Ahmed Hamed – Raising RIGHTEOUS Children in Islam Made EASY

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The speaker discusses the importance of raising children as a source of happiness and how parents will be responsible for their children. They emphasize the need to treat children as blessings and not as pain. The speaker also mentions the potential consequences of missing children and how parents will be impacted in their lives.
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We as parents will be accountable for our
So obviously it is mandatory for us to
raise children who can be a blessing and
not pain inshallah in this dunya and akhirah.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the one
who has blessed us with children.
Subhanallah we see among our families, friends and
even you know the outside people, we know
that there are many who do not have
children in their lives.
Subhanallah, the couples they do not have children.
Years pass by, 10 years, 15 years, they
don't have children and this is subhanallah from
Allah rabbul Izzah.
So Allah rabbul Izzah as he says he
gives children to you know some, he gives
you know sons to some, he gives daughters
to some and to some he doesn't give.
So everything is a part of test in
our lives.
So at the outset we need to know
why we need to raise you know children
because obviously children are a blessing for us
from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So we need to treat with them and
deal with them as a blessing from Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
If it was not from the will of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, we wouldn't be,
we wouldn't be having children in our lives.
So treat it as a blessing.
We as parents will be accountable for our
So obviously it is mandatory for us to
raise children who can be a blessing and
not pain inshallah in this dunya and akhirah.
We also need to know that obviously children
are a means of happiness from Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
But many times if we do not care
well, if we don't, if we do not
you know upbring them well, many times they
actually become a big test for us.
Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he said the person's
deeds, all the deeds you know all of
the things will be disconnected the moment he
dies except three and one of them he
said a righteous child, a righteous child who
prays for the parents.
So when we depart from this world it
is these children who will pray for us
and because of that after the mercy of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala our darajat, our
levels in Jannah will be raised higher.