Ahmed Suleman Khatani – Calling Onto Allah P1
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The transcript describes the struggles faced by various individuals in the previous century, including the loss of people, suffering and loss of life, and negative impact on their lives. The discussion also touches on the meaning of various names of Islam, including "na Vi" and "will" in English, and the potential confusion surrounding its use. The segment also touches on the use of "just in your" names, the confusion surrounding "na Vi" and "will" in English, and the use of "just in your" names in Arabic. The history of Islam is also discussed, including the use of emojis and their use in various we'd-ontents.
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Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Kawalay,
wana, bilahi, Min Sharon, fusina, omin, saya ma Dina, Maya, bila
Bhola, mudlallahu, ayudu, falahade, Allah
wa Nasha duala,
one say the Nava, vignava, havivana, shapiyana, vamotana,
Muhammad, Abu
dhamabad. Rahmanir,
Kun tumlin, Sita, murunabhu, fiwa, chana, hawna, Anil, Moon, Kane,
vacuum, Allah,
wala o amanah, nun, Keta, Vila, Kana, Faye, Bala hum min
Sakura, sakrathan,
sakratul, jahal wa Sakura, Kabil Aisha,
anjumdha, murunabhal, maharu vi watan Hou, naanil munkari, Watu,
jahidun, AFI saben Allah,
faida, Bharathi, Kum Fabu, dunya, palat, murunabhu
wala tan hou Na, anil munkar, wala tuja Hi Dun,
expected alamaya Karam
elders and
beloved brothers in Islam,
in the heavens and In the earth,
every circumstance,
every condition,
every happening,
every advancement,
every decline,
is occurring on the decree of one Allah alone,
udab viral, Amra, Minas Sama, ilal arut
from the heavens to the earth,
the arranger and the decrea
of every entity, every affair, is one, Allah alone. Mudab Billah,
murin, mudabir, bhila mushir, mudab, Bill bila, Wazir, mudabir
bhila, Mathil, mudabir bhila Shabi,
Allah is the arranger and the decrea
of every affair. And there is no advisor with Allah. There is no
minister with Allah.
There is no similitude with Allah. There is no assistance with Allah.
There is no helper with Allah,
mahual, ladi, if his Sama, ilar of the ila Allah
alone is the ILA of the heavens, and Allah alone is the ILA of the
And in carrying out
his decision,
ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is not faced with any obstacle
whatsoever. There is no complainant whatsoever. There is
no system or force contrary to that of the decision of ALLAH
SubhanA wa taala, lamanya Lima aayeth, wala amo ATI Ali,
mamanats, that which Allah wants to give no one can withhold. And
that which Allah wants to withhold, no one can give that.
Maafta Hill, Allahu in Nasim, rahma, fala, mum sikalaha, vamah
um Sikh, fala, Mursal, allahum imbadi, eyam, Saska, Allahu bidor,
fala, Kashi, Allahu, Allahu Wai URI, kabhi Saeed, falad, Dali
fabili, if Allah has to decide, rahmat, Mercy is comfort.
For a nation, then there is no force, no government, no system,
no army on this earth that can withhold the decision of Allah.
And if Allah has to decide adversity, hardship, difficulty,
persecution, for a nation, then there is no system or force or
government or economy on this earth that can change the decision
of Allah.
Everything that happens in the heavens and the earth, every leaf
that moves, is moving on the decree on the Command of Allah. In
the light of this, I respected brothers,
if we look at the plight,
at the difficulty, at the persecution, at the hardship
that globally
is facing the Ummat of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
where it seems that almost on a daily basis,
we are being bombarded
with news of some new adversity, of some new hardship, of some new
persecution, of some new loss of life, of some new calamity that
has befallen a different part of this ummat of Rasulullah,
sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam.
In fact,
so terrible is the situation that is facing this ummat
that one feels
that if the stones had eyes,
and if the mountains had eyes, they also would have started
crying with the sight of the persecution and hardship that is
befalling the ummats of the most beloved Nabi of Allah, janavi,
rasulallah, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam.
The fact of the matter
is that Allah Dalai declares unequivocally in the Quran, in
Allah Hala, Abdullah, Muna sasheya,
that Allah does not make zulam on anyone.
Allah is spark. Allah is free of zulam or oppression of any kind,
walla kin and NASA and Fusa, hum ya la Lim. But it is the people,
as a result of their actions that are oppressing themselves, that
are drawing those negative decisions from Allah, subhanho, wa
taala, that are bringing about these difficult circumstances that
are facing us otherwise. Allah Tala is Rahman. Allah is Raheem.
