Ahmed Suleman Khatani – Haji Returns

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The transcript describes the history of Islam, including Omar Omar, who is hesitant to say his name but gives a speech. Omar gives a head on the ground and gives his son a head on the ground. The transcript also describes the journey of Islam, including Omar's reluctance to give out all of his religion and giving a head on the ground.
AI: Summary ©
ILAHA, illallahu, Akbar Shari kala
anishad One Ana vigyana, Wahabi, vanava, Shafi, Ana omota, Anah
Muhammad, Abu
Asmaa, bad kalau, taala, kirkur, Anil majeedwal, purqanel, Hameed
Allah, shaytaan Rajiv, vishmila, Rahmani, Rakim inhalant Ah viljan
Till natin Kun,
Lula, minwaful, Salaf Allah, Abu asmaabi,
Sukh anuta, Kafi, annabhi and an AVI Radi Allahu, taala, Anwar,
narajuran, sala rasulallah, hisall Allahu, alayhi wa sallam, mudni,
Bill Islam, IBM Allah, Salva anhu, Ahad al bahadak, Kapala
rasulallah, his and beloved brothers
in Islam.
We have just passed through the season of Hajj,
and throughout this week that has passed, we would have heard of
many of the huja
Having returned. We would have heard of them regaining of
experiences that they experienced.
We find their effects. This is a very blessed and honored group in
the sight of Allah
when conformance with the Hades of rasulallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Wasallam, wherein he said that the Hadi
and the one who has gone for Umrah and the one who goes out in the
path of Allah subhanho wa taala, said, wala, this is the delegation
of Allah subhanho wa taala, whenever they will call out to
Allah subhanho wa taala, whenever they will make dua to Allah.
Allah, Allah will accept the DUA
and assumula assalam, the dua of his is also mentioned wherein he
used to say, Allahu. Akbtil al Hajj, Wali manista para Raul Hajj,
let ALLAH forgive the * and those on whose behalf the *
will ask for forgiveness. Forgive them also, like the poet says,
Allah Puli, zuwaida, il Habib, Hani, Anna, kumbil, jinaanil,
pulud, atiyev, Alain, Amin Alma if ayva, panachnu, urudenu, anakshan,
Vahan, Kum urudu,
listen say to those who have visited the home of the Habib of
ALLAH SubhanA wa taala,
that that water and that beauty and that magnificence and that
blessings from the cup of which you have drunk from. Let us also
drink from the same cup. Give us some of that water also because we
are thirsty and you have drunk to your full.
So indeed you find that there is a directive of Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam. There is a returning for jaj. You should ask
them to make dwaim of Tirath on our behalf,
the question that should come in front of every one of us,
not only the hajis that have returned, but the rest of the
Ummat of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because we find
that this Amal of Hajj is
such a comprehensive and beautiful Amal that each year, not only
Allah subhana wa Taala show us his blessings on the hajis, but in
that same period of time, it is a season of the forgiveness of Allah
subhanho wa taala, we have heard the first 10 days of ZiL Hijjah,
how much of reward Allah Dalai is giving.
One is the * who has proceeded for the journey, and the other are
those that passed during the first nine days of ZiL Hijjah. For them,
yaa Niru, Siya Mukul, Yao mi minhavi, siyami Sana, for each day
of pass, Allah Dalai is giving them a reward of fasting for one
year, so that just as the hajis are seeking ALLAH SubhanA wa
taala, the rest of the Muslim ummah, those who are unable to
proceed for Hajj, for whatever reason it may have been, they also
can seek the mercy and the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa
the points my respected brothers, what we need to understand and
Is whether it is Ramadan, whether it is Hajj,
whichever portion of the year it is, whether it is Ashura, which is
coming shortly, whether it is Shaba Bharat, or whether it is
shab tadar,
the worship of Allah, subhana wa Taala and abstention from Gunas,
is not something that is seasonal.
It's not something that we do on occasion. There isn't highs and
lows in the life of a movement. There isn't a period where a
movement exerts himself and thereafter he relaxes. These
seasons of Allah Talas forgiveness, which are given to us
are an excuse to revitalize ourselves so that we bring our
entire life on Allah's obedience.
Allama say, a dunya, kulloha, Shah rusya, Amal, shaqin, Wahid fitth,
they say the whole life of this world. The whole life in this
world, is like the month of fasting.
And if star of the Rosa of a mumin takes place when he meets Allah
subhanho wa taala, not in this world that sometimes he worships
Allah ALA. He goes for Hajj. Thereafter he exerts himself, and
after he comes back from hajj, he reverts back to the lifestyle he
was living before that.
