Ahmed Hamed – Top Ten Things To Do After Accepting Islam
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The importance of staying on Islam is discussed, including the need for veracity and sincerity to gain it through belief and reading. The importance of following Muhammad's teachings and not following his footsteps is emphasized. Consent to Islam is also emphasized, and individuals should be patient and pray for themselves and their family. There is also a need to practice Islam and establish a daily schedule to achieve a belief. The importance of fasting, pay Zakah, and Hodge for achieving Islam is also emphasized. Prayer for oneself and family is also advised, and individuals should not be associated with a certain religion and should be patient in all times of their life.
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Brothers and sisters, this session is dedicated for you.
It is very important to remain on Islam.
We should share with you
10 things to do after accepting Islam
alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim, Allah Allah He was happy
to be let him in a shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim
in Medina kolu robina la Docomo katanas and Wiley la mala to Allah hafele.
One, zero Belgian Attila t goon to do smilla Rahmanir Rahim. Rubbish. We are certainly Omri tamela Sahni if tahu. Only, I welcome all of you with the greetings of Islam. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Meaning with the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah the Most I be upon all of you. Dear new Muslim brothers and sisters, this session is dedicated for you.
And I congratulate you for coming back to the faith that you were born with Alhamdulillah Islam is not a new religion, it is not a new way of life. Rather, it is the same way of life. It is the same religion, which was sent down to the first man and a prophet, set foot on the face of the earth, Adam, peace be upon him on
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him also mentioned in the Hadith.
Every child is born upon the fitrah and later, his parents make him a Jew or a Christian or any other religious background.
This fitrah is a natural disposition is a natural inclination towards the Islamic faith towards the submission of one Almighty God. Allah the Most High. So Islam is a natural religion. Therefore I set Welcome back to the faith that you were born with the Islamic faith. Now, as it is important to accept Islam, it is also very important, my dear new Muslim brothers and sisters, to remain on Islam to be steadfast on it to be on it.
Allah subhanho wa Taala says In surah facilite surah number 41 ayah number 30 in the levina kolu robina law and those who have said, Allah is our rub, Allah is our Lord. So Mr. camo, and then remain on it. Be on it, what will happen to it? What will be the fruits of it? That anessa la Mala Mala aka
the angels will descend upon him
saying Allah to have one artisan, what are michiru bilgin Mattila t qu two two are known
to not fear,
grief, rather receive the good news of Jannah for which that you were promised. So my dear brothers and sisters, after accepting Islam, it is very important to remain on Islam to receive the real fruits from it. For example, After taking admission in the universities, you just don't stop. You will carry on, you will continue until you receive the certificate in order to meet your objective. Similarly, after accepting Islam, it is very important to remain on it.
In today's session, we should share with you
top 10 things to do after accepting Islam.
The first thing to do after accepting Islam is seek knowledge. seek knowledge My dear brothers and sisters after accepting Islam, you need to seek knowledge. Islam is a religion of knowledge. Islamic faith demands knowledge before
For even action, in fact, the first revelation sent down by Allah Almighty is concerning knowledge as Allah says, In surah Allah surah number 96 is number one, it para mis smear of bacon the Chanukah, read, recite. In the Name of your Lord who create.
Also, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. He said, seeking knowledge is compulsory, it is an obligation upon every Muslims
because knowledge frees you from ignorance. Knowledge prevents you from being a victim of evil, knowledge and powers. Your knowledge strengthens your foundation. Knowledge helps you to distinguish between right and wrong and knowledge helps you to be on the straight path.
However, the knowledge that you gain after accepting Islam, it is very important that this knowledge must be certain and authentic. Allah subhanaw taala he says in the Quran, in Surah, Yusuf surah number 12 and 108 old say to them, hardly he Sabina Lee, this is my way, or the rule Illa Allah I call people to Allah, Allah wa sera with certain knowledge with insightful knowledge. So it is very important that when you seek knowledge, make sure that it must be authentic. So my dear new Muslim brothers and sisters, the first thing after accepting Islam that you need to do is seek knowledge. seek knowledge about the last panel data, learn, learn about his names and attributes. Learn about
the life and time of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Learn how to read or on how to understand Koran, learn how to pray, how to observe fast, how to pay soccer, and perform hajj, if you are eligible. Learn the morals and characters of Islam.
So this is the first thing that you need to do after accepting Islam is seeking knowledge. The second thing to do after accepting Islam is to believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala with certainty and sincere
sincerity and certainty in believing in Allah subhanaw taala is absolutely important, my brothers and sisters, when you meet the Shahada, when you've made the Shahada, a shadow Allah Illa Illa law,
that there is no God, there is no deity worthy of worship, except Allah and be sincere on it. Be certain on it.