Allah is Hanan. Allah is Mannan. Allah is dayaan. Allah is RAF.
Allah is Wahab. Allah is azaq.
The 99 Names of Allah, Tala, what we refer to as the Asmaa al fasna.
Majority of these names of the SIFAT and the attributes of Allah
refer to the kindness, the compassion, the Mercy, the
rububiyat, the qibri, the Jalal, the asmaath, the greatness, the
of Allah. In fact, Allah
explained, they say in the 99 names, there is only one name
that refers to Allah's in tikam
That refers to Allah Talas azab and Allah exacting retribution, Al
Otherwise, they say the other 98 names refer to Allah's mercy,
Allah's rupubhiyat, Allah's kibriyay,
Jabbar and kahar.
These two names of Allah Tala,
the words Jabbar and kahar in the Arabic language don't have the
same meaning as in the Urdu language, or what we tend to
understand them in Urdu,
Jabbar, ulama, explain yej, birula, kasil,
that zaata And that being that brings together Something that is
He doesn't refer to Allah Dalai exacting retribution.
Kahar in Arabic has a meaning of Ghalib overpowering.
In fact,
this idea
that Allah, subhana wa taala,
rahmat and mercy is overpowering,
can clearly be understood, but
it comes in one rewired that on a tablet
that is attached to the ash of Allah.
Allah has written in rahmati, sabhakatabi that my rahmat and my
mercy is greater than my anger.
Allah, zaad, Islam, abud,
there is no limit
to the greatness and the Majesty of Allah,
in fact, he cannot be comprehended by the finite and limited
intellect of this human being.
These 99 names
are found in Hadith.
But even the names of Allah are limitless.
One dua is mentioned in the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi
wa sallam.
Allahu mahini as Alok
vikulist, minhu walak
O Allah,
I call out to you. I beseech you.
I am asking from you, vikul listening hualak,
with every name that belongs to you.
Just to digress a little bit.
On one occasion, Nabi salall Islam told Vivi Aisha, radiAllahu anha
that O Aisha,
there is one name of Allah
that anyone who calls Allah Tala out using this name of Allah,
whatever dua they will make,
if they are in a problem, in a plight, in a difficulty,
and In this problem of theirs, they have to turn to Allah and use
this name of Allah,
then whatever plight or difficulty they are in will be removed.
And whatever they ask from Allah, Allah will grant what we refer to
as the ismayam.
So she said, Oh, NaVi of Allah,
tell me what is that name of Allah?
SWT told her that raisha
in nahulayam, bakhilaki and to Alima anwal nimat
ro Aisha, it is not appropriate that I should teach you that name
women generally
by nature. Allah has made them such
that when a request of theirs is rejected or turned down, they
don't take it lying down. They are persistent by nature.
So in keeping with that,
Ummul meaning saying i shardi, Allahu, daranha,
again, she asked that, oh, NaVi of Allah, tell me what is that name
of Allah, which, if I will use any dua, will make Allah grant.
So Nami Isla, Islam, again, said,
O Aisha,
it is not appropriate that I teach you this name. And then he
explained why.
Because he said, I fear that my ummat will use this name of Allah
to ask Allah for dunya,
something that is so insignificant and so temporary, it is not worthy
that such a great SIFAT and such a great name of Allah should be used
to request for such a lowly and denigrated thing.
But nevertheless, she persists in her request that, oh NaVi of
Allah, teach me that name. And
then when she finds that Rasulullah, sallAllahu, Islam is
not going to relent to her request,
she makes surakat salah.
And after making salah, she raises her hand,
Allah, aah,
oh, Allah,
I am calling out to you by your name, Allah,
Allah Abu as tafsir rufal Bayan,
he mentions beautifully, what Kashish
and what significance Allah has kept is just in his name, Allah
he says in any language, whether it is Arabic language or any other
if you take a word
and remove any letter from it,
then either the meaning changes completely,
or it becomes incomprehensible.
Example, the Arabic word Jamil
means beautiful.
If you take out the YA from the Jamil, it becomes Jamal, which
means camel. So the meaning has changed completely. It.
But he says, if you look at the name Allah,
if you take out the Hamza or the Ali from the front,
it becomes Lillah.