Abu nadhra narrates arbaun mankun, napihi Kalam, yes. Dad. Bihi,
nashera, padali ka ayatun, annahulam, Yata Kabul, Allahu,
mean huamalahu zalik, he said, Four Blessings of Allah Tala, four
things which Allah Tala allows a Moomin to experience. And after
experiencing this,
no change comes in his life. He doesn't go closer to Allah Tala.
He doesn't bring his life on. Deen, then this is a sign that
Allah Tala has not accepted this from him.
The first thing he mentions, he says, Man ghazaki sabila, that
person who went out in the path of Allah Tala, Kalam, he has that
and his going out in the path of Allah. Tala, his striving in the
path of Allah did not bring a change in his life after he
returned. Fadali ka AYATUL, Yatta, Kabul, Allahu, minhu, this is a
sign that Allah did not accept his Amal from him. Man sama Shah,
Ramadan, falam, yasdad, seyah, fadali ka, ayyat, Anna hulamiyah,
who fasted in the month of Ramadan, the month of month of
mafirat, the month of forgiveness, the month when the shayateen were
tied up, the month when the doors of Jannat were opened up. And
after fasting Ramadan, the Hilal of Eid got sighted, and he
reverted back to his original lifestyle. Then this is a sign
that his fasting of Ramadan was not accepted. Manhaj fardan
palamiya, that person who went for his first Hajj, that person who
was blessed by this beautiful journey, by being able to
experience Makkah and Madina, by being able to experience the
baytullah, by being able to stand on the Meena, on Meena and Arafat.
In fact, as a shaykh Rahmatullahi
describes this entire journey of Hajj as a reminder for us of the
life of a movement in this world. The * dons his Aram to proceed
for this journey in the same way every movement, when he recites
the Kalima, he dons the ashram the Aram, what Aram, Aram that he is
going to stay away from that which Allah has prohibited. He is going
to stay away from that which displeases Allah subhanho wa
taala. So the life of a movement in this world, this entire life,
this entire life, is equated through the journey of the *
towards the Bella likewise, first nine days of ZiL Hijjah, a person
fast the life of a movement in this world those who haven't
proceeded for Hajj is equated to a fast. Fasting from what? Fasting
from the disobedience of Allah, fasting from those things which
will anger Allah, subhanho wa taala, like the Salafi salaheem
used to say, Sumit dunya kulnaha, your entire life in this world is
a fast waliakal mode, the Iftar of that Rosa you will open your fast
at the time of death.
Wakatsu, dahi kulihaa, wao Malika Kum Fada ka fit through siyami,
how beautifully the poet says. He says, I fasted in this dunya from
my lazaat, from my desires. My whole life was one fast vayom, ali
kakum, and the day when I will meet you my Allah, the day when I
will become your guests, the day when I will meet you, that is the
day of my Iftar. That is the day when a movement relaxes. Before
that a movement does not relax. There isn't a period of highs and
lows in the life of a movement in the Larina kaura Bula in the
Larina kaura Bula Allah says, Verily, those who say our RAB is
Allah, those who say our.
Rabbi is Allah. Those who have handed themselves over to Allah
brought Iman on the greatness and the Oneness of Allah. Summa
takamu, just just to bring Iman is not sufficient. The condition of
stood on the member of masjid and navawi Rahma Salallahu, alayhi wa
sallam. Alam, and he read this verse of the Quran in a qalura,
buchamu. And then he explained, what is his teqma? What does it
mean that a person brings his tekmat on the fact that Allah is
his Rab? He said, Walla, Walla, vitaati, he walam yaru Hu Rohan U
that this person is not cunning like a fox, that in seasons he
will worship Allah, and then in seasons he will stop worshiping
Allah when it suits him and is in conformance to his desire, or
there is an environment. Then he will strive in Ibadan. And once
that period passes thereafter he takes his foot off the
accelerator. He says, Allah's Qassam is Stephane. Is that this
person is not cunning like a fox, but his entire life is in the
obedience of Allah.
This life in this world is like a fast we have to fast from the
disobedience of Allah and the Iftar, or the relaxation period of
a movement, is the Day when He will meet Allah, on the day when
the announcement will be made. Kulu vashrabu Hani am dimaya, mil
khaliya, eat now, enjoy yourself in the world. You underwent
difficulty in the world. You abstain from that which I
prohibited. Now enjoy yourself. The hajita is Ram Ihram from the
disobedience of Allah. His entire journey culminates when he arrives
in the plains of Arafat, which is equated to the Day when He will
meet Allah subhanho wa taala. Those in this world, those in this
world, will not fast from the disobedience of Allah Tala, then
on the day of enjoyment, they will be deprived of that enjoyment.