And sincerity demands that you believe in Him to be the only one worthy of worship as Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah Taha surah number 20 and number 14 in Nani, an a la la ilaha illa and afar Bodine Joaquin Salah the decree most certainly I and you're a law, so do not worship anyone beside me and establish Salah in my remembrance. Also, sincerity demands that you obey his commands and enter into Islam. Not partially, but completely, absolutely whole heartedly as a las panatela sees in Surah Baqarah surah number two and number 208 yo yo holla Dena amanu Oh you who believe on the Hulu facil mecca of enter into Islam completely, wholeheartedly? Absolutely.
One attribute watershed on and do not follow the footsteps of shaitan in who la kumanovo mo been for you. shaitan is an open enemy, devil is an open enemy. So be sincere in believing in Allah subhanho data.
Also be certain in believing
Allah subhanaw taala be certain about four things regarding a Muslim handle, which is, number one thing I believe, with certainty in the existence of Allah subhanaw taala I have no doubt whatsoever when you have made this testimony be certain about be certain in the existence of Allah subhanaw taala number one, number two, be certain,
in the belief of Allah subhanaw taala, that Allah subhanaw taala is one and unique in his lordship,
believe with certainty, that Allah subhanaw taala is only one and unique in his lordship. Number three, be certain about the belief in Allah subhanaw taala, that Allah is unique, and one, he is one and unique in his names and attributes.
The fourth thing that you need to be certain about a las panatela is that Allah subhanaw taala is one and unique in his divinity and in worship.
These are the four things that you need to be certain about. And all these believe with certainty, it must be done through your tongue by saying, Be certain insane, it must be in your heart, that what you say you must believe it in your heart. And it must reflect on your body, by the obedience by the following of commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala dear brothers and sisters, after accepting Islam, you need to believe in Allah subhanaw taala with sincerity and certainty.
The third thing that you need to do after accepting Islam is no in follow Muhammad, peace be upon
every one of us need a teacher, need an advisor, a guide who can help us in the way of life
who can help us to be successful in the hereafter. And the last panel dialogue, out of His mercies out of his wisdom sent down Mohammed, peace and blessings be upon him to be our master, to be our guide, to be our advisor, to be our teacher, and to be our example, to the last day for the whole of humanity. Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah Surah number 33 and number 21 nakoda karnala confy rasulillah he was watton Hassan has the best example for you in your life is to follow the life of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him 100 peace be upon him is our teacher. We can't follow him unless and until we know him. How can one follow anyone without knowing him? So you as new Muslims,
try to learn and know the life and time of Muhammad Islam as a messenger, as a husband, as a friend and companion, as a leader, as a neighbor, know his life and time in order to understand him closely with an objective with an objective to follow as Allah subhanaw taala has made it compulsory for all the Muslims to follow and obey Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam as I just mentioned, in Surah, Nisa surah number four is number 59. A to law, what your souls obey Allah and obey Muhammad peace be upon him. It is an obligation upon us to follow Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. In fact, Allah Almighty has put this condition of a being of aubaine Muhammad peace be upon him
in order to love him, Allah Subhana Allah says, In Surah Al Imran surah number three, number 31 who say to them,
if you really love Allah, if you really love Allah, follow me. And Allah subhanaw taala will love you and forgive your sins. Indeed, Allah is most forgiving and most wise, Allah subhanaw taala has given this command, so that we need obey Muhammad peace be upon him in our life. So you as new Muslims, brothers and sisters
You need to know and follow Muhammad peace be upon him. And this is the third thing that you need to do after accepting Islam. The fourth thing to do after accepting Islam is to make Koran as your living manual.
Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed us with a final book of guidance, as Allah says
in Surah Ibrahim surah number 14 ayah number 52 has been our woundedness here is a message for mankind. Moreover a las pantallas is in Surah Baqarah surah number two and number 185 shadow Ramadan Allah the uzziel official or on who the leanness Ramadan was the month in which was sent down the Quran as a guidance for the whole of mankind, one for corn, and as a criterion to judge right from wrong without poron after accepting Islam, without Koran,
you will never have guidance. If you are away from the Koran. That means you are away from Allah subhanaw taala if you
would like to really enjoy Islam, understand Islam, then be the people of the Quran. Keep Koran as a road map of your life. And that is what the purpose of the Quran is. Allah says in Surah Ibrahim surah number 14 is number one, and Islam rah, this is the Book which We have sent down to you or Muhammad peace be upon him, so that you may take people from darkness to light from ignorance to knowledge with the leave with the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala
This is the purpose of the Quran that it will guide you as an instruction manual as Allah subhanaw taala says into the Zoomer surah number 39 is number 41.