Lillah. Himafi, samavati, Mama Phil arts. He
says, Leave the alias there, or the Hamza, take the first Laam
out, it becomes ila vahu wadhi, fissama, ILA, Wafi ARVA. Ila,
check the aliq out
and take the Laam out also. And it becomes Lahu lahuma, fistama,
Wati, wama fil Abu Maa, Baena, Huma, OMA takhat Sara,
take the aliq out, the LAM out, and other Lam out. And who is
left? Hu, Allahu, ladi, La Ilaha, Illa, Hu,
so she says, Allahu, Mayu, Allah,
Allah, I may go out to you. I call out to you with your name, Allah,
WADA o kar, Rahman, Wadah al Barr, Rahim ra tumin, wamalam, Alam Anta
firali, watahamani,
when she makes this gua Janabi,
Rasulullah, SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, smiled, he says, O Aisha,
that ismaya of Allah, which I refer to, is found in this dua
which you have just made
that Oh, I am calling out to you with your name, Allah, with your
name, Rahman, bar Rahim, beneficent, Merciful. And I am
calling out to you with your Asmaa, Husna, with your beautiful
names, those which I know and those which I don't know,
to forgive me and have mercy upon me.
Coming back to that hadith you had mentioned of the dua of
Rasulullah, sallAllahu, sallam, he said, Allahu, Ana, salaq,
vikulist, minhwalaq,
Allah, I am calling out to you with every name that is yours,
samveitabhihinav, sat
by which you have named yourself.
O anzal tahu fi kitabik, or which you have revealed in your kitab.
Or Alam Tahu, ahada min kalk or Lai making dua to you with every
name that you have thought any of your creation. Awisha, sarvahir
indaq, Allah, I'm making dua to you with every name of yours which
you have not informed anyone about you have kept in your El meghay,
so from this, we can see clearly
that Allah's names are not just the 99 Asmaa Husna,
but Allah's names are limitless, like Allah's ad Allah's greatness,
Allah's Kibriya, Allah's majesty, is limitless.
And amongst the names of Allah taala,
majority are those
that are pointing out to the Mercy, the kindness, the shabkat
of Allah. And
the fact of the matter, my
respected brothers,
is that in relation to this ummat of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi
wa sallam,
the Mercy of Allah, the compassion of Allah, the kindness of Allah,
has been multiplied many, many times.
Vijayanagara, sulaweah, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam said,
Wa inaha vihi, Umma, tummar shoma,
this is that ummat. This is ummatum, Marsh Homa, that ummat
that is engulfed with the Mercy of Allah.
This is that ummat
which came last
and yet will enter into Jannat first,
intizar waiting.
This is a form of azab.
Someone gets to the airport. His flight is after one hour.
He is happy, I don't have to wait much. But if he is told there is a
delay and your flight is only going to leave after six or seven
hours, that six or seven hours will count the minutes it becomes
excruciating. Every minute becomes like an hour.
Anything you are looking forward to, the period that you are
waiting for. The thing that intizar is a form of azab.
That is why the Muhammad of rasulallah,
am rapa salasam said my ummat came last just before kyamat, and my
ummat will enter into Jannat the first, so that the intizar and
waiting of my ummat also will be the least.
This is that ummat that came last.
The Quran that was revealed to the summat.
In it the wrongs, the oppression, the injustices
and the transgressions of the nations of the past were
mentioned. This is what the people of nuali Salam did, and this is
what the people of Musa alaihi salam did, and this is what the
people of Salih Ali Salam did, and this is what the people of samoud.
This is the people,
this is what the people of AAD did, and this is what samoud did,
and this is what komesh Sabha did,
all the various nations of the past, their wrongs
and their shortcomings were revealed to the Ummat of
Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam.
But because this ummat came last, the wrongs and the injustices that
this ummat will carry out were not revealed to any of the ummats that
preceded it,
and to such extent,
Allah Tala will make satari Allah will conceal the dignity and honor
of this ummat that on
the day of judgment he comes in one rewind,
Rabbi abhasalam, a
will say to Allah
that, oh my Allah,
hissab al ummati le,
let me take the hisab of my ummats.
So Allah Dalai was saying to him that, oh my Nabi, why do you want
to take the ISAB of your ummats?
You say, Allah,
I don't want
that the false and the shortcomings of my ummat should be
revealed to everyone else.
Salatala will say to him that, Oh My Habib. Salali, salam,
if you are going to take the hisab of your ummat, then their faults
and their shortcomings will be revealed to you.
