Ahmed Hamed – Role Model Of All Times For Entire Humanity
![Ahmed Hamed](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/ahmed-hamed-150x150.jpg)
AI: Summary ©
The misconceptions and allegations made by people about the role of Muhammad peace be upon are discussed. The speakers emphasize the importance of following Islam and the culture of peace, citing the success of Muhammad's message and actions. They also mention the need for a culture of peace and the importance of learning to be successful in life. The speaker encourages the audience to clarify their beliefs and study the life of Muhammad before making a decision.
AI: Summary ©
Every time when I'm awake Oh thing that I see. I know it's hard to believe
the almighty when they fall from the tree, every plan
when the waves flow in the sea is
every time when I'm awake, oh thing that I see.
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Rasool Allah Karim. Allah Allah. He was hobby of mine. I was below him in a Shivani regime. Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, Allah in contemporary buena law firm, Ernie, you have to become a law. Firm locum Zulu, or la casa Rahim. Rubbish early surgery? Well, you're certainly emri opendata melissani Yes, who only your viewers Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh meaning with the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah the Most I be upon all of you. Welcome to another episode of the role model. We were discussing in the past few episodes about the beautiful role that was performed by Muhammad peace be upon him in various
aspects of life. And there is hardly anything that was missed Alhamdulillah that he did not reflect it himself as the best example for us to follow.
In this episode,
we should talk about some of the misconceptions that the people have about Muhammad peace be upon him, misconception is something which is based on a false information or assumption, people think and they conclude, people have wrong knowledge, but they conclude. So, these misconceptions
prevailing in the minds of many non Muslims.
And the cause of these misconceptions or allegations are,
number one,
they do not have the proper information about Islam, they do not have
the knowledge of Islam as a result of they are as a result of their ignorance as a result of their ignorance, they have these misconceptions also, as a result of arrogance, there is a planned plot against Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam against Islam, against the teachings of Islam.
These people, they use various methods, various ways by which they try to put doubts by which they try to provide certain information, which is not true, it is not it is not based on proof from the Quran and the teachings of Muhammad peace be upon him. They use the methods of the media, whether it is online or satellite or literature or something else, they try to miss propagate misrepresent the character of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
So they have these misconceptions which prevent them in understanding the reality of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. As I said, there are two major reasons why these misconceptions arise. Number one is the ignorance they don't have the knowledge or they have wrong knowledge or to arrogance. They know about the truth, but they want to promote wrong
let us take in this session.
Some of the misconceptions and clarify them, inshallah, the first misconception that the people have with regards to our statement that Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being the best role model for all time. They ask this question that how can how can a person who lived more than 1400 years, how can he be the role model for current time and for the future? Well, to answer this question, Allah subhanahu wa taala has given the life of Muhammad peace be upon him as a gift for all the people and Subhanallah He is the only person, perhaps, in the religious and otherwise, whose life is so peculiarly is so particularly recorded. We know, we know the details of the life of Muhammad
peace be upon him more than our own parents. We don't know the bedroom secrets of integral way, in a dignified way in about the parents, but we know about Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so that we may learn a lesson, learn an example, that's a crucial area for life. And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he has given he has given his example, in all areas of life, he has given us teachings and his teachings are so particularly recorded, it is preserved for us to follow. So be it the time of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam Be it the current time, be it the time which will come in the future, Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam will remain will remain as the role model for all the
people in all areas of life. Whether it be their personal life, he will still remain as the best role model, whether it is the matter of being a businessman, he is the role model of our life, whether it is the matter of becoming a leader, he is the best role model of our life, whether it is a matter of becoming an army general,
he is the best leader for all time, if it is a matter of politician is the best politician as a role model for us to follow. If it is a matter of being the slave of Allah, He will still be the best role model for us to follow. So we see in all the areas being a father being a husband, being an educator, being a warrior, being a friend, being a companion, being a neighbor, in all areas of life, his life, his teachings are authentically recorded and preserved and still there and will be there till the last day. That is the reason Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not just is not just the leader, he is not just the role model is not the person who should be followed at the time
of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam or he is the person who is to be followed only now or in the future, but but we should follow Him and He will be followed all the time. And that is the reason we see the people 1000 years before also, they were strictly following Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam 500 years before they were following Muhammad's Islam. Now we have more than 1.6 billion Muslims who are falling Mohammed's Islam, we're believing him, we will find the people even in the future inshallah, who will follow and believe in this role model, Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and perhaps there is no one. No one who is particularly who is particularly followed, who is followed in the strongest terms
like Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, we want to walk like he walked, we want to behave like he behaved. We want to behave and have well mannered with our children like it. We want to be kind to our parents, like he taught, we want to be an ideal Muslim as he was, we want to be a great warrior like he was, we want to be a great friend, a true friend, like he was, there are all these rules, which are there, and will be there till the last day and that is the reason we follow Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. Moreover, among the misconceptions that the people have is also people say that Muhammad peace be upon him is only the messenger of Muslims. He is only the messenger of Arabs who fail to
realize that Allah Subhana
huhtala he says in the Quran in surah ambia surah number 21 is number 107 in which Allah subhanaw taala says wama or sanaka illa Rahmatullah Allah mean that we have not sent you. All Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam except as a mercy for all the people, for the whole of mankind as we know, Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah Surah number 33 at number 14, that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the last prophet of Allah subhanaw taala he is the last messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala there is no profit who's going to come? So if he is the last and final prophet, he is meant for all the people till the last time, till the last day, he is our Nabil Karim, Allah,
Allah, Allah, Allah, who is not just meant for the Muslims or for the Arabs, but he was for the whole of mankind, as a las panatela sees into the Saba surah number 34 is number 28 wama sanika illa kar fatale Nasi bashira, one of you, one are kidnapped for a nasty lie on the moon. We have not sent you a Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam except as a messenger award of Warner, a person who give good tidings to the whole of mankind, but the bulk of mankind, they don't understand. So Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not just the prophet or the messenger for the Muslims or the Arabs, he is the messenger for the whole of mankind. The whole of mankind is in need of his, his his
mortal. The whole of mankind is in need of his example. The morality has no value in this time, if they want to be more ill, they need to learn, they need to follow Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, if they want to be successful in this life and the hereafter, they need to follow Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Moreover, they come they bring this port, they bring this thought that how can an Arab be our role model? I am asking a question. I'm asking question, if you find
a medicine, which is dire need of yours, and this medicine is is made in Japan
is manufactured in Japan is produced in Japan and dispatched from Japan. Will you not have it in order to cure yourself? cure your disease? You will definitely have it. You won't say it is from Japan, I will not have it. You will obviously have it in order for your own betterment. Likewise, Muhammad's Islam, although there is no doubt he was, he was from Arabia. He came in Mecca was born in Makkah, but his message he is for the whole of mankind. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, Mohammed, Islam is not only the messenger of Muslims or Arabs, but he is the messenger for all time. Now the cure the solution for people who might have questions, who might have misconceptions, I urge
all of you the Muslims, I urge to know mohammedanism better so that you can by yourself, clarify the misconceptions. And the non Muslims be honest, like some of those non Muslims who are honest and have said put about Hamas Lawrence.
Be honest and study the life of Muhammad peace be upon him and you would get the answers of all your questions in a true way. In a way that is actually a reality. With this, we end this episode, Joaquin Davina and in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Every time when I'm awake, oh thing that I see. I know it's hard to believe.
When the leaves fall from the tree, every plant that grows
when the waves flow in the sea is
Every time when I'm awake Oh thing man I see
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim? Why was early he was hobby of mine. I will do Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim although Illa severely Rob bakeable hikmah while mo Illa till Hasina was