Ahmed Suleman Khatani – 2 2 BILLION Muslims

Ahmed Suleman Khatani
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 describes a scene where oil is added to a dosage and encourages listeners to listen to the sounds of the stones. They also mention a woman in a condition to receive news of Islam and apologize for their actions. The importance of forgiveness is emphasized, along with the upcoming court trial and potential consequences of not standing on the throne. The speakers also mention an upcoming event and encourage listeners to make a sincere effort.
AI: Transcript ©
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Which Stone did he

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leave Unturned for the sake of his ummah?

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Go today to Makkah and Madina and listen with the ears of Iman and

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Walla in the alleys and gullies of Makkah and Madina, you will hear

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the cry of that NaVi ya, Rabbi ummati umati Ya. Rabbi ummati

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Gon, stand on the mountain of Taif and hear those stones tell you the

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VA what happened to the moss Beloved of Allah, pelted and

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pelted and pelted, rock upon rock, stone upon stone, falling on these

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Mubarak body till eventually, flesh split open and the blood

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started pouring out.

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He would fall to the ground. They would pick him up and force him to

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carry on running so that they could carry on felting him and

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felting him and felting him three miles, three miles till eventually

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overtaken. He turns to Allah, Allahumma in me, ashkavati,

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wakila, tahilati, wahawani, Alan nas ilamanta, killhi

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O my Allah, to whom have you handed me over?

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Oh my Allah, to whom have you handed me over to these raffians

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who have threatened me so that the blood is pouring from my body, who

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have reduced me to the stage.

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Oh my Allah,

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if you are not angry with me, then I am not worried,

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then I am prepared

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to accept whatever you have done. Oh, my Allah. The

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poet says, oh my Allah, if my relationship with you is intact

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and the whole world is against me, I am not worried.

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Oh my alive. You are happy with me, and the rest of humanity is

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angry with me, I am not worried. Come back into the shade of Allah,

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come back towards the Mercy of Allah

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Sahaba showed what the love for rasulallah, they can't find Saad.

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Bin Rabbi Ravi salaam says to

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the bin Hari,

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Saad, go and look for Saad. He

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looks among the living he cannot find him. Finally, comes across

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the body of Saad

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lying on the battlefield of wahat

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wabihi ramak In the last breath of his life,

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he says, O Saad Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam has

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sent me to you, and he's asking, Kei faji, Duka o Saad, in what

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condition are you

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in the last breath of his life? He says, ozayd, abliv, GOMI, ablit,

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Nabi Minka, salaam, convey my salaam to Rasulullah sallallahu.

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Alayhi wa sallam,

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convey my salams to Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and tell him,

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aji Duni, aji duri har Jannah. I find myself in a condition that I

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can smell the fragrance of Jannat. I can smell the fragrance of

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Tell him, may Allah reward him more than any other NaVi has ever

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been rewarded

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in the last gasp of life.

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They were not interested in the properties of this world and in

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the attractions of this world. They knew the reality of the love

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for Allah and His rasala. Salam, in

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his last gasp of life, he grabs hold of the hand of Zaid, and he

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says, abut komi mini Salaam and ozayd Convey my salams to my

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people and tell them, tell them that sadha said,

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allah sallallahu, alayhi,

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wa sallam is harmed, and you are still alive tomorrow in the court

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of Allah, I will only responsible in front of Allah.

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This was love for rasulallah. This was ish. This was Muhammad

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with what he is today,

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with what he is today, this ummadi takes that razor and shaves of his

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with what he is today. Do those statements come on the lips? It is

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only Sunnat, so it is okay to leave it out.

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We forgot in the belting of time the woman praise.

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Have you forgotten

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how he felt unconscious?

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we forgotten how he died

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stones to his stomach for the sake of this. Have you forgotten his

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days and nights here?

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I love feed the new that even tomorrow,

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on the plains of Arafat,

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he stood on the back of that camel,

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raised his hand up to the heavens.

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We go to Arafat. Good look at the hajars in Arafat. How long is the

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dua varahat, 30 minutes, 40 minutes, 45 minutes, 50 minutes.

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How long is the dua of heart?

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May we be sacrificed on that NaVi, on the back of that camel in the

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burning sun of the desert? Six hours he cried for this moment,

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six hours with his hand raised above his head, he would reach

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out, bring it back. Reach out, bring it back. And then Allah

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says, Oh, my NaVi, I have forgiven. I have forgiven the

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oppressed of yammat.

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He said, Ya Allah, that is not enough. Allah, Ummah in

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to see bahala

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to without

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Oh May Allah, don't forgive. Don't forgive only the Muslim. Oh Allah,

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you have the power to repay the Muslim from your treasures and to

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forgive the zalim also. Forgive the zalim of Ahmad also forgive

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the zalim of Ahmad also,

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tomorrow, on the Day of Judgment,

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the day when people will be swimming in their own

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the day when Amir will fall onto their knees begging Allah for the

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Mercy of

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Allah says, When Jahannam screams, when Jahannam screams on the Day

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of Judgment, that scream

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will be so frightening that if you had the Amal of 17 navies, you

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will still think Allah is going to throw you into jahannam.

