inside and he feels

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the wet inferior grain in the bottom

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as immediately addresses that person, what is this? What have

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you done? He said, Yes, sir, I put the dry one on top and the wet one

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in the bottom. I put, in other words, I attempted to deceive the

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customer, but the value of the goods Allahu Akbar can't call

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karsun Lena. Listen with the years of Imaan uswatun hasana, uswatun

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hasana. Uswatun hasana, what did my NaVi say? We won't find this in

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Hadith that if you never made your Salah, you are not of my ummat. If

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you never fasted, you are not of my ummat.

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If you never read Quran, you are not of my ummat. You won't find

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this in Hadith, but this you will find man rushana, falaisa minna,

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he said, The one who will deceive in the marketplace. He is not from

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the Ummat of Muhammad Sallallahu, manhashana, falaisa minna, Abu

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Huraira Radi Allahu taala, once he is walking the market place, he

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sees one person selling milk.

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The milk has been mixed up with water so that it looks extra.

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Allahu, Akbar, Abu huray, rahibur, Rasul, sallAllahu, alayhi wa

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sallam, close companion of Nabi APA Salla salami adjusts that

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businessman, and he says to him, K, fabika is a key La La Kiyama.

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K, for bika.

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Ke fabika,

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you are Kee lalaka. Says to that businessman, what is going to

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happen to you?

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What is going to happen to you on the Day of Judgment, when Allah is

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going to command you, Khalid imam in allahaban, separate this water

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from the milk. Now,

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separate this water from this milk, from the milk in the dunya,

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you can get away. In the dunya, you can pull the wool over

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somebody's eyes. Muhammad,

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financial interaction, this is not something to be taken lightly.

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Kumar Adi Allahu Dalan, who is patrolling the streets of Madinah

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late at night. Conversation is taking place between daughter and

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Mother is saying to the daughter, umbil, add water to the Mull

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the daughter, in the dead of night, they don't know that. Omar

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can hear the houses were not big, big mansions like ours. The voice

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what does the daughter say to the mother? Amirul mumini Omar has

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prohibited this practice. Amirul mumini Omar has prohibited this

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practice. What does the mother say? Umar is not here. Umar is not

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here. You are worried about what Umar says? Allahu Akbar, what does

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this young child say to her mother?

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Inkana, Umar Rula ya Rana. Inkana, Omar Rula yarana. Umar ka What

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about Allah?

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What about Allah? May Allah come sat in law, adinamin, dalik wala

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aksar, ilahoma, Kanu, Allah says two people whispering in one

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corner. Allah is the third, three whispering in one corner lies the

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fourth, not less, not more, but Allah is with you, wherever you

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are. A day is coming. A Day is coming, a day of justice. Yo

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matubala Sarai, a day when the secrets will be revealed, a day

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when the Parad will be removed, a day when the deception will be

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deception will be put to an end, the day of justice. Hummayun,

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abihombima, amiloyo makiyama, Allah says every one of those

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actions will be shown to you on that day. Manba. Manba Ivan LA.

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Rasulullah said that person who sold defective goods, he knew it

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was defective, he knew it was defective, but he was treacherous.

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He was deceitful. He sold defective goods and he didn't

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reveal the defect. Lam yazalfi, makatila, he will perpetually be

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in the anger of Allah. Walam tasalil, Malaika to talanuhu and

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angels of Allah will continue cursing him. How does he expect?

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Barkat in his house? Barkat in his children. He wants to know why

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they are on drugs, why this is happening, why that is happening.

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Ask ourselves, my respected brothers, it is our earnings. It

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is our earnings. It is this blind greed for dunya. It is this ummat

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today becoming the living embodiment of the warning of

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Rasulullah. He said, Yati, alaman la Yuval, Amin al halal, Amina

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haram. He said, The time will come upon, my ummat, they won't care.

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They won't care where the wealth is coming from, whether it is

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halal or haram. They will not worry about as long as the coffers

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are being full. Understand risk is written. You are not going to get

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more. You are not going to get more Allah's Assam. You are not

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going to get more, but you can earn Jannat, not just Jannat,

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firdosh. You can earn the highest Jannat. You cannot Allah. You

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cannot Allah's forgiveness. You can become Allah's wali if your

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earning is halal, if your earning and your livelihood is according

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to Sunna, if it is according to the practices of Rasulullah

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sallallahu, some little bit Sabha, Allah will test you, no doubt that

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is Allah Sund, a little bit Sabha, and then see how Allah will open

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the door. Stay on halal. Stay away from unnecessary debt. Stay away

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from treachery. Stay away from lies. Stay away from deception.

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Stay away from River. Stay away from putting wool over the eyes of

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others. Allahu, Akbar, 3,102,000,000

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dinar. Abdurahman bin auf Radi Allahu, talaan Huma, and what does

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he say? I never bought on credit. I never sold on credit. I never

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held goods back in anticipation of increased profit. And I never, I

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never concealed the defect of that which I sold. Allah give us to

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