Ahmed Hamed – Top 10 Reasons To Prove Life After Death Part 1
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The importance of death is highlighted in Islam, where it is explained that death is a result of the "the here after death" concept, not a result of breakthrough consciousness. The speakers emphasize the importance of proving death through various methods and having a belief in the existence of life after death to avoid suffering from existence and negative consequences of death. The speakers also emphasize the need to be present after the concept of life after death to avoid evil behavior and to see a human value in the world if there is no peace after death.
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Open your eyes to the world, often day, believe not the lies that they always say. Look for the truth and swallow your pride for things that you thought didn't exist that you might find below that we are living. Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim? Allah Allah He was happy as marine. I was Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, Allah de hola como tal hyah Talia blucon you can send Ramallah Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem rubbished trolley surgery. We certainly agree with Dr. tamela Sahni. If only your viewers Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, meaning middle peace, mercy, and the blessings of Allah Almighty, we
upon all of you. Welcome, once again to our program, Islam quest in which we are dealing certain specific and significant questions and dealing with their answers respectively.
The question of this episode that we shall deal with
is a question which is the need of the time.
It's a question which goes
in the minds of many people. And the question is, what are the reasons or what is the proof of the life after death?
The people think that we only are here and after we die, there is no place that we will go as a result, they just believe in the life after death.
In Islam, life after death, after the Hereafter, is one of the tenets of Islam. It is one of the basic foundations of Islam. It is one of the pillars of Islam.
Allah subhanho wa Taala has given utmost importance
of remand will occur
in the fate
of or about the hereafter.
Let us first
look at the background
of the importance of the life after death. And then we will deal
with the reasons or the proofs
of the Hereafter, or the life after death. First of all, you brothers and sisters,
we are here
for temporary purpose.
The dunya the world that we are living in its reality is that we do not belong to this place forever. No way. We are here for a short journey. A person might spend 20 years, 30 years, 50 years, 80 years.
That's it. And that's the end of it. A person is here in this world, for short term. And this is the reality of dystonia. And that is the reason the importance of the life after this life is a closed and that is the reason Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, into the anon surah number six iron with 30 that the life of this world is nothing but play an amusement, but the life of the Hereafter is better than this for
Allah subhanho wa Taala he reminds us the importance of the hereafter. Allah subhanaw taala says
that we have to die in this world and a person whether religious or otherwise he will never deny death, even never ever denying death. Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah Allah Moran surah number three, number 185. Good luck. seen the a petrol mount? Every soul shall taste depth.
Every soul everyone has
To die.
So this is the reality of this world, that we are here for a shorter time.
Our journey in this world is temporary.
And we have to die one day or the other.
Let's let us look
for those who deny or reject the existence of life after death. Let us invite your attention,
who rejects or objects to the belief in the existence of life after death, by sharing the top 10 reasons to prove that there is indeed life after death,
the first reason
why there has to be life after death. The first reason or the first proof at the outset is that this belief in the existence of the life after death, or in the belief of hereafter, is not a blind belief. It is not a blind belief, it is not a belief on hearsay, it is a reality. And Allah says in the Quran, in Surah, haka, Aloha, God, the reality, Allah subhanaw taala calls it a reality and indeed, it is the reality. It is not based on the blind faith nor Not at all, it is not based on assumption, it is not based on something
which is untrue.
Allah subhanho wa Taala
has given an of proves in the glorious Koran, about the existence of the Hereafter, about the life after death. So, first and foremost, it is not a blind faith. In fact, if you know the history of mankind, all of the people of the past who were learned, who were religious, who were educated, who were knowledgeable, they all believed in the existence of hereafter. And that is reason we see the concept of your after the concept of life after death is present in the Jewish scripture, it is present in the Christian scripture, it is also present in the Hindu religious scriptures. All these religious scriptures talk about the existence of life after death, the belief of the rejection of
the life after death, it is a new invention, it is a new ideology, it is a new concept, especially by those people who give so much importance to the signs, who gives so much importance or worth so much involved in philosophy, they reject the existence of life after death. So, first and foremost, it is not a blind faith, it is not based on a blind feet, it is as per the Scripture, it is logical, when we go further, we will understand this. So, this is the first reason why they should be here after
the second proof, to prove that there is life after death is that if there is no life after that, then there is no concept of good and bad in this world. Why should a person do good? Why should a person avoid bad or why a person should not do bad, why a person should not become evil? What is the point? If there is no year after, if there is no belief, there is no concept of the life after death, then there is no point of the concept of good and that in this world.
So, in order to have the concept of good and bad, they must be here after the concept of life after death. It must be there, it must be there my brothers and sisters. The third reason why they should be life after death is because if there is no life after death, if there is no here after there is no concept of your after, then there is no concept of peace and human values. A person should not do anything which is human, which is ethical, which is God. If there is no belief in the hereafter the human values will have no
Reason will have no meaning will have no fruit, if there is no belief in the Hereafter,
the concept of peace, peace between each other does not have any meaning, if there is no sense of understanding about the life after death, the hereafter.
The fourth reason
why they should be here after is because it is the only convincing factor. Believe me mark these words, it is the only convincing factor for the worst and the most influential and powerful criminal to stop his crime.
If you try to convince the most influential and powerful, powerful criminal,
he will never ever admit his crime. He would say, Why shouldn't I wrong? Why shouldn't I kill, it's good for me. If it is bad for you, it doesn't matter.
What can can convince this person if he believes, if he believes in the Hereafter,
that is the point that may convince him
to avoid evil, to abstain from bad.
That is why Hereafter is important, and that itself is proof that they should be life after death. The fifth reason why
there is life after death, is because we know we know for a fact that in this world, you can never get complete and absolute justice. What is the best punishment that you can give to Hitler? Who killed 6 million Jews? One Life against 6 million lives? What justification Can you give in this world? What is the worst punishment that you can do?
There is no complete and absolute justice in this world, the Justice
will have incomplete sense, if there is life after death, because Allah subhanho wa Taala because Allah subhanho wa Taala he can give that and he can give life to whomsoever He wants, and how many ever times that he wants. So, in order to have complete justice, they must be here after Otherwise, they will be absolute in balance, there is no human value, as we said.
These are the five reasons my brothers and sisters, why they should be here after or what
is important for us to understand in the belief in the concept of life after death. We will continue with the rest of five points to prove that there is the existence of life after death after a short break below that we are living