Ahmed Hamed – Importance Of Rizq In Islam – How We Can Increase Our Rizq

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The Kh stages discuss the concept of risk, which is not just about wealth, but rather beyond the materialistic aspects of life. Subhan Bu cancellation, which is a powerful subject, is a way of life that is pleasing to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. The concept of risk is not only about wealth, but also beyond the materialistic aspects of life. Subhan Bu cancellation is a way of life that is pleasing to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, and we ask him to bless everyone of us.
AI: Transcript ©
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Risk. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, he says in

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Surat Talaq,

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Whoever gains the taqwa of Allah, whoever becomes

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Allah conscious, Allah

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will provide

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from where He does not expect.

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All praises belong to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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We praise Him. We seek His help, His

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in all our matters. We send peace and

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blessings upon our Habib, our beloved Prophet Muhammad

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, upon his family, his

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companions, and upon all those who follow him

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up until the last day. My brothers and

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sisters, welcome to Jannah Khutbah summary. The topic

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of today's Khutbah in Dubai is

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Yes, risk.

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Islam is a way of life that actually

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governs not just the spiritual aspects,

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but the overall

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aspect of life

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and, obviously,

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aspect is one of the core

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things that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions in

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the Quran

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and gave us the guidance through the teachings

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of prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

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Every one

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of us

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has a natural

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urge towards

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rizq. SubhanAllah.

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And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala does not ignore

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that. In fact,

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He gave us the way

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how we can actually ask Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala. In fact, there are so many ways

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that are mentioned through the Quran and through

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the teachings of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

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One of the finest ways

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that we find in the Quran when it

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comes to increasing risk

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is through gaining taqwa of Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, He says in

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Surat Tarak,

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Whoever gains the taqwa of Allah, whoever becomes

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Allah conscious,

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Allah Subhanahu Ta'ala will provide

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from where he does not expect.

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This is the beauty and the power of

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taqwa of Allah Subhanahu Ta'ala that we need

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to gain in order to gain risk.

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And mind you, when we look

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Islam and study it in a deeper way,

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risk does not

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confine only to the materialistic things

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to the wealth, Rather, it goes beyond

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every blessing,

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every nirmah that we have been blessed by

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Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala

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is considered

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as risk. SubhanAllah,

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for example, our body parts, our organs,

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they're all

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kind of a risk for us as a

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blessing from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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So my brothers and sisters, what we realize

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and understand is

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risk is a very very powerful subject.

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In fact, Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'la taught us

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this Du'a in the

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Oh Allah, grant us good

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in this world and in the hereafter,

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and save us from the punishment

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of the hereafter.

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So Islam is way of life that actually

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matters in a way that is pleasing to

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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There are ways that we

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can adopt

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in order to increase

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our provision.

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when we are

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among those people who are tightly connected

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with the kith and kin, that actually increases

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our risk. When we consistently

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seek the refuge in Allah

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and seek the forgiveness of Allah

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When we make Istighfar,

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Allah Subhanahu Ta'ala increase

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in our risk. So my brothers and sisters,

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risk is a very very powerful subject.

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In fact, on the day of judgement,

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there will be 2 questions which are relevant

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with risk

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from where did you earn and where did

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you spend? SubhanAllah.

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Therefore, my brothers and sisters, we need to

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really understand

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the concept of risk, which as I said

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is just not about wealth, is much more

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beyond that and when we actually gain that

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we tend to show gratitude

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to Allah because

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we have so many blessings, in fact, countless

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And when we show gratitude to Allah, Abu

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Al Izzah,

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Allah's promise is La Inshakartum

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la azeedan nakum. If you are grateful to

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me, I will increase.

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So, let us ponder and reflect upon

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the concept of risk. Let us

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increase our risk by doing things which are

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commanded by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and his

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messenger. Let us make sure that we have

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a very,

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very, you know, open and very deeper

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perspective of risk. Let us ensure that we

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please Allah bari ta'ala

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in order to gain risk. Insha'Allah,

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we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to provide

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us from where we could not expect. We

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ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to bless

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each one of us. We ask Allah Almighty

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to grant well-being and goodness to His Highness,

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Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan,

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the president of the UAE.

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Likewise, we ask Allah Almighty to bless all

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the rulers of the Emirates. We ask Allah

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Almighty to protect this beautiful nation, the UAE,

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from all kinds of evils and harms. We

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ask Allah Almighty to have mercy and blessings

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upon the Muslim lands. We ask Allah Almighty

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to grant guidance

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to the entire humanity.

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