We have revealed his pour onto you so that you may instruct mankind with it. This is our instruction manual. So you have to make sure that you be with the Quran.
Be with the Quran. Read
try to understand the Quran, even initially with the translation
for this Quran will make you closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala
This is the 14th module new Muslim brothers and sisters that you need to do after accepting Islam.
The fifth thing to do after accepting Islam is establish Salah
established Salah,
Salah is the second pillar of Islam and it is the first manifestation. It is the first actual physical demonstration
to Prove your Claim right?
Allah subhanaw taala has made Salah as an obligation upon us so that we may link with Allah subhanaw taala we may be in touch of Allah subhanho wa Taala
geany Muslim brothers and sisters after accepting Islam, you need to be programmed unique programming and there is no better way of programming than performing and establishing Salah five times a day, every single day. When you are constantly in touch with Allah subhanaw taala when you are programmed towards doing right and that is the purpose of Salah as Allah says in Surah Surah number 29 is number 45 in NA Salatin hi Neil Versace, well monger Salah indeed prevents you from immorality and wrongdoing.
So you need to establish Salah after accepting Islam. You need to be linked and attached with the Salah. You can't miss for the Salah after accepting Islam. For indeed, Salah is an obligation upon the Muslims and Salah is the most important act. In Islam my brothers and sisters No wonder Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him has said Salah is the dividing line between
demand and growth between faith and just belief. So do your brothers and sisters, you need to establish Salah
in order to fulfill your obligation towards Allah subhanho wa Taala
the sixth thing to do after accepting Islam is to observe fast pay xhaka and perform Hutch if you are able to.
All these three are the fundamentals of Islam. All these three are the foundations and the Pillars of Islam. Fasting
is an obligation upon the Muslims. Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah Baqarah surah number two, number 183 Yeah, you're Latina. armano Oh, you who believe quotevalet camassia kamakoti violon Lavina Min publikum la la quinta.
Oh you believe fasting is prescribed to you, as it was prescribed to the people who came before you so that you may attain taqwa you may be God conscious. And believe me, fasting is one of the strongest means of achieving taqwa of achieving God consciousness. And this is the criteria in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala. To get closer.
Zakah is again, an obligation for those who are eligible to pay Zakah helps you to grow and purify. It also represents your economic commitment towards those who are in need of you.
Zakah helps you to purify
and to grow, which is the meaning of the word xhaka. You need to pay soccer, if you are eligible for this obligation.
Hajj is a beautiful act of worship again, one of the fundamentals of Islam. Hajj is the pilgrimage that every Muslim who is financially and physically able to must perform Hajj at least once in a lifetime. So the sixth thing that you need to do my brothers and sisters is that observe fasting, pay Zakah and perform Hodge if you are able to the seventh thing to do after accepting Islam is that you must be in the good company.
Keep yourself among the people who are righteous being the company of the good Muslims. This is really really very important. My brothers and sisters, after accepting Islam, do not be among those who are the people of evil. Do not be among those who are away from Islam. Be in the company of good Muslims, being the company of those who could remind you about Allah subhanho wa Taala constantly being the company of those who are regular and punctual to their Salah being the company of those who remind you
to read and understand and ponder the Quran. Being the company of those who help you realize that this life is just a short journey. But the real life is the life of your after. Be in the company of those who can remind you and keep you closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala This is very important. The eighth thing to do after accepting Islam, my dear new Muslim brothers and sisters, is that you must pray for yourself and for your family.
Allah subhanaw taala taught us this beautiful dwarf in Sudan, Iran, Sudan number three and number eight Rabbana our Lord not to the kulu banner Do not let our hearts swerve away, deviate away diverted away from banana, not to the corner
burner. Bard is a data now, after you have given us guidance, bad data now we have Lana Mila do kurama in accountant rehab, and Grant has mercy from your mercy. Indeed, you are the best store of countless blessings. This one reminds us to ask last panel dialogue, to be on Islam, to live the life of Islam to remain firm on Islam.
So pray for yourself that after accepting Islam, Let not your heart go away from it, and practice so that your prayer will be accepted, practice and perform. Islam is a practical religion. It helps you and encourages you and motivates you to perform so that you may be stable on Islam and pray for your family. Especially for your parents, you might come from a background
or your parents might not be Muslims yet. Pray for them.
Please welcome last panel to
pray and plead to Allah subhanaw taala that may Allah guide them as well as he has guided you. Allah Subhana Allah says in surah hareem surah number 66 ayah number six, yo yo la Vina Armando, come on for sicam leikam, Nara, or you will believe, save yourself, protect yourself and your family from the hellfire.