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Five, great ambiya amongst the galaxy of ambiya Five, great Ambia

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no Ali salaam, Ibrahim alaihi salam, Musa. Ali Salam is Ali

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Salam and rasulallah from these five, ambiya, the other four, Ya

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Rabbi nafzi NAVSEA ya, Rabbi nafzi NAVSEA, Adam alaihi salam, ya,

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Rabbi nav sin of sila, salaam, no, Ali Salam, Lu Tali salaam, Sala

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alaihi salam, Ibrahim alaihi salam is Ali Salam, Musa Ali salaam,

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Ismail, Ali Salam, Yunus Assi. So that Ibrahim alaihi salam also

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will say, Ya Allah, save me from jahannam.

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So that is Ali salaam will say like Ya Allah, I am not asking you

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even to save my mother, Maryam, from jahannam. Save me from

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Only one individual, one personality on one side of Medan

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Hassan will be crying, and his cry will be a different cry. Ya, Rabbi

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ummati umati Ya, Rabbi ummati ummati Yah. Rabbi ummati ummati

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Have we forgotten the son of the NABI?

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Do we prefer the ways of his enemy over his way?

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Cry, tears of blood. Cry, tears of blood, if in this heart, the Asmaa

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of one way of the yahud and NESARA is more than the Asmaa of sunnat

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cry tears of blood. If you see honor and dignity in the

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appearance of the yahudah and do not see it in the appearance of my

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NaVi who finished himself for you

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tomorrow on the Day of Judgment, how are we going to face him

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when Legion upon legion of Sahaba, some with their ears cut off, some

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of their nose cut off some with their chest up to open lonu Wadi,

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for who they who miss, the color will be the color of blood, and

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the smell will be the smell of musk. They will be coming one by

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one in front of Allah tomorrow on the Day of Judgment. How are we

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going to face him?

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he gave the Summa, the zimdari and responsibility of the League of

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this Deen, he exhorted them, la to show we do what he Yom Kiyama, in

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fulfilling this responsibility of propagating my Deen to the four

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corners of the world, do not become a.

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Of embarrassment to me on the day of Judge,

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Allah will say to him, O Muhammad, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam. What

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do you want? Ask? It will be granted. You will say, Ya Allah,

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begin the hisam. Begin the hisam. My ummat cannot wait anymore. They

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are suffering too much.

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Revive. Comes pulpits, Thrones will be sent down for the ambiya.

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Musalat was Salam ambiya will be sitting on their thrones.

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Rasulullah sallallahu says, When my throne comes, I will not sit on

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it, because I fear that by sitting on it, it may take me away to

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Jannat. And if I go into Jannat, what will happen to my Omni

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he says, I will not break the order of Allah also. I will place

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my hand on the throne, but I will not sit on the throne. And I will

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beseech My Allah Ya Rabbi ummati umati, Yaa, Rabbi ummati umati,

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and he will carry on beseeching. And he will carry on begging until

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finally, until finally. NaVi Sala Islam says, Allah will give him

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permission that go into Jahannam also and take your ummat out of

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He says, I will carry on. And I will carry on begging Allah

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until Malik, the keeper of Jahannam, will say, Ya Muhammad,

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Rabbi Kafi, ummati, kamin, nikma, O Muhammad, sallallah, sallam, you

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have not left any chance for the anger of your rub on your ummats,

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such a NaVi, which facet of the umma today is a source of coolness

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to that NaVi, the youth,

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the shamelessness of the youth of this ummat is like an arrow that

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is being fired at that Mubarak hat in Madina munovara,

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the shamelessness and openly parading the bazaars

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of the daughters and mothers of this ummat is like an arrow that

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is being fired at that Mubarak hat in Madina munovara, the lies and

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treachery and deception of the businessmen of this ummats is like

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an arrow that is being fired at mubarakhan in Madina, munovara.

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May we be sacrificed on that Mubarak NaVi, 1 billion arrows, 1

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billion arrows being fired at his heart. And still he is saying,

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yaar of the ummati, ummati, yar of the ummati, umati I respected,

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brothers. It's not my intention to speak very long. We don't know if

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you will live to see another Ramadan.

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We don't know if you will see the Hilal of Eid. Also,

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every one of us in this gathering, these nights are given to us for

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sincere Tova from the bottom of our hearts from the bottom of our

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hearts, make Salah with Allah. Make salawat Allah, and ask Allah

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from the bottom of our hearts, oh May Allah, You forgive me. We know

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the wrongs, we know the treasuries. We know what is going

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on in our homes and in what is going on in our lives. But make

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that sincere intention that we will make 100% attempt to come

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unto the obedience of Allah. And first and foremost, from now till

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I die, I will not make another Salah Azza, five times salah. I

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will make namaste and make tawba from the bottom of the heart that

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we have turned our back on the day of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and

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the night of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and the cry and concern of

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Rasulullah sallam, and on this Mubarak night, make Ahad

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throw ourselves in the court of Allah that Ya Allah, you accept me

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like you accepted Sahaba, accept my wealth, accept my life and take

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me to the four corners of the world to raise your name and the

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name of Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam. You see.

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