I will take the hissab behind Parad so that no one else will
come to know of their shortcomings,
such an ummat,
the virtues and distinctions of this ummat,
long before its coming, already, NaVi upon NaVi of Allah,
enumerated and counted out
the special favors which Allah Tala had reserved for this, ummat
Vika Abu lay samankanderamatullahi
mentions rivayat
Adam Ali Salam Abu Bashar, the father of humanity. He says in the
lahat Aala
Atha, ummata, Muhammad, arbha, karamat, Mata, aniha
granted four special distinctions to the Ummah, to Muhammad,
sallAllahu, Alam that I Abu Bashar, the father of humanity,
was deprived of
in a kubhula, tobati kanabhi, Makkah,
muhammadu Muhammad ya Asmaa Khan,
he says, I made a mistake.
Many, many years, he cried before la dala,
finally, Allah dala made his pardon in Makkah.
He says that the Ummat of Muhammad, sallAllahu, Sallam in
the four corners of the global sin,
and yet Allah, Tala will accept that Toba wherever they ask for
it. He
says in nikunta
fil Jannah, kalamma, asailan, Allahu, Ayanna,
Umma tu Muhammad yasuna or atanpaulis,
he says, I was in Jannat I made a mistake. I was stripped of the
clothings of jannats.
They had to cover themselves using the leaves of the trees of
the Ummat of Muhammad, sallAllahu, alaihi, wasallam, in a naked
state, will sin and yet Allah will give them clothes to wear
ini, Kunta, viljannah,
Kalama, as said,
phuri kabeini, wabana imraji,
I was in Jannat. I made a mistake.
Allah separated me from my wife.
The umata, Muhammad, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam will sin again
and again, Yet Allah will not separate them from their wives.
In the Kundu Phil Jannah,
falamma, Asmaa.
He says, I was in Jannat.
I made a mistake. Allah took me out of Jannat,
Muhammad, to Muhammad, yasuna, kharij al Jannah, Fayyad, Kulu
and umata Muhammad, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam will sin outside
Jannat, and as a result of that, Toba Allah will put them into
Janiul, Kadar, Nadiya, Allah, Musa Ali, salatu, salaam,
for the Bani, Israel, his people, Allah,
in a resplendent fashion,
showed the great status of this ummats,
where la dala, for 40 years,
sent down man and Salva from Jannat for them to eat when
the child would be born,
as the child would grow, The clothing would grow with the
There was no need for them to earn or to exert themselves to meet
their worldly needs. Special intiza of Allah was made for them.
So after having seen this,
Musa ni Salam addresses Allah,
and his question is quite clearly comprehensible in the light of the
manner in which Allah Tala had blessed his ummans,
he says, Hal Minal, umam Abdalla, Ali kamin, ummati, Dalal taali,
him UL Hamam, Van zalt Ali, Himal, mannawa salva OMA Allah, tell me,
for the Bane is rahill, you gave them cloud cover as the sun would
move, they would be shaded with the clouds
you send on man and Salva from Jannat for them. So tell me, is
there an ummat? Is there an ummat more virtuous, more honorable in
your eyes, then this. Ummats,
Allah, amosa, ama alimta, Anna fadhala, ummat yahmad, arasay,
nilumham, kafaniana,
instead of literally translating this, understand it by way of
expression, the extent of the emphasis of the dignity and honor
of this ummat that is found in this expression.
If someone asks,
Can you compare Allah with the makhlouk?
Can you compare the Khalid, the makhlok,
any person, if even Lama Jan intellect, will say, there is no
grounds for comparison,
it is foolish to even attempt such a thing
in exactly the same way Allah Tara is saying to Musa alaihi salam,
like my greatness can never, ever be compared with with my creation.
In the same way the greatness of the Ummat, of Muhammad,
sallAllahu, alaihi, wasallam, they can never, ever be compared with
any other ummats.
There is no grounds for comparison.
This is that Ummah look at the Quran. What kind of Canal in a
national muminiad, why the law will let in amino solid heart less
him, barakatimen as verse
upon verse, help of ALLAH for this ummid, dignity from Allah For this
ummid hayat unto Eva for this ummat, Barakat and blessings of
the heavens and the earth for this ummat, dignity and honor for this
ummat, acceptance of duaaz, specially reserved for this ummat,
turned to the pages of Hadith, nusir to be Rob masih ratha
Shahar, Janabi, rasulallah Sam said my Sahaba, the mafume of the
Hadith, stones tied to the stomach. Days upon days of hunger,
no food in the house, yet enemies or those against them, armed to
the teeth, everything at their disposal. Yet, from one month's
journey away from my Sahaba, already, their hearts were filled
with fear of my Sahaba, the