So prefer them in share this beautiful message, this beautiful religion that you have discovered. Let them also understand and have the clear understanding of Islam so that you can fulfill your obligations with them.
And make sure that you be obedient to your parents, even if they are non Muslims. Be obedient to them in all aspects, except those which contradict Islam. Be more beautiful to them. Be more caring to them.
advise them in the best of manners, share the message of Islam with them, whether it be your parents, or your brothers and sisters, or your spouse or anyone who is your religion, or the people of the world share this message. So the
eighth thing that you need to do my brothers and sisters after accepting Islam is pray for yourself and for your family to be firm on Islam. The ninth thing that you need to do after accepting Islam is Be patient during the time of trial, we know that after accepting Islam, you might face problems, you will encounter so many issues, you may face challenges. You'll have to go through a very difficult time. Be patient, my brothers and sisters Be patient beat of any difficulty. Everything could become ease when you are patient
and realize that all the Muslims, everyone is created with a purpose that we may be tested. Allah Subhana Allah says in surah mulk surah number 67 ayah number two, Allah the helical moto will hire Talia Beluga, Yukon somewhere Amala we have created you God Almighty says we have created you.
We have created life and depth. So that we may test you who is in best of conduct. So we all are being tested. So you will also be test
and test will come in different ways. Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah Baqarah surah number two and number 155 well another new one new condition in mineral healthy, well jewelry, what noxee mineral amberley one Ohm fusi What's the Murat wabasha Savi Deen Allah subhanho wa Taala says, We will surely test you with something of hunger, of fear of loss of wealth and fruits of your own lives, but could give good news give good news to those who are patient. So my daughters and sisters, no matter how hard
The test is no matter how difficult the time is, be patient, be patient, the greatest benefit of being patient is that Allah subhanaw taala will be with you. Allah says in Surah Baqarah surah number two is number 153 in Allaha, ma savarin, Allah subhanho wa Taala is with those who are patient, and patients demands three things that you be on the right Pat form.
Before on the right path, number one, number two, carry on yourself on the right path number three, abstain and avoid all the bad and evil and carry on with the right path. So you need to be patient, which means establish yourself on truth, carry on your life with the truth and abstain from false.
You need to be patient in all the times my brothers and sisters and the price of patience is also inshallah be anila with the help and permission of Allah subhanaw taala is gentle.
So this is the ninth point that you need to consider. And keep in mind, which you need to do after accepting Islam. The last thing and the 10th thing primarily to do after accepting Islam is you must remember death and half care for
Muslims have been taught that this life is a temporary life. This life that we are living in the world that we're living in, is a temporary journey. It is not the final destination. Don't be involved in it. So much so that that you lose the focus on Africa on a hereafter.
We are being told and programmed,
that this is a temporary life, we are here for a short time and we do not belong to this world. We have to go away and similar thoughts that you need to start thinking after accepting Islam by remembering depth. Because if a person is a Muslim or not, whether religious or not, he will never deny depth. And Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah, Allah Moran surah number three is number 185 collusion of sin, the control moat, every soul shall taste depth. So keep remembering depths. So this will help you realize that you do not belong here.
What are the difficulties that you might be facing? It is for some time for few years, you might be insulted, you might be humiliated, for accepting Islam. You might face different levels of challenges after accepting Islam, but you know, that this life is very short. And the real life is your after. As Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah Surah number six is number 32 that this life is nothing but play and amusement, but the real life is the life of hereafter. Allah subhanaw taala says well, Allah to hydralic Amina Allah, and the later life is better than this life. So you have accepted Islam. And after accepting Islam, keep remembering depth. So that you may haste in yourself
to repent to Allah subhanaw taala so that you may be content with the minimal so that you may be convinced
and will never compete for the matters of this dunya
she will never compete when you keep remembering that you will never compete with this dunya
the focus care for our kids for the hereafter.
Yoann to get general pray to get gender perform to get gender my brothers and sisters after accepting Islam. This is what you need to do. keep remembering jet and half care for the hereafter in which we are going to be forever.
We are going to be forever young for Jana. Jana Paradise is that which as Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said no one. No eyes have seen it. No ears have heard it and no one can imagine it and this is going to be permanent.
For all time, till eternity.
So the last thing that you need to focus and do my brothers and sisters, my new Muslim brothers and sisters, is that keep remembering depth and half care for the hereafter.
We ask Allah subhana wa tada to help us
understand Islam
and practice Islam.
We ask Allah subhana wa tada to give us fullness in faith. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us remain on Islam to the last breath, as Allah says, In Surah Surah number 15 and number 99. Good. Rebecca had yet to
worship your Lord until the certainty comes to you. That is debt. Thank you so much for Acting Governor and in handling