Beautifully understand it from the example rasulallah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said in Allah La yohil Jannah and ismari ibadi al
ladeena, shahalu and Fusa hum Meena. Minal, mahazi Kri Patu
simya Hum the ASWAT in Masami, Al khalaya, Punit laha,
that person who stayed away, stayed away, fasted from music in
this world,
that person who stayed away from music and musical instruments.
Allah Ali as
once he enters into Jannat, Allah Taala will command the trees of
Jannat that those slaves of slaves of mine who in the dunya engage in
my zikr and did not get involved in music and musical instruments
in return for that,
start playing a music for them, such a music that no one in the
entire creation has ever heard the light thereof.
All of our saying, the one who in this world will engage in music he
will be deprived of the music of jannats, the one who in this
world, the males of this world, will waste where silk will be
deprived of the Silk of Jannat those in this world who will drink
sharab and liquor will be deprived of the beautiful wine of jannats.
This life in this world is like a fast you have to fast from the
disobedience of Allah, mamin Abu din yadafull, Jannah, Illah, waya,
janisani, Inda rasihi, wainda, vijanihi, sintani, min al Shawn,
ilahim, Tuhan niyani, di ashtani, SOT in Masami al Kalai pumit laha
o kama kala SallAllahu, alaihi wasallam, he said, when a person
stayed away from music in this world, when he enters into Jannat,
every mormin, every ummati of mine who stayed away from music, when
he enters into Jannat, two souls will sit at his head and sit at
his feet, and they will start singing for him. They will sing
for him in such a beautiful voice that the entire creation has never
heard the like thereof. If we look in the lives of the Salafi
saliheen, if we look in the lives of those who had pleased Allah,
subhana wa taala, one message comes across clearly my respected
brothers, and this message the returning hajis have to take and
the rest of the ummats of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, Sallam
that has experienced the season of Hajj, that we have experienced the
season of Allah's blessing, the masjids were filled a little bit
more now we have to make istik Ahmad. We have to bring about a
change in our lives by bringing about a change.
That is a sign of acceptance from Allah, subhanho wa Taala in La La
Rabun, Allah Summa. Thereafter they had istamas One Sahabi came
to rasulallah wa ala Salam ya rasulallah Murni the AMR in Phil
Islam Allah as an baddha on Nabi avala, tell me something. Tell me
something in Islam which is so concise that after this, I do not
have to ask you anything else. In one statement, sum up for me, the
road to salvation, the road to victory. What is Islam?
Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said to him, full Aman to
bila to musta PIM say, I believe in Allah and thereafter, bring
ishtamat, bring perseverance, bring your life onto this
declaration of Imaan of Allah, subhanho wa taala, Sahaba of
Rasulullah, sallallah sallam, were Those individuals in this dunya,
they were given the Basharat of Jannat. In this dunya, they were
guaranteed Jannat by Rasulullah, sallAllahu, sallam. Yet they never
became complacent. They never took their foot off the accelerator in
contemporary terms, understand it like that. Amar bin as Rali,
Allahu, taala, anhu, two incidents I'm going to mention. The makers
understand that right up till the last point, never mind what Glad
Tidings they received from Rasulullah, sallAllahu, sallam.
They never let up. They continued, persevering in Amal Ahmad bin
aswati Allahu, daala Huma.
He's lying on his dead bed,
crying bitterly.
Lot of people have come to visit him. He's not even looking at
them. He's looking at the wall and crying. His son is aggrieved.
Abdullah bin Amal to see his father in this condition. So to
console his father, he's saying, amab, sallAllahu,
Sallam bikada Didn't Navi salasam give you this glad tiding and this
glad tiding and this glad tiding. Why are you worried like this?
He looked up after a little while, and
then he said, My Life can be divided into three phases, the
first phase of my life was that phase of kufr, that phase when on
the surface of this earth, there was no one more hated to me than
rasulallah sallam. If I died in that phase, Jahannam was
guaranteed for me. Thereafter, Allah blessed me with Islam, and I
came to Rasulullah sallallahu, sallam, and I said, up Sud O
Muhammad sallall Islam, Stretch out your hand. Liu baya. I want to
make bay of Islam on your hands. He says, rasulallah stretched out
his hand for kabad tuyadhi. I pulled my hand back so he said to
me, malakayam o AMR what is wrong? He said, in me, Uri duanavi,
avala, I want to make condition. Nami Islam said, TASH, Tari tu
Maza, what condition Do you want to make? He says, Al yukp Ali,
that Allah must forgive me. Nabi isallah. Islam said, Oh, Amar,
don't you know that the moment the person accepts Islam, Islam wipes
away all his previous sins. Hijarat, in the path of Allah,
wipes away all the previous sins, and Hajj wipes away all the
previous sins.
So he says, I stretched out my hand and I took bear than the
hands of Nabhi salaam, and in that phase of my life, no one on the
surface of this earth was more beloved to me then Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, despite my love, despite my
closeness, despite that I was his companion. If you ask me to
describe Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I would not be
able to because my awe, the awe and the dignity which he held in
my heart was such that I never looked once directly in his eyes,
that level of submission and that level of respect for Rasulullah,
sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, he says, If I died in that faith, I
hope that Allah would have made me a Jannati thereafter, Nabi isallah
Islam passed away. Islam spread far and wide. We became wealthy,
we became governors, we became rulers. Now I don't know what my
hashish is going to be by Allah.
Amar was a * navisla said Hajj wipes away your previous sins. He
did not become complacent. He had accepted Islam that also guarantee
of previous sins were given. Still, he was not complacent.
Basharat upon Basharat glad tiding upon glad tithing. Yet this is the
condition of the sahabi at the time of his death. Then again, he
looks at the wall and he starts crying. Allahumma amartana.
Wana, haitana, wala ya sa una, Allah, pukeyar, Hamar, Rahi mean,
he said, Oh, Allah, you ordered us, and we disobeyed you. You
prohibited us, and we did not stay away from haram. Nothing besides
your mercy, we have hope upon, o the Most Merciful of all those who
show mercy. Then he caught all of his neck and he looked up towards
the heaven, Allahu, sankirum, la
ilaha, Illa and La Ilaha Ilan. He says, oh, Allah, I am not powerful
that I can oppose you. I am not innocent, that I can give any
excuse to you. I am declaring I am guilty. All I am doing is asking
for your forgiveness and saying the kaliyama over and over again,
with the tears falling from his eyes, Ahmad bin ahswali Allahu
Taala and who passed away from this world
right up till the last point, there was never a sense of
complacence. What greater example can we give than the demise of
that Sahabi? It is a portion of the year for the end of ZiL hija.
It was round about the 26th of ZiL Hijjah, the sage in Ahmed bin
Khattab Radi Allahu taala, and who the dagger was pierced into his
stomach. And a few days later, at the end of the Islamic year, Omar
of the Allahu Taala who passed away. Omar
was that personality
that during his kill off, at 2,400,000
square miles of territory had come into Islam. Omar was that
personality that once Nabi sallalli Salam walks into Masjid
in the movie, on his right hand is Abu Bakr, on his left hand is
Omar. He says that I have two ministers in the skies. They are
jibrail and mikayil. And I have two ministers and advisers on this
earth, and that is Abu Bakr and Omar. Once he grabs all the Abu
Bakr in the right hand, Omar in the left hand, and he says, haka
da Naq Shah, ru Yom al qayyamah, in exactly this situation, Allah
will raise us up on the Day of Judgment. One day, Rabbi Sala
Islam is talking to Omar, and he says, Omar, what will be your
situation when you are four feet in the ground and that cover is
two feet wide, and all of a sudden, munka and Nakheel come to
you. Our says, on Abhi of Allah, Who is this? Munka and Nakheel?
Ramesslam says they are the questioners of the grave. They are
the test of the grave. They will dig up the grave with their claws,
and they will come to you. Their voices will sound like the clap of
thunder. Their eyes will send out bolts of lightning. In their hands
will be a hammer, which is so huge that if all the people of Meera
had to try to lift that hammer up, they would not be able to lift it
up. Yet, in the hands of those angels, that hammer will be as
light as the stick this ASA is in my hands. If you fail to answer
their questions, or you hesitate with their questions, they will
strike you with this hammer. Each blow will render you into ashes.
Omar says, O Nabi avala, at that day, will my Iman be like it is
today, like I have brought Iman upon you? Today? Will I bring Iman
on you on that day? Will it be the same level? Nabislam says, yes.
Then Omar, fearlessly says that, then o Nabi avala, have no
problem. I have no problem with their questions. This is that Omar
pun Nabi SallAllahu said one lady bharatani will have ani Jibril and
Anta Allahu, akbhiu Kumar, well, Isla mudini, Mama, dinuku, ma,
payapulan, wa Aja ba Ma, nadri,
Amur silta, Elena, Ravi salasam said by the custom of that being
in Whose Hand lies my life, Jibreel has come and informed me
of Omar that when munka and nakir come to you and put The questions
in front of you, you will say to them, Allah is my Rab. Who is your
Rab? Muhammad, sallAllahu, Islam is my NaVi. Who is your NaVi?
Islam is my religion. What is your religion? They will say, how
strange this is. We don't know whether we were sent to you. You
were sent to question us
that level of Basharat and glad tidings Ravi Sala Islam had given
him yet Omar, when death is staring him in the face, he says,
By the custom of Allah, lo annali, mafill, Alvi, kulliha, lafta, day
to who mean holy mutala. O my son, if I owe.
Own the whole world. If I own the whole world, I am prepared now to
give all this as ransom so that Allah saves me from what lies
ahead in the Kabbalah. And then he says to
his son, put my head on the ground. His son is reluctant. He
places on his thigh. He says no, on the ground. He places on his
shin. Omer says, No, put my head on the ground. He finally, he
gives, he relents, and he places his father's head on the ground.
Omar starts rubbing his beard and his cheek on the sand of the
ground. This is that Omar, more than 2 million square miles came
into Islam on his hands, the same Omar is lamenting at the time of
leaving this world. Wailaka, waila, om akaya. Omar, Ilam
yafflla, hulaq. Omar, destruction for you. Destruction for your
mother, if ALLAH does not forgive you, repeatedly saying this leave
this world. The entire life of a mumin is a test from Allah. This
journey of Hajj is the Aram of this dunya. This journey of Hajj
is the fast of this dunya in a kaura Bula kummasta, kamu, those
who will persevere. Katana, alaihi mull Malaika, Allah, if the life
is spent like this, at the time of the death, the Malaika of Allah
will come down. The Malaika of Allah, Allah will come down.
Allah. Takaful, do not fear for what lies ahead. Wala Taq Zanu, do
not grieve over what you have left behind. Wa abushiru, viljan,
natil, Lati Kuntum, tu Adun become heavy, for in front of you lie
Sati Jannat, which you were promised by Allah. Subhanho, wa
Taala once Nabi salaam, choli, Sahaba, man Aha balaka, Allah.
Ahaba, Allahu AK, the one who loves to meet Allah. Allah loves
to meet him. Sahaba said, alayhisa kuluna, rasulallah on Abhi of
Allah. All of us fear death. All of us fear that trial that is
lying in front of us. How are we going to look forward to the
meeting with Allah? Nabi isallah, Islam said, I am not referring to
the fear of death, but the one who has pleased Allah, the One who has
pleased Allah at the time of his death, Satan, Malaika. The Malaika
come down to him and they give him glad tidings. They tell him what
lies ahead. They tell him how Allah is happy with him. Baraben,
as Hadith, he said, at the time of the death, the angels of Allah,
Allah, will come to that person where Please Allah, it is the last
stage of his life. They will say to him, Hamidah, cannot feel just
Adil Hamid,
oh Guru Ji wa abushiri Do you
are in a
pure body. Come out now. Come out now. Become happy. The gardens of
Jannat are waiting for you. The pleasure of Allah is waiting for
you. The bounties of Jannat are waiting for you. Wa rah bin,
Rabin, Anki, zahir and an Allah, who is happy with you, is waiting
for you. Abu Hazim was asked, How is the coming in front of Allah,
He said, That person who pleases Allah when he will meet Allah, it
is like a person who was absent from his family for a long time,
and his family is waiting for his arrival, the love and warmth with
which he is met, that is how you will meet Allah. This is the Mort
that we have to aspire for when Aha balaka, Allah, Ahab Allahu,
AK, the one who loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him,
that moth when the Malay Kala, at the time of death was come down
and give us the Basharat and give us the glad tidings, the hajis
that have returned. The life is in front of them. The past is
forgiven. The slain is king now. But the sign of the acceptance of
the Hajj, the sign of the acceptance of our Ibadan jihad, is
that we have to change our lives. We have to bring it. We have to
bring perseverance. We are not seasonal worshippers of Allah. We
are not seasonal. People will come to the masjid on season and stay
away from the masjid on season. Put the shaitan box off on on a
season and put it off on a season. This is mazake and mokhari with
Allah. Our whole life is ista Kamath. Our whole life is a fast
our entire life we have tied the Ihram. The simplest procedure, my
respected brothers, is we have to change our environment. This is
the reason it is said to us, Link yourself with the masjid, the true
gush in the week, the daily fiqh in the masjid, our weekly Sham
guzari, three days a month, when the life is linked to the masjid
and the fiqh of the Masjid.
It in that is the preservation of our own Iman and our own Deen May
Allah, give us a big vastula.